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They Were Wrong Then, And They're Wrong Now

why...imagine that.....rd stats rul posting other people's words again.... that inability to articulate is a problem for you, isn't it.

and you ignore the message. Nothing new

As Mr Koch asks, if we are hit again, who will you blame?

(after you are done dancing a jig and thinking how Dems will use the attack for political gain)
1. no...we are talking about the military records dealing with whatever disciplinary action the Texas National Guard took when Bush disobeyed a lawful order to report for a flight physical. That has NEVER been released.

2. Kerry signed his SF180 and authorized the government to release ALL of his records to the Boston Globe - his newspaper of record. If there HAD been a smoking gun, Team Bush would have been perfectly within their rights to provide it. In fact, John Kerry gave them carte blanche to do just that.

3. I have facts. I know that Bush was given a direct order to report on a date certain for his annual flight physical. I know he directly disobeyed that order. I know that as a result of failing to report for that flight physical, he lost his flight status and the government lost all the money it had spent training him to fly jet aircraft. I know what happens in the military to officers who directly disobey orders. I do NOT know what happened to Bush, because those records have never been released. I would love to see what happened to Bush as a result of HIS disobeying a direct order. Wouldn't YOU?
1. Medical records are off limits. Your loss.
2. released his records to a liberal rag. Yah, that's slick. :rofl:
3. You have no facts.
1. Medical records are off limits. Your loss.
2. released his records to a liberal rag. Yah, that's slick. :rofl:
3. You have no facts.

disciplinary records are not medical records. your loss.

If there was a smoking gun, it would have been revealed. there was none.

ther facts are as I stated. there was a direct order to take a flight physical. that order was disobeyed. flight status was lost. the money spent training a pilot was wasted. no records have been released about any disposition of that conduct violation.

August 27, 2004


In the midst of the controversy between the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth and Kerry campaign representatives about Kerry's service in Vietnam, new questions have arisen.

The Kerry campaign has repeatedly stated that the official naval records prove the truth of Kerry's assertions about his service.

But the official records on Kerry's Web site only add to the confusion. The DD214 form, an official Defense Department document summarizing Kerry's military career posted on johnkerry.com, includes a "Silver Star with combat V."

But according to a U.S. Navy spokesman, "Kerry's record is incorrect. The Navy has never issued a 'combat V' to anyone for a Silver Star."

Naval regulations do not allow for the use of a "combat V" for the Silver Star, the third-highest decoration the Navy awards. None of the other services has ever granted a Silver Star "combat V," either.


B.G. Burkett, a Vietnam veteran himself, received the highest award the Army gives to a civilian, the Distinguished Civilian Service Award, for his book Stolen Valor. Burkett pored through thousands of military service records, uncovering phony claims of awards and fake claims of military service. "I've run across several claims for Silver Stars with combat V's, but they were all in fake records," he said.

August 27, 2004


In the midst of the controversy between the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth and Kerry campaign representatives about Kerry's service in Vietnam, new questions have arisen.

The Kerry campaign has repeatedly stated that the official naval records prove the truth of Kerry's assertions about his service.

But the official records on Kerry's Web site only add to the confusion. The DD214 form, an official Defense Department document summarizing Kerry's military career posted on johnkerry.com, includes a "Silver Star with combat V."

But according to a U.S. Navy spokesman, "Kerry's record is incorrect. The Navy has never issued a 'combat V' to anyone for a Silver Star."

Naval regulations do not allow for the use of a "combat V" for the Silver Star, the third-highest decoration the Navy awards. None of the other services has ever granted a Silver Star "combat V," either.


B.G. Burkett, a Vietnam veteran himself, received the highest award the Army gives to a civilian, the Distinguished Civilian Service Award, for his book Stolen Valor. Burkett pored through thousands of military service records, uncovering phony claims of awards and fake claims of military service. "I've run across several claims for Silver Stars with combat V's, but they were all in fake records," he said.

the medal is not a fake at all.... the application of the combat V is in error, and really is rather redundant for that level of recognized heroism. Silver Stars - which stand only behind the medal of honor and the navy cross in merit - are not given out for non-combat situations ..... ho hum.
and since none of us write our own DD214, it was obviously the error of some enlisted yeoman who typed it up.
disciplinary records are not medical records. your loss.

If there was a smoking gun, it would have been revealed. there was none.

.... .

They were medical records a you previously stated, unless you lied than. Or are you lying now?

The Boston Globe, a liberal rag in a liberal town in Kerry's district is now The Truth but 54 other references are all lying in the milnet report. Is that your position?
They were medical records a you previously stated, unless you lied than. Or are you lying now?

The Boston Globe, a liberal rag in a liberal town in Kerry's district is now The Truth but 54 other references are all lying in the milnet report. Is that your position?

there were medical records...and there were disciplinary records....two different folders...one in your medical record...the other is your service record.....

The Boston Globe only reported what the United States Government gave them...which was John Kerry's service record in its entirety....

Oh...and Kerry is a Senator...he doesn't have a "district"... he has a "state". Were you off chasing young ones on the ski slopes when they covered that in civics class?

and like I said...if there were any real validity to your milnet "sources", you KNOW that the Bush adminstration and the RNC would be flooding the airwaves - or at least Faux News - with reports of Saddam's connections to Al Qaeda. Why do you think that they haven't done so?
there were medical records...and there were disciplinary records....two different folders...one in your medical record...the other is your service record.....

The Boston Globe only reported what the United States Government gave them...which was John Kerry's service record in its entirety....

Oh...and Kerry is a Senator...he doesn't have a "district"... he has a "state". Were you off chasing young ones on the ski slopes when they covered that in civics class?

and like I said...if there were any real validity to your milnet "sources", you KNOW that the Bush adminstration and the RNC would be flooding the airwaves - or at least Faux News - with reports of Saddam's connections to Al Qaeda. Why do you think that they haven't done so?

There are many links to Saddam and Al Qaeda. The liberal media has ignored them, even though the 9-11 commission mentioned several of them in their final report
There are many links to Saddam and Al Qaeda. The liberal media has ignored them, even though the 9-11 commission mentioned several of them in their final report

there are instances of contact...there is no evidence of any substantive cooperation, nor would there be. It would have been suicidal for Saddam to provide aid to Al Qaeda.
There are many links to Saddam and Al Qaeda. The liberal media has ignored them, even though the 9-11 commission mentioned several of them in their final report

why hasn't Faux News picked up the stories? Why not the washington times? why not national review? American spectator?

why have those bastions of conservative media "ignored" the story as well?
there are instances of contact...there is no evidence of any substantive cooperation, nor would there be. It would have been suicidal for Saddam to provide aid to Al Qaeda.

Not when they had some of the same goals. Libs keep ranting their were NO connections, but there are many as outlined in the following link


I know you will dismiss it before you even read it

Thatis how Bush haters react to facts

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