They're Acting As If Biden Was Elected

None other than the media is setting up this nation for a giant explosion of anger and frustrated rage when it
consistently refers to Joe Biden as the winner of the presidential race, never once balancing out that misreporting of facts by reporting the election is being contested in court.

And they know exactly what they are doing. They are playing a deadly and dangerous game.
Biden is NOT the president and they should stop feeding that misconception.

Correct. Biden is not the President. He's the President-elect. He becomes the President January 20th. At high noon.

He'll even give Rump a ride.


It's great that Jimmy Carter lived long enough to see this moment. He'll be there.
This is bizarre. On Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, he's interviewing Pete Buttigieg, and they're talking as if Biden is actually going to be the President of the US.

EARTH TO DELUSIONISTS: Biden LOST. He's going to be nowhere but back in his mansions, enjoying all that wealth he got in from the Chinese, in return for stabbing America in the back. Trump will be resuming his work shutting down China's domination of our economy, keeping us #1 energy producer in the world. increasing funding to police departments, continuing to be the best president blacks and Hispanics have ever had, and continuing to reduce Covid mortality.

There is a problem (for them) that the Democrat scammers seemed to have strangely overlooked >>

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It sounds like you are suggesting that these justices will act in a biased fashion for the "Republican." Let's see how that works out for you.

Dunno why he posts wank-pics of The Supremes. They have nothing to do with how states run their elections.

As if Roberts and Alito, etc. want their legacies to be tarnished by overturning an election in favor of a known traitor.
He is. And there's no guarantee the SC will hear ANY case Trump and his mobsters decide they want to drag in front of them.
The 2000 election ended up there because of one state and a few hundred contested ballots.
Not a half dozen states and about 250K votes. Trump's margin in MI, WI, and PA was barely 77,000 votes....and no Democrat
claimed the election was "rigged".

Sour grapes. Enjoy.
Look like you must have been watching CNN or MSNBC. Poor information deprived victim of liberal OMISSION and liberal LYING media, here are the CORRECT numbers

As of Wedsnday Nov 4, 4:00 AM (before the sudden avalanche of fabricated Biden votes got maliciously dumped in), Trump was (and still is) ahead by these numbers (first three digits zeroed just for simplification) (ABC News) >>

Michigan - 72% counted
Trump 53% (2,165K)
Biden 45% (1,857K)

Wisconsin - 83% counted
Trump 51% (1,529K)
Biden 47% (1,420K)

Pennsylvania -74% counted
Trump 56% (2,964K)
Biden 43% (2,286K)

Georgia - 92% counted
Trump 50% (2,381K)
Biden 48% (2,279K)

North Carolina - 95% counted
Trump 50% (2,732K)
Biden 49% (2,655K)

There were no fabricated Biden votes. That is simply the point where the mail-in votes started being counted. These are legitimate votes. You want to disenfranchise voters because your guy is ahead.
The only way Trump wins the electoral college is if he silences the will of the people.
That's what the Democrat scammers in the vote counting rooms are trying to do. They won't get away with it.

These are not Democrat scammers. They are hardworking people who are doing their job. Slimy gatbage like you will attack anyone just to get what you want.
Nope. Those people counting votes are honest hard working Americans and your attack on their character is disgusting.
Nope. Those people are the lowest form of creature scum in America, destroying our precious democracy, and you are just as disgusting as they are, for defending them. They will be caught, exposed, arrested, convicted and imprisoned. Guiliani has 90 witnesses ready to testify against them, just in Pennsylvania alone. They bit off more than they could chew, and are in big trouble now.
Rudy the Ghoul???

Yet you had no problem doing it for 4 years. Go figure.
I didn’t. When someone wants to demonize minorities, gay people, different religions, I’ll call them scum because that’s what they are.

I tolerate a lot but not intolerance.
He was manufactured by the media.
Bullshit. He was the first president honest enough to tell people what it’s like to be different. These are some pretty hard truths. That apparently didn’t sit well.

Dude was a genuine person.

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