They said Obama had to "teach" the GOP at dinner. Is it true?

The national debt will pass 17 trillion dollars this year if the trend continues it is predicted to hit 20 trillion by the end of Obama's term so what would Obama teach the GOP outside of new and faster ways to spend money and raise debt?

According to the left Obama isn't spending more money ... even though the debt increases with each passing year.

Liberal math strikes again.

The liberal Democrat talking point du jour a few weeks ago was the rallying denial "we don't have a spending problem."

It's a "budget deficit problem" or some such tripe:

Greatest Hits: "We Don't Have a Spending Problem" - Blog -

And the President at one point even said the same thing to Boehner Stephen Moore: The Education of John Boehner -

although Carney walked/talked it back later on. Carney: Obama Does Think We Have a Spending Problem

Here's a helpful hint. We have a MASSIVE spending problem.
The national debt will pass 17 trillion dollars this year if the trend continues it is predicted to hit 20 trillion by the end of Obama's term so what would Obama teach the GOP outside of new and faster ways to spend money and raise debt?

That's all the GOP does is spend like lunatics when they get the chance.

Under Clinton, we had something unheard of to the GOP called "a balanced budget". We had the biggest surplus in US history until W came into office. From there he spent and spent and spent some more, and took the nation's largest surplus and turned it into the largest deficit.

It take a real idiot to pull that one off, and those idiots are the GOP.

The Republicans held the majority in both the house and senate during Clinton's last six years.


That's why Clinton would veto any of the insane spending bills they were try to push. Once W came into office, everything went to hell and the GOP spending spree went insane, tanking the economy.
Clinton was smart and pushed through all of the plans in his first two years that led to the soaring economy, mainly from his fiscal plan.
good one shaman

They make it tooooooooooooooo easy!!


:tongue:Yep...since you lefties can't think for yourself anymore easy is the only thing you know.
pretending Bush didnt make this mess is NOT flying with the American people

Bush ran up 16 trillion in debt? The debt is going to cross 17 trillion this year because of Bush? The debt could hit 20 trillion by the time Obama leaves office because of Bush? Breaking news for you Bush is not the President he has not been for four years now the American people know this even if you don't.

:eek:You have to realize the left media hasn't really told them the whole story yet. Someday they will know.
It doesn't. How is ending a temporary "stimulus" that did nothing but tank the economy count as raising taxes? :cuckoo:

Actually bush just did away with clintons tempoary tax hike. So by your thinking bush didn't lower taxes, he just let clintons tax hike expire.

Worst deflection I've ever heard. Clinton's dynamite tax plan wasn't temporary, unlike Bush's "stimulus" which was nothing but a free for all to the rich and his cronies.
Thank god it's over so we can restore the nation back to fiscal sanity like we had under Clinton.

Okay if it was so great we also need to go back to the rate of spending when clinton first got in office. Can't have one without the other or it won't work. if you really want to get all those taxes back, take bushes tax cuts away totally from everyone not just the rich. Liberals can't do that, because then everyone would realize ya'll were full of crap when you said that only the rich got a tax cut.
True or false (using rough approximate rounded off numbers):

President Bush was guilty of adding about HALF a TRILLION dollars of debt to the budget over each of his 8 years in Office.

President Obama is averaging approximately three times that amount per year so far. Call it 1.5 trillion per year.

4 times 1.5 trillion is 6 trillion in 4 years.

8 times 1/2 trillion is 4 trillion in 8 years.

Who is somewhat responsible? President Bush.

Who is more responsible? President Obama.
Actually bush just did away with clintons tempoary tax hike. So by your thinking bush didn't lower taxes, he just let clintons tax hike expire.

Worst deflection I've ever heard. Clinton's dynamite tax plan wasn't temporary, unlike Bush's "stimulus" which was nothing but a free for all to the rich and his cronies.
Thank god it's over so we can restore the nation back to fiscal sanity like we had under Clinton.

Okay if it was so great we also need to go back to the rate of spending when clinton first got in office. Can't have one without the other or it won't work. if you really want to get all those taxes back, take bushes tax cuts away totally from everyone not just the rich. Liberals can't do that, because then everyone would realize ya'll were full of crap when you said that only the rich got a tax cut.

I completely agree that we should slash spending as well. We need to cut the living snot out of the grossly overbloated military which along with the bush tax cuts to the rich, were the main reasons the nation went into economic collapse.

If we simply return to Clinton's plans which are what core democratic fiscal plans are about, controlled spending and fair tax rates, we would be back to the good ol' days again. Though the GOP is doing everything they possibly can to make sure that doesn't happen. All that matters to them is making sure themselves and their corporate masters are taken care of, everyone else can go to hell.
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Republican Splits Over Immigration, National Security Appear As Obama Comes To Deal

Everyone knows that Obama had "dinner" with a dozen or so Republicans. I don't know if it's true because I couldn't find any corroboration, but I heard the Republicans at the dinner had NO IDEA that Obama had put out a plan or put entitlements on the chopping block. They were shocked to find this out AT THE DINNER.

IS THAT TRUE???? Republicans in congress don't even know what is on the Internet for EVERYONE to see????

It just seems to fantastic to be true. Are Republicans really this poorly informed? Can it be possible?

And Bill O'Reilly? Doesn't he have people working for him that tell him what's going on?

Bill O?Reilly Wrong About Obama Sequester Spending Cuts Plan

A Balanced Plan to Avert the Sequester and Reduce the Deficit | The White House


rdean quotes what "they" allegedly said whoever "they" are.

They must be highly credible to rdean.

And rdean's escape clause is that he admits that he doesn't now if it's true. But he makes his usual tired-ass stupid OP out of it all the same. :cuckoo:

Is there any actual point to that OP?

Dean has "alleged" before.....that is nothing new with him....
That's all the GOP does is spend like lunatics when they get the chance.

Under Clinton, we had something unheard of to the GOP called "a balanced budget". We had the biggest surplus in US history until W came into office. From there he spent and spent and spent some more, and took the nation's largest surplus and turned it into the largest deficit.

It take a real idiot to pull that one off, and those idiots are the GOP.

The Republicans held the majority in both the house and senate during Clinton's last six years.


That's why Clinton would veto any of the insane spending bills they were try to push. Once W came into office, everything went to hell and the GOP spending spree went insane, tanking the economy.
Clinton was smart and pushed through all of the plans in his first two years that led to the soaring economy, mainly from his fiscal plan.

BL....Clinton's "soaring" economy was helped greatly by the so called "dot-com" boom.....and that was because of the American entrepreneur.....not Clinton.....he was President at a good time.....
Worst deflection I've ever heard. Clinton's dynamite tax plan wasn't temporary, unlike Bush's "stimulus" which was nothing but a free for all to the rich and his cronies.
Thank god it's over so we can restore the nation back to fiscal sanity like we had under Clinton.

Okay if it was so great we also need to go back to the rate of spending when clinton first got in office. Can't have one without the other or it won't work. if you really want to get all those taxes back, take bushes tax cuts away totally from everyone not just the rich. Liberals can't do that, because then everyone would realize ya'll were full of crap when you said that only the rich got a tax cut.

I completely agree that we should slash spending as well. We need to cut the living snot out of the grossly overbloated military which along with the bush tax cuts to the rich, were the main reasons the nation went into economic collapse.

If we simply return to Clinton's plans which are what core democratic fiscal plans are about, controlled spending and fair tax rates, we would be back to the good ol' days again. Though the GOP is doing everything they possibly can to make sure that doesn't happen. All that matters to them is making sure themselves and their corporate masters are taken care of, everyone else can go to hell.

i look at both parties having that attitude.....
The Republicans held the majority in both the house and senate during Clinton's last six years.


That's why Clinton would veto any of the insane spending bills they were try to push. Once W came into office, everything went to hell and the GOP spending spree went insane, tanking the economy.
Clinton was smart and pushed through all of the plans in his first two years that led to the soaring economy, mainly from his fiscal plan.

BL....Clinton's "soaring" economy was helped greatly by the so called "dot-com" boom.....and that was because of the American entrepreneur.....not Clinton.....he was President at a good time.....

Clinton's fiscal plan included giving massive tax breaks and funding to get all the start up companies off the ground.

This is another core policy of the democrats is to support small business and local mom and pop's, to bring competition to the market, which creates jobs and bring competitive products/prices to the market.

W like all those on the hard right threw this in the trash and went straight back to the epically failed "trickled down" AKA "beg on your knees to the corporations for any job they give you, and pay any price they say with a smile on your face" policies.
That's why Clinton would veto any of the insane spending bills they were try to push. Once W came into office, everything went to hell and the GOP spending spree went insane, tanking the economy.
Clinton was smart and pushed through all of the plans in his first two years that led to the soaring economy, mainly from his fiscal plan.

BL....Clinton's "soaring" economy was helped greatly by the so called "dot-com" boom.....and that was because of the American entrepreneur.....not Clinton.....he was President at a good time.....

Clinton's fiscal plan included giving massive tax breaks and funding to get all the start up companies off the ground.

This is another core policy of the democrats is to support small business and local mom and pop's, to bring competition to the market, which creates jobs and bring competitive products/prices to the market.

W like all those on the hard right threw this in the trash and went straight back to the epically failed "trickled down" AKA "beg on your knees to the corporations for any job they give you, and pay any price they say with a smile on your face" policies.

BL even if Sprutzey Dooley was President at that time.....this Boom would have happened and he would have looked good.....

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