Things Get Worse For D-Schiff

After having already admitted he leaked classified information, now D-Schiff faces an Ethics Complaint for potentially improper communications and contacts with two congressional witnesses, Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS and Michael Cohen, President Trump’s former personal lawyer, during the Trump investigation.

Regarding his 10-hour prep-session with Cohen before Cohen testified before Congress a 2nd time, "Rep. Schiff's conduct creates the appearance of unethical collusion and synchronization of efforts that calls into question whether Cohen’s testimony was a legitimate congressional hearing or well-rehearsed political theatre," the complaint reads.

"Judicial Watch filed a separate ethics complaint on April 13, 2018, against Rep. Schiff and Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.) "for improperly confirming classified information in violation of House rules." The House Ethics Committee has "yet to take any public action on the complaint," according to the government watchdog."

“Rep. Schiff has an ethics problem. His and his staff’s irregular communications with anti-Trump witnesses reflect poorly on the credibility of the House and its committees’ investigations. It has long been apparent that Rep. Schiff can’t be trusted to lead the Intelligence Committee, so we hope that Democrats on the Ethics Committee stop protecting Mr. Schiff and take action.”

Democrats might not be able to protect Schiff much longer as Barr has begun multiple investigations of the criminal 'investigators'...

Judicial Watch Files Ethics Complaint Against Rep. Adam Schiff

yeah, Schiff is getting killed -

Democrats threaten fines of $25K for contempt of Congress if Trump aides refuse to testify | Daily Mail Online

woe is him ...


After having already admitted he leaked classified information, now D-Schiff faces an Ethics Complaint for potentially improper communications and contacts with two congressional witnesses, Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS and Michael Cohen, President Trump’s former personal lawyer, during the Trump investigation.

Regarding his 10-hour prep-session with Cohen before Cohen testified before Congress a 2nd time, "Rep. Schiff's conduct creates the appearance of unethical collusion and synchronization of efforts that calls into question whether Cohen’s testimony was a legitimate congressional hearing or well-rehearsed political theatre," the complaint reads.

"Judicial Watch filed a separate ethics complaint on April 13, 2018, against Rep. Schiff and Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.) "for improperly confirming classified information in violation of House rules." The House Ethics Committee has "yet to take any public action on the complaint," according to the government watchdog."

“Rep. Schiff has an ethics problem. His and his staff’s irregular communications with anti-Trump witnesses reflect poorly on the credibility of the House and its committees’ investigations. It has long been apparent that Rep. Schiff can’t be trusted to lead the Intelligence Committee, so we hope that Democrats on the Ethics Committee stop protecting Mr. Schiff and take action.”

Democrats might not be able to protect Schiff much longer as Barr has begun multiple investigations of the criminal 'investigators'...

Judicial Watch Files Ethics Complaint Against Rep. Adam Schiff

yeah, Schiff is getting killed -

Democrats threaten fines of $25K for contempt of Congress if Trump aides refuse to testify | Daily Mail Online

woe is him ...


You must be laughing at your own stupidity. Not ONE person would even consider paying 1 cent of those bogus fines. Hold your breath waiting to collect on those. ZERO enforcement power and spouting more nonsense that morons like you lap up like the loyal little lapdogs you are.
Bullying that has no authority! Truly a sad evil and sick group of so called Americans! Someone should send them tissues
It seems posts like those below are literally all the Dems have left - and I do mean "Left", lol. This is extremely telling; they spent two years posting "the walls are closing in etc" and we debunked them point by point, but now that real investigations are beginning they have no counter arguments at all, only childish insults.

The DNC lies in ruins, and we're taking back America. A great time to be alive.

Keep it up dummies Keep looking for ways to divert attention from your swine the moron in our WH Maybe spend 30 years going after Dems like you did with Hillary You are all a waste and I'm being kind
Judicial Watch is a group of retards. If you idiots want to eliminate our system of checks and balances, you’ll have to try to amend the Constitution.
I’m well aware of the retarded things you like to imagine with your tiny brain
Barr is drumps asswipe
How the hell can you talk about bullies without mentioning the SOB king of bullies Trump??
I still want the DNC server inspected by our agents
He helped coach / prep Cohen for 10 HOURS prior to his 2nd appearance before Congress
OH silly one! This is NORMAL procedure.... it is usually done before a public hearing meant to inform the public... it was done before the Watergate public hearings as well. if you remember those...
Says the silliest guy
After having already admitted he leaked classified information, now D-Schiff faces an Ethics Complaint for potentially improper communications and contacts with two congressional witnesses, Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS and Michael Cohen, President Trump’s former personal lawyer, during the Trump investigation.

Regarding his 10-hour prep-session with Cohen before Cohen testified before Congress a 2nd time, "Rep. Schiff's conduct creates the appearance of unethical collusion and synchronization of efforts that calls into question whether Cohen’s testimony was a legitimate congressional hearing or well-rehearsed political theatre," the complaint reads.

"Judicial Watch filed a separate ethics complaint on April 13, 2018, against Rep. Schiff and Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.) "for improperly confirming classified information in violation of House rules." The House Ethics Committee has "yet to take any public action on the complaint," according to the government watchdog."

“Rep. Schiff has an ethics problem. His and his staff’s irregular communications with anti-Trump witnesses reflect poorly on the credibility of the House and its committees’ investigations. It has long been apparent that Rep. Schiff can’t be trusted to lead the Intelligence Committee, so we hope that Democrats on the Ethics Committee stop protecting Mr. Schiff and take action.”

Democrats might not be able to protect Schiff much longer as Barr has begun multiple investigations of the criminal 'investigators'...

Judicial Watch Files Ethics Complaint Against Rep. Adam Schiff

yeah, Schiff is getting killed -

Democrats threaten fines of $25K for contempt of Congress if Trump aides refuse to testify | Daily Mail Online

woe is him ...


The American people have seen and heard enough! Trump has broken the law, violated the Constitution, and put the safety and future of this country at risk. In such circumstances as these, our democracy offers a constitutional remedy for a president who openly refuses to follow the law: impeachment.

Trump has the power like Andrew Jackson did

The real universal law on his side
Speaking of 'Obstruction'...

Nadler, the Judiciary Committee, and every Democrat and snowflake got the heart-breaking news that it is OFFICIAL - by the DC Circuit Court in a recent case setting precedence - that the US AG CAN NOT legally release Grand Jury testimony, that Nadler has demanded that the US AG has and continues to demand the US AG break the law, that it is not only the right of the US AG to refuse to do so but it is also his DUTY not to do so.

This also means that the Head of the Judicial Committee is ignorant of the laws he and Congress passes and, even worse, he has proven that when he sees that doing so will benefit himself or his party he will demand US law be broken...even by the US AG.

For this reason alone he should be immediately removed completely from the Judiciary Committee.

Based on the DC Circuit Court's case decision that set the precedent that the US AG can not legally release Grand Jury info and no court can force him to break the law to do so, the 'Contempt of Congress' vote / ruling begun by Nadler should immediately be voted / stricken down.

Nadler, Pelosi, and the Democrats should also issue US AG Barr a public apology....

But we all know they do not have the integrity, ethics, morals...or do so.

....and the 'Contempt' and attempts to destroy Barr's credibility / reputation, should they continue, should be treated as attempts to obstruct Justice, specifically the multiple on-going investigations
Last edited:
After having already admitted he leaked classified information, now D-Schiff faces an Ethics Complaint for potentially improper communications and contacts with two congressional witnesses, Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS and Michael Cohen, President Trump’s former personal lawyer, during the Trump investigation.

Regarding his 10-hour prep-session with Cohen before Cohen testified before Congress a 2nd time, "Rep. Schiff's conduct creates the appearance of unethical collusion and synchronization of efforts that calls into question whether Cohen’s testimony was a legitimate congressional hearing or well-rehearsed political theatre," the complaint reads.

"Judicial Watch filed a separate ethics complaint on April 13, 2018, against Rep. Schiff and Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.) "for improperly confirming classified information in violation of House rules." The House Ethics Committee has "yet to take any public action on the complaint," according to the government watchdog."

“Rep. Schiff has an ethics problem. His and his staff’s irregular communications with anti-Trump witnesses reflect poorly on the credibility of the House and its committees’ investigations. It has long been apparent that Rep. Schiff can’t be trusted to lead the Intelligence Committee, so we hope that Democrats on the Ethics Committee stop protecting Mr. Schiff and take action.”

Democrats might not be able to protect Schiff much longer as Barr has begun multiple investigations of the criminal 'investigators'...

Judicial Watch Files Ethics Complaint Against Rep. Adam Schiff

Judicial Watch is a partisan in this. Anyone can file a complaint and make it sound impressive. It will go nowhere.
Keep it up dummies Keep looking for ways to divert attention from your swine the moron in our WH Maybe spend 30 years going after Dems like you did with Hillary You are all a waste and I'm being kind
Why are you so afraid of facing reality?

Schiff admitted to leaking classified. He helped coach / prep Cohen for 10 HOURS prior to his 2nd appearance before Congress, during which time he perjured himself again. Fusion GPS's continuously lying about having hard evidence of Trump's non-existent collusion....

You mentioned Hillary - your denial of reality could not be demonstrated more.

  1. U.S. Code § 798 – Disclosure of classified information
  2. U.S. Code § 1031 — Major fraud against the United States
  3. U.S. Code § 371Conspiracy to commit a federal offense
  4. U.S. Code § 1924 – Unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material
  5. U.S. Code § 2071(b) — Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally
  6. U.S. Code § 1346 — Definition of “scheme or artifice to defraud”
  7. U.S. Code § 641 – Public money, property or records
  8. U.S. Code § 1343 – Fraud by wire, radio or television
  9. U.S. Code § 1505 – Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees
  10. U.S. Code § 1519 — Destruction, alteration, or falsification of records in federal investigations
  11. 18 U.S. Code § 793 — Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information
These are the 11 Codes / Laws Hillary Clinton UNDENIABLY violated through the use of her private illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured e-mail and server.

In one breath you proclaim the fact that Mueller did not prove guilt of Trump means nothing, that the fact that not one single indictment / conviction was for collusion or obstruction means nothing because he is still guilty yet in the very next breath you claim the fact that Hillary was protected from indictment / prosecution proves she never committed a crime.

You're not just hypocritical - you're psychotically delusional / pathologically disturbed...

Sorry you lose. She did not undeniably violate anything. Comey did not see any reason to prosecute.

Mueller clearly accepted the DOJ policy that a sitting President could not be prosecuted so he made no recommendation. He did specifically state that Trump was not exonerated and urged Congress to investigate further.
Keep it up dummies Keep looking for ways to divert attention from your swine the moron in our WH Maybe spend 30 years going after Dems like you did with Hillary You are all a waste and I'm being kind
Funny? Your swine ,the POS and his southern AH's want to take choice from women? I wish you all the worst
Did you just post then answer yourself?!?!

sorry you didn't understand,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,maybe next time
After having already admitted he leaked classified information, now D-Schiff faces an Ethics Complaint for potentially improper communications and contacts with two congressional witnesses, Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS and Michael Cohen, President Trump’s former personal lawyer, during the Trump investigation.

Regarding his 10-hour prep-session with Cohen before Cohen testified before Congress a 2nd time, "Rep. Schiff's conduct creates the appearance of unethical collusion and synchronization of efforts that calls into question whether Cohen’s testimony was a legitimate congressional hearing or well-rehearsed political theatre," the complaint reads.

"Judicial Watch filed a separate ethics complaint on April 13, 2018, against Rep. Schiff and Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.) "for improperly confirming classified information in violation of House rules." The House Ethics Committee has "yet to take any public action on the complaint," according to the government watchdog."

“Rep. Schiff has an ethics problem. His and his staff’s irregular communications with anti-Trump witnesses reflect poorly on the credibility of the House and its committees’ investigations. It has long been apparent that Rep. Schiff can’t be trusted to lead the Intelligence Committee, so we hope that Democrats on the Ethics Committee stop protecting Mr. Schiff and take action.”

Democrats might not be able to protect Schiff much longer as Barr has begun multiple investigations of the criminal 'investigators'...

Judicial Watch Files Ethics Complaint Against Rep. Adam Schiff

Judicial Watch is a partisan in this. Anyone can file a complaint and make it sound impressive. It will go nowhere.
Name one complaint that wasn't filed by a "partisan."

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