They're getting much braver about trashing the Constitution

Several on the left have signaled how the Constitution is getting in the way of the leftist agenda. I'm pretty sure that is part of the game plan if the leftist deep state is successful in seizing power in all of government.

John Kerry on the First Amendment as a problem:

And then there is this:

In a way Kerry is right about democrat's.

“If people only go to one source, and the source they go to is sick, and, you know, has an agenda, and they're putting out disinformation"

But us on the right still believe in the first amendment and the Constitution.
He's saying the first amendment protects you RWNJ liars and propagandists.

And it does to a certain extent.

Not seeing what your problem is here.
The lies are massive with the left. The Progressive Socialist Communists rule the roost. The communists want to get rid of the constitution. It's in the way. They have already subverted a good portion of it. They have set up the means to round people up with the Insurrection agenda. Convincing their voters it was right. Every time a new low is pushed, they take away from what freedom is.
Several on the left have signaled how the Constitution is getting in the way of the leftist agenda. I'm pretty sure that is part of the game plan if the leftist deep state is successful in seizing power in all of government.

100 % certain to have full backing from the Mother Weffers and Deep State .
A much easier route to follow than only having to lie and be deceitful to gain the same result .
Naturally they will do that as well , but in fairness that is their number one commandment .
Just another example of people who discard all foundations in life. It's a free for all when you have no moral compass.
Several on the left have signaled how the Constitution is getting in the way of the leftist agenda. I'm pretty sure that is part of the game plan if the leftist deep state is successful in seizing power in all of government.

John Kerry on the First Amendment as a problem:

And then there is this:

So long as democracy is saved so you have the ability to vote for a clown in the clown show, what do you care?
Several on the left have signaled how the Constitution is getting in the way of the leftist agenda. I'm pretty sure that is part of the game plan if the leftist deep state is successful in seizing power in all of government.

John Kerry on the First Amendment as a problem:

And then there is this:

which part of the constitution do you like the most?:
'[m fond of seperation of powers, checks and balances, and all equal under the law. separation of church and state is nice

have the democrats claimed some sort of immunity from that?
Ya know what trashes the Constitution?

Trump’s “One Day of Violent Policing”

And not one Trumper has spoken out about it
Several on the left have signaled how the Constitution is getting in the way of the leftist agenda. I'm pretty sure that is part of the game plan if the leftist deep state is successful in seizing power in all of government.

John Kerry on the First Amendment as a problem:

And then there is this:

He is not wrong. That is the very mechanism that the main stream media uses to insulate themselves from having to pay a consequence for their lies.
The First Amendment has blown past all rational bounds, and along with NYT v Sullivan and general Leftist culture (in which lies and distortions in furtherance of a desired political end are acceptable, and indeed mandatory) have perverted the rational exchange of ideas into a falsehood and slander-laden shooting gallery.

The ideal of "free speech" cannot be beneficial in such an environment.

The text..."Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech..." was merely intended to prevent Congress from criminalizing the criticism of government or its elected officials.
I don't give a damn if the Democrats throw me in prison for following the first amendment. If they had a warrant for my arrest for criticizing their leftist bullshit, I would flee the country.
What’s greater, the delusion that evil forces are out to get us or that one is important enough to be a target of said forces?! :auiqs.jpg:

Several on the left have signaled how the Constitution is getting in the way of the leftist agenda. I'm pretty sure that is part of the game plan if the leftist deep state is successful in seizing power in all of government.

John Kerry on the First Amendment as a problem:

And then there is this:

In a way Kerry is right about democrat's.

“If people only go to one source, and the source they go to is sick, and, you know, has an agenda, and they're putting out disinformation"

But us on the right still believe in the first amendment and the Constitution.
The First Amendment protects free speech which was intended to mean that each of us can think, believe, speculate, question things, suggest, propose and express ourselves honestly without fear of government retaliation even if and when we are wrong.

It means that all points of view can be expressed or questioned or considered or suggested so that each individual can make informed and intelligent evaluations. That invariably results in most people coming to more right conclusions and advances knowledge in ways that can never be achieved when only one concept or set of 'facts' is allowed, most especially when that concept or 'set of facts' is required out of political motives or other agenda.

Allowing free speech does not extrapolate into people being able to act out what they think or believe in ways that violates others' inalienable or legal rights.

All totalitarian governments, among other things, achieve and retain power by controlling the message and dictating what people are allowed to express. The Democrats' push to suppress what they classify as 'disinformation' is nothing more than intention to control the message and dictate what people are allowed to express.

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