They're Acting As If Biden Was Elected

This is bizarre. On Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, he's interviewing Pete Buttigieg, and they're talking as if Biden is actually going to be the President of the US.

EARTH TO DELUSIONISTS: Biden LOST. He's going to be nowhere but back in his mansions, enjoying all that wealth he got in from the Chinese, in return for stabbing America in the back. Trump will be resuming his work shutting down China's domination of our economy, keeping us #1 energy producer in the world. increasing funding to police departments, continuing to be the best president blacks and Hispanics have ever had, and continuing to reduce Covid mortality.

There is a problem (for them) that the Democrat scammers seemed to have strangely overlooked >>

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It!s a communication device the Demmies use frequently called the "Self-fulfulling Prophecy." You push for something you wish for, and a percentage of naive people will believe it. It suits their desires,so it's push the lie, push the lie, and push the lie. You can probably see this crap pushed on a second by second blather on the fake it media, because they know that you probably won't figure their tarnished device for what it really is. If you have a kid in college, have them take a course that parallels "Communications 101." Get their book. Read it. Then you, too will know the bullshit the Demmies push. It will seem outlandish to you if you grew up with American values.
Sounds about right. Dems are the snake oil salesman of the 21st century.

Gateway pundit is not a valid source, because they are KNOWN for creating and producing fake news and have failed numerous fact checks from various fact checkers.

Also, there are so many checks and balances in election law and processes, that catch things like ballots being thrown out of Trump' s.... like, you can't have ballots missing.... that came from absentee mail in.... the number of envelopes accepted, has to match the number of ballots counted....

This story about 500,000 ballots for Trump thrown out...dumped, is simply not true....
Gateway Pundit is "KNOWN" AMONG LIBERALS for producing fake news (ACCORDING TO LIBERALS) and have failed (ACCORDING TO LIBERALS) numerous fact checks from various (LIBERAL) fact checkers. Ho hum. Yawn*****

Just another wave of the INVALIDATION CARD. Let us know when you're ready to discuss the CONTENT that you think you can brush away with your invalidation card. And aren't you the same one who thought he could just wave the INVALIDATION CARD, and 9 links I posted about illegal aliens voting, could just disappear into the dust ?

Sorry boys, your INVALIDATION CARD died out long ago. Now, in order to refute a post or link, you have to address the CONTENT inside that link. Proper names of people, their political offices, their departments, specific programs, the specific functions of those programs, what they've done, what they didn't do. Get it ?

And you also can't get away with just saying that you read the link. We know you didn't.

There might be a QUIZ! :biggrin:
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Tip for future: next time get the evidence FIRST --- THEN say you have something. Wishful thinking accompanied by four dollars and thirty-eight cents, will get you an overpriced Starbucks coffee.
So just telling you that this thread is overflowing with evidence of voter fraud, posted by me et al, isn't enough huh? You have to have it posted each and every time you come in here with your idiotic blabbers about evidence allegedly lacking, LOL

I ask again. IS there a doctor in the house ? I won't cite all the posts where the evidence (including videos) is posted. It's your job to read the thread, and know what you're talking about, and not lie. Now be a good little boy and go do your job, but I'll a throw a few more in anyway, just for the hell of it, and then wait for you to come back and rant some more about no evidence being shown. PHEEEEEEEW!!!!! Hurry doctor!

Wave your INVALIDATION card if you like. :laugh:

California2020Louis WiseCriminal ConvictionBuying Votes, Ballot Petition Fraud
California2020Christopher WilliamsCriminal ConvictionBuying Votes, Ballot Petition Fraud
California2020Nickey HuntleyCriminal ConvictionBuying Votes, Ballot Petition Fraud
California2020Jentry JaspersonCriminal ConvictionBallot Petition Fraud
California2020Bradley JaspersonCriminal ConvictionBallot Petition Fraud
California2020Norman HallCriminal ConvictionBallot Petition Fraud
California2020April AtilanoCriminal ConvictionFalse Registrations
California2020Richard HowardCriminal ConvictionBuying Votes, Ballot Petition Fraud
California2019Gustavo Araujo LermaCriminal ConvictionIneligible Voting
California2019Richard DavisCriminal ConvictionFalse Registrations
California2019Gustavo Araujo LermaCriminal ConvictionIneligible Voting
California2018Richard HowardCriminal ConvictionBallot Petition Fraud
California2017Sam FantCriminal ConvictionFalse Registrations
California2017Ashley Drain HamptonCriminal ConvictionFalse Registrations
California2017Alexander BronsonCriminal ConvictionFalse Registrations
Because he was elected. The sooner you accept it, the sooner you can move on.
"Move on"! Move on from WHAT ? The coronation of Quid Pro Quo Joe by the media. There's nothing to move on from ?

The election is still in well in progress, and right now it is heading Donald Trump's way at about 90 MPH. :biggrin:
Poor, deranged, senile gramps. You've already been caught lying about that edited video, stripping out the context of what he actually said. It's sad to see old folks like you get to be so demented in your senior years. Again, here's what President-elect Biden actually said...

@ 18:40 (your out of context portion in red)​

But one of the things that I think is most important is those who haven’t voted yet, first of all go to to make a plan exactly how you’re going to vote, where you’re going to vote, when you’re going to vote. Because it can get complicated, because the Republicans are doing everything they can to make it harder for people to vote — particularly people of color — to vote. So go to
Secondly, we’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for our administration — President Obama’s administration before this — we have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics. What the president is trying to do is discourage people from voting by implying that their vote won’t be counted, it can’t be counted, we’re going to challenge it and all these things. If enough people vote, it’s going to overwhelm the system.
You see what’s happening now, you guys know it as well as I do, you see the long, long lines and early voting. You see the millions of people who have already cast a ballot. And so, don’t be intimidated. If in fact you have any, any problem go to — and I don’t have the number but it’s 833-DEM-VOTE… Call that number. We have over a thousand lawyers, over a thousand of them, they’ll answer the phone, if you think there’s any challenge to your voting. Go to 833-DEM-VOTE, dial those letters on your phone. That will get you the assistance that we have already put in place.

In reality, from which you're divorced, President-elect Biden says they have to fight fraud, not to perpetrate it, as you dishonestly claim. Your lies are the same as when Obama (Peace be with him) also promoted and you freaks pulled the same stunt, playing an edited clip from that interview with Gina Rodriguez, to make it sound like he was telling illegal aliens to vote; when in fact, he was telling them they can't vote, but you freaks edited that part out.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to post.

You really want to post that video here, do you ? Sheeesh! I'd be here all day pointing out all the FALSE BS in it. Right from the beginning one guy claims "false accusations" about Hunter Biden. Oh no, his CEFC junk is just all over his laptops, that the stooge left hanging for the whole world to see, that's all.

Then Biden starts off, in response to a question about his and Trump's kids, with this funny gaffe >> "Look, I'm running as Donald Trump, not his children." Huh ? This guy gets more "Huh? questions than Yogi Berra. Another high-pitched whistle.

And oh yes, what respectable liberal post on voting, could ever show up without the age-old "Republicans are doing everything they can to make it harder for people to vote — particularly people of color — to vote." ? Note the minority race pander, that has to be included for liberals to feel fulfilled. and what the hell is "people of color" anyway ?
Makes me wonder if I'm supposed to be in that category. My paternal grandparents were both immigrants from British Honduras, and both spoke Spanish, which I learned from them. My mother was an immigrant also - from Denmark. So I'm 50% Hispanic ?
A person of color ? Oh wait a minute, My paternal grandFATHER immigrated from te island of Corsica to British Honduras, before immigrating to the US. So is he really Central American then. And am I just 25% person of color, with the other 75% Danish and French-Italian ? I guess according to liberals would be one of their "people of color". Yeah, I suppose for them, the more people of color they can stuff into their ballotboxes (required to be Democrat), the better for them.

So now, you dishonestly claim that I am dishonestly claiming that Democrats are perpetrating election fraud, which you know damn well, is true, and this very thread is overflowing with evidence of it, including the Biden video I posted, which your big bad CONTEXT (another liberal favorite catch-phrase) did absolutely nothing to change or dispell what I said. The Biden quote is the same edited or not. Either way he has said (even referring to the Obama administration) "we have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics."

Yeah, it looks like the Democrats have done just that, indeed. But problem for them, it is all unravelling right now. 4 MORE YEARS. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

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Come on libs. Come on, man! Give us some CONTENT. :)

I gave 9 links on illegal voting in Post # 542. I haven't heard one word to refute them. Did you read them ? There could be a QUIZ.

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Tip for future: next time get the evidence FIRST --- THEN say you have something. Wishful thinking accompanied by four dollars and thirty-eight cents, will get you an overpriced Starbucks coffee.
So just telling you that this thread is overflowing with evidence of voter fraud, posted by me et al, isn't enough huh? You have to have it posted each and every time you come in here with your idiotic blabbers about evidence allegedly lacking, LOL

I ask again. IS there a doctor in the house ? I won't cite all the posts where the evidence (including videos) is posted. It's your job to read the thread, and know what you're talking about, and not lie. Now be a good little boy and go do your job, but I'll a throw a few more in anyway, just for the hell of it, and then wait for you to come back and rant some more about no evidence being shown. PHEEEEEEEW!!!!! Hurry doctor!

Wave your INVALIDATION card if you like. :laugh:

California2020Louis WiseCriminal ConvictionBuying Votes, Ballot Petition Fraud
California2020Christopher WilliamsCriminal ConvictionBuying Votes, Ballot Petition Fraud
California2020Nickey HuntleyCriminal ConvictionBuying Votes, Ballot Petition Fraud
California2020Jentry JaspersonCriminal ConvictionBallot Petition Fraud
California2020Bradley JaspersonCriminal ConvictionBallot Petition Fraud
California2020Norman HallCriminal ConvictionBallot Petition Fraud
California2020April AtilanoCriminal ConvictionFalse Registrations
California2020Richard HowardCriminal ConvictionBuying Votes, Ballot Petition Fraud
California2019Gustavo Araujo LermaCriminal ConvictionIneligible Voting
California2019Richard DavisCriminal ConvictionFalse Registrations
California2019Gustavo Araujo LermaCriminal ConvictionIneligible Voting
California2018Richard HowardCriminal ConvictionBallot Petition Fraud
California2017Sam FantCriminal ConvictionFalse Registrations
California2017Ashley Drain HamptonCriminal ConvictionFalse Registrations
California2017Alexander BronsonCriminal ConvictionFalse Registrations
Senile poster, none of those from the heritage foundation have anything to do with this election. :eusa_doh:
Poor, deranged, senile gramps. You've already been caught lying about that edited video, stripping out the context of what he actually said. It's sad to see old folks like you get to be so demented in your senior years. Again, here's what President-elect Biden actually said...

@ 18:40 (your out of context portion in red)​

But one of the things that I think is most important is those who haven’t voted yet, first of all go to to make a plan exactly how you’re going to vote, where you’re going to vote, when you’re going to vote. Because it can get complicated, because the Republicans are doing everything they can to make it harder for people to vote — particularly people of color — to vote. So go to
Secondly, we’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for our administration — President Obama’s administration before this — we have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics. What the president is trying to do is discourage people from voting by implying that their vote won’t be counted, it can’t be counted, we’re going to challenge it and all these things. If enough people vote, it’s going to overwhelm the system.
You see what’s happening now, you guys know it as well as I do, you see the long, long lines and early voting. You see the millions of people who have already cast a ballot. And so, don’t be intimidated. If in fact you have any, any problem go to — and I don’t have the number but it’s 833-DEM-VOTE… Call that number. We have over a thousand lawyers, over a thousand of them, they’ll answer the phone, if you think there’s any challenge to your voting. Go to 833-DEM-VOTE, dial those letters on your phone. That will get you the assistance that we have already put in place.

In reality, from which you're divorced, President-elect Biden says they have to fight fraud, not to perpetrate it, as you dishonestly claim. Your lies are the same as when Obama (Peace be with him) also promoted and you freaks pulled the same stunt, playing an edited clip from that interview with Gina Rodriguez, to make it sound like he was telling illegal aliens to vote; when in fact, he was telling them they can't vote, but you freaks edited that part out.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to post.

You really want to post that video here, do you ? Sheeesh! I'd be here all day pointing out all the FALSE BS in it. Right from the beginning one guy claims "false accusations" about Hunter Biden. Oh no, his CEFC junk is just all over his laptops, that the stooge left hanging for the whole world to see, that's all.

Then Biden starts off, in response to a question about his and Trump's kids, with this funny gaffe >> "Look, I'm running as Donald Trump, not his children." Huh ? This guy gets more "Huh? questions than Yogi Berra. Another high-pitched whistle.

And oh yes, what respectable liberal post on voting, could ever show up without the age-old "Republicans are doing everything they can to make it harder for people to vote — particularly people of color — to vote." ? Note the minority race pander, that has to be included for liberals to feel fulfilled. and what the hell is "people of color" anyway ?
Makes me wonder if I'm supposed to be in that category. My paternal grandparents were both immigrants from British Honduras, and both spoke Spanish, which I learned from them. My mother was an immigrant also - from Denmark. So I'm 50% Hispanic ?
A person of color ? Oh wait a minute, My paternal grandFATHER immigrated from te island of Corsica to British Honduras, before immigrating to the US. So is he really Central American then. And am I just 25% person of color, with the other 75% Danish and French-Italian ? I guess according to liberals would be one of their "people of color". Yeah, I suppose for them, the more people of color they can stuff into their ballotboxes (required to be Democrat), the better for them.

So now, you dishonestly claim that I am dishonestly claiming that Democrats are perpetrating election fraud, which you know damn well, is true, and this very thread is overflowing with evidence of it, including the Biden video I posted, which your big bad CONTEXT (another liberal favorite catch-phrase) did absolutely nothing to change or dispell what I said. The Biden quote is the same edited or not. Either way he has said (even referring to the Obama administration) "we have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics."

Yeah, it looks like the Democrats have done just that, indeed. But problem for them, it is all unravelling right now. 4 MORE YEARS. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Poor, senile gramps, nothing in your diatribe excuses the fact that you posted an edited video of President-elect Biden to make it appear he was promoting voter fraud; when in fact, watching the unedited version reveals he was actually promoting a website setup to fight voter fraud.

You once again reveal about yourself how you have to lie to make a point because neither truth nor reality are on your side.
Senile poster, none of those from the heritage foundation have anything to do with this election. :eusa_doh:
All voting fraud has to do with this election. The Heritage Foundation's list of 2020s and the previous years too. And how much of the HF link did you see ? I only posted one state - California. There are 49 others in the website.
Poor, senile gramps, nothing in your diatribe excuses the fact that you posted an edited video of President-elect Biden to make it appear he was promoting voter fraud; when in fact, watching the unedited version reveals he was actually promoting a website setup to fight voter fraud.

You once again reveal about yourself how you have to lie to make a point because neither truth nor reality are on your side.
No, it does not reveal that at all, except in your pathologically subjective mind. Of course, with the confusing way that Biden puts his words together, often one struggles just to understand what the hell he's talking about. That's for people who speak English. Now think about the possibility of things going VERY wrong in the translations to foreign leaders.

If he were to become president, this would become a serious liability for America, if not a dangerous one.

As for truth and reality, aren't you one of the guys who's still asking for evidence of voter fraud, and of illegal aliens voting. :laugh:
Senile poster, none of those from the heritage foundation have anything to do with this election. :eusa_doh:
All voting fraud has to do with this election. The Heritage Foundation's list of 2020s and the previous years too. And how much of the HF link did you see ? I only posted one state - California. There are 49 others in the website.

Dumbfuck, none of the fraud listed in Heritage Foundation's database occurred in this election. Not one. It can't because their database contains convictions and there has been only one so far and it's not in their database yet.

You would have known this if you weren't senile.

Poor, senile gramps, nothing in your diatribe excuses the fact that you posted an edited video of President-elect Biden to make it appear he was promoting voter fraud; when in fact, watching the unedited version reveals he was actually promoting a website setup to fight voter fraud.

You once again reveal about yourself how you have to lie to make a point because neither truth nor reality are on your side.
No, it does not reveal that at all, except in your pathologically subjective mind. Of course, with the confusing way that Biden puts his words together, often one struggles just to understand what the hell he's talking about. That's for people who speak English. Now think about the possibility of things going VERY wrong in the translations to foreign leaders.

If he were to become president, this would become a serious liability for America, if not a dangerous one.

As for truth and reality, aren't you one of the guys who's still asking for evidence of voter fraud, and of illegal aliens voting. :laugh:
Dumbfuck, if you weren't so senile, then you would have posted the entire video and not the selectively edited one you did post. The entire video reveals you're out of your mind. :cuckoo:
OP is actually trying to pass off Hateway Plunder as a "NEWS SOURCE"?

Isn't that telling. Desperation strikes deep.
Go ahead and wave your little invalidation card. And when you're ready to discuss specific CONTENT from a NEWS SOURCE, let us know, but we won't hold our breath.
INVALIDATION is hard-wired into liberals. Ho hum. Yawn**** :slap:

"Specific content"?
Your link's source is a FUCKING TWITTER POST, Dumbass.
Trump supporters seek the truth at 'Stop the Steal' rallies in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and California

"Specific content"?
Your link's source is a FUCKING TWITTER POST, Dumbass.
I don't care if it's Twitter or Twootter. The link says 500 ballots were dumped. You got any evidence to say they weren't, or is all you can do is question if they were ? If I don't know for sure, neither do you.

Note that in general, you and other libs in this forum rely heavily on the invalidation card as if that would be enough, with no attachment to content of links, (wherever it's coming from) Yes, that's the word I said CONTENT, Mr Invalidation Card.
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How did anyone know they were Trump ballots? Absentee ballots are secret ballots, in an envelope.....sealed.

And truly, using a link from a 19 year old who created your linked web site... 2 years ago, is not considered a valid source.

Twitter is also, not a valid source.

Gateway pundit is not a valid source, because they are KNOWN for creating and producing fake news and have failed numerous fact checks from various fact checkers.

Also, there are so many checks and balances in election law and processes, that catch things like ballots being thrown out of Trump' s.... like, you can't have ballots missing.... that came from absentee mail in.... the number of envelopes accepted, has to match the number of ballots counted....

This story about 500,000 ballots for Trump thrown out...dumped, is simply not true....
Why are you quoting my post which has one link from, and you're talking to me about Gateway Pundit ? It has sub-source of Twitter, not Gateway Pundit.

You also cite "This story about 500,000 ballots for Trump thrown out...dumped", but in the post you quoted, thepalmierireport link is talking about just 500 ballots. Are you mixing up different posts ?

And I don't care if a post refers to Twitter or Gateway Pundit or any other source (which you are trained to invalidate), I look at what is being said and evaluate the content. I suspect that you et al in this thread do not even LOOK at the content of articles being linked, and instead just toss out your invalidation card thinking that will be enough.
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Dumbfuck, none of the fraud listed in Heritage Foundation's database occurred in this election. Not one. It can't because their database contains convictions and there has been only one so far and it's not in their database yet.

You would have known this if you weren't senile.
If you weren't so young and impetuous, Mr Gotcha, you'd take stock of the first sentence in the post you quoted. "All voting fraud has to do with this election." Any voting fraud shows that it is a common crime, and not something to be doubted, with constant lame yammerings about evidence, which is now so abundant we can hardly keep track of it all. Just all the ones posted in this thread are numerous , yet a drop in the bucket of what's out there, with more being found and adding up every day.

PS - every time you mention the word "senile", guess who most people immediately think of ....HA HA.
Poor, senile gramps, nothing in your diatribe excuses the fact that you posted an edited video of President-elect Biden to make it appear he was promoting voter fraud; when in fact, watching the unedited version reveals he was actually promoting a website setup to fight voter fraud.

You once again reveal about yourself how you have to lie to make a point because neither truth nor reality are on your side.
No, it does not reveal that at all, except in your pathologically subjective mind. Of course, with the confusing way that Biden puts his words together, often one struggles just to understand what the hell he's talking about. That's for people who speak English. Now think about the possibility of things going VERY wrong in the translations to foreign leaders.

If he were to become president, this would become a serious liability for America, if not a dangerous one.

As for truth and reality, aren't you one of the guys who's still asking for evidence of voter fraud, and of illegal aliens voting. :laugh:
Dumbfuck, if you weren't so senile, then you would have posted the entire video and not the selectively edited one you did post. The entire video reveals you're out of your mind. :cuckoo:
Your excessive zeal indicates you aren't ready for this forum.


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Dumbfuck, none of the fraud listed in Heritage Foundation's database occurred in this election. Not one. It can't because their database contains convictions and there has been only one so far and it's not in their database yet.

You would have known this if you weren't senile.
If you weren't so young and impetuous, Mr Gotcha, you'd take stock of the first sentence in the post you quoted. "All voting fraud has to do with this election." Any voting fraud shows that it is a common crime, and not something to be doubted, with constant lame yammerings about evidence, which is now so abundant we can hardly keep track of it all. Just all the ones posted in this thread are numerous , yet a drop in the bucket of what's out there, with more being found and adding up every day.

PS - every time you mention the word "senile", guess who most people immediately think of ....HA HA.
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"All voting fraud has to do with this election." Any voting fraud shows that it is a common crime, and not something to be doubted, with constant lame yammerings about evidence, which is now so abundant we can hardly keep track of it all."

"Common??" "Abundant??"

You once again show the forum just how senile you are, gramps. :cuckoo:

The Heritage Foundation's database, to which YOU referred, contains about 1300 known cases of election fraud going back to 1982. That's out of some 1.5 billion votes cast since 1982. An occurrence of 0.000000867. Infinitesimal.

Thanks for unwittingly demonstrating election fraud is very rare and say hello to your new president; who is senile but not nearly as senile as you.

This is bizarre. On Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, he's interviewing Pete Buttigieg, and they're talking as if Biden is actually going to be the President of the US.

EARTH TO DELUSIONISTS: Biden LOST. He's going to be nowhere but back in his mansions, enjoying all that wealth he got in from the Chinese, in return for stabbing America in the back. Trump will be resuming his work shutting down China's domination of our economy, keeping us #1 energy producer in the world. increasing funding to police departments, continuing to be the best president blacks and Hispanics have ever had, and continuing to reduce Covid mortality.

There is a problem (for them) that the Democrat scammers seemed to have strangely overlooked >>

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Oh? What did we overlook, gramps?


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