They’re Morons for Not Going to the White House

Just to piss off Rapinoe...


Champion Rapinoe.
How many offers does one get to go to the White House? I don’t like Obama, but I’d snap up that opportunity in a millisecond.

In ten years they’ll be in a dead end job thinking about their glory days and nobody will remember them nor their not going to the White House.


What these soccer broads don't realize is that they really don't get paid to kick a dam soccer ball.

They get paid to get people to care about soccer, buy jerseys, tickets, etc.

Brushing off 1/2 the population as deplorables whose money is no good, is no way to increase their incomes.

The Dixie Chicks tried the same tactics as these soccer players, telling conservative fans to "f" off. Libs just threw them under the bus.

In actuality, these gals should be out there building bridges to the conservative community and working to get Normative Americans interested in their sport.
She should try out for the men's team
She wants to be man
She thinks that she is a man.
Hell she's closer to being a man than most Progressive men -

I saw she said "I derseve this"...nice teamwork ya narcissist bint.
She also deserves a kick in the ass.
she has earned the right to tell haters like you, to kiss her ass.

She don't make my world go 'round and no she hasn't. :no_text11:

Doesn't matter if she does or doesn't, you still have to put CHAMPION by her name.

Just like you have to put PRESIDENT before Trump's name.
You keep it “real asshole”; stop embarrassing yourself.
Go to the Dominican Republic

No, but the foul mouthed "I deserve this", unsportsmanlike, flag throwing dyke can go there. Nice "role model" cursing in front of kids. So of course that makes her your hero.

You don't have a problem with Trump cursing at his Klan rallies, oh that's right Trump Humpers don't care what he does but everyone else has to act in a certain manner.
Trump doesn't do Klan rallies nor does he drop F-bombs in front of children.

He does both and ass clowns like you applaud.

Breaking News, World News & Multimedia

Now dumbass Trump Humpers like you will defend and make excuses.

So your idiocy is disregarded. Oh that's right, you're a fat boy in mommy's basement trying to talk tough. STFU little boy.

Now that I have proven you to be the stinking ass liar you are, go do what you are good at and bite a di.........nevermind.

Sorry fat boy, not one thing there showing Trump at a KKK rally or cursing in front of children. Another failure in a lifetime of them for you. You're just a joke.
He doesn't want them there, and they don't want to be there.

Nothing wrong with standing up for one's principles.
What are their principles? Disrespecting the country? They could be ambassadors for the sport and get new viewer to the game. I know in the 1980 winter Olympics when America beat Russia Hockey fans numbers grew.

Their principles are that they fundamentally disagree with the direction that the President is taking this country.

This isn't the first time and it won't be the last time.

Athletes who have snubbed the White House -
WOW and what direction is the president taking the country? Make America great again anyone who doesn't like that is a piece of shit

Are you really so surprised that such a large part of the country doesn't support the job that Trump has done?
Those who think welfare is a way of life because whether you like it or not we have a workers shortage and those who should be working aren't. They are still getting welfare.
How many offers does one get to go to the White House? I don’t like Obama, but I’d snap up that opportunity in a millisecond.

In ten years they’ll be in a dead end job thinking about their glory days and nobody will remember them nor their not going to the White House.


Something you don't understand, they're principled.

Principled people act bigger not smaller than the people they criticize for being small.

They have a golden opportunity to be bigger and make others look bad.
Why blow that opportunity? Wry Catcher


Hours after the U.S. women’s national team won their second straight World Cup title, President Trump offered high praise and congratulations to the squad but expressed uncertainty about a White House invite for the players and coaches.

"We haven't really thought about it," Trump told reporters Sunday. "We will look at that, certainly."

But Trump actually has done more than just think about it. Late last month he invited the entire team to the White House “win or lose” when they were still three wins away from the championship.
How many offers does one get to go to the White House? I don’t like Obama, but I’d snap up that opportunity in a millisecond.

In ten years they’ll be in a dead end job thinking about their glory days and nobody will remember them nor their not going to the White House.


Something you don't understand, they're principled.

Principled people act bigger not smaller than the people they criticize for being small.

They have a golden opportunity to be bigger and make others look bad.
Why blow that opportunity? Wry Catcher


Hours after the U.S. women’s national team won their second straight World Cup title, President Trump offered high praise and congratulations to the squad but expressed uncertainty about a White House invite for the players and coaches.

"We haven't really thought about it," Trump told reporters Sunday. "We will look at that, certainly."

But Trump actually has done more than just think about it. Late last month he invited the entire team to the White House “win or lose” when they were still three wins away from the championship.

I did, I don't pull punches when I confront a bully!
Go to the Dominican Republic

No, but the foul mouthed "I deserve this", unsportsmanlike, flag throwing dyke can go there. Nice "role model" cursing in front of kids. So of course that makes her your hero.

You don't have a problem with Trump cursing at his Klan rallies, oh that's right Trump Humpers don't care what he does but everyone else has to act in a certain manner.
Trump doesn't do Klan rallies nor does he drop F-bombs in front of children.

He does both and ass clowns like you applaud.

Breaking News, World News & Multimedia

Now dumbass Trump Humpers like you will defend and make excuses.

So your idiocy is disregarded. Oh that's right, you're a fat boy in mommy's basement trying to talk tough. STFU little boy.

Now that I have proven you to be the stinking ass liar you are, go do what you are good at and bite a di.........nevermind.

Sorry fat boy, not one thing there showing Trump at a KKK rally or cursing in front of children. Another failure in a lifetime of them for you. You're just a joke.

His rallies are just like a Klan rally ass clown and dumb asses like you probably have your kids front and center at the TV watching these rallies. The joke is you Trump Humper.
the first time i even heard her was 20 minutes ago on CFP
I cant even watch mens soccer and the hood i grew up in they always went wild over the world cup ...long before the hipsters showed up and tried to make the world cup cool :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: LEft wingers are pathetic sad sack losers. even when they win at sportsin

yep she just another self absorbed left wing dyke activist low iq nazi moron

No, but the foul mouthed "I deserve this", unsportsmanlike, flag throwing dyke can go there. Nice "role model" cursing in front of kids. So of course that makes her your hero.

You don't have a problem with Trump cursing at his Klan rallies, oh that's right Trump Humpers don't care what he does but everyone else has to act in a certain manner.
Trump doesn't do Klan rallies nor does he drop F-bombs in front of children.

He does both and ass clowns like you applaud.

Breaking News, World News & Multimedia

Now dumbass Trump Humpers like you will defend and make excuses.

So your idiocy is disregarded. Oh that's right, you're a fat boy in mommy's basement trying to talk tough. STFU little boy.

Now that I have proven you to be the stinking ass liar you are, go do what you are good at and bite a di.........nevermind.

Sorry fat boy, not one thing there showing Trump at a KKK rally or cursing in front of children. Another failure in a lifetime of them for you. You're just a joke.

His rallies are just like a Klan rally ass clown and dumb asses like you probably have your kids front and center at the TV watching these rallies. The joke is you Trump Humper.

The only reason why there has ever been violence at a Trump Rally is due to the infiltration of Liberal saboteurs like Robert Creamer who admitted under oath to planting liberal activists in the crowd to make the rallies look violent.
He doesn't want them there, and they don't want to be there.

Nothing wrong with standing up for one's principles.
What are their principles? Disrespecting the country? They could be ambassadors for the sport and get new viewer to the game. I know in the 1980 winter Olympics when America beat Russia Hockey fans numbers grew.

Their principles are that they fundamentally disagree with the direction that the President is taking this country.

This isn't the first time and it won't be the last time.

Athletes who have snubbed the White House -
WOW and what direction is the president taking the country? Make America great again anyone who doesn't like that is a piece of shit

Are you really so surprised that such a large part of the country doesn't support the job that Trump has done?
Those who think welfare is a way of life because whether you like it or not we have a workers shortage and those who should be working aren't. They are still getting welfare.

I'm not sure what that has to do with what I asked.

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