They're Acting As If Biden Was Elected

i think joe won this one....and trump has no one to blame but himself.....his big mouth was a big part of that.....
We will find that out in about a week or 2. Not now.

And Trump's mouth has nothing to do with it. He outvoted Biden greatly. This is coming only from unscrupulous, Democrat election official's schemes.
sure his mouth had nothing to do with why he was so disliked by so many......including many who would have backed him....because of trump we have biden and harris...
We don't have them yet. I'm sure the lying cheating democrats had nothing to do with this did they?
if trump would have kept his mouth shut once in a while and not alienated so many he would have beat joe easily....a leader is "supposed" to unite not divide...
There is a whole lot of united going on. Do really think if Trump had been less abrasive, while still doing all he did, the democrat machine would have been turned off? Shirley you know better than that!

Here is a list of what Trump has done, and, people all over the world support Trump.

i knew many who in the beginning were behind trump until he started his bad mouthing people...whether you want to believe that or not....his rhetoric turned off a lot of people....he has no one to blame but himself for this loss....because of how he acted we get biden and even worse harris....he should have won this thing easily...

Sounds to me like you're with some of those guys that couldn't stop the evil cattle barons from taking all the water in the valley or couldn't get the kidnapped daughter back from the savage indians who took so her. So they go to see the guy who wants to be the new sheriff and beg him to fix it all. He does. He opens up the valley so everyone has water, and brings the daughter back to you in one piece, but then you find out the hero that accomplished all you could not, or would not, actually hurt some people and used harsh language. And then they turn and show the ungrateful yellow streak running up their backsides and let him be replaced and turn in his badge without so much as a thank you.

Wear your mask.
yea thats what it is mike.....people like you who just love trump cant see how the ass alienated many who just may have backed was a cool story though.....
No he didn't. Please educate yourself. It's simple math. In 2016, MI, WI, and PA combined were barely 77,000 votes. Those three states comprised 47 Electoral votes. Which gave Trump the election. Now the tables are reversed. But the margin across those three states currently stands at 207K. Big difference. Well one difference. Trump and his supporters are crying foul..because they lost. Big surprise. He called the election "rigged" multiple times in the run up in October. I didn't hear ANY Democrat making the same argument four years ago..when they would have had a better argument. There was no widespread cheating. Cry, scream at the sky if you must. But move on.
You have totally wrong numbers . You were already corrected in Post # 88.

Those aren't the final counts. But you know that.
You've already been spanked by multiple people about your BS.
You're beat. Stay down.
What country is that? China? Who cares? I only care about this country, the USA, and Trump has been doing a good job, chinaman.
What country? Our country silly.

He’s done a great job trying to tear us apart.
/——/ The Electoral College appoints the president, not the people or courts. Duhhhhh
The only way Trump wins the electoral college is if he silences the will of the people.
You're terrified Trump will have 4 more years. How many mattresses have you ruined this week?

Wow, something we agree on.
I agree. This country doesn't survive another four years of the carnival barker. Not without a lot more people dead
and our economy in ruins.
Nope. Those people counting votes are honest hard working Americans and your attack on their character is disgusting.
Nope. Those people are the lowest form of creature scum in America, destroying our precious democracy, and you are just as disgusting as they are, for defending them. They will be caught, exposed, arrested, convicted and imprisoned. Guiliani has 90 witnesses ready to testify against them, just in Pennsylvania alone. They bit off more than they could chew, and are in big trouble now.
Those people are the lowest form of creature scum in America, destroying our precious democracy, and you are just as disgusting as they are, for defending them
I defend innocent people from people like you. Why do you hate honest Americans?
i think joe won this one....and trump has no one to blame but himself.....his big mouth was a big part of that.....
We will find that out in about a week or 2. Not now.

And Trump's mouth has nothing to do with it. He outvoted Biden greatly. This is coming only from unscrupulous, Democrat election official's schemes.
sure his mouth had nothing to do with why he was so disliked by so many......including many who would have backed him....because of trump we have biden and harris...
We don't have them yet. I'm sure the lying cheating democrats had nothing to do with this did they?
if trump would have kept his mouth shut once in a while and not alienated so many he would have beat joe easily....a leader is "supposed" to unite not divide...
There is a whole lot of united going on. Do really think if Trump had been less abrasive, while still doing all he did, the democrat machine would have been turned off? Shirley you know better than that!

Here is a list of what Trump has done, and, people all over the world support Trump.

i knew many who in the beginning were behind trump until he started his bad mouthing people...whether you want to believe that or not....his rhetoric turned off a lot of people....he has no one to blame but himself for this loss....because of how he acted we get biden and even worse harris....he should have won this thing easily...

Sounds to me like you're with some of those guys that couldn't stop the evil cattle barons from taking all the water in the valley or couldn't get the kidnapped daughter back from the savage indians who took so her. So they go to see the guy who wants to be the new sheriff and beg him to fix it all. He does. He opens up the valley so everyone has water, and brings the daughter back to you in one piece, but then you find out the hero that accomplished all you could not, or would not, actually hurt some people and used harsh language. And then they turn and show the ungrateful yellow streak running up their backsides and let him be replaced and turn in his badge without so much as a thank you.

Wear your mask.
You read too many comic books
Wow, something we agree on.
I agree. This country doesn't survive another four years of the carnival barker. Not without a lot more people dead
and our economy in ruins.
See how ignorant you are ? That's what happens when you watch CNN, MSNBC, NBC PBS, etc. Dumbass, we jus got 11 million jobs created in 4 months. The economy's GDP just ROSE an unbelievabke 33.1%, by far, the biggest increase in GDP in US history.
You know nothing.
i think joe won this one....and trump has no one to blame but himself.....his big mouth was a big part of that.....
We will find that out in about a week or 2. Not now.

And Trump's mouth has nothing to do with it. He outvoted Biden greatly. This is coming only from unscrupulous, Democrat election official's schemes.
sure his mouth had nothing to do with why he was so disliked by so many......including many who would have backed him....because of trump we have biden and harris...
We don't have them yet. I'm sure the lying cheating democrats had nothing to do with this did they?
if trump would have kept his mouth shut once in a while and not alienated so many he would have beat joe easily....a leader is "supposed" to unite not divide...
There is a whole lot of united going on. Do really think if Trump had been less abrasive, while still doing all he did, the democrat machine would have been turned off? Shirley you know better than that!

Here is a list of what Trump has done, and, people all over the world support Trump.

i knew many who in the beginning were behind trump until he started his bad mouthing people...whether you want to believe that or not....his rhetoric turned off a lot of people....he has no one to blame but himself for this loss....because of how he acted we get biden and even worse harris....he should have won this thing easily...

Sounds to me like you're with some of those guys that couldn't stop the evil cattle barons from taking all the water in the valley or couldn't get the kidnapped daughter back from the savage indians who took so her. So they go to see the guy who wants to be the new sheriff and beg him to fix it all. He does. He opens up the valley so everyone has water, and brings the daughter back to you in one piece, but then you find out the hero that accomplished all you could not, or would not, actually hurt some people and used harsh language. And then they turn and show the ungrateful yellow streak running up their backsides and let him be replaced and turn in his badge without so much as a thank you.

Wear your mask.
You read too many comic books
What's that desperate fear taste like, loser?
/——/ The Electoral College appoints the president, not the people or courts. Duhhhhh
The only way Trump wins the electoral college is if he silences the will of the people.
You're terrified Trump will have 4 more years. How many mattresses have you ruined this week?

Wow, something we agree on.
I agree. This country doesn't survive another four years of the carnival barker. Not without a lot more people dead
and our economy in ruins.
The results of the last 4 years say different.
This thread is moving waaay too fast, and at a time when I'm busy with other things. Will return later.

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