They're Acting As If Biden Was Elected

i think joe won this one....and trump has no one to blame but himself.....his big mouth was a big part of that.....
Right, the lying cheating stealing democrats had no part in it. It's funny how we have states still "counting" their votes while most states were done on election day or the early morning after.
If repug legislatures in those states allowed vote counting when the early voting and mail in ballots began, the vote counts would have been completed on election night. The vote count process takes time.
Keep lying douche.
i think joe won this one....and trump has no one to blame but himself.....his big mouth was a big part of that.....
So Harry, you believe the Mail In Ballots are legit?
Very few Democrats believe the Mail In Ballots are legit, make up all the dumb excuses you can, but when it comes down to it, the whole world knows they cheated...
We need individuals such as yourself to stay above water, don’t give up and drown in the same disbelief the media has feed our liberal friends...
if they are legit yes.....if not no.....there are lots of problems that can arise with mail in ballots...
i think joe won this one....and trump has no one to blame but himself.....his big mouth was a big part of that.....

Yet Trump got more votes this time than last---no one cares about Trumps comments. To claim they do is hype and manipulation.
no one cares? about the many who just may have been on his side until he alienated them with his big mouth?..trump should have won this with no because of him we get kamala harris....
If you really believe that then you believe the majority of American voters are really, really stupid.
you dont think that many people dont like trump because of the way he talks about people?..and so they did not vote for him?....if you cant grasp that then you are just a big trump person....what else can i tell you?....
you dont think that many people dont like trump because of the way he talks about people?..and so they did not vote for him?....if you cant grasp that then you are just a big trump person....what else can i tell you?....
He doesn't talk about people any worse than they talk about him, and not as bad as many people in this thread do. And they way he talks about people has a good reason > because they DESERVE IT.
you dont think that many people dont like trump because of the way he talks about people?..and so they did not vote for him?....if you cant grasp that then you are just a big trump person....what else can i tell you?....
He doesn't talk about people any worse than they talk about him, and not as bad as many people in this thread do. And they way he talks about people has a good reason > because they DESERVE IT.
we can talk about this till the cows come home.....many people who may have backed trump did not like the way he conducted himself,they thought he was an asshole....thats the way it was and trump has no one to blame about that but himself...what else can i tell you?......
You're the kind of scum tearing us apart.
Go on. Tell me how I’m tearing us apart. I want to know so that I can stop tearing us apart.
Here's what might be an example >

August 29, 2020 in >Racial realities

You said :

"Trump’s entire campaign is founded on victimhood and is at the source of his popular appeal. China and Mexico take our jobs. Europe is using us for defense. Liberals are stealing the election.

I’m not labeling, I’m describing, accurately. "

Well, so what if Trump is pointing about China and Mexico stealing our jobs. He's right. They have been doing that. And yes, we have been victimized. He's also right about Europe using us for defense. They have been, and only because of Trump's pressure, are they now paying more into NATO. And now, absolutely, liberals are stealing the election. No doubt.

And in all 3 cases, we the American people have been the victim. So why do you frame these as if Trump's campaign is saying something wrong ? Isn't that tearing us apart without any real cause for that ?
But why was the country divided when he left?
He was a race riot instigator. He was ISIS-friendly. He did catch & release of illegal aliens, harming US workers. He supported gun free zones, which got people killed. He supported Nidal Hasan, who killed 13 US Army soldiers in Fort Hood, TX. Some examples.
That's what the Democrat scammers in the vote counting rooms are trying to do. They won't get away with it.
Nope. Those people counting votes are honest hard working Americans and your attack on their character is disgusting.


Democrats are the party of infanticide, socialism, government control, smashing Free Speech rights, giving free stuff to illegal aliens, and now they are the party of mobs in the streets burning and destroying cities. See the burning cities and torn down statues, and you see the democrat party world. Mobs.

Republicans are the party of Traditional Values, Liberty and freedom. Donald Trump gave us the lowest unemployment rates since John F Kennedy until the virus hit, and now Democrats are trying to keep the virus going because they are so evil they are happy to destroy the economy simply to defeat Trump. That’s right. Masks and continued shutdowns are a joke, based totally on fear. There is a 0.04 death rate for Corona. People have more chance of dying from the Flu.

A totalitarian socialist state of mobs is what the Democrats offer, and liberty and freedom and jobs-not-mobs is what Trump offers.

I’m not asking for proof. I’m asking for your opinion. Don’t you think we should listen to each other’s opinion if we are to heal the country?
I think the country is beyond healing. "Healing" from what ? You can't heal fundamental ideological differences. Democrats should be one country. Republicans another country.
Having both in the same country is ridiculous.
Each voter has to request a ballot

but I want to end all absentee ballots and make voters show up on person
I agree 100%. Years ago, it was that way, and there were no problems, having mail-in ballots is an invitation to fraud.
NPR spent half the day covering pro Biden celebrations throughout the nation and I never once heard them
mention the fact that this matter is not settled and Joe Biden will not be president until he survives massive challenges in court.

They even brought in Bush lackey Alberto Gonzales, piously stating Trump should resign immediately for the
good of the country. Too bad his boss didn't take that same advice when Al Gore and the Florida Supreme
Court tried to steal the election from him. So ironic!
Every MSM TV channel is talking as if Biden has won the election. They seem to think they can make it happen, by acting like it's happening. Fact is, we are nowhere near resolving this election.

If I were betting, my bet would be on Trump coming out on top, not Biden. Why not ? Trump is who got the most votes to get the most electoral votes.
ctly what happened in all of the states in question except for Nevada.
OK, but there are hundreds of thousands of ballots being reported as voted for Biden which were NOT REQUESTED by anybody. Let's watch the litigation this week with dozens of vote counters and supervisors testifying to this. Guiliani has 90 of them in Pennsylvania alone.
What I think is that the Republican revolution in the mid 90s took the moderate Republicans and pushed them farther and farther away from the country. Gingrich is most responsible for this. He started us down this path of tribalism where neither side really listens to the other. Our regions are separate. Our media is separate. We are starting to live in two vastly different realities.
Which is exactly why >>>

i think joe won this one....and trump has no one to blame but himself.....his big mouth was a big part of that.....

Yet Trump got more votes this time than last---no one cares about Trumps comments. To claim they do is hype and manipulation.
no one cares? about the many who just may have been on his side until he alienated them with his big mouth?..trump should have won this with no because of him we get kamala harris....
If you really believe that then you believe the majority of American voters are really, really stupid.
you dont think that many people dont like trump because of the way he talks about people?..and so they did not vote for him?....if you cant grasp that then you are just a big trump person....what else can i tell you?....
That’s my point. If people are willing to allow personality to trump policy then they are stupid.

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