They're Acting As If Biden Was Elected

i think joe won this one....and trump has no one to blame but himself.....his big mouth was a big part of that.....
So Harry, you believe the Mail In Ballots are legit?
Very few Democrats believe the Mail In Ballots are legit, make up all the dumb excuses you can, but when it comes down to it, the whole world knows they cheated...
We need individuals such as yourself to stay above water, don’t give up and drown in the same disbelief the media has feed our liberal friends...
It's the democrats who done this.
Look at the cases. With no exception that I know of, Democratic Party lawsuits are to expand access to voting. Republican Party lawsuits are to limit it.

Are Republicans afraid of the people?
This is bizarre. On Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, he's interviewing Pete Buttigieg, and they're talking as if Biden is actually going to be the President of the US.

EARTH TO DELUSIONISTS: Biden LOST. He's going to be nowhere but back in his mansions, enjoying all that wealth he got in from the Chinese, in return for stabbing America in the back. Trump will be resuming his work shutting down China's domination of our economy, keeping us #1 energy producer in the world. increasing funding to police departments, continuing to be the best president blacks and Hispanics have ever had, and continuing to reduce Covid mortality.

There is a problem (for them) that the Democrat scammers seemed to have strangely overlooked >>

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So you think that because Trump stacked the Supremes that they will bail him out no matter what legal nonsense they are confronted with? :cuckoo:

first he didn't stack anything he filled the positions as they come open stacking would be expanding the numbers on the court like the democrats want to do.
Did you expect him to put some one like barney frank on the court or Reverend AL cocaine Sharpton ? In the past when positions came open liberal president put liberal justices in place as was their choice to do , same for Trump so get over it the court was very liberal for a long time was that also stacking ? No it was not.

Next no they will not take trumps side but will take the side of the law, its almost a give the court wants nothing to do with the election.
blow hole Joe will be our next President but Trump has the right just as Clinton or Joe would to contest some alleged practices that took place that may be fraud, they will not not change the results however because they were very limited and only in a few areas, mostly committed by individuals .

This goes on in most Presidential elections to some extent and is not a big thing unlike how the mob helped Kennedy win in a couple statesback in the day.
Look at the cases. With no exception that I know of, Democratic Party lawsuits are to expand access to voting. Republican Party lawsuits are to limit it.


Expand access my ass. They expanded the LAWS and used the COURTS to do it. And, it is unconstitutional.
Expand access my ass. They expanded the LAWS and used the COURTS to do it. And, it is unconstitutional.
You accused the left of using the courts to silence people when the opposite is true.
This is bizarre. On Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, he's interviewing Pete Buttigieg, and they're talking as if Biden is actually going to be the President of the US.

EARTH TO DELUSIONISTS: Biden LOST. He's going to be nowhere but back in his mansions, enjoying all that wealth he got in from the Chinese, in return for stabbing America in the back. Trump will be resuming his work shutting down China's domination of our economy, keeping us #1 energy producer in the world. increasing funding to police departments, continuing to be the best president blacks and Hispanics have ever had, and continuing to reduce Covid mortality.

There is a problem (for them) that the Democrat scammers seemed to have strangely overlooked >>

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Biden was elected. Get over it, crybaby. Republicans are such pathetic sore losers lol
The Senile Pedophile, Quid Pro Hoe, China Joe will never sit in The Oval Office

Fraudster, Illegitimate Joe Hitler will not be allowed in the The Sacred White House.

The DemNazis have lost control of Congress.

After the fraud lawsuits are over, Joe will never be president.

President Trump will have a Super Majority.

Pray for President Trump and Pray for The Republic.
In all of these cases they went around the state legislatures and straight to the courts. Is that not silencing the state legislatures?!?
The state legislatures are not the people. They are the government and we are the governed.
i think joe won this one....and trump has no one to blame but himself.....his big mouth was a big part of that.....

Yet Trump got more votes this time than last---no one cares about Trumps comments. To claim they do is hype and manipulation.
no one cares? about the many who just may have been on his side until he alienated them with his big mouth?..trump should have won this with no because of him we get kamala harris....
If you really believe that then you believe the majority of American voters are really, really stupid.
Are you saying we should get rid of state legislatures and just have the courts? They represent the people who elected them, the courts do not.
Government needs to be responsible to the citizens through elections. Let the people’s voice be heard. Republicans are the ones trying to squash it.
If they are fake ballots they should be thrown out

actually as I have been explaining to several other libs here the election fraud my be a fiat accompli in that so many mail-in ballots for trump were alleged to be unreadable by the machine and were transcribed by democrat poll workers for biden instead of trump

but no doubt the original ballots have been burned by now so it cant be proven
There aren’t fake ballots. The security systems in the election are robust and taking a ballot is extremely difficult.

There are a lot of conspiracy theories going around on the internet that just aren’t true.
The mail-in ballots were a godsend to democrats who want to cheat

in previous elections they had to pay convicted felons to go around to polling places pretending to be someone else

thats why dems were so opposed to picture IDs

but mass mail ballots filled out by anyone solved that problem
Mail-in ballots are not cheating.
IMO, Trump's biggest mistake was to denigrate the mail-in vote to his followers. I wonder how many never got to the polls on election day, when they could have been mail-ins for Trump?

Some of the punditry say he did that deliberately so that the day-of votes would be counted first, so he'd build up a count lead, so it would LOOK LIKE that lead was being "taken away" when the mail vote count came in. After all he told them not to use the mail and being the "yes-master-we-hear-and-obey" types, they did just that.

Frankly I think that assumes way too much craft on his part. I think he just wanted to suppress the mail vote period. That's what Louis deJoy was there for. It worked about as well as his casinos, his airline, the USFL and the vitamins where you mail in your pee.

--- which by the way apparently means Rump thinks the US postal service, best in the world, is perfectly OK to use to mail urine samples to put money in his pocket, yet is totally unreliable for something like votes. Which also means it could never be used for important stuff like, oh.... paying bills.... driver's licenses.... voter registration cards...

Colin Jost made a similar point about a different dynamic --- four years ago Rump started whining and whining that "three million illegals" came in and voted and that's the only reason he LOST the popular vote. This year he'll lose it by five million, which, by his own logic means Rump let in two million MORE illegals than O'bama did, and they voted against him too.

Nuttin' like painting yourself into the proverbial corner.
Exactly. LET the people's voices be heard. The PEOPLE'S voices are not heard when you change the laws/rules in the ninth inning using the courts
Hell yes they are when the courts expand the ability for the people to vote.
i think joe won this one....and trump has no one to blame but himself.....his big mouth was a big part of that.....
Right, the lying cheating stealing democrats had no part in it. It's funny how we have states still "counting" their votes while most states were done on election day or the early morning after.
If repug legislatures in those states allowed vote counting when the early voting and mail in ballots began, the vote counts would have been completed on election night. The vote count process takes time.

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