They're Acting As If Biden Was Elected

Huh? Errors in the software were found and were always going to be found because our system is very redundant.
"Errors in the software" HA HA HA. Yeah, I've heard that's what the scammers are trying to cover their tracks with. Problem for them might be that their co-workers aren't about to go to jail for them, for obstructing justice, and/or perjury, so we'll see how this plays out in the courts.

I wouldn't bet on the scammers coming out of this clean and neat.

PS - hypothetically, even if there were errors in the software, that means the vote counts would be wrong also, and Trump's big leads before the big vote dumps to be correct. Either way, Trump wins.
Thousands and thousands of precincts, counties and election boards. Some errors will happen. It’s not realistic to think there won’t be any mistakes. The system is redundant, several times over. It’s check and double checked. Errors like this one are found as a course of the normal process.

There’s just no evidence of fraud in this case.
Just saying there's no evidence is the usual defense.
Your only defense for all of the evidence that we've seen is that you can't see it.
You're starting to sound like a convict swearing to his innocence to anyone who will listen to him.
The problem is the you're in denial while everyone else seems to be seeing what's going on and asking why isn't something being done about it.
I really don't know where you get off being critical of Trump, who made his money in the private sector when you support a corrupt government that gets rich while in office.
I can criticize Trump as I see fit. Freedom baby. Trump was born rich, he got a little richer along the way, and had to do a lot of scuzzy things to get there. Defaulting on loans, pawning his debt off onto investors, defrauding his customers. I don't have a ton of respect for his business acumen.

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Your only defense for all of the evidence that we've seen is that you can't see it.
I look at as much evidence as is given. A lot of this "evidence" is vague allegations which are impossible to debunk. A lot of it already has been debunked. A lot of it is just hearsay.
I can criticize Trump as I see fit. Freedom baby. Trump was born rich, he got a little richer along the way, and had to do a lot of scuzzy things to get there. Defaulting on loans, pawning his debt off onto investors, defrauding his customers. I don't have a ton of respect for his business acumen.
Your description indicates that you are falling for a lot of propaganda. Defrauding customers ? Yeah ? Like where ? How ?

If you say Trump University, I'll fill you in on what CNN left out.
Your description indicates that you are falling for a lot of propaganda. Defrauding customers ? Yeah ? Like where ? How ?

If you say Trump University, I'll fill you in on what CNN left out.
Trump University, where he paid $25 million to settle.
I really don't know where you get off being critical of Trump, who made his money in the private sector when you support a corrupt government that gets rich while in office.
I can criticize Trump as I see fit. Freedom baby. Trump was born rich, he got a little richer along the way, and had to do a lot of scuzzy things to get there. Defaulting on loans, pawning his debt off onto investors, defrauding his customers. I don't have a ton of respect for his business acumen.
As opposed to selling us out to foreign countries, shipping our jobs to Mexico and China, selling military secrets to our enemies, arming ISIS and Iran....etc.
You seem to have an issue with someone who plays within the rules while you support someone who cheats and betrays the people of this country.
Your Bullshit is pretty rank if you ask me.
Your description indicates that you are falling for a lot of propaganda. Defrauding customers ? Yeah ? Like where ? How ?

If you say Trump University, I'll fill you in on what CNN left out.
Trump University, where he paid $25 million to settle.
How much of that do you know is true?

We do know that Biden bragged that he bribed the Ukrainians to stop investigating his coke-sniffing kid.
As opposed to selling us out to foreign countries, shipping our jobs to Mexico and China, selling military secrets to our enemies, arming ISIS and Iran....etc.
You seem to have an issue with someone who plays within the rules while you support someone who cheats and betrays the people of this country.
Your Bullshit is pretty rank if you ask me.
President's don't ship jobs to Mexico and China. Capitalists do.
I look at as much evidence as is given. A lot of this "evidence" is vague allegations which are impossible to debunk. A lot of it already has been debunked. A lot of it is just hearsay.
FALSE! "A lot" of it is clear as a bell. Thousands of prison inmates are where they are, convicted on far less than what the courts are going to her (AND SEE) this week, including dozens or witnesses from the vote reporting rooms. Brace yourself.
FALSE! "A lot" of it is clear as a bell. Thousands of prison inmates are where they are, convicted on far less than what the courts are going to her (AND SEE) this week, including dozens or witnesses from the vote reporting rooms. Brace yourself.
When it’s accurately reported, the allegations tend to fall apart. This was one such lawsuit with witnesses from the vote reporting rooms.

"Having read and considered said petition, all argument and evidence of record, including the evidence presented at the hearing, and the applicable law, the Court finds that there is no evidence that the ballots referenced in the petition were received after 7:00 p.m. on election day, thereby making those ballots invalid," Bass said in a brief, one-paragraph decision.
Your only defense for all of the evidence that we've seen is that you can't see it.
I look at as much evidence as is given. A lot of this "evidence" is vague allegations which are impossible to debunk. A lot of it already has been debunked. A lot of it is just hearsay.
Dude.....they've been finding votes all over the place that were part of a program called Domination that switches Republican votes to Democrat votes. This is official, this is not some conspiracy. Over 30 states have this program installed in their voting machines.

They waited till the dark hours on election night to stop counting until they could send hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots to Philly and Detroit....and they refused to declare Trump a winner in any state after 2am November 4th while they were calling states for Biden even before the polls closed in those states.

Not to mention that fact that they had a court order to allow poll watchers into the counting areas in Philly and refused to allow it. If they aren't hiding something why are they pulling these illegal stunts? Currently there are over 600,000 votes that are in dispute in PA that Republicans weren't allowed to view and confirm.
When it’s accurately reported, the allegations tend to fall apart. This was one such lawsuit with witnesses from the vote reporting rooms.

"Having read and considered said petition, all argument and evidence of record, including the evidence presented at the hearing, and the applicable law, the Court finds that there is no evidence that the ballots referenced in the petition were received after 7:00 p.m. on election day, thereby making those ballots invalid," Bass said in a brief, one-paragraph decision.
One lawsuit brought before a Democrat judge is meaningless. 90 witnesses being brought into court by Guilinai, is going to mean a whole lot.
So you claim that Trump defrauded customers at Trump University, do you ?

HOW do you claim he did that ?
I don’t claim it. The customers do. Trump defrauded them by promising they would be taught by his handpicked experts who would provide ongoing guidance and mentorship. This was not accurate.
FALSE! "A lot" of it is clear as a bell. Thousands of prison inmates are where they are, convicted on far less than what the courts are going to her (AND SEE) this week, including dozens or witnesses from the vote reporting rooms. Brace yourself.
When it’s accurately reported, the allegations tend to fall apart. This was one such lawsuit with witnesses from the vote reporting rooms.

"Having read and considered said petition, all argument and evidence of record, including the evidence presented at the hearing, and the applicable law, the Court finds that there is no evidence that the ballots referenced in the petition were received after 7:00 p.m. on election day, thereby making those ballots invalid," Bass said in a brief, one-paragraph decision.
Just because one crooked judge has denied their petition doesn't mean that's the end of it. Especially since this is just a story on the Hill....without a validating reference. Currently there is a recount that will be taking place in Georgia...and that will help decide who really won, not Fox News.
How much of that do you know is true?

I know what was sworn to under oath. When under oath, Trump seemed to barely have any knowledge his little venture even existed.

We do know that Biden bragged that he bribed the Ukrainians to stop investigating his coke-sniffing kid.

Actually you made that up.
Actually not. I saw it myself. They were talking about this video evidence for months during the impeachment.
Here's the video.
I dare you to watch it.

Dude.....they've been finding votes all over the place that were part of a program called Domination that switches Republican votes to Democrat votes. This is official, this is not some conspiracy. Over 30 states have this program installed in their voting machines.

They waited till the dark hours on election night to stop counting until they could send hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots to Philly and Detroit....and they refused to declare Trump a winner in any state after 2am November 4th while they were calling states for Biden even before the polls closed in those states.

Not to mention that fact that they had a court order to allow poll watchers into the counting areas in Philly and refused to allow it. If they aren't hiding something why are they pulling these illegal stunts? Currently there are over 600,000 votes that are in dispute in PA that Republicans weren't allowed to view and confirm.
These guys know there has been a mountain of election fraud, and they just don't want to admit it. They're been made comfortable by the media's IDIOTIC claims of Biden having won, and are resisting that being taken from them.

Should be interesting to see how thy will react when the courts order audit and recounts, and corrections, and Trump winds up being the declared the winner he has been all along. I suspect it's not going to be pretty. Democrat cities will probably again undergo riots, looting, arson, etc. Not my problem.

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