Things Many White People Seem To Not Understand

I ask myself on a daily basis, "What do I have that I didn’t earn?"
-- Peggy MacIntosh​
  1. White Privilege is being able to move into a new neighborhood and being fairly sure that your neighbors will be pleasant to you and treat you with respect.
  2. White Privilege is being able to watch a movie, read a book and open the front page of a newspaper and assume that unless otherwise indicated, you and every white person whom you know or can imagine could well be the protagonist; you and your race is widely represented and spoken for. It's also being about to encounter any narrative about non-whites and empathetically dissociate yourself from it.
  3. White Privilege is being able to seek legal, financial and medical help without having your race work against you.
  4. White Privilege is living in a world where you are taught that people with your skin tone hold the standard for beauty.
  5. White Privilege is never being told to, “get over slavery”.
  6. White Privilege is having the prevalence and importance of the English language and finding amusement in ridiculing people of color/immigrants for their accents and their difficulty in speaking a language that is not their native tongue.
  7. White Privilege is arrogantly believing that reverse racism actually exists and believing it is something other than racism.
  8. White Privilege is being able to stay ignorant to the fact that racial slurs are part of a systematic dehumanization of entire groups of people who are and have historically been subjugated and hated just for being alive.
  9. White Privilege is not having your name turned into an easier-to-say Anglo-Saxon name.
  10. White Privilege is being able to fight racism one day, then ignore it the next.
  11. White privilege is having your words and actions attributed to you as an individual, rather than have them reflect members of your race.
  12. White Privilege is being able to talk about racism without appearing self-serving.
  13. White Privilege is being able to be articulate and well-spoken without people being surprised.
  14. White Privilege is being pulled over or taken aside and knowing that you are not being singled out because of your race/colour.
  15. White Privilege is not having to teach your children to be aware of systematic racism for their own protection.
  16. White Privilege is not having to acknowledge the fact that we live in a system that treats people of color unfairly politically, socially and economically and being able to choose, instead, -- if/when it suits you -- to believe that people of color are inherently less capable.
  17. White Privilege is not having your people and their culture stereotyped and subsequently appropriated, romanticized or eroticized for the gain and pleasure of other white people.
  18. White Privilege is being able to ignore the consequences of race.
Now, if as or after you read the list above, what crossed your mind was/were:
  • ways to discredit the statement(s) rather than ways in which the statement(s) is so, and/or
  • whether a statement is binarily applicable either in general or specifically,
  • whether the inapplicability of one statement -- broadly or specifically -- to you or the white people whom you know has something to do with whether White Privilege exists,
  • whether a single statement or the whole list sought to describe or label you specifically or white people in general rather than a body of cultural attitudes and experiences,
well, that's not white privilege, it's an outcome of White Privilege. What that is at least one of thee things -- white guilt, denial or racial bias -- but not knowing you personally, I can't say which. I suppose it could also be be incomprehension, but there's no "fancy" language there, so hopefully none of the literalists (or anyone else) here show us that they truly didn't get the substantive themes and contexts of the statements.

Lastly, to be clear, I didn't create the OP seeking to irk folks, truly. I want folks -- black and white -- to recognize that on a daily basis, whites enjoy a set of advantages and immunities that are a direct result of the oppression of people of color. I also want blacks to realize that often enough and unconsciously they feed the beast too and to that end, they aren't helping eradicate it. That's how deeply ingrained White Privilege is in American culture.

Interestingly, I didn't actually come to understand White Privilege until I discovered my own angst and apprehension when I spent a year living and traveling in places where there were no white people, or if there were I never saw them. And to be honest, it was some months later that I understood the emotions I'd felt . It was years later before the term "White Privilege" made its way to me and I came to have a tidy little label for what I'd experienced and discovered.

How you perceive the notion of that even being possible and indeed happening? Makes you squirm in your chair a bit and maybe feel a little uncomfortable, right? But here’s the thing – I’m not "on about" White Privilege to make you feel comfortable, that’s not my aim. I've created this thread to ideally erase the invisibility of the privileges you have that continue to help maintain white supremacy, yet I realize that's probably far too optimistic an objective. I’m trying merely to offer a few palpable illustrations of what White Privilege is in the hope that maybe one day, not necessarily one day soon, when you see it manifest, you'll recognize it for what it is and maybe even know that it's not fair that we enjoy a privilege no other Americans do, and in recognition of that, do something about ending it.

Additional Reading:

You assume an awful lot about white people, assuming that all white people were the same, maybe your just talking about europeans? and even then there are differences. I take it you must not be white to assume so much.
You must be one of the most judgemental people on earth, you can even pre- emptively judge peoples thoughts before they have even read this.

somehow you know what other people acknowledge? , or were taught about other peoples beauty or worth? or you know how arrogant they were brought up to be? its just amazing how youve figured out how all white people think. just amazing. by the way, I am white, and my family name was changed into an easier to say Anglo name, people think im british when I am not, but so fucking what?

You cant see the forrest cause your looking at too many trees
[white privilege] is, at the very least, a western encompassing one that is lodged at any white person

Why do you conclude that one's assertion that white privilege exists and then describing the ways in which it is manifest is necessarily an attack? Consider for instance comparable assertions:
  • In Israel, Jewish privilege exists.
  • In Saudi Arabia, Muslim privilege exists.
  • In China, Han privilege exists.
If one were to say that to the natives of those places, almost without exception, one would get as a reply something akin to, "Yes, it does." Indeed, I had precisely that conversation with eight of my Chinese colleagues in 2009. All but two, Uyghurs, who where present are Han. None of them denied the existence of Han privilege in China. No Hans felt threatened or "lodged upon." They just know it's something that does exist and they happen to be the beneficiaries of it.
I and many others view it as an attack because it further discourages group activity in communities that are already hyper-individualized to the point that group needs are neglected, or even harshly discouraged or prohibited. "White privilege" is also seen as an attack because of the fact there is no equivalent term in the modern lexicon for the privilege of other ethnic, religious or racial groups.

There is in "the modern lexicon" a comparable term for the privilege of at least one other ethnic/racial group. I told you want it is in simple English, but if you prefer, here's the literal and original term: 大汉族主义 or in pinyin, dà Hànzú zhǔyia. Chairman Mao coined the term in the 1950s.
The bias of the Han is not limited to how Uyghurs are viewed and treated in Chinese society; however, there's no reason for the more "in your face" signs of Chinese chauvinism to make it onto American television.

Sure as that ad exists, and Chinese folks see it a "humorously cute," the black folks on my projects in China report that actual bias isn't something they've felt or encountered. Rather, they note that in their experience, Chinese people are quite welcoming of them. (Yes, in case you're wondering, the blacks on my project teams in China read and write Mandarin. I'm the one who can't read and write Mandarin/Simplified Chinese.)

As I told you there is Jewish Privilege in Israel. There is even white Jewish Privilege there.
That you may not be aware of the term "dà Hànzú zhǔyia" is indicative of nothing having to do with the phenomenon of dà Hànzú zhǔyia. Believe it or not, there is more that goes on in the world than what falls right in front of you, but if you go looking for them, you'll find them. (See my signature line.)

I told you before that there is and you unilaterally declared that I was being disingenuous. You cited two reasons why you think that:
  • because, in your opinion, Peggy McIntosh doesn't believe in it --> What Peggy believes in or doesn't believe in has nothing to do with what exists or does not exist. Peggy can believe in the Tooth Fairy, but that won't make the Tooth Fairy exist. Peggy can disbelieve in bananas, but bananas will still exist.
  • because "white privilege is not even close to being as influential to American or Western European power structures as the Han are to China's." --> How influential the phenomenon is and what its effects are have nothing to do with whether it exists or not.

Once again you are being disingenuous, this time by comparing the reactions of the Chinese to a comparitively microscopic minority in China(black people) to the reactions of westerners to minorities who are literally becoming the majority at an ever quickening pace.

BTW, is there non-Italian/non-white/black privilege in Italy because of this commercial(the original to the one you posted btw)?:

Commercials like this actually illustrate the need for a debate on the existence of white privilege, because this commercial clearly suggests otherwise in a country that is much whiter than the US.

Even if one were to concede that white privilege existed in the past, the world is vastly different now and clearly the old arguments presented by Peggy and Jane are largely irrelevant or reversed now.

Where exactly is the insincerity or lack of candor in my post? You won't find that in my posts.

I now realize you don't know what disingenuousness is for what you've described as being indicative of it simply isn't it. This is the second time you've levied the charge of my having been disingenuous and not presented a coherent case to support that claim. Having now confirmed that you don't know what the word means, I understand why that is.

Oh, my, well, you are at least in good company, for you aren't the only person around here who willfully and unarmed enters a battle of wits....I don't think you read the whole post; I think you just watched the video...Or if you did, you failed to consider it in toto or deliberately did not, which if you willfully didn't, your reply to my post it is an illustration of disingenuousness..
You will recall that this line of discussion ensued because you made the claim that "there is no equivalent term in the modern lexicon for the privilege of other ethnic, religious or racial groups." I told you there is and I provided multiple linked illustrations that there is (you can still click on the links and read the material there). Yet here you are (1) having still not acknowledged that you were wrong (not owning your sh*t), and (2) shifting focus away from the fact you just didn't know what you were talking about when you wrote that "ig-nernt" remark. And for what? Nothing other than simple intransigence in response to the following post that I made.

[white privilege] is, at the very least, a western encompassing one that is lodged at any white person

Why do you conclude that one's assertion that white privilege exists and then describing the ways in which it is manifest is necessarily an attack? Consider for instance comparable assertions:
  • In Israel, Jewish privilege exists.
  • In Saudi Arabia, Muslim privilege exists.
  • In China, Han privilege exists.
If one were to say that to the natives of those places, almost without exception, one would get as a reply something akin to, "Yes, it does." Indeed, I had precisely that conversation with eight of my Chinese colleagues in 2009. All but two, Uyghurs, who where present are Han. None of them denied the existence of Han privilege in China. No Hans felt threatened or "lodged upon." They just know it's something that does exist and they happen to be the beneficiaries of it.
Okay, #1 it is.
BTW, if I post my argument at the last minute on Sunday, does that mean I automatically win because you can't post your refutation in time?

No. That you even asked that question is disconcerting on multiple levels, the first of which being that I'm not sure you actually understand what a dialectic argument is.

Organization of a Dialogic/Dialectic Paper

Unique Title
Intro Paragraphs:

Identify what assertion you will argue
Identify the 3-4 strongest opposing arguments,
Identify the argumentative structure you'll use, who precisely your intended audience is, and provide whatever other introductory details you feel readers in your target audience must have.​
Body Section 1:
An argument and supporting details​
Body Section 2:
Its opposing argument and supporting details​
Body Section 3:
Rebuttal of the counter-argument and supporting details​
1 - Summarize the key points in the body
2 - Where logically valid to do so, extrapolate to something beyond the literal findings/assertions presented in the body (optional)​
[FWIW, I don't care if you use MLA, APA, or hyperlinking]​

We are both delivering dialectic arguments not later than 8:30 this coming Sunday. I don't need to see yours in advance any more than you need to see mine because the "counter-argument" section of the overall argument must robustly and objectively present the opposing side's argument so that it can be rebutted in the "rebuttal" section. That is the reason for choosing the dialectic structure: it requires one to identify the strongest of the opposition's potential arguments and present them, well, as rigorously as one would present one's own position.
You stated that you would formulate your argument as a direct counter to mine, not in the context of a dialectic argument.

Okay...I understand why you said what you did. I will still deliver my argument by 8:30 p.m. on Sunday.

I don't need to see your argument before presenting my own. There are only so many thematically/substantively different arguments against the existence of white privilege. The strengths and weaknesses of each of them don't change simply because you or another author presents them; what changes by author is the qualitative nature of the presentation.
That makes no sense whatsoever in the context of this debate or any debate really.

Debates are supposed to be about the direct exchange of conflicting ideas and beliefs, not guessing or even strawmaning your opponent's arguments without any input from them.

BTW, if you'd instead prefer to offer a deductive rather than inductive argument, there's, obviously, no need to use a dialectical approach. However, if you elect to go the formal argument route, you'll also need to craft the argument so that it suffers from no formal fallacies and is both valid and sound.
I ask myself on a daily basis, "What do I have that I didn’t earn?"
-- Peggy MacIntosh​
  1. White Privilege is being able to move into a new neighborhood and being fairly sure that your neighbors will be pleasant to you and treat you with respect.
  2. White Privilege is being able to watch a movie, read a book and open the front page of a newspaper and assume that unless otherwise indicated, you and every white person whom you know or can imagine could well be the protagonist; you and your race is widely represented and spoken for. It's also being about to encounter any narrative about non-whites and empathetically dissociate yourself from it.
  3. White Privilege is being able to seek legal, financial and medical help without having your race work against you.
  4. White Privilege is living in a world where you are taught that people with your skin tone hold the standard for beauty.
  5. White Privilege is never being told to, “get over slavery”.
  6. White Privilege is having the prevalence and importance of the English language and finding amusement in ridiculing people of color/immigrants for their accents and their difficulty in speaking a language that is not their native tongue.
  7. White Privilege is arrogantly believing that reverse racism actually exists and believing it is something other than racism.
  8. White Privilege is being able to stay ignorant to the fact that racial slurs are part of a systematic dehumanization of entire groups of people who are and have historically been subjugated and hated just for being alive.
  9. White Privilege is not having your name turned into an easier-to-say Anglo-Saxon name.
  10. White Privilege is being able to fight racism one day, then ignore it the next.
  11. White privilege is having your words and actions attributed to you as an individual, rather than have them reflect members of your race.
  12. White Privilege is being able to talk about racism without appearing self-serving.
  13. White Privilege is being able to be articulate and well-spoken without people being surprised.
  14. White Privilege is being pulled over or taken aside and knowing that you are not being singled out because of your race/colour.
  15. White Privilege is not having to teach your children to be aware of systematic racism for their own protection.
  16. White Privilege is not having to acknowledge the fact that we live in a system that treats people of color unfairly politically, socially and economically and being able to choose, instead, -- if/when it suits you -- to believe that people of color are inherently less capable.
  17. White Privilege is not having your people and their culture stereotyped and subsequently appropriated, romanticized or eroticized for the gain and pleasure of other white people.
  18. White Privilege is being able to ignore the consequences of race.
Now, if as or after you read the list above, what crossed your mind was/were:
  • ways to discredit the statement(s) rather than ways in which the statement(s) is so, and/or
  • whether a statement is binarily applicable either in general or specifically,
  • whether the inapplicability of one statement -- broadly or specifically -- to you or the white people whom you know has something to do with whether White Privilege exists,
  • whether a single statement or the whole list sought to describe or label you specifically or white people in general rather than a body of cultural attitudes and experiences,
well, that's not white privilege, it's an outcome of White Privilege. What that is at least one of thee things -- white guilt, denial or racial bias -- but not knowing you personally, I can't say which. I suppose it could also be be incomprehension, but there's no "fancy" language there, so hopefully none of the literalists (or anyone else) here show us that they truly didn't get the substantive themes and contexts of the statements.

Lastly, to be clear, I didn't create the OP seeking to irk folks, truly. I want folks -- black and white -- to recognize that on a daily basis, whites enjoy a set of advantages and immunities that are a direct result of the oppression of people of color. I also want blacks to realize that often enough and unconsciously they feed the beast too and to that end, they aren't helping eradicate it. That's how deeply ingrained White Privilege is in American culture.

Interestingly, I didn't actually come to understand White Privilege until I discovered my own angst and apprehension when I spent a year living and traveling in places where there were no white people, or if there were I never saw them. And to be honest, it was some months later that I understood the emotions I'd felt . It was years later before the term "White Privilege" made its way to me and I came to have a tidy little label for what I'd experienced and discovered.

How you perceive the notion of that even being possible and indeed happening? Makes you squirm in your chair a bit and maybe feel a little uncomfortable, right? But here’s the thing – I’m not "on about" White Privilege to make you feel comfortable, that’s not my aim. I've created this thread to ideally erase the invisibility of the privileges you have that continue to help maintain white supremacy, yet I realize that's probably far too optimistic an objective. I’m trying merely to offer a few palpable illustrations of what White Privilege is in the hope that maybe one day, not necessarily one day soon, when you see it manifest, you'll recognize it for what it is and maybe even know that it's not fair that we enjoy a privilege no other Americans do, and in recognition of that, do something about ending it.

Additional Reading:

You assume an awful lot about white people, assuming that all white people were the same, maybe your just talking about europeans? and even then there are differences. I take it you must not be white to assume so much.
You must be one of the most judgemental people on earth, you can even pre- emptively judge peoples thoughts before they have even read this.

somehow you know what other people acknowledge? , or were taught about other peoples beauty or worth? or you know how arrogant they were brought up to be? its just amazing how youve figured out how all white people think. just amazing. by the way, I am white, and my family name was changed into an easier to say Anglo name, people think im british when I am not, but so fucking what?

You cant see the forrest cause your looking at too many trees

I guess you missed this phrase, "whether a statement is binarily applicable either in general or specifically."
I ask myself on a daily basis, "What do I have that I didn’t earn?"
-- Peggy MacIntosh​
  1. White Privilege is being able to move into a new neighborhood and being fairly sure that your neighbors will be pleasant to you and treat you with respect.
  2. White Privilege is being able to watch a movie, read a book and open the front page of a newspaper and assume that unless otherwise indicated, you and every white person whom you know or can imagine could well be the protagonist; you and your race is widely represented and spoken for. It's also being about to encounter any narrative about non-whites and empathetically dissociate yourself from it.
  3. White Privilege is being able to seek legal, financial and medical help without having your race work against you.
  4. White Privilege is living in a world where you are taught that people with your skin tone hold the standard for beauty.
  5. White Privilege is never being told to, “get over slavery”.
  6. White Privilege is having the prevalence and importance of the English language and finding amusement in ridiculing people of color/immigrants for their accents and their difficulty in speaking a language that is not their native tongue.
  7. White Privilege is arrogantly believing that reverse racism actually exists and believing it is something other than racism.
  8. White Privilege is being able to stay ignorant to the fact that racial slurs are part of a systematic dehumanization of entire groups of people who are and have historically been subjugated and hated just for being alive.
  9. White Privilege is not having your name turned into an easier-to-say Anglo-Saxon name.
  10. White Privilege is being able to fight racism one day, then ignore it the next.
  11. White privilege is having your words and actions attributed to you as an individual, rather than have them reflect members of your race.
  12. White Privilege is being able to talk about racism without appearing self-serving.
  13. White Privilege is being able to be articulate and well-spoken without people being surprised.
  14. White Privilege is being pulled over or taken aside and knowing that you are not being singled out because of your race/colour.
  15. White Privilege is not having to teach your children to be aware of systematic racism for their own protection.
  16. White Privilege is not having to acknowledge the fact that we live in a system that treats people of color unfairly politically, socially and economically and being able to choose, instead, -- if/when it suits you -- to believe that people of color are inherently less capable.
  17. White Privilege is not having your people and their culture stereotyped and subsequently appropriated, romanticized or eroticized for the gain and pleasure of other white people.
  18. White Privilege is being able to ignore the consequences of race.
Now, if as or after you read the list above, what crossed your mind was/were:
  • ways to discredit the statement(s) rather than ways in which the statement(s) is so, and/or
  • whether a statement is binarily applicable either in general or specifically,
  • whether the inapplicability of one statement -- broadly or specifically -- to you or the white people whom you know has something to do with whether White Privilege exists,
  • whether a single statement or the whole list sought to describe or label you specifically or white people in general rather than a body of cultural attitudes and experiences,
well, that's not white privilege, it's an outcome of White Privilege. What that is at least one of thee things -- white guilt, denial or racial bias -- but not knowing you personally, I can't say which. I suppose it could also be be incomprehension, but there's no "fancy" language there, so hopefully none of the literalists (or anyone else) here show us that they truly didn't get the substantive themes and contexts of the statements.

Lastly, to be clear, I didn't create the OP seeking to irk folks, truly. I want folks -- black and white -- to recognize that on a daily basis, whites enjoy a set of advantages and immunities that are a direct result of the oppression of people of color. I also want blacks to realize that often enough and unconsciously they feed the beast too and to that end, they aren't helping eradicate it. That's how deeply ingrained White Privilege is in American culture.

Interestingly, I didn't actually come to understand White Privilege until I discovered my own angst and apprehension when I spent a year living and traveling in places where there were no white people, or if there were I never saw them. And to be honest, it was some months later that I understood the emotions I'd felt . It was years later before the term "White Privilege" made its way to me and I came to have a tidy little label for what I'd experienced and discovered.

How you perceive the notion of that even being possible and indeed happening? Makes you squirm in your chair a bit and maybe feel a little uncomfortable, right? But here’s the thing – I’m not "on about" White Privilege to make you feel comfortable, that’s not my aim. I've created this thread to ideally erase the invisibility of the privileges you have that continue to help maintain white supremacy, yet I realize that's probably far too optimistic an objective. I’m trying merely to offer a few palpable illustrations of what White Privilege is in the hope that maybe one day, not necessarily one day soon, when you see it manifest, you'll recognize it for what it is and maybe even know that it's not fair that we enjoy a privilege no other Americans do, and in recognition of that, do something about ending it.

Additional Reading:
If you want to talk about "formal fallacies", this is a big one.
I ask myself on a daily basis, "What do I have that I didn’t earn?"
-- Peggy MacIntosh​
  1. White Privilege is being able to move into a new neighborhood and being fairly sure that your neighbors will be pleasant to you and treat you with respect.
  2. White Privilege is being able to watch a movie, read a book and open the front page of a newspaper and assume that unless otherwise indicated, you and every white person whom you know or can imagine could well be the protagonist; you and your race is widely represented and spoken for. It's also being about to encounter any narrative about non-whites and empathetically dissociate yourself from it.
  3. White Privilege is being able to seek legal, financial and medical help without having your race work against you.
  4. White Privilege is living in a world where you are taught that people with your skin tone hold the standard for beauty.
  5. White Privilege is never being told to, “get over slavery”.
  6. White Privilege is having the prevalence and importance of the English language and finding amusement in ridiculing people of color/immigrants for their accents and their difficulty in speaking a language that is not their native tongue.
  7. White Privilege is arrogantly believing that reverse racism actually exists and believing it is something other than racism.
  8. White Privilege is being able to stay ignorant to the fact that racial slurs are part of a systematic dehumanization of entire groups of people who are and have historically been subjugated and hated just for being alive.
  9. White Privilege is not having your name turned into an easier-to-say Anglo-Saxon name.
  10. White Privilege is being able to fight racism one day, then ignore it the next.
  11. White privilege is having your words and actions attributed to you as an individual, rather than have them reflect members of your race.
  12. White Privilege is being able to talk about racism without appearing self-serving.
  13. White Privilege is being able to be articulate and well-spoken without people being surprised.
  14. White Privilege is being pulled over or taken aside and knowing that you are not being singled out because of your race/colour.
  15. White Privilege is not having to teach your children to be aware of systematic racism for their own protection.
  16. White Privilege is not having to acknowledge the fact that we live in a system that treats people of color unfairly politically, socially and economically and being able to choose, instead, -- if/when it suits you -- to believe that people of color are inherently less capable.
  17. White Privilege is not having your people and their culture stereotyped and subsequently appropriated, romanticized or eroticized for the gain and pleasure of other white people.
  18. White Privilege is being able to ignore the consequences of race.
Now, if as or after you read the list above, what crossed your mind was/were:
  • ways to discredit the statement(s) rather than ways in which the statement(s) is so, and/or
  • whether a statement is binarily applicable either in general or specifically,
  • whether the inapplicability of one statement -- broadly or specifically -- to you or the white people whom you know has something to do with whether White Privilege exists,
  • whether a single statement or the whole list sought to describe or label you specifically or white people in general rather than a body of cultural attitudes and experiences,
well, that's not white privilege, it's an outcome of White Privilege. What that is at least one of thee things -- white guilt, denial or racial bias -- but not knowing you personally, I can't say which. I suppose it could also be be incomprehension, but there's no "fancy" language there, so hopefully none of the literalists (or anyone else) here show us that they truly didn't get the substantive themes and contexts of the statements.

Lastly, to be clear, I didn't create the OP seeking to irk folks, truly. I want folks -- black and white -- to recognize that on a daily basis, whites enjoy a set of advantages and immunities that are a direct result of the oppression of people of color. I also want blacks to realize that often enough and unconsciously they feed the beast too and to that end, they aren't helping eradicate it. That's how deeply ingrained White Privilege is in American culture.

Interestingly, I didn't actually come to understand White Privilege until I discovered my own angst and apprehension when I spent a year living and traveling in places where there were no white people, or if there were I never saw them. And to be honest, it was some months later that I understood the emotions I'd felt . It was years later before the term "White Privilege" made its way to me and I came to have a tidy little label for what I'd experienced and discovered.

How you perceive the notion of that even being possible and indeed happening? Makes you squirm in your chair a bit and maybe feel a little uncomfortable, right? But here’s the thing – I’m not "on about" White Privilege to make you feel comfortable, that’s not my aim. I've created this thread to ideally erase the invisibility of the privileges you have that continue to help maintain white supremacy, yet I realize that's probably far too optimistic an objective. I’m trying merely to offer a few palpable illustrations of what White Privilege is in the hope that maybe one day, not necessarily one day soon, when you see it manifest, you'll recognize it for what it is and maybe even know that it's not fair that we enjoy a privilege no other Americans do, and in recognition of that, do something about ending it.

Additional Reading:
If you want to talk about "formal fallacies", this is a big one.

I don't want to talk about "formal fallacies" or formal fallacies, for that matter. The OP isn't a formal argument. It's not even an argument of any sort, it's an articulation of inferences derived from the arguments found in the linked content. The linked content is where one'll find arguments.
I ask myself on a daily basis, "What do I have that I didn’t earn?"
-- Peggy MacIntosh​
  1. White Privilege is being able to move into a new neighborhood and being fairly sure that your neighbors will be pleasant to you and treat you with respect.
  2. White Privilege is being able to watch a movie, read a book and open the front page of a newspaper and assume that unless otherwise indicated, you and every white person whom you know or can imagine could well be the protagonist; you and your race is widely represented and spoken for. It's also being about to encounter any narrative about non-whites and empathetically dissociate yourself from it.
  3. White Privilege is being able to seek legal, financial and medical help without having your race work against you.
  4. White Privilege is living in a world where you are taught that people with your skin tone hold the standard for beauty.
  5. White Privilege is never being told to, “get over slavery”.
  6. White Privilege is having the prevalence and importance of the English language and finding amusement in ridiculing people of color/immigrants for their accents and their difficulty in speaking a language that is not their native tongue.
  7. White Privilege is arrogantly believing that reverse racism actually exists and believing it is something other than racism.
  8. White Privilege is being able to stay ignorant to the fact that racial slurs are part of a systematic dehumanization of entire groups of people who are and have historically been subjugated and hated just for being alive.
  9. White Privilege is not having your name turned into an easier-to-say Anglo-Saxon name.
  10. White Privilege is being able to fight racism one day, then ignore it the next.
  11. White privilege is having your words and actions attributed to you as an individual, rather than have them reflect members of your race.
  12. White Privilege is being able to talk about racism without appearing self-serving.
  13. White Privilege is being able to be articulate and well-spoken without people being surprised.
  14. White Privilege is being pulled over or taken aside and knowing that you are not being singled out because of your race/colour.
  15. White Privilege is not having to teach your children to be aware of systematic racism for their own protection.
  16. White Privilege is not having to acknowledge the fact that we live in a system that treats people of color unfairly politically, socially and economically and being able to choose, instead, -- if/when it suits you -- to believe that people of color are inherently less capable.
  17. White Privilege is not having your people and their culture stereotyped and subsequently appropriated, romanticized or eroticized for the gain and pleasure of other white people.
  18. White Privilege is being able to ignore the consequences of race.
Now, if as or after you read the list above, what crossed your mind was/were:
  • ways to discredit the statement(s) rather than ways in which the statement(s) is so, and/or
  • whether a statement is binarily applicable either in general or specifically,
  • whether the inapplicability of one statement -- broadly or specifically -- to you or the white people whom you know has something to do with whether White Privilege exists,
  • whether a single statement or the whole list sought to describe or label you specifically or white people in general rather than a body of cultural attitudes and experiences,
well, that's not white privilege, it's an outcome of White Privilege. What that is at least one of thee things -- white guilt, denial or racial bias -- but not knowing you personally, I can't say which. I suppose it could also be be incomprehension, but there's no "fancy" language there, so hopefully none of the literalists (or anyone else) here show us that they truly didn't get the substantive themes and contexts of the statements.

Lastly, to be clear, I didn't create the OP seeking to irk folks, truly. I want folks -- black and white -- to recognize that on a daily basis, whites enjoy a set of advantages and immunities that are a direct result of the oppression of people of color. I also want blacks to realize that often enough and unconsciously they feed the beast too and to that end, they aren't helping eradicate it. That's how deeply ingrained White Privilege is in American culture.

Interestingly, I didn't actually come to understand White Privilege until I discovered my own angst and apprehension when I spent a year living and traveling in places where there were no white people, or if there were I never saw them. And to be honest, it was some months later that I understood the emotions I'd felt . It was years later before the term "White Privilege" made its way to me and I came to have a tidy little label for what I'd experienced and discovered.

How you perceive the notion of that even being possible and indeed happening? Makes you squirm in your chair a bit and maybe feel a little uncomfortable, right? But here’s the thing – I’m not "on about" White Privilege to make you feel comfortable, that’s not my aim. I've created this thread to ideally erase the invisibility of the privileges you have that continue to help maintain white supremacy, yet I realize that's probably far too optimistic an objective. I’m trying merely to offer a few palpable illustrations of what White Privilege is in the hope that maybe one day, not necessarily one day soon, when you see it manifest, you'll recognize it for what it is and maybe even know that it's not fair that we enjoy a privilege no other Americans do, and in recognition of that, do something about ending it.

Additional Reading:

You assume an awful lot about white people, assuming that all white people were the same, maybe your just talking about europeans? and even then there are differences. I take it you must not be white to assume so much.
You must be one of the most judgemental people on earth, you can even pre- emptively judge peoples thoughts before they have even read this.

somehow you know what other people acknowledge? , or were taught about other peoples beauty or worth? or you know how arrogant they were brought up to be? its just amazing how youve figured out how all white people think. just amazing. by the way, I am white, and my family name was changed into an easier to say Anglo name, people think im british when I am not, but so fucking what?

You cant see the forrest cause your looking at too many trees

I guess you missed this phrase, "whether a statement is binarily applicable either in general or specifically."
You gave no reason why someone should believe you about any of this other than the "angst" you felt when you were the only white person in an area.

I spent literally the better part of my day surrounded by black people in the inner city and I felt no apprehension at all(likewise when my only "friend" in college was my black roommate with his all black group of friends)
I guess I am just morally superior to you because I am a millennial who's entire life has been shaped by so called "minorities".
Last edited:
I ask myself on a daily basis, "What do I have that I didn’t earn?"
-- Peggy MacIntosh​
  1. White Privilege is being able to move into a new neighborhood and being fairly sure that your neighbors will be pleasant to you and treat you with respect.
  2. White Privilege is being able to watch a movie, read a book and open the front page of a newspaper and assume that unless otherwise indicated, you and every white person whom you know or can imagine could well be the protagonist; you and your race is widely represented and spoken for. It's also being about to encounter any narrative about non-whites and empathetically dissociate yourself from it.
  3. White Privilege is being able to seek legal, financial and medical help without having your race work against you.
  4. White Privilege is living in a world where you are taught that people with your skin tone hold the standard for beauty.
  5. White Privilege is never being told to, “get over slavery”.
  6. White Privilege is having the prevalence and importance of the English language and finding amusement in ridiculing people of color/immigrants for their accents and their difficulty in speaking a language that is not their native tongue.
  7. White Privilege is arrogantly believing that reverse racism actually exists and believing it is something other than racism.
  8. White Privilege is being able to stay ignorant to the fact that racial slurs are part of a systematic dehumanization of entire groups of people who are and have historically been subjugated and hated just for being alive.
  9. White Privilege is not having your name turned into an easier-to-say Anglo-Saxon name.
  10. White Privilege is being able to fight racism one day, then ignore it the next.
  11. White privilege is having your words and actions attributed to you as an individual, rather than have them reflect members of your race.
  12. White Privilege is being able to talk about racism without appearing self-serving.
  13. White Privilege is being able to be articulate and well-spoken without people being surprised.
  14. White Privilege is being pulled over or taken aside and knowing that you are not being singled out because of your race/colour.
  15. White Privilege is not having to teach your children to be aware of systematic racism for their own protection.
  16. White Privilege is not having to acknowledge the fact that we live in a system that treats people of color unfairly politically, socially and economically and being able to choose, instead, -- if/when it suits you -- to believe that people of color are inherently less capable.
  17. White Privilege is not having your people and their culture stereotyped and subsequently appropriated, romanticized or eroticized for the gain and pleasure of other white people.
  18. White Privilege is being able to ignore the consequences of race.
Now, if as or after you read the list above, what crossed your mind was/were:
  • ways to discredit the statement(s) rather than ways in which the statement(s) is so, and/or
  • whether a statement is binarily applicable either in general or specifically,
  • whether the inapplicability of one statement -- broadly or specifically -- to you or the white people whom you know has something to do with whether White Privilege exists,
  • whether a single statement or the whole list sought to describe or label you specifically or white people in general rather than a body of cultural attitudes and experiences,
well, that's not white privilege, it's an outcome of White Privilege. What that is at least one of thee things -- white guilt, denial or racial bias -- but not knowing you personally, I can't say which. I suppose it could also be be incomprehension, but there's no "fancy" language there, so hopefully none of the literalists (or anyone else) here show us that they truly didn't get the substantive themes and contexts of the statements.

Lastly, to be clear, I didn't create the OP seeking to irk folks, truly. I want folks -- black and white -- to recognize that on a daily basis, whites enjoy a set of advantages and immunities that are a direct result of the oppression of people of color. I also want blacks to realize that often enough and unconsciously they feed the beast too and to that end, they aren't helping eradicate it. That's how deeply ingrained White Privilege is in American culture.

Interestingly, I didn't actually come to understand White Privilege until I discovered my own angst and apprehension when I spent a year living and traveling in places where there were no white people, or if there were I never saw them. And to be honest, it was some months later that I understood the emotions I'd felt . It was years later before the term "White Privilege" made its way to me and I came to have a tidy little label for what I'd experienced and discovered.

How you perceive the notion of that even being possible and indeed happening? Makes you squirm in your chair a bit and maybe feel a little uncomfortable, right? But here’s the thing – I’m not "on about" White Privilege to make you feel comfortable, that’s not my aim. I've created this thread to ideally erase the invisibility of the privileges you have that continue to help maintain white supremacy, yet I realize that's probably far too optimistic an objective. I’m trying merely to offer a few palpable illustrations of what White Privilege is in the hope that maybe one day, not necessarily one day soon, when you see it manifest, you'll recognize it for what it is and maybe even know that it's not fair that we enjoy a privilege no other Americans do, and in recognition of that, do something about ending it.

Additional Reading:
If you want to talk about "formal fallacies", this is a big one.

I don't want to talk about "formal fallacies" or formal fallacies, for that matter. The OP isn't a formal argument. It's not even an argument of any sort, it's an articulation of inferences derived from the arguments found in the linked content. The linked content is where one'll find arguments.
The linked content is every bit as terrible and dogmatic as the crap you posted from Peggy, and if you had half the wit I do you would at least be able to make that comparison.

I am sorry to tell you this, but if any of that were to be exposed in a proper debate the very existence of "white privilege" as a viable concept would be over the very next day.
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BTW, if I post my argument at the last minute on Sunday, does that mean I automatically win because you can't post your refutation in time?

No. That you even asked that question is disconcerting on multiple levels, the first of which being that I'm not sure you actually understand what a dialectic argument is.

Organization of a Dialogic/Dialectic Paper

Unique Title
Intro Paragraphs:

Identify what assertion you will argue
Identify the 3-4 strongest opposing arguments,
Identify the argumentative structure you'll use, who precisely your intended audience is, and provide whatever other introductory details you feel readers in your target audience must have.​
Body Section 1:
An argument and supporting details​
Body Section 2:
Its opposing argument and supporting details​
Body Section 3:
Rebuttal of the counter-argument and supporting details​
1 - Summarize the key points in the body
2 - Where logically valid to do so, extrapolate to something beyond the literal findings/assertions presented in the body (optional)​
[FWIW, I don't care if you use MLA, APA, or hyperlinking]​

We are both delivering dialectic arguments not later than 8:30 this coming Sunday. I don't need to see yours in advance any more than you need to see mine because the "counter-argument" section of the overall argument must robustly and objectively present the opposing side's argument so that it can be rebutted in the "rebuttal" section. That is the reason for choosing the dialectic structure: it requires one to identify the strongest of the opposition's potential arguments and present them, well, as rigorously as one would present one's own position.
You stated that you would formulate your argument as a direct counter to mine, not in the context of a dialectic argument.

Okay...I understand why you said what you did. I will still deliver my argument by 8:30 p.m. on Sunday.

I don't need to see your argument before presenting my own. There are only so many thematically/substantively different arguments against the existence of white privilege. The strengths and weaknesses of each of them don't change simply because you or another author presents them; what changes by author is the qualitative nature of the presentation.
That makes no sense whatsoever in the context of this debate or any debate really.

Debates are supposed to be about the direct exchange of conflicting ideas and beliefs, not guessing or even strawmaning your opponent's arguments without any input from them.

BTW, if you'd instead prefer to offer a deductive rather than inductive argument, there's, obviously, no need to use a dialectical approach. However, if you elect to go the formal argument route, you'll also need to craft the argument so that it suffers from no formal fallacies and is both valid and sound.
You have literally no authority to lecture anyone on making arguments after the crap you linked to on the first page of this thread.
I ask myself on a daily basis, "What do I have that I didn’t earn?"
-- Peggy MacIntosh​
  1. White Privilege is being able to move into a new neighborhood and being fairly sure that your neighbors will be pleasant to you and treat you with respect.
  2. White Privilege is being able to watch a movie, read a book and open the front page of a newspaper and assume that unless otherwise indicated, you and every white person whom you know or can imagine could well be the protagonist; you and your race is widely represented and spoken for. It's also being about to encounter any narrative about non-whites and empathetically dissociate yourself from it.
  3. White Privilege is being able to seek legal, financial and medical help without having your race work against you.
  4. White Privilege is living in a world where you are taught that people with your skin tone hold the standard for beauty.
  5. White Privilege is never being told to, “get over slavery”.
  6. White Privilege is having the prevalence and importance of the English language and finding amusement in ridiculing people of color/immigrants for their accents and their difficulty in speaking a language that is not their native tongue.
  7. White Privilege is arrogantly believing that reverse racism actually exists and believing it is something other than racism.
  8. White Privilege is being able to stay ignorant to the fact that racial slurs are part of a systematic dehumanization of entire groups of people who are and have historically been subjugated and hated just for being alive.
  9. White Privilege is not having your name turned into an easier-to-say Anglo-Saxon name.
  10. White Privilege is being able to fight racism one day, then ignore it the next.
  11. White privilege is having your words and actions attributed to you as an individual, rather than have them reflect members of your race.
  12. White Privilege is being able to talk about racism without appearing self-serving.
  13. White Privilege is being able to be articulate and well-spoken without people being surprised.
  14. White Privilege is being pulled over or taken aside and knowing that you are not being singled out because of your race/colour.
  15. White Privilege is not having to teach your children to be aware of systematic racism for their own protection.
  16. White Privilege is not having to acknowledge the fact that we live in a system that treats people of color unfairly politically, socially and economically and being able to choose, instead, -- if/when it suits you -- to believe that people of color are inherently less capable.
  17. White Privilege is not having your people and their culture stereotyped and subsequently appropriated, romanticized or eroticized for the gain and pleasure of other white people.
  18. White Privilege is being able to ignore the consequences of race.
Now, if as or after you read the list above, what crossed your mind was/were:
  • ways to discredit the statement(s) rather than ways in which the statement(s) is so, and/or
  • whether a statement is binarily applicable either in general or specifically,
  • whether the inapplicability of one statement -- broadly or specifically -- to you or the white people whom you know has something to do with whether White Privilege exists,
  • whether a single statement or the whole list sought to describe or label you specifically or white people in general rather than a body of cultural attitudes and experiences,
well, that's not white privilege, it's an outcome of White Privilege. What that is at least one of thee things -- white guilt, denial or racial bias -- but not knowing you personally, I can't say which. I suppose it could also be be incomprehension, but there's no "fancy" language there, so hopefully none of the literalists (or anyone else) here show us that they truly didn't get the substantive themes and contexts of the statements.

Lastly, to be clear, I didn't create the OP seeking to irk folks, truly. I want folks -- black and white -- to recognize that on a daily basis, whites enjoy a set of advantages and immunities that are a direct result of the oppression of people of color. I also want blacks to realize that often enough and unconsciously they feed the beast too and to that end, they aren't helping eradicate it. That's how deeply ingrained White Privilege is in American culture.

Interestingly, I didn't actually come to understand White Privilege until I discovered my own angst and apprehension when I spent a year living and traveling in places where there were no white people, or if there were I never saw them. And to be honest, it was some months later that I understood the emotions I'd felt . It was years later before the term "White Privilege" made its way to me and I came to have a tidy little label for what I'd experienced and discovered.

How you perceive the notion of that even being possible and indeed happening? Makes you squirm in your chair a bit and maybe feel a little uncomfortable, right? But here’s the thing – I’m not "on about" White Privilege to make you feel comfortable, that’s not my aim. I've created this thread to ideally erase the invisibility of the privileges you have that continue to help maintain white supremacy, yet I realize that's probably far too optimistic an objective. I’m trying merely to offer a few palpable illustrations of what White Privilege is in the hope that maybe one day, not necessarily one day soon, when you see it manifest, you'll recognize it for what it is and maybe even know that it's not fair that we enjoy a privilege no other Americans do, and in recognition of that, do something about ending it.

Additional Reading:

You assume an awful lot about white people, assuming that all white people were the same, maybe your just talking about europeans? and even then there are differences. I take it you must not be white to assume so much.
You must be one of the most judgemental people on earth, you can even pre- emptively judge peoples thoughts before they have even read this.

somehow you know what other people acknowledge? , or were taught about other peoples beauty or worth? or you know how arrogant they were brought up to be? its just amazing how youve figured out how all white people think. just amazing. by the way, I am white, and my family name was changed into an easier to say Anglo name, people think im british when I am not, but so fucking what?

You cant see the forrest cause your looking at too many trees

I guess you missed this phrase, "whether a statement is binarily applicable either in general or specifically."
You gave no reason why someone should believe you about any of this other than the "angst" you felt when you were the only white person in a area.

I spent literally the better part of my day surrounded by black people in the inner city and I felt no apprehension at all(likewise when my only "friend" in college was my black roommate with his all black group of friends)
I guess I am just morally superior to you because I am a millennial who's entire life has been shaped by so called "minorities".

The reason, the arguments, for why my assertions/inferences should be believed are found in the linked content.

What I didn't do is rely upon my own anecdotal experience as the determinant of the sufficiency of the arguments and observations of experts who've researched the matter of white privilege. (When appeals to authority are not fallacious and when they are)
I ask myself on a daily basis, "What do I have that I didn’t earn?"
-- Peggy MacIntosh​
  1. White Privilege is being able to move into a new neighborhood and being fairly sure that your neighbors will be pleasant to you and treat you with respect.
  2. White Privilege is being able to watch a movie, read a book and open the front page of a newspaper and assume that unless otherwise indicated, you and every white person whom you know or can imagine could well be the protagonist; you and your race is widely represented and spoken for. It's also being about to encounter any narrative about non-whites and empathetically dissociate yourself from it.
  3. White Privilege is being able to seek legal, financial and medical help without having your race work against you.
  4. White Privilege is living in a world where you are taught that people with your skin tone hold the standard for beauty.
  5. White Privilege is never being told to, “get over slavery”.
  6. White Privilege is having the prevalence and importance of the English language and finding amusement in ridiculing people of color/immigrants for their accents and their difficulty in speaking a language that is not their native tongue.
  7. White Privilege is arrogantly believing that reverse racism actually exists and believing it is something other than racism.
  8. White Privilege is being able to stay ignorant to the fact that racial slurs are part of a systematic dehumanization of entire groups of people who are and have historically been subjugated and hated just for being alive.
  9. White Privilege is not having your name turned into an easier-to-say Anglo-Saxon name.
  10. White Privilege is being able to fight racism one day, then ignore it the next.
  11. White privilege is having your words and actions attributed to you as an individual, rather than have them reflect members of your race.
  12. White Privilege is being able to talk about racism without appearing self-serving.
  13. White Privilege is being able to be articulate and well-spoken without people being surprised.
  14. White Privilege is being pulled over or taken aside and knowing that you are not being singled out because of your race/colour.
  15. White Privilege is not having to teach your children to be aware of systematic racism for their own protection.
  16. White Privilege is not having to acknowledge the fact that we live in a system that treats people of color unfairly politically, socially and economically and being able to choose, instead, -- if/when it suits you -- to believe that people of color are inherently less capable.
  17. White Privilege is not having your people and their culture stereotyped and subsequently appropriated, romanticized or eroticized for the gain and pleasure of other white people.
  18. White Privilege is being able to ignore the consequences of race.
Now, if as or after you read the list above, what crossed your mind was/were:
  • ways to discredit the statement(s) rather than ways in which the statement(s) is so, and/or
  • whether a statement is binarily applicable either in general or specifically,
  • whether the inapplicability of one statement -- broadly or specifically -- to you or the white people whom you know has something to do with whether White Privilege exists,
  • whether a single statement or the whole list sought to describe or label you specifically or white people in general rather than a body of cultural attitudes and experiences,
well, that's not white privilege, it's an outcome of White Privilege. What that is at least one of thee things -- white guilt, denial or racial bias -- but not knowing you personally, I can't say which. I suppose it could also be be incomprehension, but there's no "fancy" language there, so hopefully none of the literalists (or anyone else) here show us that they truly didn't get the substantive themes and contexts of the statements.

Lastly, to be clear, I didn't create the OP seeking to irk folks, truly. I want folks -- black and white -- to recognize that on a daily basis, whites enjoy a set of advantages and immunities that are a direct result of the oppression of people of color. I also want blacks to realize that often enough and unconsciously they feed the beast too and to that end, they aren't helping eradicate it. That's how deeply ingrained White Privilege is in American culture.

Interestingly, I didn't actually come to understand White Privilege until I discovered my own angst and apprehension when I spent a year living and traveling in places where there were no white people, or if there were I never saw them. And to be honest, it was some months later that I understood the emotions I'd felt . It was years later before the term "White Privilege" made its way to me and I came to have a tidy little label for what I'd experienced and discovered.

How you perceive the notion of that even being possible and indeed happening? Makes you squirm in your chair a bit and maybe feel a little uncomfortable, right? But here’s the thing – I’m not "on about" White Privilege to make you feel comfortable, that’s not my aim. I've created this thread to ideally erase the invisibility of the privileges you have that continue to help maintain white supremacy, yet I realize that's probably far too optimistic an objective. I’m trying merely to offer a few palpable illustrations of what White Privilege is in the hope that maybe one day, not necessarily one day soon, when you see it manifest, you'll recognize it for what it is and maybe even know that it's not fair that we enjoy a privilege no other Americans do, and in recognition of that, do something about ending it.

Additional Reading:

You assume an awful lot about white people, assuming that all white people were the same, maybe your just talking about europeans? and even then there are differences. I take it you must not be white to assume so much.
You must be one of the most judgemental people on earth, you can even pre- emptively judge peoples thoughts before they have even read this.

somehow you know what other people acknowledge? , or were taught about other peoples beauty or worth? or you know how arrogant they were brought up to be? its just amazing how youve figured out how all white people think. just amazing. by the way, I am white, and my family name was changed into an easier to say Anglo name, people think im british when I am not, but so fucking what?

You cant see the forrest cause your looking at too many trees

I guess you missed this phrase, "whether a statement is binarily applicable either in general or specifically."
You gave no reason why someone should believe you about any of this other than the "angst" you felt when you were the only white person in a area.

I spent literally the better part of my day surrounded by black people in the inner city and I felt no apprehension at all(likewise when my only "friend" in college was my black roommate with his all black group of friends)
I guess I am just morally superior to you because I am a millennial who's entire life has been shaped by so called "minorities".

The reason, the arguments, for why my assertions/inferences should be believed are found in the linked content.

What I didn't do is rely upon my own anecdotal experience as the determinant of the sufficiency of the arguments and observations of experts who've researched the matter of white privilege. (When appeals to authority are not fallacious and when they are)
What "research" did any of these people do?

Your "linked content" is every bit as fallacious and dogmatic as the content you had the guts to post and directly quote.

Peggy McIntosh is the godmother of "white privilege", if she is wrong they are all wrong.
I ask myself on a daily basis, "What do I have that I didn’t earn?"
-- Peggy MacIntosh​
  1. White Privilege is being able to move into a new neighborhood and being fairly sure that your neighbors will be pleasant to you and treat you with respect.
  2. White Privilege is being able to watch a movie, read a book and open the front page of a newspaper and assume that unless otherwise indicated, you and every white person whom you know or can imagine could well be the protagonist; you and your race is widely represented and spoken for. It's also being about to encounter any narrative about non-whites and empathetically dissociate yourself from it.
  3. White Privilege is being able to seek legal, financial and medical help without having your race work against you.
  4. White Privilege is living in a world where you are taught that people with your skin tone hold the standard for beauty.
  5. White Privilege is never being told to, “get over slavery”.
  6. White Privilege is having the prevalence and importance of the English language and finding amusement in ridiculing people of color/immigrants for their accents and their difficulty in speaking a language that is not their native tongue.
  7. White Privilege is arrogantly believing that reverse racism actually exists and believing it is something other than racism.
  8. White Privilege is being able to stay ignorant to the fact that racial slurs are part of a systematic dehumanization of entire groups of people who are and have historically been subjugated and hated just for being alive.
  9. White Privilege is not having your name turned into an easier-to-say Anglo-Saxon name.
  10. White Privilege is being able to fight racism one day, then ignore it the next.
  11. White privilege is having your words and actions attributed to you as an individual, rather than have them reflect members of your race.
  12. White Privilege is being able to talk about racism without appearing self-serving.
  13. White Privilege is being able to be articulate and well-spoken without people being surprised.
  14. White Privilege is being pulled over or taken aside and knowing that you are not being singled out because of your race/colour.
  15. White Privilege is not having to teach your children to be aware of systematic racism for their own protection.
  16. White Privilege is not having to acknowledge the fact that we live in a system that treats people of color unfairly politically, socially and economically and being able to choose, instead, -- if/when it suits you -- to believe that people of color are inherently less capable.
  17. White Privilege is not having your people and their culture stereotyped and subsequently appropriated, romanticized or eroticized for the gain and pleasure of other white people.
  18. White Privilege is being able to ignore the consequences of race.
Now, if as or after you read the list above, what crossed your mind was/were:
  • ways to discredit the statement(s) rather than ways in which the statement(s) is so, and/or
  • whether a statement is binarily applicable either in general or specifically,
  • whether the inapplicability of one statement -- broadly or specifically -- to you or the white people whom you know has something to do with whether White Privilege exists,
  • whether a single statement or the whole list sought to describe or label you specifically or white people in general rather than a body of cultural attitudes and experiences,
well, that's not white privilege, it's an outcome of White Privilege. What that is at least one of thee things -- white guilt, denial or racial bias -- but not knowing you personally, I can't say which. I suppose it could also be be incomprehension, but there's no "fancy" language there, so hopefully none of the literalists (or anyone else) here show us that they truly didn't get the substantive themes and contexts of the statements.

Lastly, to be clear, I didn't create the OP seeking to irk folks, truly. I want folks -- black and white -- to recognize that on a daily basis, whites enjoy a set of advantages and immunities that are a direct result of the oppression of people of color. I also want blacks to realize that often enough and unconsciously they feed the beast too and to that end, they aren't helping eradicate it. That's how deeply ingrained White Privilege is in American culture.

Interestingly, I didn't actually come to understand White Privilege until I discovered my own angst and apprehension when I spent a year living and traveling in places where there were no white people, or if there were I never saw them. And to be honest, it was some months later that I understood the emotions I'd felt . It was years later before the term "White Privilege" made its way to me and I came to have a tidy little label for what I'd experienced and discovered.

How you perceive the notion of that even being possible and indeed happening? Makes you squirm in your chair a bit and maybe feel a little uncomfortable, right? But here’s the thing – I’m not "on about" White Privilege to make you feel comfortable, that’s not my aim. I've created this thread to ideally erase the invisibility of the privileges you have that continue to help maintain white supremacy, yet I realize that's probably far too optimistic an objective. I’m trying merely to offer a few palpable illustrations of what White Privilege is in the hope that maybe one day, not necessarily one day soon, when you see it manifest, you'll recognize it for what it is and maybe even know that it's not fair that we enjoy a privilege no other Americans do, and in recognition of that, do something about ending it.

Additional Reading:
If you want to talk about "formal fallacies", this is a big one.

Anytime some dunce whines about 'white privilege,' I ask how is it, then, that the group with the highest income, highest educational attainment, and lowest crime rates is not white.
I ask myself on a daily basis, "What do I have that I didn’t earn?"
-- Peggy MacIntosh​
  1. White Privilege is being able to move into a new neighborhood and being fairly sure that your neighbors will be pleasant to you and treat you with respect.
  2. White Privilege is being able to watch a movie, read a book and open the front page of a newspaper and assume that unless otherwise indicated, you and every white person whom you know or can imagine could well be the protagonist; you and your race is widely represented and spoken for. It's also being about to encounter any narrative about non-whites and empathetically dissociate yourself from it.
  3. White Privilege is being able to seek legal, financial and medical help without having your race work against you.
  4. White Privilege is living in a world where you are taught that people with your skin tone hold the standard for beauty.
  5. White Privilege is never being told to, “get over slavery”.
  6. White Privilege is having the prevalence and importance of the English language and finding amusement in ridiculing people of color/immigrants for their accents and their difficulty in speaking a language that is not their native tongue.
  7. White Privilege is arrogantly believing that reverse racism actually exists and believing it is something other than racism.
  8. White Privilege is being able to stay ignorant to the fact that racial slurs are part of a systematic dehumanization of entire groups of people who are and have historically been subjugated and hated just for being alive.
  9. White Privilege is not having your name turned into an easier-to-say Anglo-Saxon name.
  10. White Privilege is being able to fight racism one day, then ignore it the next.
  11. White privilege is having your words and actions attributed to you as an individual, rather than have them reflect members of your race.
  12. White Privilege is being able to talk about racism without appearing self-serving.
  13. White Privilege is being able to be articulate and well-spoken without people being surprised.
  14. White Privilege is being pulled over or taken aside and knowing that you are not being singled out because of your race/colour.
  15. White Privilege is not having to teach your children to be aware of systematic racism for their own protection.
  16. White Privilege is not having to acknowledge the fact that we live in a system that treats people of color unfairly politically, socially and economically and being able to choose, instead, -- if/when it suits you -- to believe that people of color are inherently less capable.
  17. White Privilege is not having your people and their culture stereotyped and subsequently appropriated, romanticized or eroticized for the gain and pleasure of other white people.
  18. White Privilege is being able to ignore the consequences of race.
Now, if as or after you read the list above, what crossed your mind was/were:
  • ways to discredit the statement(s) rather than ways in which the statement(s) is so, and/or
  • whether a statement is binarily applicable either in general or specifically,
  • whether the inapplicability of one statement -- broadly or specifically -- to you or the white people whom you know has something to do with whether White Privilege exists,
  • whether a single statement or the whole list sought to describe or label you specifically or white people in general rather than a body of cultural attitudes and experiences,
well, that's not white privilege, it's an outcome of White Privilege. What that is at least one of thee things -- white guilt, denial or racial bias -- but not knowing you personally, I can't say which. I suppose it could also be be incomprehension, but there's no "fancy" language there, so hopefully none of the literalists (or anyone else) here show us that they truly didn't get the substantive themes and contexts of the statements.

Lastly, to be clear, I didn't create the OP seeking to irk folks, truly. I want folks -- black and white -- to recognize that on a daily basis, whites enjoy a set of advantages and immunities that are a direct result of the oppression of people of color. I also want blacks to realize that often enough and unconsciously they feed the beast too and to that end, they aren't helping eradicate it. That's how deeply ingrained White Privilege is in American culture.

Interestingly, I didn't actually come to understand White Privilege until I discovered my own angst and apprehension when I spent a year living and traveling in places where there were no white people, or if there were I never saw them. And to be honest, it was some months later that I understood the emotions I'd felt . It was years later before the term "White Privilege" made its way to me and I came to have a tidy little label for what I'd experienced and discovered.

How you perceive the notion of that even being possible and indeed happening? Makes you squirm in your chair a bit and maybe feel a little uncomfortable, right? But here’s the thing – I’m not "on about" White Privilege to make you feel comfortable, that’s not my aim. I've created this thread to ideally erase the invisibility of the privileges you have that continue to help maintain white supremacy, yet I realize that's probably far too optimistic an objective. I’m trying merely to offer a few palpable illustrations of what White Privilege is in the hope that maybe one day, not necessarily one day soon, when you see it manifest, you'll recognize it for what it is and maybe even know that it's not fair that we enjoy a privilege no other Americans do, and in recognition of that, do something about ending it.

Additional Reading:

You assume an awful lot about white people, assuming that all white people were the same, maybe your just talking about europeans? and even then there are differences. I take it you must not be white to assume so much.
You must be one of the most judgemental people on earth, you can even pre- emptively judge peoples thoughts before they have even read this.

somehow you know what other people acknowledge? , or were taught about other peoples beauty or worth? or you know how arrogant they were brought up to be? its just amazing how youve figured out how all white people think. just amazing. by the way, I am white, and my family name was changed into an easier to say Anglo name, people think im british when I am not, but so fucking what?

You cant see the forrest cause your looking at too many trees

I guess you missed this phrase, "whether a statement is binarily applicable either in general or specifically."
You gave no reason why someone should believe you about any of this other than the "angst" you felt when you were the only white person in a area.

I spent literally the better part of my day surrounded by black people in the inner city and I felt no apprehension at all(likewise when my only "friend" in college was my black roommate with his all black group of friends)
I guess I am just morally superior to you because I am a millennial who's entire life has been shaped by so called "minorities".

The reason, the arguments, for why my assertions/inferences should be believed are found in the linked content.

What I didn't do is rely upon my own anecdotal experience as the determinant of the sufficiency of the arguments and observations of experts who've researched the matter of white privilege. (When appeals to authority are not fallacious and when they are)
What "research" did any of these people do?

Your "linked content" is every bit as fallacious and dogmatic as the content you had the guts to post and directly quote.

Peggy McIntosh is the godmother of "white privilege", if she is wrong they are all wrong.

Peggy McIntosh, Ph.D.

Let me google that for you
My dad is hard at work at a college doing grounds crew duties like landscaping and trash removal. While he has black co-workers who don't put forth as much effort, what is he supposed to do? Can't complain because it's pointless. There is no white privilege there because the college has to meet the quota. When he was a housekeeper there, they wanted to replace him with an unskilled black woman to meet the quota. He fought for his job that he earned. He won. That's not "white privilege," it's called fighting for the right to survive in a world that is unfair.
You assume an awful lot about white people, assuming that all white people were the same, maybe your just talking about europeans? and even then there are differences. I take it you must not be white to assume so much.
You must be one of the most judgemental people on earth, you can even pre- emptively judge peoples thoughts before they have even read this.

somehow you know what other people acknowledge? , or were taught about other peoples beauty or worth? or you know how arrogant they were brought up to be? its just amazing how youve figured out how all white people think. just amazing. by the way, I am white, and my family name was changed into an easier to say Anglo name, people think im british when I am not, but so fucking what?

You cant see the forrest cause your looking at too many trees

I guess you missed this phrase, "whether a statement is binarily applicable either in general or specifically."
You gave no reason why someone should believe you about any of this other than the "angst" you felt when you were the only white person in a area.

I spent literally the better part of my day surrounded by black people in the inner city and I felt no apprehension at all(likewise when my only "friend" in college was my black roommate with his all black group of friends)
I guess I am just morally superior to you because I am a millennial who's entire life has been shaped by so called "minorities".

The reason, the arguments, for why my assertions/inferences should be believed are found in the linked content.

What I didn't do is rely upon my own anecdotal experience as the determinant of the sufficiency of the arguments and observations of experts who've researched the matter of white privilege. (When appeals to authority are not fallacious and when they are)
What "research" did any of these people do?

Your "linked content" is every bit as fallacious and dogmatic as the content you had the guts to post and directly quote.

Peggy McIntosh is the godmother of "white privilege", if she is wrong they are all wrong.

Peggy McIntosh, Ph.D.

Let me google that for you
Anyone can get a Ph.D and spew dogmatic bullshit unchallenged, that is not research.

Let me google the word "research" for you:

Definition of RESEARCH
I guess you missed this phrase, "whether a statement is binarily applicable either in general or specifically."
You gave no reason why someone should believe you about any of this other than the "angst" you felt when you were the only white person in a area.

I spent literally the better part of my day surrounded by black people in the inner city and I felt no apprehension at all(likewise when my only "friend" in college was my black roommate with his all black group of friends)
I guess I am just morally superior to you because I am a millennial who's entire life has been shaped by so called "minorities".

The reason, the arguments, for why my assertions/inferences should be believed are found in the linked content.

What I didn't do is rely upon my own anecdotal experience as the determinant of the sufficiency of the arguments and observations of experts who've researched the matter of white privilege. (When appeals to authority are not fallacious and when they are)
What "research" did any of these people do?

Your "linked content" is every bit as fallacious and dogmatic as the content you had the guts to post and directly quote.

Peggy McIntosh is the godmother of "white privilege", if she is wrong they are all wrong.

Peggy McIntosh, Ph.D.

Let me google that for you
Anyone can get a Ph.D and spew dogmatic bullshit unchallenged, that is not research.

Let me google the word "research" for you:

Definition of RESEARCH really don't know much about much....You clearly do not have a Ph.D and I doubt you have a masters degree. Are you aware of one of the things one must do to get a Ph.D? Are you aware of the purpose of getting a Ph.D.?

Seriously, keep responding to me with sophomoric BS as you have been, and you'll land on my ignore list because I don't need to keep seeing this puerile quibbling from you from how 'til Sunday to find whatever you post as your argument (dialectic or deductive) for the non-existence of white privilege. You have shown yourself to be among the segment of the population that cannot tell when what crosses your mind is best kept to yourself.
You gave no reason why someone should believe you about any of this other than the "angst" you felt when you were the only white person in a area.

I spent literally the better part of my day surrounded by black people in the inner city and I felt no apprehension at all(likewise when my only "friend" in college was my black roommate with his all black group of friends)
I guess I am just morally superior to you because I am a millennial who's entire life has been shaped by so called "minorities".

The reason, the arguments, for why my assertions/inferences should be believed are found in the linked content.

What I didn't do is rely upon my own anecdotal experience as the determinant of the sufficiency of the arguments and observations of experts who've researched the matter of white privilege. (When appeals to authority are not fallacious and when they are)
What "research" did any of these people do?

Your "linked content" is every bit as fallacious and dogmatic as the content you had the guts to post and directly quote.

Peggy McIntosh is the godmother of "white privilege", if she is wrong they are all wrong.

Peggy McIntosh, Ph.D.

Let me google that for you
Anyone can get a Ph.D and spew dogmatic bullshit unchallenged, that is not research.

Let me google the word "research" for you:

Definition of RESEARCH really don't know much about much....You clearly do not have a Ph.D and I doubt you have a masters degree. Are you aware of one of the things one must do to get a Ph.D? Are you aware of the purpose of getting a Ph.D.?

Seriously, keep responding to me with sophomoric BS as you have been, and you'll land on my ignore list because I don't need to keep seeing this puerile quibbling from you from how 'til Sunday to find whatever you post as your argument (dialectic or deductive) for the non-existence of white privilege. You have shown yourself to be among the segment of the population that cannot tell when what crosses your mind is best kept to yourself.

Ceeptin'!! The Pretentiousness Containment Unit is overloaded! She kinnau teek an'more bullshit! You've gout ta shut 'er dauwn sir!!!
You gave no reason why someone should believe you about any of this other than the "angst" you felt when you were the only white person in a area.

I spent literally the better part of my day surrounded by black people in the inner city and I felt no apprehension at all(likewise when my only "friend" in college was my black roommate with his all black group of friends)
I guess I am just morally superior to you because I am a millennial who's entire life has been shaped by so called "minorities".

The reason, the arguments, for why my assertions/inferences should be believed are found in the linked content.

What I didn't do is rely upon my own anecdotal experience as the determinant of the sufficiency of the arguments and observations of experts who've researched the matter of white privilege. (When appeals to authority are not fallacious and when they are)
What "research" did any of these people do?

Your "linked content" is every bit as fallacious and dogmatic as the content you had the guts to post and directly quote.

Peggy McIntosh is the godmother of "white privilege", if she is wrong they are all wrong.

Peggy McIntosh, Ph.D.

Let me google that for you
Anyone can get a Ph.D and spew dogmatic bullshit unchallenged, that is not research.

Let me google the word "research" for you:

Definition of RESEARCH really don't know much about much....You clearly do not have a Ph.D and I doubt you have a masters degree. Are you aware of one of the things one must do to get a Ph.D? Are you aware of the purpose of getting a Ph.D.?

Seriously, keep responding to me with sophomoric BS as you have been, and you'll land on my ignore list because I don't need to keep seeing this puerile quibbling from you from how 'til Sunday to find whatever you post as your argument (dialectic or deductive) for the non-existence of white privilege. You have shown yourself to be among the segment of the population that cannot tell when what crosses your mind is best kept to yourself.
She has a "Ph.D." in women's studies, she is an idiot who isn't even qualified to speak about the concepts she herself created.

white privilege = white superiority

Logical equivalence is a much harder case to make, for these two qualitative natures of being, than is logical correlation or logical causation.

Let white privilege = WP
Let white superiority = WS​
  • Mere existence of WP can be shown observationally.
  • Mere existence of WS can be shown via the combination of observation and valid statistical extrapolation.
  • It's not hard to make the case that systemic superiority preponderantly leads to systemic privilege for those who enjoy superior status. (WS →WP ⊨ ¬WP → ¬WS)
  • It's not hard to make the case that privilege preponderantly is a consequence (albeit not the only consequence) of having superiority. (WP →WS ⊨ ¬WS → ¬WP)
That the two are one in the same (equivalence/identity) is not at all an easy case to make. In fact, I think it a case that cannot be validly and soundly made. Why? Consider the following:

For WP:<=>WS to be true, one would have to be able to logically show a relationship between WP and WS such that it conforms, albeit in words not numbers, to the following logical model -- x = 2 ⇒ x^2 = 4 -- which is clearly true, but the proof must also not suffer from the following logical failing -- x^2= 4 ⇒ x = 2 -- which is in general false (since x could be −2).​
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