They’re Morons for Not Going to the White House

How many offers does one get to go to the White House? I don’t like Obama, but I’d snap up that opportunity in a millisecond.

In ten years they’ll be in a dead end job thinking about their glory days and nobody will remember them nor their not going to the White House.

So what you are really saying is, "I'm sorry these women who have brought recognition on my country aren't validating my illegal president."

Fixed it for you.
Joeb thinks his president is "illegal" 3v3nb5hough he won in a fucking LANDSLIDE!
Trump had the audacity of beating her royal heinass.
How many offers does one get to go to the White House? I don’t like Obama, but I’d snap up that opportunity in a millisecond.

In ten years they’ll be in a dead end job thinking about their glory days and nobody will remember them nor their not going to the White House.

So what you are really saying is, "I'm sorry these women who have brought recognition on my country aren't validating my illegal president."

Fixed it for you.

You idiots really need to stop that illegal president shit. It makes you look even more stupid than you are.

Get over it
Every time a Republican wins, he's gonna be "illegal."

He could at least call him an UNDOCUMENTED president -- except he is
I see no particular reason to go to the White House. I toured it when Nixon was there, and that was bad enough. More importantly, I can get a Big Mac from McDonalds.
It could be a great experience for them. Once in a lifetime. The freakin' White House.

And when it's time for the obligatory photo with the President, they could all reach into their back pockets, grab their rainbow bandanna, put it on, and stand there with a big, happy grin on their faces. While Trump does that weird, goofy smile.

The entire right wing would have a stroke. The entertainment value would be off the freakin' charts.

We're all too afraid to be in the same room together. It would be great for a women's sports team to show the balls that so many others lack.
If they posed holding up homos rule there’d be a very small spattering of dissent, most people simply shaking their heads saying oy.

The Left on the other hand gives death threats to children who they perceive as a remote threat. (8 year old mini AOC & 16 year old wearing a red hat).

Your audacity to keep trying to drag the right down into the cesspool of the Left simply shows how biased you are.
I wish they'd go. Rise above the mud. Have fun. Take photos. Enjoy yourselves.

Their very presence would immediately provide a positive contrast to their host.

Their absence shows that when your "President' (not really) opens concentration camps, that someone saying "NO" is a mark of courage.
Which Concentration Camps has Trump opened?

I’ll wait.

I see no particular reason to go to the White House. I toured it when Nixon was there, and that was bad enough. More importantly, I can get a Big Mac from McDonalds.
It could be a great experience for them. Once in a lifetime. The freakin' White House.

And when it's time for the obligatory photo with the President, they could all reach into their back pockets, grab their rainbow bandanna, put it on, and stand there with a big, happy grin on their faces. While Trump does that weird, goofy smile.

The entire right wing would have a stroke. The entertainment value would be off the freakin' charts.

We're all too afraid to be in the same room together. It would be great for a women's sports team to show the balls that so many others lack.
If they posed holding up homos rule there’d be a very small spattering of dissent, most people simply shaking their heads saying oy.

The Left on the other hand gives death threats to children who they perceive as a remote threat. (8 year old mini AOC & 16 year old wearing a red hat).

Your audacity to keep trying to drag the right down into the cesspool of the Left simply shows how biased you are.
I take it you didn't like my idea.

I see no particular reason to go to the White House. I toured it when Nixon was there, and that was bad enough. More importantly, I can get a Big Mac from McDonalds.
It could be a great experience for them. Once in a lifetime. The freakin' White House.

And when it's time for the obligatory photo with the President, they could all reach into their back pockets, grab their rainbow bandanna, put it on, and stand there with a big, happy grin on their faces. While Trump does that weird, goofy smile.

The entire right wing would have a stroke. The entertainment value would be off the freakin' charts.

We're all too afraid to be in the same room together. It would be great for a women's sports team to show the balls that so many others lack.
If they posed holding up homos rule there’d be a very small spattering of dissent, most people simply shaking their heads saying oy.

The Left on the other hand gives death threats to children who they perceive as a remote threat. (8 year old mini AOC & 16 year old wearing a red hat).

Your audacity to keep trying to drag the right down into the cesspool of the Left simply shows how biased you are.
Has any true rightie made death threats against the ADULT Alec Baldwin? Even though the left targets CHILDREN?
Here’s a better about we stop inviting any teams to the White House. Have the President call them in the locker room after winning the title to congratulate them just like it used to be & be done with it. No grandstanding, no politicization.
How many offers does one get to go to the White House? I don’t like Obama, but I’d snap up that opportunity in a millisecond.

In ten years they’ll be in a dead end job thinking about their glory days and nobody will remember them nor their not going to the White House.

So what you are really saying is, "I'm sorry these women who have brought recognition on my country aren't validating my illegal president."

Fixed it for you.
Joeb thinks his president is "illegal" though he won in a fucking LANDSLIDE!
Trump did not win a landslide election, but the old lie keeps being repeated.
I wish they'd go. Rise above the mud. Have fun. Take photos. Enjoy yourselves.

Their very presence would immediately provide a positive contrast to their host.

Their absence shows that when your "President' (not really) opens concentration camps, that someone saying "NO" is a mark of courage.
Which Concentration Camps has Trump opened?

I’ll wait.

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The moron should visit Buchenwald and see what a real concentration camp was
I see no particular reason to go to the White House. I toured it when Nixon was there, and that was bad enough. More importantly, I can get a Big Mac from McDonalds.
It could be a great experience for them. Once in a lifetime. The freakin' White House.

And when it's time for the obligatory photo with the President, they could all reach into their back pockets, grab their rainbow bandanna, put it on, and stand there with a big, happy smile on their faces. While Trump does that weird, goofy grin.

The entire right wing would have a stroke. The entertainment value would be off the freakin' charts.

We're all too afraid to be in the same room together. It would be great for a women's sports team to show the balls that so many others lack.
You do know Trump is not anti-queer dont you? You should recognize these people are mentally Ill acting like spoiled children. Btw, this Megan guy is RICH thanks to the country she trashes.
I see no particular reason to go to the White House. I toured it when Nixon was there, and that was bad enough. More importantly, I can get a Big Mac from McDonalds.
It could be a great experience for them. Once in a lifetime. The freakin' White House.

And when it's time for the obligatory photo with the President, they could all reach into their back pockets, grab their rainbow bandanna, put it on, and stand there with a big, happy smile on their faces. While Trump does that weird, goofy grin.

The entire right wing would have a stroke. The entertainment value would be off the freakin' charts.

We're all too afraid to be in the same room together. It would be great for a women's sports team to show the balls that so many others lack.
You do know Trump is not anti-queer dont you? You should recognize these people are mentally Ill acting like spoiled children. Btw, this Megan guy is RICH thanks to the country she trashes.
It's posts and comments just like that I'd be looking forward to, thanks.
How many offers does one get to go to the White House? I don’t like Obama, but I’d snap up that opportunity in a millisecond.

In ten years they’ll be in a dead end job thinking about their glory days and nobody will remember them nor their not going to the White House.

So what you are really saying is, "I'm sorry these women who have brought recognition on my country aren't validating my illegal president."

Fixed it for you.
Joeb thinks his president is "illegal" though he won in a fucking LANDSLIDE!
Trump did not win a landslide election, but the old lie keeps being repeated.
Nope. It was a landslide. 2020 will be even bigger

How many offers does one get to go to the White House? I don’t like Obama, but I’d snap up that opportunity in a millisecond.

In ten years they’ll be in a dead end job thinking about their glory days and nobody will remember them nor their not going to the White House.

Megan Rapinoe said she didn't want to be put on display for a day.....then she promptly accepts an invitation from Chuck Schumer to be put on display for a day in the halls of congress.
How many offers does one get to go to the White House? I don’t like Obama, but I’d snap up that opportunity in a millisecond.

In ten years they’ll be in a dead end job thinking about their glory days and nobody will remember them nor their not going to the White House.


There is a limit on how many morons can be in the Whie House & since it is already full, no more morons can go there.
You keep it “real asshole”; stop embarrassing yourself.
Go to the Dominican Republic

No, but the foul mouthed "I deserve this", unsportsmanlike, flag throwing dyke can go there. Nice "role model" cursing in front of kids. So of course that makes her your hero.

You don't have a problem with Trump cursing at his Klan rallies, oh that's right Trump Humpers don't care what he does but everyone else has to act in a certain manner.
Trump doesn't do Klan rallies nor does he drop F-bombs in front of children.

He does both and ass clowns like you applaud.

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Now dumbass Trump Humpers like you will defend and make excuses.

So your idiocy is disregarded. Oh that's right, you're a fat boy in mommy's basement trying to talk tough. STFU little boy.

Now that I have proven you to be the stinking ass liar you are, go do what you are good at and bite a di.........nevermind.
She is a champion though.

She should try out for the men's team
She wants to be man
She thinks that she is a man.
Hell she's closer to being a man than most Progressive men -

I saw she said "I derseve this"...nice teamwork ya narcissist bint.
She also deserves a kick in the ass.
she has earned the right to tell haters like you, to kiss her ass.

She don't make my world go 'round and no she hasn't. :no_text11:

Doesn't matter if she does or doesn't, you still have to put CHAMPION by her name.
She should try out for the men's team
She wants to be man
She thinks that she is a man.
Hell she's closer to being a man than most Progressive men -

I saw she said "I derseve this"...nice teamwork ya narcissist bint.
She also deserves a kick in the ass.
she has earned the right to tell haters like you, to kiss her ass.

She don't make my world go 'round and no she hasn't. :no_text11:

Doesn't matter if she does or doesn't, you still have to put CHAMPION by her name.

That may be true, ain't no kissin' ass happenin', though.

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