They're Acting As If Biden Was Elected

Some of the punditry say he did that deliberately so that the day-of votes would be counted first, so he'd build up a count lead, so it would LOOK LIKE that lead was being "taken away" when the mail vote count came in. After all he told them not to use the mail and being the "yes-master-we-hear-and-obey" types, they did just that.

Frankly I think that assumes way too much craft on his part. I think he just wanted to suppress the mail vote period. That's what Louis deJoy was there for. It worked about as well as his casinos, his airline, the USFL and the vitamins where you mail in your pee.
The mail vote SHOULD have been suppressed, TOTALLY. There should NOT BE any such thing as mail-in voting. Hell, even deported illegal aliens could illegally vote in our elections, from hundreds of miles south of the US border, with mail-in voting. It's absurd.

We used to have only in-person voting. That's how it should be again now. I said months ago, the election was going to be chaos, because of mail-in voting. Sure enough.

No matter how much proof is shown, the Supreme Court would NEVER overturn Mr. Biden's "victory."

If it did, there would be an actual civil war, with mobs storming the Supreme Court and forcing the Justices to flee.

Look! The media have declared Mr. Biden the winner, Mr. Biden has made his acceptance speech, and prominent Republicans are congratulating the President-elect.

We are big boys & girls. We know there was fraud. We don't know how much. Common sense tells us that some poll workers who "disliked" President Trump for being a "racist" made sure some of his votes were, oops, lost. Dishonest elections are as American as apple pie (ask the people in Chicago).

The media doesn’t select our president, and shouldn’t...
Correct. Biden is not the President. He's the President-elect. He becomes the President January 20th. At high noon.

He'll even give Rump a ride.


It's great that Jimmy Carter lived long enough to see this moment. He'll be there.
The "moment" you speak of is highly in doubt.
i think joe won this one....and trump has no one to blame but himself.....his big mouth was a big part of that.....
We will find that out in about a week or 2. Not now.

And Trump's mouth has nothing to do with it. He outvoted Biden greatly. This is coming only from unscrupulous, Democrat election official's schemes.
LOL... You argue about voter fraud for Trump on one side of your mouth, and in the other side of your mouth brag how there was no blue wave and the Pubs picked up seats in the house.

You idiots say look at voter fraud in Philly, but refuse to acknowledge that Trump actually received more votes in Philly in this election cycle than 2016.

Trumpist morons fail to acknowledge that Trump won in Utah and Florida where most If not over well over 50% of all votes were mail-in ballots.

To Trumpists, I say stop making complete asses of yourselves with this voter fraud shit.

Yeah, all the stats didn’t cheat. Utah and Florida figured out how to cout ballots on Election Day. Many of the others couldn’t figure it out. They had to wait. BTW, just because one state doesn’t have an indication of fraud doesn’t mean that every state is free of fraud. They generated the votes they need for demented Joe and commie Harris. We will see if they allow it. If the FBI is in charge of the investigation, you likely have a very good chance. They are as corrupt as Biden.
As if Roberts and Alito, etc. want their legacies to be tarnished by overturning an election in favor of a known traitor.
By "known traitor" that could only be Biden. In fact, after all the deals Biden conducted with the Chinese, stabbing America in the back, and making Millions$$$, if I had to pick one adjective to describe Biden, "traitor" would be it. How many businesses did he ship out to China, ho many US workers lost jobs, and how many US stores got flooded with "Made in China" crap from his corruption ?

And if the SCOTUS rules in favor of Trump, that will not be overturning an election. It will be overturning the SCAMMING sabatoge of an election, thereby turning it right again.
There were no fabricated Biden votes. That is simply the point where the mail-in votes started being counted. These are legitimate votes. You want to disenfranchise voters because your guy is ahead.
You have no clue of what you're talking about.
These are not Democrat scammers. They are hardworking people who are doing their job. Slimy gatbage like you will attack anyone just to get what you want.
They are Democrat scammers, and this will all be identified and revealed properly in the courts this week. Guiliani has 90 witnesses lined up to testify. The scammers are toast.
They’ve been verified. The state does that for every ballot.
In this case, what you call "the state" is in actuality, a handful of corrupt, sleazy, Democrat, election officials cooking the books (votes), and doing what they can do to STEAL an election, and hand it over to the candidate of their choice (Biden)
Dude was about as real as they come. Trump is as fake as a three dollar bill.
One can only wonder how Democrats can come to thinking like this. Like trying to comprehend how the universe can be never-ending.
One can only wonder how Democrats can come to thinking like this. Like trying to comprehend how the universe can be never-ending.
Trump’s appeal to blue collar middle Americans is so fake. The dude lives in a gilded penthouse in Manhattan and has never set foot in middle America and never would if he didn’t need them to vote for him.
In this case, what you call "the state" is in actuality, a handful of corrupt, sleazy, Democrat, election officials cooking the books (votes), and doing what they can do to STEAL an election, and hand it over to the candidate of their choice (Biden)
If you knew anything about the election process you’d know that’s not true. Votes are counted by people of both parties in pairs.

I didn’t. When someone wants to demonize minorities, gay people, different religions, I’ll call them scum because that’s what they are.

I tolerate a lot but not intolerance.
But often liberal do not identify these groups correctly, and then their tolerance judgements go wrong. Like when Trump mentioned about (some) Mexicans being "rapists". Actually, even if he had been referring to Mexicans in general, he would have been correct.

Mexico has a distinct rape culture (the term includes various levels of sexual assault), tat is far different than American culture. This is why subways and buses in Mexico City are segregated by sex. The record shows that Mexican men simply cannot keep their hands off Mexican women, including strangers on mass transit facilities. So they have men buses, and women & children buses.

It is also why US prosecutors consistently report the "puzzled" attitude of Mexican rape/sex assault suspects in court, who usually can't figure out why they are being arrested, or even thought of as having done something wrong. Where they come from, mostly, it IS NOT considered to be wrong, and sexual assault is commonly accepted even within families and even against children.

With gays, you have people deciding what sex they are going to be, rather than allowing their anatomy to decide that. Simply ridiculous.

As for Islam, I don't consider it to be a religion (neither do some entire nations ,ex. Italy), it is based on an immoral book (the Koran) filled with hate, and advocacies (if not commands) to do things tat are contrary to US mores and laws, and as a supremacism it is in contraction to the US Constitution (Supremacy clause).

Liberals have the idea that we must tolerate everyone, no matter what, but some matters require INtolerance, not tolerance, such as violations of the US Constitution and US laws.
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Huh? Errors in the software were found and were always going to be found because our system is very redundant.
"Errors in the software" HA HA HA. Yeah, I've heard that's what the scammers are trying to cover their tracks with. Problem for them might be that their co-workers aren't about to go to jail for them, for obstructing justice, and/or perjury, so we'll see how this plays out in the courts.

I wouldn't bet on the scammers coming out of this clean and neat.

PS - hypothetically, even if there were errors in the software, that means the vote counts would be wrong also, and Trump's big leads before the big vote dumps to be correct. Either way, Trump wins.
The Democrats used mail-in ballots as a screen for their massive election fraud organization. They refused to allow observers see the ballots when they were counting they had to have been fake.
Of course. People block out observers for one reason only. To keep secret the evil things they are doing.
Not necessarily, I heard the legal observers were creeped out by the "Children of the Corn" atmosphere surrounding the illegals.
Huh? Errors in the software were found and were always going to be found because our system is very redundant.
"Errors in the software" HA HA HA. Yeah, I've heard that's what the scammers are trying to cover their tracks with. Problem for them might be that their co-workers aren't about to go to jail for them, for obstructing justice, and/or perjury, so we'll see how this plays out in the courts.

I wouldn't bet on the scammers coming out of this clean and neat.

PS - hypothetically, even if there were errors in the software, that means the vote counts would be wrong also, and Trump's big leads before the big vote dumps to be correct. Either way, Trump wins.
Thousands and thousands of precincts, counties and election boards. Some errors will happen. It’s not realistic to think there won’t be any mistakes. The system is redundant, several times over. It’s check and double checked. Errors like this one are found as a course of the normal process.

There’s just no evidence of fraud in this case.
Some of the punditry say he did that deliberately so that the day-of votes would be counted first, so he'd build up a count lead, so it would LOOK LIKE that lead was being "taken away" when the mail vote count came in. After all he told them not to use the mail and being the "yes-master-we-hear-and-obey" types, they did just that.

Frankly I think that assumes way too much craft on his part. I think he just wanted to suppress the mail vote period. That's what Louis deJoy was there for. It worked about as well as his casinos, his airline, the USFL and the vitamins where you mail in your pee.
The mail vote SHOULD have been suppressed, TOTALLY. There should NOT BE any such thing as mail-in voting. Hell, even deported illegal aliens could illegally vote in our elections, from hundreds of miles south of the US border, with mail-in voting. It's absurd.

We used to have only in-person voting. That's how it should be again now. I said months ago, the election was going to be chaos, because of mail-in voting. Sure enough.

Please change your underwear before proceeding. You're shitting yourself over mail-in voting, which has been going on since before the Civil War. How do you think the American Armed Forces have been voting for generations?

All mail-in votes are checked, verified, and confirmed, before they're counted. All of the counts have been streamed live on the internet. Trump keeps going to court to claim widespread voter fraud, but he HAS NO EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT HIS LIES.

Just like "Obama spied on my campaign". All evidence says that they Obama Administration kept a very hands off approach to the campaign, DESPITE RED FLAGS BEING WAVED ALL OVER THE WORLD THAT RUSSIA WAS INVOLVED WITH THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN. These warnings are borne out and proven by the Mueller Investigation. If you had actually read the Mueller Report, you would know it.

Throughout the Trump Administration, Trump has promoted a series a lies about Democrats, which you fools have been believing since Ronald Reagan first told you that the problems in America started with "welfare queens". That was a lie, but it was one you ate up with a fork and spoon, and one which lead to Donald Trump.

Republicans have been trying to undo the results of the Kennedy/Johnson civil rights legislation, since Reagan was elected, and they've pretty much succeeded. It ends here, and it ends now. The "Affirmative Action" black middle class voters are tired of having random strangers decide they look "shady" when they go to the 7/11, and holding them at gunpoint until the police arrive.

They're tired of watching unarmed black men being murdered on You Tube. Especially large black men, killed by a four or more frightened police officers, who subsequently claim "immunity" from prosecution, and then learning that the officers involved have a long history of "excessive force" violations.

It's over. Racism will be legislated out of existence in the public sphere. No excuses. No claims of "religious freedom". They tried that against blacks too. It didn't work then, and it won't work now with gays or other minorities.
One can only wonder how Democrats can come to thinking like this. Like trying to comprehend how the universe can be never-ending.
Trump’s appeal to blue collar middle Americans is so fake. The dude lives in a gilded penthouse in Manhattan and has never set foot in middle America and never would if he didn’t need them to vote for him.
Yeah....and your guy got rich using his political influence to take in graft from foreign governments hoping to get a leg up on the US.
I really don't know where you get off being critical of Trump, who made his money in the private sector when you support a corrupt government that gets rich while in office.

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