Zone1 They Say a Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

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Once again, you repeat what the white man tells you.

Nah, you repeat what your lying, racist black masters tell you. Blacks are the only racial type that still regularly engages in slavery.

Then don't be careful who you tell.
You're a disgrace to your nation. All you do is recite what the white man says. You're so busy trying to please the white man that you have lost your soul You are sad and pathetic, a puppet.
You're a disgrace to your nation. All you do is recite what the white man says. You're so busy trying to please the white man that you have lost your soul You are sad and pathetic, a puppet.

Your butt buddy hides who he is. I DON'T! I don't give a shit who knows what my ethnicity is. Only cowards do. You hang around with a coward. Now go suck louis farkhans cock.

To bad for you that it's true.
I'm aware of no planks in the platform that support slavery, nor am I aware of any Republican official championing it, nor am I even aware of anyone I know or hear from saying they support it. It's simply a non-starter.
I'm aware of no planks in the platform that support slavery, nor am I aware of any Republican official championing it, nor am I even aware of anyone I know or hear from saying they support it. It's simply a non-starter.
Scary to think there are blacks around like IM2 who think the way he does.

i just had a lovely conversation with a black woman sitting next to me at lunch today. Turns out she’s a middle school math teacher, and we spent most of the time talking about our travels. My hope is that 99% of blacks are like her, and that activists like IM2 and Newsvine are the outlying 1% raised in homes with anti-white bias.
Scary to think there are blacks around like IM2 who think the way he does.

i just had a lovely conversation with a black woman sitting next to me at lunch today. Turns out she’s a middle school math teacher, and we spent most of the time talking about our travels. My hope is that 99% of blacks are like her, and that activists like IM2 and Newsvine are the outlying 1% raised in homes with anti-white bias.

I think it is more like 90% of the black people are good honest, nice folks. Not the whiney leeches like our resident black racists here.
I think it is more like 90% of the black people are good honest, nice folks. Not the whiney leeches like our resident black racists here.
Maybe it’s more like 95% are good folks and 5% are like our resident black racists.

FWIW, I find that older blacks seem to harbor no hostility to whites, and speak with us as if we are both the same. It’s more the blacks in their 20s and teens who are the racists. Might have something to do with the schools.
Nah, you repeat what your lying, racist black masters tell you. Blacks are the only racial type that still regularly engages in slavery.

I repeat the truth.

There is still slavery in Europe idiot.

I say you repeat what the white man tells you because your dumb ... is still talking about slavery just like they do. But I am talking about America, in America there was apartheid after slavery and I was born during that apartheid. After that ended we see modern forms of racism. White racism exists now, you see it in this forum and you enable it. Slavery is over and the argument about slavery weak chumps like you use to enable the racist white subculture to continue on has no merit. So this ain't about slavery sellout, it is about modern racism practied by the white raciat subculture, some of who post in this forum and those who you kiss their rear ends hoping to be an honorary white man.

“Laissez-Faire Racism involves persistent negative stereotyping of African Americans, a tendency to blame blacks themselves for the black-white gap in socioeconomic standing, and resistance to meaningful policy efforts to ameliorate America’s racist social conditions and institutions."

We see this in this forum all day every day and you do it just like the white racists here. You are a disgrace to your nation and to proud Original Nations brothers such as Lakota, Billyboom and Hellbilly. You have no pride, you are spiness. So take your little attitude and shove it, then stop repeating what white racists tell you to think.
I'm aware of no planks in the platform that support slavery, nor am I aware of any Republican official championing it, nor am I even aware of anyone I know or hear from saying they support it. It's simply a non-starter.
If slavery existed now,the republican party would support it.
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