They're Acting As If Biden Was Elected

i think joe won this one....and trump has no one to blame but himself.....his big mouth was a big part of that.....

Yet Trump got more votes this time than last---no one cares about Trumps comments. To claim they do is hype and manipulation.
no one cares? about the many who just may have been on his side until he alienated them with his big mouth?..trump should have won this with no because of him we get kamala harris....
If you really believe that then you believe the majority of American voters are really, really stupid.
you dont think that many people dont like trump because of the way he talks about people?..and so they did not vote for him?....if you cant grasp that then you are just a big trump person....what else can i tell you?....

I heard people interviewed who voted for him, but wished he would just shut up and stop saying stupid things. If that was from his supporters...imagine what those who were more on the fence thought.
Voter stupidity. ‘Please destroy my budget and my country because that guy is rude.’
Ignorantly shallow standards.
This is bizarre. On Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, he's interviewing Pete Buttigieg, and they're talking as if Biden is actually going to be the President of the US.

EARTH TO DELUSIONISTS: Biden LOST. He's going to be nowhere but back in his mansions, enjoying all that wealth he got in from the Chinese, in return for stabbing America in the back. Trump will be resuming his work shutting down China's domination of our economy, keeping us #1 energy producer in the world. increasing funding to police departments, continuing to be the best president blacks and Hispanics have ever had, and continuing to reduce Covid mortality.

There is a problem (for them) that the Democrat scammers seemed to have strangely overlooked >>

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The Dumbocrats think the media decides who won.HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Interesting. MAGAts are now for judicial activism. Who could’ve seen that coming? :icon_rolleyes: :laughing0301:
Even when you appear to have won, you vile scum cant stop lying. Of course the reason you are, all of you, is that you are terrified Trump will pull it off.

The matter is now in the hands of the courts. The Dumbocrats fear that because they can't lie their way out of a lawsuit.
The more they gloat, the harder they fall.

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You would disenfranchise a lot of voters, including military.
the military could have voting sites on post, or on base, where they could vote

but that is the only exception I could support
Biden has won the Presidency whether you want to accept it or not. You realize the US became the no 1 energy producer under Obama not Trump. Trump is the worst President in my lifetime. If the Supreme Court thinks they can interfere, the people should make tgheir disgust known and if someone wants to burn down the Supreme Courtt building then have at it. It will be justified.
Stop lying . US became the #1 energy producer in the world under TRUMP, not Obama. That was from opening up ANWAR and the Keystone Pipeline, and lifting restrictions on oil companies and fracking.. What the hell did Obama do, other initiate some wind and solar ? You don't become # 1 from that. Are you kidding? Obama went around bowing down to the Saudis. Liberals will say anything.

And Biden is even worse. In the last debate, "Would you close down the oil industry?" Trump asked Biden. "I would transition from the oil industry," Biden said.


Shut up, FOOL. Trump is the best president in your lifetime. You're an information-deprived victim of liberal OMISSION media, airhead.

And it is now clear that you are nothing more than a scummy anarchistic, arsonist, criminal maggot. If the Supreme Court rules against the Democrat scammers, and throws them in prison where they belong, they will just be doing their job properly.

And the only thing Biden "won" is a Booby Prize for being sleazy enough to accept a "win" by cheating.


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Stop lying . US became the #1 energy producer in the world under TRUMP That was from opening up ANWAR and the Keystone Pipeline, and lifting restrictions on oil companies and fracking.. What the hell did Obama do, other initiate some wind and solar ? You don't become # 1 from that. Are you kidding? Obama went around bowing down to the Saudis. Liberals will say anything.

The US was the largest producer before Trump gave Big Oil permission to rape the environment.

how the hell does Biden unify America when 70 million crazy Trump voters are being stirred up and told their majority vote won't count?
The REAL vote counts are the current vote counts. There were no fabricated ballots just mail in votes coming in. What happened was not unespected. Trump would take a lead based on in-person voting and Biden would catch up when the nail-in ballots were counted. Florida was able to start counting their mail-in ballots weeks earlier. Thanks to Republican legislatures in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, the ballots could not be counted until after election day. The court would be appointing a President. That would firmly establish that this is a banana republic. You are no better than China as you would throw out legitimate votes.
How the hell do YOU KNOW "There were no fabricated ballots" ? You have no idea what you're talking about. Oh sure, :right: :icon_rolleyes: one minute Trump is ahead by wide margins, and the next he's suddenly behind, and you expect all of us to believe that, you moron ? Did you go into the vote counting rooms ? Did you look at the ballots ? Did you inspect them in relation to registration lists, and check them for validity ? No, no, no, and no. So :anj_stfu: you asshole.

Also, counting ballots after election day is illegal, and this is one of the things now being challenged in the courts. That's why Alito ordered Pennsylvania to stop counting and segregate out the wrongly counted ballots.

And NO, the court will NOT be appointing anybody to anything. They merely will undo the damage that has been done by your criminal scammer friends in the election reporting rooms, and hopefully put them in jail for treason.
Stop lying . US became the #1 energy producer in the world under TRUMP That was from opening up ANWAR and the Keystone Pipeline, and lifting restrictions on oil companies and fracking.. What the hell did Obama do, other initiate some wind and solar ? You don't become # 1 from that. Are you kidding? Obama went around bowing down to the Saudis. Liberals will say anything.

The US was the largest producer before Trump gave Big Oil permission to rape the environment.

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What would you suggest we do, implement the green new deal ?
So you didnt like it, America being energy independent with the cleanest air and water in several years ?
Please I want to hear your alternate solution, that wouldnt make us more reliable on other countries.
And when compared to the US, what are other countries doing about their other forms of pollution that America is not emitting ?
What would you suggest we do, implement the green new deal ?

Not quite, but we do need to do something if we want to be around in 100 years.

So you didnt like it, America being energy independent with the cleanest air and water in several years ?

Except our air isn't clean... and neither is our water.

Please I want to hear your alternate solution, that wouldnt make us more reliable on other countries.

Solar. Wind. Geothermal. Greater energy efficiency. Nuclear (gets a bad rap it doesn't deserve)

And when compared to the US, what are other countries doing about their other forms of pollution that America is not emitting ?

The Europeans are doing a great job of cutting down on their emissions. The Chinese have a lot of work to do. When I was hosting a visitor from China once, she was amazed how clean the skies above Chicago were in 2012.

Point is, the US is still one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gas. With 4% of the world's population, we are emitting 15% of greenhouse gases.

The US was the largest producer before Trump gave Big Oil permission to rape the environment.

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Fake news BULLSHIT. Oh sure, Obama made us #1 energy producer in the world and outperformed Russia and Saudi Arabia, right ? And he did that all by keeping the pipelines closed, imposing strict regulations on oil and gas producers, and concentrating on nothing but renewables, right? Right ?

Problem with liberals is they are hypnotized by links (many of which are baldfaced lies), They think if something is in print it automatically must be true. In reality, about half of what is in print ( including pretty colored graphs) is a bunch of crap - especially when it is coming from a US Dept of Energy, loaded with Obama holdovers.


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