Zone1 They Say a Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

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You’re so pathetic, little im.2.

You deny you’re a racist, but for your very life you have no fucking ability or clue on how to begin to hide it. It seeps out of your pores. Fuck; it pours out of your pores.


You may, inadvertently, be one of the funniest dumbass motherfuckers on the entire USMB.
Definitely racist. He won’t acknowledge whites unless they agree with him. How are whites telling other whites how to think? He tells whites how to act and think all the time.
I won't be told about native americans by whites who have severe racial biases and sellouts who call themselves native American but spend all their lives repeating what whites tell them to think. I will listen only to Original nations members like Lakhota, BillyBoom and Hellbilly.
I'm part Comanche, as much Comanche as I am Irish, Scots and Swedish.
Disingenuous bs.

Republicans authored an amendment to officially make slavery a constitutionally protected activity. The Republican Party is the party of The Corwin Amendment that would have cemented slavery as a constitutional right.

A Republican president, with the support of the Republican Party, ended reconstruction. The Republican Party is the party of the 1877 Compromise that ended reconstruction and paved the way for Jim Crow.

Republicans didn't stop anything and todays republan party would support slavery.
I'm calling BS on the bolded part.
I take it you’re not familiar with the expression, “be proud to be an Indian, but be careful who you tell.”

Why be careful who you tell? Be up front with who you are.

Only cowards and criminals need to hide.
That only works with white people.

Bullshit. I tell people who I am and if they don't like it, fuck 'em. They aren't worth my time.

Saves all sorts of time separating the wheat from the chaff.
Definitely racist. He won’t acknowledge whites unless they agree with him. How are whites telling other whites how to think? He tells whites how to act and think all the time.
And he does it in a very condescending manner: “You’ve been told…..”

So, he feels he can tell whites what to do and think, and in a very haughty manner, and then tells whites they are in no position to offer any comments to blacks.
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