They would be alive today if they followed this advice: Walter Scott, Mike Brown, Eric Garner,

They would be alive today if they followed this advice: Walter Scott, Mike Brown, Eric Garner, .. .. .. .. etc etc etc

If they had each complied with the police they would still be alive today. The anger at police has nothing to do with race and everything to do with idiots who refuse to comply with the police and the left who want to ignore common sense in order to turn more minorities out to the polls for political gain.

Yes just let them keep arresting you on bullshit charges because they showed up late to a fight and had nobody else to arrest but they saw you sell cigarettes last month. Even you pussy white folk would get tired and have to stand up for yourself after seeing real criminals like on wall street robs us all but are to big or rich to get arrested. Maybe if you whites and the rest of you actually had a pair of balls or a brain or honor you would revolt as your founding fathers did when they saw injustice within your upper society raping the country and world to ruin for the personal profit of a select chosen few. But alas you defective sheep should be led to slaighter

See, leftists promote resisting arrest. Then when someone gets hurt call the cop a racist.
They would be alive today if they followed this advice: Walter Scott, Mike Brown, Eric Garner, .. .. .. .. etc etc etc

If they had each complied with the police they would still be alive today. The anger at police has nothing to do with race and everything to do with idiots who refuse to comply with the police and the left who want to ignore common sense in order to turn more minorities out to the polls for political gain.

Yes just let them keep arresting you on bullshit charges because they showed up late to a fight and had nobody else to arrest but they saw you sell cigarettes last month. Even you pussy white folk would get tired and have to stand up for yourself after seeing real criminals like on wall street robs us all but are to big or rich to get arrested. Maybe if you whites and the rest of you actually had a pair of balls or a brain or honor you would revolt as your founding fathers did when they saw injustice within your upper society raping the country and world to ruin for the personal profit of a select chosen few. But alas you defective sheep should be led to slaighter

I'm fascinated by the way you believe peacefully cooperating with police officers and using the legal system to sort out your disputes is a less reasonable and viable option than assaulting the officer and possibly getting killed.

There's nothing "manly" about behaving like a belligerent savage, and if you lefties had a teaspoonful of brain cells amongst the lot of you, not to mention a touch of civilization, you'd know that.
They had his car. A simple matter to find out where he lives.

The cop violated the rules for use of deadly force.

End of story.

Indeed, he may have. But, would the criminal have been killed if he had not resisted arrest?
Is resisting arrest a capital offense? Are there no bounds on police behavior? Should cops kill with impunity? Are police trained to shoot first, ask questions later?

Could the comportment of the police, their interactions with the community culpable in the eroding relationship between police and civilians?

Resisting arrest is a recklessly life-threatening behavior, which any sane, civilized human being knows. Yes, I realize that leaves you out. Everything you had to say here is a reeking pile of rotted red herrings.
So you believe that cops are infallible, should use excessive force, have no bearing on their relationship with the community they are to protect and serve and act with impunity whenever they face a resistant suspect? You believe that shooting first is the best solution? You believe that cops should bear no responsibility toward suspect's health and safety?

Should cops act more like the Gestapo?

So you're too fucking stupid to understand what people are saying and have to make up opinions to project onto them?
Ok so first off I'll address Ireland. Look at the racial breakdown and I think you can use your brain to realize why they don't need to use excessive force.

Nationalities in Ireland
Irish (including dual-Irish/other): 86.9%, UK: 2.5%, Other EU 27: 6.1%, Other Europe: 0.7%, Asia: 1.5%, Africa: 0.9%, USA: 0.2%, Other countries: 0.5%, Multiple nationality: 0.1%, Not stated: 1.2% (2011)

Now about being followed in a store. I've been watched very carefully in stores multiple times just because of my age/friends looks despite never having stolen anything. I really didn't care because I wasn't stealing. I look at as a good thing so they can just feel stupid for staring at you as you walk around the store. People pretend black people are the only ones that businesses watch. They just steal the most.
They had his car. A simple matter to find out where he lives.

The cop violated the rules for use of deadly force.

End of story.

Indeed, he may have. But, would the criminal have been killed if he had not resisted arrest?
Is resisting arrest a capital offense? Are there no bounds on police behavior? Should cops kill with impunity? Are police trained to shoot first, ask questions later?

Could the comportment of the police, their interactions with the community culpable in the eroding relationship between police and civilians?

Resisting arrest is a recklessly life-threatening behavior, which any sane, civilized human being knows. Yes, I realize that leaves you out. Everything you had to say here is a reeking pile of rotted red herrings.
So you believe that cops are infallible, should use excessive force, have no bearing on their relationship with the community they are to protect and serve and act with impunity whenever they face a resistant suspect? You believe that shooting first is the best solution? You believe that cops should bear no responsibility toward suspect's health and safety?

Should cops act more like the Gestapo?

So you're too fucking stupid to understand what people are saying and have to make up opinions to project onto them?
You suggested that I'm not sane. Then you suggested my post was full of red herrings.

I wonder what sort of character you have when your response was both erroneous and insulting. Do you have a point?
Ok so first off I'll address Ireland. Look at the racial breakdown and I think you can use your brain to realize why they don't need to use excessive force.

Nationalities in Ireland
Irish (including dual-Irish/other): 86.9%, UK: 2.5%, Other EU 27: 6.1%, Other Europe: 0.7%, Asia: 1.5%, Africa: 0.9%, USA: 0.2%, Other countries: 0.5%, Multiple nationality: 0.1%, Not stated: 1.2% (2011)

Now about being followed in a store. I've been watched very carefully in stores multiple times just because of my age/friends looks despite never having stolen anything. I really didn't care because I wasn't stealing. I look at as a good thing so they can just feel stupid for staring at you as you walk around the store. People pretend black people are the only ones that businesses watch. They just steal the most.

What do you mean by "address Ireland"? Who brought up Ireland? Does the quote button just not show up for you?
Whoa! Killer logic!

These guys should be dead, right?

Actually the cop did a choke hold at the end...

Lets explain this to everyone... In the rest of the first world if you do a choke hold on a suspect you are suspended immediately...

Cops are taught proper ways to take people down, choke holds are totally unacceptable...

I think the US public don't sometimes understand what other police forces in the world deem as acceptable...

The Irish police has not shot and killed someone since April 2000.

The man John McCarthy, was mentally unstable, had a shot gun and charged the police. The Irish public still didn't accept that he should have been shot dead. €18 million was spent on an enquiry (which include the FBI) and few law changes...
The enquiry found that the police needed more training...

Here's the quote.
They would be alive today if they followed this advice: Walter Scott, Mike Brown, Eric Garner, .. .. .. .. etc etc etc

If they had each complied with the police they would still be alive today. The anger at police has nothing to do with race and everything to do with idiots who refuse to comply with the police and the left who want to ignore common sense in order to turn more minorities out to the polls for political gain.

Yes just let them keep arresting you on bullshit charges because they showed up late to a fight and had nobody else to arrest but they saw you sell cigarettes last month. Even you pussy white folk would get tired and have to stand up for yourself after seeing real criminals like on wall street robs us all but are to big or rich to get arrested. Maybe if you whites and the rest of you actually had a pair of balls or a brain or honor you would revolt as your founding fathers did when they saw injustice within your upper society raping the country and world to ruin for the personal profit of a select chosen few. But alas you defective sheep should be led to slaighter

I'm fascinated by the way you believe peacefully cooperating with police officers and using the legal system to sort out your disputes is a less reasonable and viable option than assaulting the officer and possibly getting killed.

There's nothing "manly" about behaving like a belligerent savage, and if you lefties had a teaspoonful of brain cells amongst the lot of you, not to mention a touch of civilization, you'd know that.

I know personally what happened to Eric Garner and it was a crime what they did. if you ever went through the abuse and constant bullshit even you pussies would say enough one of these days. with all the crime in that neighborhood the cops went after a guy who just broke up a fight and was left standing there alone by the time the lazy white cops got there the fighters were long gone. so cops had to make an arrest and went after an old standby bust for selling lose cigarettes for a few dollars worth of smokes? if you morons don't see what bullshit that is then I can't help your ingnorant asses
They would be alive today if they followed this advice: Walter Scott, Mike Brown, Eric Garner, .. .. .. .. etc etc etc

If they had each complied with the police they would still be alive today. The anger at police has nothing to do with race and everything to do with idiots who refuse to comply with the police and the left who want to ignore common sense in order to turn more minorities out to the polls for political gain.

Yes just let them keep arresting you on bullshit charges because they showed up late to a fight and had nobody else to arrest but they saw you sell cigarettes last month. Even you pussy white folk would get tired and have to stand up for yourself after seeing real criminals like on wall street robs us all but are to big or rich to get arrested. Maybe if you whites and the rest of you actually had a pair of balls or a brain or honor you would revolt as your founding fathers did when they saw injustice within your upper society raping the country and world to ruin for the personal profit of a select chosen few. But alas you defective sheep should be led to slaighter

I'm fascinated by the way you believe peacefully cooperating with police officers and using the legal system to sort out your disputes is a less reasonable and viable option than assaulting the officer and possibly getting killed.

There's nothing "manly" about behaving like a belligerent savage, and if you lefties had a teaspoonful of brain cells amongst the lot of you, not to mention a touch of civilization, you'd know that.

I know personally what happened to Eric Garner and it was a crime what they did. if you ever went through the abuse and constant bullshit even you pussies would say enough one of these days. with all the crime in that neighborhood the cops went after a guy who just broke up a fight and was left standing there alone by the time the lazy white cops got there the fighters were long gone. so cops had to make an arrest and went after an old standby bust for selling lose cigarettes for a few dollars worth of smokes? if you morons don't see what bullshit that is then I can't help your ingnorant asses

If Police did not need to use force to arrest him would he be alive today? If he had not resisted arrest would he still be alive?
"If they had each complied with the police they would still be alive today."

No evidence of that.

No matter how many more threads you post

(Why is this in Politics instead of Law Enforcement? Oh wait, I forgot who posted the thread. Never mind)


They would be alive today if they followed this advice: Walter Scott, Mike Brown, Eric Garner, .. .. .. .. etc etc etc

If they had each complied with the police they would still be alive today. The anger at police has nothing to do with race and everything to do with idiots who refuse to comply with the police and the left who want to ignore common sense in order to turn more minorities out to the polls for political gain.

Yes just let them keep arresting you on bullshit charges because they showed up late to a fight and had nobody else to arrest but they saw you sell cigarettes last month. Even you pussy white folk would get tired and have to stand up for yourself after seeing real criminals like on wall street robs us all but are to big or rich to get arrested. Maybe if you whites and the rest of you actually had a pair of balls or a brain or honor you would revolt as your founding fathers did when they saw injustice within your upper society raping the country and world to ruin for the personal profit of a select chosen few. But alas you defective sheep should be led to slaighter

I'm fascinated by the way you believe peacefully cooperating with police officers and using the legal system to sort out your disputes is a less reasonable and viable option than assaulting the officer and possibly getting killed.

There's nothing "manly" about behaving like a belligerent savage, and if you lefties had a teaspoonful of brain cells amongst the lot of you, not to mention a touch of civilization, you'd know that.

I know personally what happened to Eric Garner and it was a crime what they did. if you ever went through the abuse and constant bullshit even you pussies would say enough one of these days. with all the crime in that neighborhood the cops went after a guy who just broke up a fight and was left standing there alone by the time the lazy white cops got there the fighters were long gone. so cops had to make an arrest and went after an old standby bust for selling lose cigarettes for a few dollars worth of smokes? if you morons don't see what bullshit that is then I can't help your ingnorant asses

If Police did not need to use force to arrest him would he be alive today? If he had not resisted arrest would he still be alive?

I remember when lethal force was used only when they were facing lethal force.

I remember when it was considered to be the height of cowardice to shoot someone in the back.

I remember when cops didn't shoot people for following their instructions.

But, Blacks have always been gunned down by cops more than whites. A news story said more than 950 Black men are murdered by cops every year. The good news is that the proliferation of cell phone cameras means more of them are getting caught.
They would be alive today if they followed this advice: Walter Scott, Mike Brown, Eric Garner, .. .. .. .. etc etc etc

If they had each complied with the police they would still be alive today. The anger at police has nothing to do with race and everything to do with idiots who refuse to comply with the police and the left who want to ignore common sense in order to turn more minorities out to the polls for political gain.

Yes just let them keep arresting you on bullshit charges because they showed up late to a fight and had nobody else to arrest but they saw you sell cigarettes last month. Even you pussy white folk would get tired and have to stand up for yourself after seeing real criminals like on wall street robs us all but are to big or rich to get arrested. Maybe if you whites and the rest of you actually had a pair of balls or a brain or honor you would revolt as your founding fathers did when they saw injustice within your upper society raping the country and world to ruin for the personal profit of a select chosen few. But alas you defective sheep should be led to slaighter

I'm fascinated by the way you believe peacefully cooperating with police officers and using the legal system to sort out your disputes is a less reasonable and viable option than assaulting the officer and possibly getting killed.

There's nothing "manly" about behaving like a belligerent savage, and if you lefties had a teaspoonful of brain cells amongst the lot of you, not to mention a touch of civilization, you'd know that.

I know personally what happened to Eric Garner and it was a crime what they did. if you ever went through the abuse and constant bullshit even you pussies would say enough one of these days. with all the crime in that neighborhood the cops went after a guy who just broke up a fight and was left standing there alone by the time the lazy white cops got there the fighters were long gone. so cops had to make an arrest and went after an old standby bust for selling lose cigarettes for a few dollars worth of smokes? if you morons don't see what bullshit that is then I can't help your ingnorant asses

If Police did not need to use force to arrest him would he be alive today? If he had not resisted arrest would he still be alive?

This is the same question you started with. And its flaw is still that it assumes flight was the only reason they were killed -- rather than the opportunity that happened to present -- one opportunity among many.

In other words you're presupposing that they were not going to be killed regardless whether they fled or not.
They would be alive today if they followed this advice: Walter Scott, Mike Brown, Eric Garner, .. .. .. .. etc etc etc

If they had each complied with the police they would still be alive today. The anger at police has nothing to do with race and everything to do with idiots who refuse to comply with the police and the left who want to ignore common sense in order to turn more minorities out to the polls for political gain.

Yes just let them keep arresting you on bullshit charges because they showed up late to a fight and had nobody else to arrest but they saw you sell cigarettes last month. Even you pussy white folk would get tired and have to stand up for yourself after seeing real criminals like on wall street robs us all but are to big or rich to get arrested. Maybe if you whites and the rest of you actually had a pair of balls or a brain or honor you would revolt as your founding fathers did when they saw injustice within your upper society raping the country and world to ruin for the personal profit of a select chosen few. But alas you defective sheep should be led to slaighter

I'm fascinated by the way you believe peacefully cooperating with police officers and using the legal system to sort out your disputes is a less reasonable and viable option than assaulting the officer and possibly getting killed.

There's nothing "manly" about behaving like a belligerent savage, and if you lefties had a teaspoonful of brain cells amongst the lot of you, not to mention a touch of civilization, you'd know that.

I know personally what happened to Eric Garner and it was a crime what they did. if you ever went through the abuse and constant bullshit even you pussies would say enough one of these days. with all the crime in that neighborhood the cops went after a guy who just broke up a fight and was left standing there alone by the time the lazy white cops got there the fighters were long gone. so cops had to make an arrest and went after an old standby bust for selling lose cigarettes for a few dollars worth of smokes? if you morons don't see what bullshit that is then I can't help your ingnorant asses

If Police did not need to use force to arrest him would he be alive today? If he had not resisted arrest would he still be alive?

Have you seen the Eric Garner video? He legitimately didn't resist. That was such a terrible murder.
"If they had each complied with the police they would still be alive today."

No evidence of that.

No matter how many more threads you post

(Why is this in Politics instead of Law Enforcement? Oh wait, I forgot who posted the thread. Never mind)


They would be alive today if they followed this advice: Walter Scott, Mike Brown, Eric Garner, .. .. .. .. etc etc etc

If they had each complied with the police they would still be alive today. The anger at police has nothing to do with race and everything to do with idiots who refuse to comply with the police and the left who want to ignore common sense in order to turn more minorities out to the polls for political gain.

Yes just let them keep arresting you on bullshit charges because they showed up late to a fight and had nobody else to arrest but they saw you sell cigarettes last month. Even you pussy white folk would get tired and have to stand up for yourself after seeing real criminals like on wall street robs us all but are to big or rich to get arrested. Maybe if you whites and the rest of you actually had a pair of balls or a brain or honor you would revolt as your founding fathers did when they saw injustice within your upper society raping the country and world to ruin for the personal profit of a select chosen few. But alas you defective sheep should be led to slaighter

I'm fascinated by the way you believe peacefully cooperating with police officers and using the legal system to sort out your disputes is a less reasonable and viable option than assaulting the officer and possibly getting killed.

There's nothing "manly" about behaving like a belligerent savage, and if you lefties had a teaspoonful of brain cells amongst the lot of you, not to mention a touch of civilization, you'd know that.

I know personally what happened to Eric Garner and it was a crime what they did. if you ever went through the abuse and constant bullshit even you pussies would say enough one of these days. with all the crime in that neighborhood the cops went after a guy who just broke up a fight and was left standing there alone by the time the lazy white cops got there the fighters were long gone. so cops had to make an arrest and went after an old standby bust for selling lose cigarettes for a few dollars worth of smokes? if you morons don't see what bullshit that is then I can't help your ingnorant asses

If Police did not need to use force to arrest him would he be alive today? If he had not resisted arrest would he still be alive?

I remember when lethal force was used only when they were facing lethal force.

I remember when it was considered to be the height of cowardice to shoot someone in the back.

I remember when cops didn't shoot people for following their instructions.

But, Blacks have always been gunned down by cops more than whites. A news story said more than 950 Black men are murdered by cops every year. The good news is that the proliferation of cell phone cameras means more of them are getting caught.

No evidence of that? "Put your hands behind your back." (Subject complies). Get in the car. (Subject complies). Yip. That's the way to stay alive.
They would be alive today if they followed this advice: Walter Scott, Mike Brown, Eric Garner, .. .. .. .. etc etc etc

If they had each complied with the police they would still be alive today. The anger at police has nothing to do with race and everything to do with idiots who refuse to comply with the police and the left who want to ignore common sense in order to turn more minorities out to the polls for political gain.

Yes just let them keep arresting you on bullshit charges because they showed up late to a fight and had nobody else to arrest but they saw you sell cigarettes last month. Even you pussy white folk would get tired and have to stand up for yourself after seeing real criminals like on wall street robs us all but are to big or rich to get arrested. Maybe if you whites and the rest of you actually had a pair of balls or a brain or honor you would revolt as your founding fathers did when they saw injustice within your upper society raping the country and world to ruin for the personal profit of a select chosen few. But alas you defective sheep should be led to slaighter

I'm fascinated by the way you believe peacefully cooperating with police officers and using the legal system to sort out your disputes is a less reasonable and viable option than assaulting the officer and possibly getting killed.

There's nothing "manly" about behaving like a belligerent savage, and if you lefties had a teaspoonful of brain cells amongst the lot of you, not to mention a touch of civilization, you'd know that.

I know personally what happened to Eric Garner and it was a crime what they did. if you ever went through the abuse and constant bullshit even you pussies would say enough one of these days. with all the crime in that neighborhood the cops went after a guy who just broke up a fight and was left standing there alone by the time the lazy white cops got there the fighters were long gone. so cops had to make an arrest and went after an old standby bust for selling lose cigarettes for a few dollars worth of smokes? if you morons don't see what bullshit that is then I can't help your ingnorant asses

If Police did not need to use force to arrest him would he be alive today? If he had not resisted arrest would he still be alive?

This is the same question you started with. And its flaw is still that it assumes flight was the only reason they were killed -- rather than the opportunity that happened to present -- one opportunity among many.

In other words you're presupposing that they were not going to be killed regardless whether they fled or not.

If they had complied they would not have fought. If they had not fought they would still be alive. No need to have your gun out on a compliant subject.
"If they had each complied with the police they would still be alive today."

No evidence of that.

No matter how many more threads you post

(Why is this in Politics instead of Law Enforcement? Oh wait, I forgot who posted the thread. Never mind)


Yes just let them keep arresting you on bullshit charges because they showed up late to a fight and had nobody else to arrest but they saw you sell cigarettes last month. Even you pussy white folk would get tired and have to stand up for yourself after seeing real criminals like on wall street robs us all but are to big or rich to get arrested. Maybe if you whites and the rest of you actually had a pair of balls or a brain or honor you would revolt as your founding fathers did when they saw injustice within your upper society raping the country and world to ruin for the personal profit of a select chosen few. But alas you defective sheep should be led to slaighter

I'm fascinated by the way you believe peacefully cooperating with police officers and using the legal system to sort out your disputes is a less reasonable and viable option than assaulting the officer and possibly getting killed.

There's nothing "manly" about behaving like a belligerent savage, and if you lefties had a teaspoonful of brain cells amongst the lot of you, not to mention a touch of civilization, you'd know that.
I know personally what happened to Eric Garner and it was a crime what they did. if you ever went through the abuse and constant bullshit even you pussies would say enough one of these days. with all the crime in that neighborhood the cops went after a guy who just broke up a fight and was left standing there alone by the time the lazy white cops got there the fighters were long gone. so cops had to make an arrest and went after an old standby bust for selling lose cigarettes for a few dollars worth of smokes? if you morons don't see what bullshit that is then I can't help your ingnorant asses

If Police did not need to use force to arrest him would he be alive today? If he had not resisted arrest would he still be alive?

I remember when lethal force was used only when they were facing lethal force.

I remember when it was considered to be the height of cowardice to shoot someone in the back.

I remember when cops didn't shoot people for following their instructions.

But, Blacks have always been gunned down by cops more than whites. A news story said more than 950 Black men are murdered by cops every year. The good news is that the proliferation of cell phone cameras means more of them are getting caught.

No evidence of that? "Put your hands behind your back." (Subject complies). Get in the car. (Subject complies). Yip. That's the way to stay alive.

--- And then what?

Again, this is a profoundly naïve take on how the world works. Unless you live inside a script of "Leave It to Beaver".
They would be alive today if they followed this advice: Walter Scott, Mike Brown, Eric Garner, .. .. .. .. etc etc etc

If they had each complied with the police they would still be alive today. The anger at police has nothing to do with race and everything to do with idiots who refuse to comply with the police and the left who want to ignore common sense in order to turn more minorities out to the polls for political gain.

Yes just let them keep arresting you on bullshit charges because they showed up late to a fight and had nobody else to arrest but they saw you sell cigarettes last month. Even you pussy white folk would get tired and have to stand up for yourself after seeing real criminals like on wall street robs us all but are to big or rich to get arrested. Maybe if you whites and the rest of you actually had a pair of balls or a brain or honor you would revolt as your founding fathers did when they saw injustice within your upper society raping the country and world to ruin for the personal profit of a select chosen few. But alas you defective sheep should be led to slaighter

I'm fascinated by the way you believe peacefully cooperating with police officers and using the legal system to sort out your disputes is a less reasonable and viable option than assaulting the officer and possibly getting killed.

There's nothing "manly" about behaving like a belligerent savage, and if you lefties had a teaspoonful of brain cells amongst the lot of you, not to mention a touch of civilization, you'd know that.

I know personally what happened to Eric Garner and it was a crime what they did. if you ever went through the abuse and constant bullshit even you pussies would say enough one of these days. with all the crime in that neighborhood the cops went after a guy who just broke up a fight and was left standing there alone by the time the lazy white cops got there the fighters were long gone. so cops had to make an arrest and went after an old standby bust for selling lose cigarettes for a few dollars worth of smokes? if you morons don't see what bullshit that is then I can't help your ingnorant asses

If Police did not need to use force to arrest him would he be alive today? If he had not resisted arrest would he still be alive?

This is the same question you started with. And its flaw is still that it assumes flight was the only reason they were killed -- rather than the opportunity that happened to present -- one opportunity among many.

In other words you're presupposing that they were not going to be killed regardless whether they fled or not.


What is the excuse for the two videos showing Black men following the orders of cops to get their driver's licenses and being shot for it?

Luckily, they survived but I hope they sued and won BIG.
Publius will do whatever he is told to do by a law enforcement officer. He will under no circumstances disobey a police officer.
Not hard to "comply" when you're getting shot in the back.

Even in that case, the diseased ran away from the police, resisted arrest, and assaulted the police. If he had initially complied he would be alive today. You disagree?
My Dad always told me to never mouth off to the police, he told me to answer them like I was in the military (not like boot camp) , remain calm, realize that they are human , and if I felt wronged I could have my day in court.
That advice has always worked for me.
"If they had each complied with the police they would still be alive today."

No evidence of that.

No matter how many more threads you post

(Why is this in Politics instead of Law Enforcement? Oh wait, I forgot who posted the thread. Never mind)


I'm fascinated by the way you believe peacefully cooperating with police officers and using the legal system to sort out your disputes is a less reasonable and viable option than assaulting the officer and possibly getting killed.

There's nothing "manly" about behaving like a belligerent savage, and if you lefties had a teaspoonful of brain cells amongst the lot of you, not to mention a touch of civilization, you'd know that.
I know personally what happened to Eric Garner and it was a crime what they did. if you ever went through the abuse and constant bullshit even you pussies would say enough one of these days. with all the crime in that neighborhood the cops went after a guy who just broke up a fight and was left standing there alone by the time the lazy white cops got there the fighters were long gone. so cops had to make an arrest and went after an old standby bust for selling lose cigarettes for a few dollars worth of smokes? if you morons don't see what bullshit that is then I can't help your ingnorant asses

If Police did not need to use force to arrest him would he be alive today? If he had not resisted arrest would he still be alive?

I remember when lethal force was used only when they were facing lethal force.

I remember when it was considered to be the height of cowardice to shoot someone in the back.

I remember when cops didn't shoot people for following their instructions.

But, Blacks have always been gunned down by cops more than whites. A news story said more than 950 Black men are murdered by cops every year. The good news is that the proliferation of cell phone cameras means more of them are getting caught.

No evidence of that? "Put your hands behind your back." (Subject complies). Get in the car. (Subject complies). Yip. That's the way to stay alive.

--- And then what?

Again, this is a profoundly naïve take on how the world works. Unless you live inside a script of "Leave It to Beaver".

He's saying that hands behind your back while Black is now a capital crime.

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