They would be alive today if they followed this advice: Walter Scott, Mike Brown, Eric Garner,

All the police have to do is SAY you're resisting and're a thug

No, the "thug" title was achieved the moment they committed the act that warranted the arrest. Everything else was just gravy.

Yeah they just say "warranted arrest" and if its not they can always go to plan B. Yell

"Stop resisting!!1"
I've been pulled over multiple times for doing nothing. I never jumped out of my car and attacked the police officer. It was because of times of day or location. No one talks about the fact that young white people get pulled over leaving the ghetto because they are likely to have drugs. Police stereotype in order to do their job.

This is a true story. I was crossing the border from North Carolina into Crazy Carolina South Carolina years ago where I saw a local yokel pulling people over hither and yon. I figured, having an out-of-state license plate he'd be after me too. Sure enough a few minutes later he pulls me over, with no moving infraction going on whatsoever.

We sit in his car, behind my car, chatting as he grills me on where I'm coming from, where I'm going, what's in the I have guns or methamphetamine (repetedly) and at one point he actually asks me, with a straight face --

"How come your parents aren't traveling with you"?

"uh... well I am forty-four years old. They have their own lives now." :lol:

He looked lost. Kept asking me if I had arms and ammunition, or meth, in the car, over and over I assured him none of the above and invited him repeatedly to step out to the car (a station wagon loaded with stuff) and I'd open the hatch for him and show him. He looked even loster. Apparently these were not the reactions he was looking for and he didn't know what to make of me. Eventually he threw up his hands and I went on my way.

South Carolina's finest. I was lucky to get the guy lost in space rather than the one with an agenda. That time at least.
All the police have to do is SAY you're resisting and're a thug

No, the "thug" title was achieved the moment they committed the act that warranted the arrest. Everything else was just gravy.

Yeah they just say "warranted arrest" and if its not they can always go to plan B. Yell

"Stop resisting!!1"
I've been pulled over multiple times for doing nothing. I never jumped out of my car and attacked the police officer. It was because of times of day or location. No one talks about the fact that young white people get pulled over leaving the ghetto because they are likely to have drugs. Police stereotype in order to do their job.

This is a true story. I was crossing the border from North Carolina into Crazy Carolina South Carolina years ago where I saw a local yokel pulling people over hither and yon. I figured, having an out-of-state license plate he'd be after me too. Sure enough a few minutes later he pulls me over, with no moving infraction going on whatsoever.

We sit in his car, behind my car, chatting as he grills me on where I'm coming from, where I'm going, what's in the I have guns or methamphetamine (repetedly) and at one point he actually asks me, with a straight face --

"How come your parents aren't traveling with you"?

"uh... well I am forty-four years old. They have their own lives now." :lol:

He looked lost. Kept asking me if I had arms and ammunition, or meth, in the car, over and over I assured him none of the above and invited him repeatedly to step out to the car (a station wagon loaded with stuff) and I'd open the hatch for him and show him. He looked even loster. Apparently these were not the reactions he was looking for and he didn't know what to make of me. Eventually he threw up his hands and I went on my way.

South Carolina's finest. I was lucky to get the guy lost in space rather than the one with an agenda. That time at least.
What race are you? Did you think this was a racial thing?
All the police have to do is SAY you're resisting and're a thug

No, the "thug" title was achieved the moment they committed the act that warranted the arrest. Everything else was just gravy.

Yeah they just say "warranted arrest" and if its not they can always go to plan B. Yell

"Stop resisting!!1"
I've been pulled over multiple times for doing nothing. I never jumped out of my car and attacked the police officer. It was because of times of day or location. No one talks about the fact that young white people get pulled over leaving the ghetto because they are likely to have drugs. Police stereotype in order to do their job.

This is a true story. I was crossing the border from North Carolina into Crazy Carolina South Carolina years ago where I saw a local yokel pulling people over hither and yon. I figured, having an out-of-state license plate he'd be after me too. Sure enough a few minutes later he pulls me over, with no moving infraction going on whatsoever.

We sit in his car, behind my car, chatting as he grills me on where I'm coming from, where I'm going, what's in the I have guns or methamphetamine (repetedly) and at one point he actually asks me, with a straight face --

"How come your parents aren't traveling with you"?

"uh... well I am forty-four years old. They have their own lives now." :lol:

He looked lost. Kept asking me if I had arms and ammunition, or meth, in the car, over and over I assured him none of the above and invited him repeatedly to step out to the car (a station wagon loaded with stuff) and I'd open the hatch for him and show him. He looked even loster. Apparently these were not the reactions he was looking for and he didn't know what to make of me. Eventually he threw up his hands and I went on my way.

South Carolina's finest. I was lucky to get the guy lost in space rather than the one with an agenda. That time at least.
What race are you? Did you think this was a racial thing?

I said nothing above about race, Doctor Dimbulb. But if you must know, my race is "human".
No, the "thug" title was achieved the moment they committed the act that warranted the arrest. Everything else was just gravy.

Yeah they just say "warranted arrest" and if its not they can always go to plan B. Yell

"Stop resisting!!1"
I've been pulled over multiple times for doing nothing. I never jumped out of my car and attacked the police officer. It was because of times of day or location. No one talks about the fact that young white people get pulled over leaving the ghetto because they are likely to have drugs. Police stereotype in order to do their job.

This is a true story. I was crossing the border from North Carolina into Crazy Carolina South Carolina years ago where I saw a local yokel pulling people over hither and yon. I figured, having an out-of-state license plate he'd be after me too. Sure enough a few minutes later he pulls me over, with no moving infraction going on whatsoever.

We sit in his car, behind my car, chatting as he grills me on where I'm coming from, where I'm going, what's in the I have guns or methamphetamine (repetedly) and at one point he actually asks me, with a straight face --

"How come your parents aren't traveling with you"?

"uh... well I am forty-four years old. They have their own lives now." :lol:

He looked lost. Kept asking me if I had arms and ammunition, or meth, in the car, over and over I assured him none of the above and invited him repeatedly to step out to the car (a station wagon loaded with stuff) and I'd open the hatch for him and show him. He looked even loster. Apparently these were not the reactions he was looking for and he didn't know what to make of me. Eventually he threw up his hands and I went on my way.

South Carolina's finest. I was lucky to get the guy lost in space rather than the one with an agenda. That time at least.
What race are you? Did you think this was a racial thing?

I said nothing above about race, Doctor Dimbulb. But if you must know, my race is "human".
Oh. It's a racist message board so I thought it would be about race. MY BAD.

Good job surviving the police encounter though. I get scared and run every time I see police now. Every time I get by an officer and live I thank god for my survival.
Yeah they just say "warranted arrest" and if its not they can always go to plan B. Yell

"Stop resisting!!1"
I've been pulled over multiple times for doing nothing. I never jumped out of my car and attacked the police officer. It was because of times of day or location. No one talks about the fact that young white people get pulled over leaving the ghetto because they are likely to have drugs. Police stereotype in order to do their job.

This is a true story. I was crossing the border from North Carolina into Crazy Carolina South Carolina years ago where I saw a local yokel pulling people over hither and yon. I figured, having an out-of-state license plate he'd be after me too. Sure enough a few minutes later he pulls me over, with no moving infraction going on whatsoever.

We sit in his car, behind my car, chatting as he grills me on where I'm coming from, where I'm going, what's in the I have guns or methamphetamine (repetedly) and at one point he actually asks me, with a straight face --

"How come your parents aren't traveling with you"?

"uh... well I am forty-four years old. They have their own lives now." :lol:

He looked lost. Kept asking me if I had arms and ammunition, or meth, in the car, over and over I assured him none of the above and invited him repeatedly to step out to the car (a station wagon loaded with stuff) and I'd open the hatch for him and show him. He looked even loster. Apparently these were not the reactions he was looking for and he didn't know what to make of me. Eventually he threw up his hands and I went on my way.

South Carolina's finest. I was lucky to get the guy lost in space rather than the one with an agenda. That time at least.
What race are you? Did you think this was a racial thing?

I said nothing above about race, Doctor Dimbulb. But if you must know, my race is "human".
Oh. It's a racist message board so I thought it would be about race. MY BAD.

Good job surviving the police encounter though. I get scared and run every time I see police now. Every time I get by an officer and live I thank god for my survival.

As should we all, at least in this country. Needles to say most encounters weren't that surreally silly. Usually they're more like in-your-face bullshit, sometimes even guns and handcuffs. I suppose this guy could have freaked out and done the same thing; as I keep saying, you just never know. Anything can happen.
I've been pulled over multiple times for doing nothing. I never jumped out of my car and attacked the police officer. It was because of times of day or location. No one talks about the fact that young white people get pulled over leaving the ghetto because they are likely to have drugs. Police stereotype in order to do their job.

This is a true story. I was crossing the border from North Carolina into Crazy Carolina South Carolina years ago where I saw a local yokel pulling people over hither and yon. I figured, having an out-of-state license plate he'd be after me too. Sure enough a few minutes later he pulls me over, with no moving infraction going on whatsoever.

We sit in his car, behind my car, chatting as he grills me on where I'm coming from, where I'm going, what's in the I have guns or methamphetamine (repetedly) and at one point he actually asks me, with a straight face --

"How come your parents aren't traveling with you"?

"uh... well I am forty-four years old. They have their own lives now." :lol:

He looked lost. Kept asking me if I had arms and ammunition, or meth, in the car, over and over I assured him none of the above and invited him repeatedly to step out to the car (a station wagon loaded with stuff) and I'd open the hatch for him and show him. He looked even loster. Apparently these were not the reactions he was looking for and he didn't know what to make of me. Eventually he threw up his hands and I went on my way.

South Carolina's finest. I was lucky to get the guy lost in space rather than the one with an agenda. That time at least.
What race are you? Did you think this was a racial thing?

I said nothing above about race, Doctor Dimbulb. But if you must know, my race is "human".
Oh. It's a racist message board so I thought it would be about race. MY BAD.

Good job surviving the police encounter though. I get scared and run every time I see police now. Every time I get by an officer and live I thank god for my survival.

As should we all, at least in this country. Needles to say most encounters weren't that surreally silly. Usually they're more like in-your-face bullshit, sometimes even guns and handcuffs. I suppose this guy could have freaked out and done the same thing; as I keep saying, you just never know. Anything can happen.
It can but I have yet to hear of scenarios where the police stood someone up outside just to murder them. All documented ones involve fights or some kind of accident. If these types of things are so frequent why aren't there more witnesses who speak up? I'm sure there are corrupt cops but I feel as though the media takes a couple stories and runs with them as far as they can to scare the public.
Oh and didnt you notice that Chris Rock did a piece called How not to get your ass beat by cops thats like 10 years old?

I guess that brainwashing was happening back then too....hell its not even happening its all a figment of blacks imagination...for years....DECADES!

but again, if you have to put your money on those odds, you wouldnt take that bet either in a million years

The old axioms still apply today. Chris Rock provided some good advice.

Yes like let a white friend drive. Great advice
This is a true story. I was crossing the border from North Carolina into Crazy Carolina South Carolina years ago where I saw a local yokel pulling people over hither and yon. I figured, having an out-of-state license plate he'd be after me too. Sure enough a few minutes later he pulls me over, with no moving infraction going on whatsoever.

We sit in his car, behind my car, chatting as he grills me on where I'm coming from, where I'm going, what's in the I have guns or methamphetamine (repetedly) and at one point he actually asks me, with a straight face --

"How come your parents aren't traveling with you"?

"uh... well I am forty-four years old. They have their own lives now." :lol:

He looked lost. Kept asking me if I had arms and ammunition, or meth, in the car, over and over I assured him none of the above and invited him repeatedly to step out to the car (a station wagon loaded with stuff) and I'd open the hatch for him and show him. He looked even loster. Apparently these were not the reactions he was looking for and he didn't know what to make of me. Eventually he threw up his hands and I went on my way.

South Carolina's finest. I was lucky to get the guy lost in space rather than the one with an agenda. That time at least.
What race are you? Did you think this was a racial thing?

I said nothing above about race, Doctor Dimbulb. But if you must know, my race is "human".
Oh. It's a racist message board so I thought it would be about race. MY BAD.

Good job surviving the police encounter though. I get scared and run every time I see police now. Every time I get by an officer and live I thank god for my survival.

As should we all, at least in this country. Needles to say most encounters weren't that surreally silly. Usually they're more like in-your-face bullshit, sometimes even guns and handcuffs. I suppose this guy could have freaked out and done the same thing; as I keep saying, you just never know. Anything can happen.
It can but I have yet to hear of scenarios where the police stood someone up outside just to murder them. All documented ones involve fights or some kind of accident. If these types of things are so frequent why aren't there more witnesses who speak up? I'm sure there are corrupt cops but I feel as though the media takes a couple stories and runs with them as far as they can to scare the public.

Of course media does that. That's what sells.

The impressions I post are not from media stories about third parties I've never met, since I don't consider that world realistic. They're about personal experiences that happened to me.
What race are you? Did you think this was a racial thing?

I said nothing above about race, Doctor Dimbulb. But if you must know, my race is "human".
Oh. It's a racist message board so I thought it would be about race. MY BAD.

Good job surviving the police encounter though. I get scared and run every time I see police now. Every time I get by an officer and live I thank god for my survival.

As should we all, at least in this country. Needles to say most encounters weren't that surreally silly. Usually they're more like in-your-face bullshit, sometimes even guns and handcuffs. I suppose this guy could have freaked out and done the same thing; as I keep saying, you just never know. Anything can happen.
It can but I have yet to hear of scenarios where the police stood someone up outside just to murder them. All documented ones involve fights or some kind of accident. If these types of things are so frequent why aren't there more witnesses who speak up? I'm sure there are corrupt cops but I feel as though the media takes a couple stories and runs with them as far as they can to scare the public.

Of course media does that. That's what sells.

The impressions I post are not from media stories about third parties I've never met. They're about personal experiences that happened to me.
I have another story. My friend works as a camera operator at the mall to catch people stealing. One day he sees a guy grabbing a bunch of clothes and puts them under his shirt and heads towards the door. He calls security and tells them where the guy is headed. The man sees security coming so throws all the stuff down on one of the tables as if he wasn't going to take it. They confront him and then he ends up suing for discrimination and winning 10000 dollars despite the fact that he was blatantly going to steal the clothes...
I said nothing above about race, Doctor Dimbulb. But if you must know, my race is "human".
Oh. It's a racist message board so I thought it would be about race. MY BAD.

Good job surviving the police encounter though. I get scared and run every time I see police now. Every time I get by an officer and live I thank god for my survival.

As should we all, at least in this country. Needles to say most encounters weren't that surreally silly. Usually they're more like in-your-face bullshit, sometimes even guns and handcuffs. I suppose this guy could have freaked out and done the same thing; as I keep saying, you just never know. Anything can happen.
It can but I have yet to hear of scenarios where the police stood someone up outside just to murder them. All documented ones involve fights or some kind of accident. If these types of things are so frequent why aren't there more witnesses who speak up? I'm sure there are corrupt cops but I feel as though the media takes a couple stories and runs with them as far as they can to scare the public.

Of course media does that. That's what sells.

The impressions I post are not from media stories about third parties I've never met. They're about personal experiences that happened to me.
I have another story. My friend works as a camera operator at the mall to catch people stealing. One day he sees a guy grabbing a bunch of clothes and puts them under his shirt and heads towards the door. He calls security and tells them where the guy is headed. The man sees security coming so throws all the stuff down on one of the tables as if he wasn't going to take it. They confront him and then he ends up suing for discrimination and winning 10000 dollars despite the fact that he was blatantly going to steal the clothes...

Teen Records Himself Being Followed By Store Clerks MadameNoire
Not hard to "comply" when you're getting shot in the back.

What part of "stop immediately" did you miss in that video? Everyone knows if the cops have to come get you, they're bringing an ass-kicking with them. Duh.

Which is all the more reason to get away from them. Double duh.

Bottom line is still this: when police have your scent.... ANYTHING can happen. Especially if they need a perp and you happen to be available.

Kinda funny, then, that you think everyone in society should be disarmed except the police, huh?
Not hard to "comply" when you're getting shot in the back.

What part of "stop immediately" did you miss in that video? Everyone knows if the cops have to come get you, they're bringing an ass-kicking with them. Duh.

Which is all the more reason to get away from them. Double duh.

Bottom line is still this: when police have your scent.... ANYTHING can happen. Especially if they need a perp and you happen to be available.

So you think running from the police is a good idea?

Only if you're black. Leftists never believe you can be guilty of anything if you're black, or innocent of anything if you're white.

Must be weird to live in a world where people are members of collectives, rather than individuals.
They had his car. A simple matter to find out where he lives.

The cop violated the rules for use of deadly force.

End of story.

Indeed, he may have. But, would the criminal have been killed if he had not resisted arrest?
Is resisting arrest a capital offense? Are there no bounds on police behavior? Should cops kill with impunity? Are police trained to shoot first, ask questions later?

Could the comportment of the police, their interactions with the community culpable in the eroding relationship between police and civilians?

Resisting arrest is a recklessly life-threatening behavior, which any sane, civilized human being knows. Yes, I realize that leaves you out. Everything you had to say here is a reeking pile of rotted red herrings.
They would be alive today if they followed this advice: Walter Scott, Mike Brown, Eric Garner, .. .. .. .. etc etc etc

If they had each complied with the police they would still be alive today. The anger at police has nothing to do with race and everything to do with idiots who refuse to comply with the police and the left who want to ignore common sense in order to turn more minorities out to the polls for political gain.

Yes just let them keep arresting you on bullshit charges because they showed up late to a fight and had nobody else to arrest but they saw you sell cigarettes last month. Even you pussy white folk would get tired and have to stand up for yourself after seeing real criminals like on wall street robs us all but are to big or rich to get arrested. Maybe if you whites and the rest of you actually had a pair of balls or a brain or honor you would revolt as your founding fathers did when they saw injustice within your upper society raping the country and world to ruin for the personal profit of a select chosen few. But alas you defective sheep should be led to slaighter
Whoa! Killer logic!

These guys should be dead, right?

Actually the cop did a choke hold at the end...

Lets explain this to everyone... In the rest of the first world if you do a choke hold on a suspect you are suspended immediately...

Cops are taught proper ways to take people down, choke holds are totally unacceptable...

I think the US public don't sometimes understand what other police forces in the world deem as acceptable...

The Irish police has not shot and killed someone since April 2000.

The man John McCarthy, was mentally unstable, had a shot gun and charged the police. The Irish public still didn't accept that he should have been shot dead. €18 million was spent on an enquiry (which include the FBI) and few law changes...
The enquiry found that the police needed more training...

That dude has a great sense of humor. I'd have been unable to resist letting the guy know what I felt.

I'm a white dude......but I've experienced that before. It was in Japan. You see.....foreigners have a reputation for being dishonest in Japan. I've been followed around a department store in Japan. I didn't appreciate it. I confronted my stalker and showed him my wallet....which was full of cash that was meant for a birthday gift for my wife. I walked out having purchased nothing.
They had his car. A simple matter to find out where he lives.

The cop violated the rules for use of deadly force.

End of story.

Indeed, he may have. But, would the criminal have been killed if he had not resisted arrest?
Is resisting arrest a capital offense? Are there no bounds on police behavior? Should cops kill with impunity? Are police trained to shoot first, ask questions later?

Could the comportment of the police, their interactions with the community culpable in the eroding relationship between police and civilians?

Resisting arrest is a recklessly life-threatening behavior, which any sane, civilized human being knows. Yes, I realize that leaves you out. Everything you had to say here is a reeking pile of rotted red herrings.
So you believe that cops are infallible, should use excessive force, have no bearing on their relationship with the community they are to protect and serve and act with impunity whenever they face a resistant suspect? You believe that shooting first is the best solution? You believe that cops should bear no responsibility toward suspect's health and safety?

Should cops act more like the Gestapo?

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