They’re Morons for Not Going to the White House

I see no particular reason to go to the White House. I toured it when Nixon was there, and that was bad enough. More importantly, I can get a Big Mac from McDonalds.
That Rapinoe guy is annoying
Homophobic much?
She's a woman and she's a HEROINE.
She's now extremely famous. Dissing the disgusting con man sexual predator president has helped her in that and good on her for doing the right thing.
The premise of the OP is wrong.
Associating with that orange garbage heap just dirties everyone that goes there.
She is a pervert who suceeded in a sport that pays poorly because it has few fans. I never heard of her before she got her mouth out from between her girlfriend's legs and yapped.
She's a pervert?
You sir are a bigot and dollars to donuts you're much more perverted than she is in your own special way.
That Rapinoe guy is annoying
Homophobic much?
She's a woman and she's a HEROINE.
She's now extremely famous. Dissing the disgusting con man sexual predator president has helped her in that and good on her for doing the right thing.
The premise of the OP is wrong.
Associating with that orange garbage heap just dirties everyone that goes there.
She is a pervert who suceeded in a sport that pays poorly because it has few fans. I never heard of her before she got her mouth out from between her girlfriend's legs and yapped.
She's a pervert?
You sir are a bigot and dollars to donuts you're much more perverted than she is in your own special way.
Everyday there are bigots calling Trump one. There is to much attention to the agendas in our nation and not to real freedom. She has no fear because she knows she is protected by the system of tyranny we have devised. And most people do not care about that but half of them don't want to be droned over and over on TV about the agendas while watching entertainment. The real issue is how we enter stadiums to watch people like her play as compared to how we entered stadiums 40 years ago or so.
That Rapinoe guy is annoying
Homophobic much?
She's a woman and she's a HEROINE.
She's now extremely famous. Dissing the disgusting con man sexual predator president has helped her in that and good on her for doing the right thing.
The premise of the OP is wrong.
Associating with that orange garbage heap just dirties everyone that goes there.
She is a pervert who suceeded in a sport that pays poorly because it has few fans. I never heard of her before she got her mouth out from between her girlfriend's legs and yapped.
She's a pervert?
You sir are a bigot and dollars to donuts you're much more perverted than she is in your own special way.
Everyday there are bigots calling Trump one. There is to much attention to the agendas in our nation and not to real freedom. She has no fear because she knows she is protected by the system of tyranny we have devised. And most people do not care about that but half of them don't want to be droned over and over on TV about the agendas while watching entertainment. The real issue is how we enter stadiums to watch people like her play as compared to how we entered stadiums 40 years ago or so.
Nope. You don't like her agenda. You wouldn't be ranting about this if an athlete had an agenda you liked.
He doesn't want them there, and they don't want to be there.

Nothing wrong with standing up for one's principles.
What are their principles? Disrespecting the country? They could be ambassadors for the sport and get new viewer to the game. I know in the 1980 winter Olympics when America beat Russia Hockey fans numbers grew.

Their principles are that they fundamentally disagree with the direction that the President is taking this country.

This isn't the first time and it won't be the last time.

Athletes who have snubbed the White House -
WOW and what direction is the president taking the country? Make America great again anyone who doesn't like that is a piece of shit

You are delusional. The boys were the ones holding back because they were supposed to lose to empower women.

Girls can't even compete with boys in sports when they are more even during grade school years(girls are literally a non-factor in grade school soccer teams and the skill and strength level gap between boys and girls only grows from there)

No female can beat a teenage boy in a physical activity. 14 year old boys are already taller and faster than full grown women and their youth gives them much more flexibility.

Why the hell do you think trannies are DOMINATING women's sports? Do you think those trannies are former star male athletes or just averagely athletic men who couldn't cut it?
Jesus Christ man do you even think before you talk?! If the boys were holding back and supposed to lose then why didn’t they lose?! It’s not hard to let somebody score a goal. You are completely full of shit. It’s not even worth calling out the rest of your stupidity... Go take a nap or something your brain isn’t working properly.
They can’t just “let” them score a goal, that would defeat the purpose of having the match for entertainment, moron. When athletes take it easy they are still at least practicing so they can win more games in the future.

This was no different of an event than when the University of Kentucky used to have a charity scrimmage against the regional champs from my local public high school. University of Kentucky was supposed to win...and they did...every time. It didn’t matter that the high school team was very good that year and playing hard and Pitino’s national champs were just having fun, the high school still lost convincingly. The difference between that and what happened to the US women’s team is that they were UK in that situation and they got their asses beat because the boy’s soccer teams are extremely good while women’s national teams are the best of the mediocrity that is women’s sports.

Even in swimming, where women supposedly have the advantage in a number of ways, the teenage boys are crushing women’s Olympic and world records regularly just to get to qualifiers.
Why are you trying so hard to belittle women? It’s interesting when I hear people talk the way you do. Did you get burned or something?
Nobody would give a damn if they didn’t open their mouths and the media didn’t push them as role models for our daughters and sisters solely because of their politics. I remember when I actually thought Mia Hamm was better than the men’s team because Mia’s team won, but that was when I was young and stupid and didn’t understand that Cartoon Network and Nick were sowing the seeds for feminist bullshit.

If they want equal pay then they have to prove they have equal ability to play the sport and entertain the crowd, but they obviously don’t.

Luckily I won’t have to deal with this shit by the time I have a daughter because trannies will either dominate every team or destroy any remaining entertainment value to women’s sports and cause them to be discontinued.

By the way, I can tell by the way that you talk that you are a beta male orbiter who doesn’t have a prayer of getting a woman worth a damn.
Pay in sports isn’t based solely on ability... it’s based on revenue earned. Have you compared the financials of the men and the women teams?
Women sports don’t generate revenue.

Therefore financials aren’t really something you should bring up to push your argument.
That Rapinoe guy is annoying
Homophobic much?
She's a woman and she's a HEROINE.
She's now extremely famous. Dissing the disgusting con man sexual predator president has helped her in that and good on her for doing the right thing.
The premise of the OP is wrong.
Associating with that orange garbage heap just dirties everyone that goes there.
She is a pervert who suceeded in a sport that pays poorly because it has few fans. I never heard of her before she got her mouth out from between her girlfriend's legs and yapped.
She's a pervert?
You sir are a bigot and dollars to donuts you're much more perverted than she is in your own special way.
Everyday there are bigots calling Trump one. There is to much attention to the agendas in our nation and not to real freedom. She has no fear because she knows she is protected by the system of tyranny we have devised. And most people do not care about that but half of them don't want to be droned over and over on TV about the agendas while watching entertainment. The real issue is how we enter stadiums to watch people like her play as compared to how we entered stadiums 40 years ago or so.
Nope. You don't like her agenda. You wouldn't be ranting about this if an athlete had an agenda you liked.
You are damn right I wouldn’t.

The problem is that my agenda is a lot less narrow than yours.
These invites are supposed to be a celebration of an athletic achievement and not be about politics if we can’t even do that anymore fuck it. It’s a sad commentary that we can’t celebrate this great sports achievement without bringing politics into it but that is the world we live in today and I find it rather sad.
The invite and opportunity can be whatever the participants want it to be. They can go and meet the President and get a photo or they can decline and protest to help raise awareness to their cause. Either way I don’t see what the big deal is. Can you explain why it matters so much ?
Remember when Democrats were whining about Michelle getting booed at a NASCAR event?

Michelle Obama and Jill Biden booed at NASCAR

Well Trump is the fucking president and deserves even more respect than the NASCAR fans gracefully afforded the First Lady by merely booing her.
NASCAR fans had every right to boo Obama and anybody else has every right to protest Trump.
Booing the First Lady is one thing.

Talking shit about president unprovoked is totally different.
No it’s not
Yeah it really is.

The First Lady is just the president’s wife. The president represents the country.
You keep it “real asshole”; stop embarrassing yourself.

You and your butt buddy are the 2 fools who are clowning themselves.
I suggest you look at the overwhelming number of posters here who look like Shakespeare compared to your Magilla Gorilla.

I bet you don't blab that magilla gorilla shit in the Hood, White Boy Rick.
Oh, I do.
You know the Hoodies have great respect for brutal honesty.
I actually like them because they speak their minds without polite filters.
Most of them despise handouts.

Notice how the one who claims he isnt racist goes into "white boy" when he's flustered?

Every time

Really, are you even hip to White Boy Rick.
That Rapinoe guy is annoying
Homophobic much?
She's a woman and she's a HEROINE.
She's now extremely famous. Dissing the disgusting con man sexual predator president has helped her in that and good on her for doing the right thing.
The premise of the OP is wrong.
Associating with that orange garbage heap just dirties everyone that goes there.
She is a pervert who suceeded in a sport that pays poorly because it has few fans. I never heard of her before she got her mouth out from between her girlfriend's legs and yapped.
She's a pervert?
You sir are a bigot and dollars to donuts you're much more perverted than she is in your own special way.
Everyday there are bigots calling Trump one. There is to much attention to the agendas in our nation and not to real freedom. She has no fear because she knows she is protected by the system of tyranny we have devised. And most people do not care about that but half of them don't want to be droned over and over on TV about the agendas while watching entertainment. The real issue is how we enter stadiums to watch people like her play as compared to how we entered stadiums 40 years ago or so.
Nope. You don't like her agenda. You wouldn't be ranting about this if an athlete had an agenda you liked.
She’s a soccer player. It’s the only reason we know of her.

That’s the problem with you Leftards. You shove your personal opinions down everyone’s throats.

It’s why you’ll be rejected in the election. Bigly.
How many offers does one get to go to the White House? I don’t like Obama, but I’d snap up that opportunity in a millisecond.

In ten years they’ll be in a dead end job thinking about their glory days and nobody will remember them nor their not going to the White House.

So what you are really saying is, "I'm sorry these women who have brought recognition on my country aren't validating my illegal president."

Fixed it for you.
How many offers does one get to go to the White House? I don’t like Obama, but I’d snap up that opportunity in a millisecond.

In ten years they’ll be in a dead end job thinking about their glory days and nobody will remember them nor their not going to the White House.

So what you are really saying is, "I'm sorry these women who have brought recognition on my country aren't validating my illegal president."

Fixed it for you.
Joeb thinks his president is "illegal" though he won in a fucking LANDSLIDE!
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How many offers does one get to go to the White House? I don’t like Obama, but I’d snap up that opportunity in a millisecond.

In ten years they’ll be in a dead end job thinking about their glory days and nobody will remember them nor their not going to the White House.

So what you are really saying is, "I'm sorry these women who have brought recognition on my country aren't validating my illegal president."

Fixed it for you.

You idiots really need to stop that illegal president shit. It makes you look even more stupid than you are.

Get over it
You idiots really need to stop that illegal president shit. It makes you look even more stupid than you are.

Get over it

The people said NO.

That Trump is so desperate to have the Women's Soccer Team show up and give him legitimacy says quite a lot.

He pissed all over the institution and wonders why he has no dignity in it. Given what a complete narcissist he is, that says a lot.
I see no particular reason to go to the White House. I toured it when Nixon was there, and that was bad enough. More importantly, I can get a Big Mac from McDonalds.
It could be a great experience for them. Once in a lifetime. The freakin' White House.

And when it's time for the obligatory photo with the President, they could all reach into their back pockets, grab their rainbow bandanna, put it on, and stand there with a big, happy smile on their faces. While Trump does that weird, goofy grin.

The entire right wing would have a stroke. The entertainment value would be off the freakin' charts.

We're all too afraid to be in the same room together. It would be great for a women's sports team to show the balls that so many others lack.
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