They're Acting As If Biden Was Elected

You are the one who is sick and corrupted. You think that anyone who disagrees with you and Trump are leftists. There are plenty of us who opposed Trump who are not leftists.
So then state SPECIFICALLY why you oppose him. Mention his accomplishments, and what you think would be better.
Fake news BULLSHIT. Oh sure, Obama made us #1 energy producer in the world and outperformed Russia and Saudi Arabia, right ? And he did that all by keeping the pipelines closed, imposing strict regulations on oil and gas producers, and concentrating on nothing but renewables, right? Right ?

Problem with liberals is they are hypnotized by links (many of which are baldfaced lies), They think if something is in print it automatically must be true. In reality, about half of what is in print ( including pretty colored graphs) is a bunch of crap - especially when it is coming from a US Dept of Energy, loaded with Obama holdovers.

A wise man said, you are entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts.

If you have proof energy production decreased under Obama, then present it.. Or shut up.
This is bizarre. On Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, he's interviewing Pete Buttigieg, and they're talking as if Biden is actually going to be the President of the US.

EARTH TO DELUSIONISTS: Biden LOST. He's going to be nowhere but back in his mansions, enjoying all that wealth he got in from the Chinese, in return for stabbing America in the back. Trump will be resuming his work shutting down China's domination of our economy, keeping us #1 energy producer in the world. increasing funding to police departments, continuing to be the best president blacks and Hispanics have ever had, and continuing to reduce Covid mortality.

There is a problem (for them) that the Democrat scammers seemed to have strangely overlooked >>

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The Biden SHORT vacation & the Major Managed News Media(MMNM) bliss as well as the DNC hopes & prayers is heading for a derailing. Stay tuned for Part 2) JUMPIN' JOE GETS EVICTED BEFORE THE INK IS DRY!!!
Biden sucks, just like Big Tech sucks. period.

the good news is we can do something about it

No matter how much proof is shown, the Supreme Court would NEVER overturn Mr. Biden's "victory."

If it did, there would be an actual civil war, with mobs storming the Supreme Court and forcing the Justices to flee.

Look! The media have declared Mr. Biden the winner, Mr. Biden has made his acceptance speech, and prominent Republicans are congratulating the President-elect.

We are big boys & girls. We know there was fraud. We don't know how much. Common sense tells us that some poll workers who "disliked" President Trump for being a "racist" made sure some of his votes were, oops, lost. Dishonest elections are as American as apple pie (ask the people in Chicago).
You must really be hitting the bottle hard. That makes no sense.
Maybe it is YOU who's hitting that bottle hard. What I said makes perfect sense, and I'll say it again >> "Trump outvoted Biden by a very wide margin. When all the votes are recounted. audited, and a true reading is done, it will show the Trump victory as a landslide. Ho hum."

And if anyone wants to see the details of how much Trump outvoted Biden, no problem, those TRUE numbers are right here in this thread in Post # 88.
Mail-in ballots are not cheating.
They can be, depending on how they are handled, and many ballots without postmarks as the Pennsylvania Supreme Court illegally allowed to be counted, are not even mail-in ballots at all. They are ballots PRETENDING to be mail-in ballots (having no postmarks and no signatures)

They are FABRICATED, BULLSHIT ballots all marked for Biden, and specifically designed to STEAL the election from Trump, and give it Biden. LOCK THEM UP!
It sounds like you are suggesting that these justices will act in a biased fashion for the "Republican." Let's see how that works out for you.
If it "sounds" like that to you, then you need to check your hearing. :laugh:
one minute Trump is ahead by wide margins, and the next he's suddenly behind, and you expect all of us to believe that, you moron ?
Well, if you know anything about how the vote was counted, you'd understand that it was completely expected that he'd lead early and then it would narrow.

Like, I'm sure you're not so uninformed that you haven't heard this.
What would you suggest we do, implement the green new deal ?

Not quite, but we do need to do something if we want to be around in 100 years.

So you didnt like it, America being energy independent with the cleanest air and water in several years ?

Except our air isn't clean... and neither is our water.

Please I want to hear your alternate solution, that wouldnt make us more reliable on other countries.

Solar. Wind. Geothermal. Greater energy efficiency. Nuclear (gets a bad rap it doesn't deserve)

And when compared to the US, what are other countries doing about their other forms of pollution that America is not emitting ?

The Europeans are doing a great job of cutting down on their emissions. The Chinese have a lot of work to do. When I was hosting a visitor from China once, she was amazed how clean the skies above Chicago were in 2012.

Point is, the US is still one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gas. With 4% of the world's population, we are emitting 15% of greenhouse gases.

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Not quite, but we do need to do something if we want to be around in 100 years.
When you elect someone that has a plan, let me know. Take your time.
Except our air isn't clean... and neither is our water.
That Trump lied to me again. Trump said that we had the cleanest air and water that we've had in several years. Please show me a chart or link that shows otherwise from previous administrations.
In the meantime...
Under President Trump, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is emphasizing cleaning up communities more than Americans have seen in over a decade.
  • In 2019, the EPA deleted the most Superfund hazardous waste sites from the National Priorities List since 2001.
  • For the first time in nearly 30 years, the EPA is in the process of strengthening national standards to protect vulnerable children from exposure to lead in drinking water.
  • To further improve water quality for Americans, the Trump Administration has invested over $38 billion in clean water infrastructure.
  • President Trump has delivered infrastructure upgrades and investments for numerous projects, including directing over half a billion dollars for the Herbert Hoover Dike rehabilitation and prioritizing Everglades restoration.
    • This important infrastructure will help protect and restore the ecosystems in the Everglades, defend millions of Floridians from catastrophic flooding, and help improve water quality.

Solar. Wind. Geothermal. Greater energy efficiency. Nuclear (gets a bad rap it doesn't deserve)
Again, no solution when it comes to our nations security. We cant phase out oil without a plan and there is not one that doesnt jeopardize our nations strength and security. We are too large of a nation to live in a rainbow world.
The Europeans are doing a great job of cutting down on their emissions. The Chinese have a lot of work to do. When I was hosting a visitor from China once, she was amazed how clean the skies above Chicago were in 2012.

Point is, the US is still one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gas. With 4% of the world's population, we are emitting 15% of greenhouse gases.
Considering the size of our country, we are not the problem.
Do you want to remain a free country, and also remain the worlds military leader ?

Wake up !
i think joe won this one....and trump has no one to blame but himself.....his big mouth was a big part of that.....

Yet Trump got more votes this time than last---no one cares about Trumps comments. To claim they do is hype and manipulation.

If they changed the Presidential votes...

How come they didn't take the Senate and loose seats in Congress?

Your argument has a huge hole in it now...
Yanno what, usually fantasy comic books come with hand-drawn illustrations. Along with yuge splashes of sound effects.

Meanwhile back here on planet "Earth" the PA margin for Biden has now exceeded the 0.5% mark, which means a state automatic recount is off the table.

Four years ago Rump squeaked out the Terrible Trio of Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania by a combined 79,646 votes. The Biden vote in flipping those three states back the other way is already well over 200,000 so that's been doubled and may be trebled.

Member how Hillary Clinton petitioned those states for recounts four years ago when they were much closer than they are now?

Yeah I don't either. But maybe you can find it in your comic books.
Everything you just stated here is merely the results being shown after the Democrat election books-cookers got finished cooking their books (or in this case, fabricated Biden "votes").

And everything is ON the table, "the table" now being the courts, including the US Supreme Court if necessary - in fact, the SCOTUS has already acted, and overruled the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, by ordering all ballots counted after Nov.3, to be invalidated and segregated out from the valid ones.
Dunno why he posts wank-pics of The Supremes. They have nothing to do with how states run their elections.
They have everything to do with it. They have to do with ILLEGAL activity being done by states illegally running their elections, by stopping poll watchers, by wrongly counting votes, by switching votes, by fabricating votes, and probably lots of other devious, despicable ways of destroying our electoral system.

There are likely to be revealed quite an interesting spectrum of fraud creativity over this new week, as the courts delve into this mess, and now honest, actual vote counters and supervisors have their say.

The Supreme court has already acted, and certainly will be heard from again.
trump has rudi giuliani on it so he doesn't need to worry

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None other than the media is setting up this nation for a giant explosion of anger and frustrated rage when it
consistently refers to Joe Biden as the winner of the presidential race, never once balancing out that misreporting of facts by reporting the election is being contested in court.

And they know exactly what they are doing. They are playing a deadly and dangerous game.
Biden is NOT the president and they should stop feeding that misconception.
They are acting in a similar fashion like when KTLA-TV in Los Angeles showed doctored video tapes of Rodney King PROPERLY being beaten by LA cops, but made to look like police brutality. As a result of KTLA's reckless and FALSE "reporting", the LA riots ensued in which 56 people were killed, and Millions$$$$ in damages occured, most of it never reimbursed.

I sense that when all is said and done, and Trump is declared the official winner, and the guilty creeps who tried to SCAM our country, go to jail, riots will take place, with many rioters attacking people and private homes, in suburbs, and we may even see hundreds of people killed, most of them rioters/arsonists, shot dead by homeowners.

As George H. Bush used to say > "Bad! Bad!"
IMO, Trump's biggest mistake was to denigrate the mail-in vote to his followers. I wonder how many never got to the polls on election day, when they could have been mail-ins for Trump?
Doesn't matter how many votes Trump got. He got plenty enough to win. No matter how many votes Trump would get, the Democrat election scammers would come up with whatever number of votes were needed to swing the win over to Biden.

A lot of people are still not getting what has been going down here.
The Democrats used mail-in ballots as a screen for their massive election fraud organization.
They refused to allow observers see the ballots when they were counting they had to have been fake.
Of course. People block out observers for one reason only. To keep secret the evil things they are doing.

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