They said Obama had to "teach" the GOP at dinner. Is it true?

Congressional Republicans have been told that the internet has demons on it that make people gay, so they get all their information from either Fox News or TBN.

oh gawd, don't give up your day job, comedian you are not
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Funny, I heard that Obama didn't even realize that the GOP said that there would be no more tax hikes before he got cuts approved--- as long as they had House control and then they had to teach him what the word "compromise" meant...

That's all we had during the first 4 years of Obama was nothing but cuts with 0 revenues. Obama had to drag the GOP thugs kicking and screaming just to get some of the tax rates restored to end the Bush tax cuts to the rich nightmare.

Obama and the dems presented a very fair sequester deal with a 50/50 split of revenues and cuts, but the GOP did what they do best by throwing a tantrum then running away on vacation.

You mean the TEMPORARY Bush Tax Cuts???

Hell, all of their POTUS candidates rejected 10 dollars in cuts to 1 dollar in increased revenues!! Just goes to show how far out of touch they are and how the rabid nutcase right wing controls their party.

The only good news is as long as the wingnuts control the GOP they will NEVER win another Presidential election. You can bank on it.

Worse, the majority of those cuts went to people who already have more money than they will ever be able to spend. People USMB Republicans call (play heavenly music here) THE JOB CREATORS! (end heavenly music). Only the only jobs they created were in China. How much of those tax cuts was used to fund the transfer of jobs to China?
Worse, I suspect most of these USMB Republicans are on disability.
I love how liberals think letting the Bush ta cuts expire does not count as a tax increase.

It doesn't. How is ending a temporary "stimulus" that did nothing but tank the economy count as raising taxes? :cuckoo:

Actually bush just did away with clintons tempoary tax hike. So by your thinking bush didn't lower taxes, he just let clintons tax hike expire.

I love liberal logic they bitched for years about the Bush tax cuts but when those tax cuts are allowed to expire there not a tax increase down under Bush is a tax cut up under Obama is not a tax increase to dam funny and a wee bit pathetic.
Considering Obama doesnt have a clue what he is doing, i doubt he is teaching anything.

Business 101;
For Conservadummies



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I love how liberals think letting the Bush ta cuts expire does not count as a tax increase.

It doesn't. How is ending a temporary "stimulus" that did nothing but tank the economy count as raising taxes? :cuckoo:

Actually bush just did away with clintons tempoary tax hike. So by your thinking bush didn't lower taxes, he just let clintons tax hike expire.

Worst deflection I've ever heard. Clinton's dynamite tax plan wasn't temporary, unlike Bush's "stimulus" which was nothing but a free for all to the rich and his cronies.
Thank god it's over so we can restore the nation back to fiscal sanity like we had under Clinton.
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The national debt will pass 17 trillion dollars this year if the trend continues it is predicted to hit 20 trillion by the end of Obama's term so what would Obama teach the GOP outside of new and faster ways to spend money and raise debt?
pretending Bush didnt make this mess is NOT flying with the American people
The national debt will pass 17 trillion dollars this year if the trend continues it is predicted to hit 20 trillion by the end of Obama's term so what would Obama teach the GOP outside of new and faster ways to spend money and raise debt?

That's all the GOP does is spend like lunatics when they get the chance.

Under Clinton, we had something unheard of to the GOP called "a balanced budget". We had the biggest surplus in US history until W came into office. From there he spent and spent and spent some more, and took the nation's largest surplus and turned it into the largest deficit.

It take a real idiot to pull that one off, and those idiots are the GOP.
pretending Bush didnt make this mess is NOT flying with the American people

Bush ran up 16 trillion in debt? The debt is going to cross 17 trillion this year because of Bush? The debt could hit 20 trillion by the time Obama leaves office because of Bush? Breaking news for you Bush is not the President he has not been for four years now the American people know this even if you don't.
The national debt will pass 17 trillion dollars this year if the trend continues it is predicted to hit 20 trillion by the end of Obama's term so what would Obama teach the GOP outside of new and faster ways to spend money and raise debt?

A PROVEN Option!!!!

September 27, 2000

Paying DOWN The Debt!

"Clinton also announced the federal government paid down the national debt by $223 billion this year, and by more than $360 billion since 1998, the largest debt reduction in U.S. history."
The national debt will pass 17 trillion dollars this year if the trend continues it is predicted to hit 20 trillion by the end of Obama's term so what would Obama teach the GOP outside of new and faster ways to spend money and raise debt?

That's all the GOP does is spend like lunatics when they get the chance.

Under Clinton, we had something unheard of to the GOP called "a balanced budget". We had the biggest surplus in US history until W came into office. From there he spent and spent and spent some more, and took the nation's largest surplus and turned it into the largest deficit.

It take a real idiot to pull that one off, and those idiots are the GOP.

The Republicans held the majority in both the house and senate during Clinton's last six years.

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Republican Splits Over Immigration, National Security Appear As Obama Comes To Deal

Everyone knows that Obama had "dinner" with a dozen or so Republicans. I don't know if it's true because I couldn't find any corroboration, but I heard the Republicans at the dinner had NO IDEA that Obama had put out a plan or put entitlements on the chopping block. They were shocked to find this out AT THE DINNER.

IS THAT TRUE???? Republicans in congress don't even know what is on the Internet for EVERYONE to see????

It just seems to fantastic to be true. Are Republicans really this poorly informed? Can it be possible?

And Bill O'Reilly? Doesn't he have people working for him that tell him what's going on?

Bill O?Reilly Wrong About Obama Sequester Spending Cuts Plan

A Balanced Plan to Avert the Sequester and Reduce the Deficit | The White House


rdean quotes what "they" allegedly said whoever "they" are.

They must be highly credible to rdean.

And rdean's escape clause is that he admits that he doesn't now if it's true. But he makes his usual tired-ass stupid OP out of it all the same. :cuckoo:

Is there any actual point to that OP?
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The national debt will pass 17 trillion dollars this year if the trend continues it is predicted to hit 20 trillion by the end of Obama's term so what would Obama teach the GOP outside of new and faster ways to spend money and raise debt?

According to the left Obama isn't spending more money ... even though the debt increases with each passing year.

Liberal math strikes again.
The national debt will pass 17 trillion dollars this year if the trend continues it is predicted to hit 20 trillion by the end of Obama's term so what would Obama teach the GOP outside of new and faster ways to spend money and raise debt?

A PROVEN Option!!!!

September 27, 2000

Paying DOWN The Debt!

"Clinton also announced the federal government paid down the national debt by $223 billion this year, and by more than $360 billion since 1998, the largest debt reduction in U.S. history."
Current national debt.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
A opinion supported by the numbers and in all likely hood soon to become a reality near you if you have anything to suggest the 17 and 20 trillion marks won't be reached please share.

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