They’re Morons for Not Going to the White House

We're discussing the lesbo's disgusting actions

Right. Discussing the actions of a person you didn't even previously know of.

If she thinks this is helping women's soccer she's crazier than I thought. As for her? She can go fck herself, jump off a cliff, or just fade away...likely the latter will happen in a week or two and she'll be forgotten

She's a known person now. Were any of the members on the women's soccer team previously known?

Don't care...and what she's known for is nothing to be proud of....the question begs....why are you?

I don't have a problem with athletes using their stage to make a political statement.

Not what I asked...why do you admire the lesbo? You agree with her stance and statements?
Right. Discussing the actions of a person you didn't even previously know of.

If she thinks this is helping women's soccer she's crazier than I thought. As for her? She can go fck herself, jump off a cliff, or just fade away...likely the latter will happen in a week or two and she'll be forgotten

She's a known person now. Were any of the members on the women's soccer team previously known?

Don't care...and what she's known for is nothing to be proud of....the question begs....why are you?

I don't have a problem with athletes using their stage to make a political statement.

Not what I asked...why do you admire the lesbo? You agree with her stance and statements?

I admire the team for being so dominant at soccer. I like her statements because I agree with them. I'm mostly indifferent to her stance - plenty of athletes choose to skip out on meeting the president due to personal reasons. I have no issue with her being a lesbian.
If she thinks this is helping women's soccer she's crazier than I thought. As for her? She can go fck herself, jump off a cliff, or just fade away...likely the latter will happen in a week or two and she'll be forgotten

She's a known person now. Were any of the members on the women's soccer team previously known?

Don't care...and what she's known for is nothing to be proud of....the question begs....why are you?

I don't have a problem with athletes using their stage to make a political statement.

Not what I asked...why do you admire the lesbo? You agree with her stance and statements?

I admire the team for being so dominant at soccer. I like her statements because I agree with them. I'm mostly indifferent to her stance - plenty of athletes choose to skip out on meeting the president due to personal reasons. I have no issue with her being a lesbian.

At least you're honest...we'll leave it at that
She's a known person now. Were any of the members on the women's soccer team previously known?

Don't care...and what she's known for is nothing to be proud of....the question begs....why are you?

I don't have a problem with athletes using their stage to make a political statement.

Not what I asked...why do you admire the lesbo? You agree with her stance and statements?

I admire the team for being so dominant at soccer. I like her statements because I agree with them. I'm mostly indifferent to her stance - plenty of athletes choose to skip out on meeting the president due to personal reasons. I have no issue with her being a lesbian.

At least you're honest...we'll leave it at that

I expect you to be just as outraged next time an athlete refuses to meet a Democrat president.
Don't care...and what she's known for is nothing to be proud of....the question begs....why are you?

I don't have a problem with athletes using their stage to make a political statement.

Not what I asked...why do you admire the lesbo? You agree with her stance and statements?

I admire the team for being so dominant at soccer. I like her statements because I agree with them. I'm mostly indifferent to her stance - plenty of athletes choose to skip out on meeting the president due to personal reasons. I have no issue with her being a lesbian.

At least you're honest...we'll leave it at that

I expect you to be just as outraged next time an athlete refuses to meet a Democrat president.

I'm not outraged she won't go to the WH, I'm outraged at her comments and she used what should have been a proud American moment to spew her venom.

I could not care less if she goes anywhere...except to hell where she'll end up
I don't have a problem with athletes using their stage to make a political statement.

Not what I asked...why do you admire the lesbo? You agree with her stance and statements?

I admire the team for being so dominant at soccer. I like her statements because I agree with them. I'm mostly indifferent to her stance - plenty of athletes choose to skip out on meeting the president due to personal reasons. I have no issue with her being a lesbian.

At least you're honest...we'll leave it at that

I expect you to be just as outraged next time an athlete refuses to meet a Democrat president.

I'm not outraged she won't go to the WH, I'm outraged at her comments and she used what should have been a proud American moment to spew her venom.

I could not care less if she goes anywhere...except to hell where she'll end up

And I'm sure you'll be just as outraged when similar comments are made toward a president with a "D" next to their name.
Not what I asked...why do you admire the lesbo? You agree with her stance and statements?

I admire the team for being so dominant at soccer. I like her statements because I agree with them. I'm mostly indifferent to her stance - plenty of athletes choose to skip out on meeting the president due to personal reasons. I have no issue with her being a lesbian.

At least you're honest...we'll leave it at that

I expect you to be just as outraged next time an athlete refuses to meet a Democrat president.

I'm not outraged she won't go to the WH, I'm outraged at her comments and she used what should have been a proud American moment to spew her venom.

I could not care less if she goes anywhere...except to hell where she'll end up

And I'm sure you'll be just as outraged when similar comments are made toward a president with a "D" next to his name.

You keep trying to pull me into your partisan BS...listen dumbfuck I said I don't care if she goes to the WH. I SAID I don't like her stance and I didn't like her using what should be something bringing America together to spew venom.

Got it now? Cease the games
I admire the team for being so dominant at soccer. I like her statements because I agree with them. I'm mostly indifferent to her stance - plenty of athletes choose to skip out on meeting the president due to personal reasons. I have no issue with her being a lesbian.

At least you're honest...we'll leave it at that

I expect you to be just as outraged next time an athlete refuses to meet a Democrat president.

I'm not outraged she won't go to the WH, I'm outraged at her comments and she used what should have been a proud American moment to spew her venom.

I could not care less if she goes anywhere...except to hell where she'll end up

And I'm sure you'll be just as outraged when similar comments are made toward a president with a "D" next to his name.

You keep trying to pull me into your partisan BS...listen dumbfuck I said I don't care if she goes to the WH. I SAID I don't like her stance and I didn't like her using what should be something bringing America together to spew venom.

Got it now? Cease the games

And I'm sure you'll be just as outraged when another athlete takes on a similar stance when there's a president in office with a "D" next to their name.
At least you're honest...we'll leave it at that

I expect you to be just as outraged next time an athlete refuses to meet a Democrat president.

I'm not outraged she won't go to the WH, I'm outraged at her comments and she used what should have been a proud American moment to spew her venom.

I could not care less if she goes anywhere...except to hell where she'll end up

And I'm sure you'll be just as outraged when similar comments are made toward a president with a "D" next to his name.

You keep trying to pull me into your partisan BS...listen dumbfuck I said I don't care if she goes to the WH. I SAID I don't like her stance and I didn't like her using what should be something bringing America together to spew venom.

Got it now? Cease the games

And I'm sure you'll be just as outraged when another athlete takes on a similar stance when there's a president in office with a "D" next to their name.

Gfy ya dumbed down asshole.
I expect you to be just as outraged next time an athlete refuses to meet a Democrat president.

I'm not outraged she won't go to the WH, I'm outraged at her comments and she used what should have been a proud American moment to spew her venom.

I could not care less if she goes anywhere...except to hell where she'll end up

And I'm sure you'll be just as outraged when similar comments are made toward a president with a "D" next to his name.

You keep trying to pull me into your partisan BS...listen dumbfuck I said I don't care if she goes to the WH. I SAID I don't like her stance and I didn't like her using what should be something bringing America together to spew venom.

Got it now? Cease the games

And I'm sure you'll be just as outraged when another athlete takes on a similar stance when there's a president in office with a "D" next to their name.

Gfy ya dumbed down asshole.

How many offers does one get to go to the White House? I don’t like Obama, but I’d snap up that opportunity in a millisecond.

In ten years they’ll be in a dead end job thinking about their glory days and nobody will remember them nor their not going to the White House.

I wouldn't go for cold fries and greasy junk chicken either.
When the Ravens won the Super Bowl in 2012 I recall a player or two not going because of Obama. I was no fan of Obama and I agreed with the player's who didn't attend on their views, but I still think they should have accepted the invitation. Fast forward to today and I feel the same way about the US Women's team. It seems petty and a bit childish to me to not accept an invitation to the White House. If you attend it doesn't mean you like the current occupant or agree with their politics. It just means the country's highest office is recognizing your accomplishment. For some of these girls the opportunity may never come again. Their attendance or lack there of isn't pushing any social or political conversation more or less in any direction. After this all dies down it'll just be a missed opportunity.
How many offers does one get to go to the White House? I don’t like Obama, but I’d snap up that opportunity in a millisecond.

In ten years they’ll be in a dead end job thinking about their glory days and nobody will remember them nor their not going to the White House.

I wouldn't go for cold fries and greasy junk chicken either.
That’s because you hate America and the White House disgusts you for being in your mind a symbol of Western Civilization.
if they don't want to go, then they don't have to go. they don't have to grandstand their personal views all over the media either.

Grandstanding their personal view is freedom of speech, Trump does the same thing, but I'm sure he isn't as factual.
And like I said, in a few years they’ll be serving coffee to old ladies for $15/hr trying to tell people about their glory days while everyone ignores them.
Jesus Christ man do you even think before you talk?! If the boys were holding back and supposed to lose then why didn’t they lose?! It’s not hard to let somebody score a goal. You are completely full of shit. It’s not even worth calling out the rest of your stupidity... Go take a nap or something your brain isn’t working properly.
They can’t just “let” them score a goal, that would defeat the purpose of having the match for entertainment, moron. When athletes take it easy they are still at least practicing so they can win more games in the future.

This was no different of an event than when the University of Kentucky used to have a charity scrimmage against the regional champs from my local public high school. University of Kentucky was supposed to win...and they did...every time. It didn’t matter that the high school team was very good that year and playing hard and Pitino’s national champs were just having fun, the high school still lost convincingly. The difference between that and what happened to the US women’s team is that they were UK in that situation and they got their asses beat because the boy’s soccer teams are extremely good while women’s national teams are the best of the mediocrity that is women’s sports.

Even in swimming, where women supposedly have the advantage in a number of ways, the teenage boys are crushing women’s Olympic and world records regularly just to get to qualifiers.
Why are you trying so hard to belittle women? It’s interesting when I hear people talk the way you do. Did you get burned or something?
Nobody would give a damn if they didn’t open their mouths and the media didn’t push them as role models for our daughters and sisters solely because of their politics. I remember when I actually thought Mia Hamm was better than the men’s team because Mia’s team won, but that was when I was young and stupid and didn’t understand that Cartoon Network and Nick were sowing the seeds for feminist bullshit.

If they want equal pay then they have to prove they have equal ability to play the sport and entertain the crowd, but they obviously don’t.

Luckily I won’t have to deal with this shit by the time I have a daughter because trannies will either dominate every team or destroy any remaining entertainment value to women’s sports and cause them to be discontinued.

By the way, I can tell by the way that you talk that you are a beta male orbiter who doesn’t have a prayer of getting a woman worth a damn.
Pay in sports isn’t based solely on ability... it’s based on revenue earned. Have you compared the financials of the men and the women teams?
Women sports don’t generate revenue.

Therefore financials aren’t really something you should bring up to push your argument.
Of course they do. You obviously haven’t done a lick of research on the soccer situation. You’re speaking from a place of ignorance.
The invite and opportunity can be whatever the participants want it to be. They can go and meet the President and get a photo or they can decline and protest to help raise awareness to their cause. Either way I don’t see what the big deal is. Can you explain why it matters so much ?
Remember when Democrats were whining about Michelle getting booed at a NASCAR event?

Michelle Obama and Jill Biden booed at NASCAR

Well Trump is the fucking president and deserves even more respect than the NASCAR fans gracefully afforded the First Lady by merely booing her.
NASCAR fans had every right to boo Obama and anybody else has every right to protest Trump.
Booing the First Lady is one thing.

Talking shit about president unprovoked is totally different.
No it’s not
Yeah it really is.

The First Lady is just the president’s wife. The president represents the country.
Exactly my point.... the president is the more appropriate target for criticism if they are not representing the values of Americans. Booing the First Lady is just straight bullying unless they are opposing her initiatives which are typically focused on helping children.

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