Things Many White People Seem To Not Understand

Just to look at the first example "White Privilege is being able to move into a new neighborhood and being fairly sure that your neighbors will be pleasant to you and treat you with respect." So maybe if black people didn't fuck up most neighborhoods that they're in they'd get the same respect. Respect is earned.

Sure it is

‘This neighborhood does not need any blacks in it’: Racist letter shocks Kansas family
Because like I said, blacks fuck up most neighborhoods with their social bullshit. Maybe they should act more civilized first. Then respect will come.

Actually, it is racists who fuck up most neighborhoods
Like Harlem?
Cmon people, wake up! The reason you are seeing threads like this on here and other political sites, is the same reason you just heard about the Hillary commercial trying to connect Trump with the KKK. Polls show in Florida he is ahead by 4 points, with slightly over 20% African American vote for him.

They can't have their indentured servants escaping the liberal plantation, and if those numbers spread, Hillary will be DOA on election day, sooooooooo, here, there, and everywhere, you are going to see threads like this, to get "the hired help" thinking the correct way again! Right astro-turfers-)
320's a Democratic shill? Don't think so, dude.

Well OL, why don't you ask him/her why on this particular day he/she decided to start a thread like this! I know, I know, coincidence; just like Bill Clinton meeting Lynch on one day at an airport, then the next day, Obama FINALLY goes and campaigns for Hillary.

You may be a liberal, but that doesn't mean you can't think, does it!
I, too, asked myself why 320 would wade into such stinking waters, but mostly because he has never struck me as someone who gives two shits about race, based on some earlier threads. Threads like this are extremely distasteful to me and I'm not staying, but I will say this:
Nothing in the OP article or the one that followed talked about people's political party--conservative, Republican, liberal or Democrat. Those of you who flocked here to insult and show great umbrage to 320 for his views are pointing your fingers at yourselves, doofies. "How dare you call me racist?" Well, no one did. You identified yourselves.
If anyone has anything sensible to say to refute the OP, go for it.
I have refuted the OP numerous times.

"White privilege" is almost as much of an impossibility as a flat earth at this point in history.
Some of us can see it; some of us can't. I suppose it doesn't automatically make anyone a racist, a real black-hater, if they don't agree whites have a better chance of success in this country. Whites do, actually, and I've seen plenty of folks on threads like this eventually reveal the hatred and resentment they really feel for black people. I'm not saying you're one of them. I don't know if you are or not. But although the writer quoted in the OP might have waxed a bit emotional, let's not throw out the baby with the bathwater. You may have had plenty of challenges in life, maybe you still do. You can rest assured that if you had been born African American, you would have had an additional challenge to overcome. It is still real. Ask any African American.
Racial profile much.
Some white people have a better chance at success than some black people.

But, some black people have a better chance at success than some white people. (The president's daughters for example have near 100% probability of success).

In America, most people have an excellent opportunity of being successful if they get off their butts, get educated, learn a skill, and get to work. And don't give up because there is a setback or perceived unfairness. The world will never be complete "fair". Almost everyone can point a finger at someone who was luckier at the birth lottery. Those that persevere can insure that their children are more privileged than themselves.
320: Have you considered the concept of "Black Privilege" in America? For example scholarships and employment directives favoring the Black applicant over equal or in some cases higher qualified White applicants?
320: Have you considered the concept of "Black Privilege" in America? For example scholarships and employment directives favoring the Black applicant over equal or in some cases higher qualified White applicants?
He hasn't even considered that black advantages in many cases override the original white advantages thought up by Peggy and turn the original argument on its head.
white privilege = white superiority

Logical equivalence is a much harder case to make, for these two qualitative natures of being, than is logical correlation or logical causation.

Let white privilege = WP
Let white superiority = WS​
  • Mere existence of WP can be shown observationally.
  • Mere existence of WS can be shown via the combination of observation and valid statistical extrapolation.
  • It's not hard to make the case that systemic superiority preponderantly leads to systemic privilege for those who enjoy superior status. (WS →WP ⊨ ¬WP → ¬WS)
  • It's not hard to make the case that privilege preponderantly is a consequence (albeit not the only consequence) of having superiority. (WP →WS ⊨ ¬WS → ¬WP)
That the two are one in the same (equivalence/identity) is not at all an easy case to make. In fact, I think it a case that cannot be validly and soundly made. Why? Consider the following:

For WP:<=>WS to be true, one would have to be able to logically show a relationship between WP and WS such that it conforms, albeit in words not numbers, to the following logical model -- x = 2 ⇒ x^2 = 4 -- which is clearly true, but the proof must also not suffer from the following logical failing -- x^2= 4 ⇒ x = 2 -- which is in general false (since x could be −2).​

Dear 320 years of inferiority

perhaps you can refute this

white privilege = white superiority

Logical equivalence is a much harder case to make, for these two qualitative natures of being, than is logical correlation or logical causation.

Let white privilege = WP
Let white superiority = WS​
  • Mere existence of WP can be shown observationally.
  • Mere existence of WS can be shown via the combination of observation and valid statistical extrapolation.
  • It's not hard to make the case that systemic superiority preponderantly leads to systemic privilege for those who enjoy superior status. (WS →WP ⊨ ¬WP → ¬WS)
  • It's not hard to make the case that privilege preponderantly is a consequence (albeit not the only consequence) of having superiority. (WP →WS ⊨ ¬WS → ¬WP)
That the two are one in the same (equivalence/identity) is not at all an easy case to make. In fact, I think it a case that cannot be validly and soundly made. Why? Consider the following:

For WP:<=>WS to be true, one would have to be able to logically show a relationship between WP and WS such that it conforms, albeit in words not numbers, to the following logical model -- x = 2 ⇒ x^2 = 4 -- which is clearly true, but the proof must also not suffer from the following logical failing -- x^2= 4 ⇒ x = 2 -- which is in general false (since x could be −2).​

Dear 320 years of inferiority

perhaps you can refute this

Why would I bother?
320's a Democratic shill? Don't think so, dude.

Well OL, why don't you ask him/her why on this particular day he/she decided to start a thread like this! I know, I know, coincidence; just like Bill Clinton meeting Lynch on one day at an airport, then the next day, Obama FINALLY goes and campaigns for Hillary.

You may be a liberal, but that doesn't mean you can't think, does it!
I, too, asked myself why 320 would wade into such stinking waters, but mostly because he has never struck me as someone who gives two shits about race, based on some earlier threads. Threads like this are extremely distasteful to me and I'm not staying, but I will say this:
Nothing in the OP article or the one that followed talked about people's political party--conservative, Republican, liberal or Democrat. Those of you who flocked here to insult and show great umbrage to 320 for his views are pointing your fingers at yourselves, doofies. "How dare you call me racist?" Well, no one did. You identified yourselves.
If anyone has anything sensible to say to refute the OP, go for it.
I have refuted the OP numerous times.

"White privilege" is almost as much of an impossibility as a flat earth at this point in history.
Some of us can see it; some of us can't. I suppose it doesn't automatically make anyone a racist, a real black-hater, if they don't agree whites have a better chance of success in this country. Whites do, actually, and I've seen plenty of folks on threads like this eventually reveal the hatred and resentment they really feel for black people. I'm not saying you're one of them. I don't know if you are or not. But although the writer quoted in the OP might have waxed a bit emotional, let's not throw out the baby with the bathwater. You may have had plenty of challenges in life, maybe you still do. You can rest assured that if you had been born African American, you would have had an additional challenge to overcome. It is still real. Ask any African American.
Racial profile much.
Some white people have a better chance at success than some black people.

But, some black people have a better chance at success than some white people. (The president's daughters for example have near 100% probability of success).

In America, most people have an excellent opportunity of being successful if they get off their butts, get educated, learn a skill, and get to work. And don't give up because there is a setback or perceived unfairness. The world will never be complete "fair". Almost everyone can point a finger at someone who was luckier at the birth lottery. Those that persevere can insure that their children are more privileged than themselves.
All of those things are true (except that I'm "racial profiling" lol). What the OP is getting at is the more subtle influences in our society that handicap a lot of African Americans because of the "birth lottery," as you call it. I will grant you that things are a lot better than they were when I was a girl, but it's not a done deal yet that we live in a colorblind society.
Well OL, why don't you ask him/her why on this particular day he/she decided to start a thread like this! I know, I know, coincidence; just like Bill Clinton meeting Lynch on one day at an airport, then the next day, Obama FINALLY goes and campaigns for Hillary.

You may be a liberal, but that doesn't mean you can't think, does it!
I, too, asked myself why 320 would wade into such stinking waters, but mostly because he has never struck me as someone who gives two shits about race, based on some earlier threads. Threads like this are extremely distasteful to me and I'm not staying, but I will say this:
Nothing in the OP article or the one that followed talked about people's political party--conservative, Republican, liberal or Democrat. Those of you who flocked here to insult and show great umbrage to 320 for his views are pointing your fingers at yourselves, doofies. "How dare you call me racist?" Well, no one did. You identified yourselves.
If anyone has anything sensible to say to refute the OP, go for it.
I have refuted the OP numerous times.

"White privilege" is almost as much of an impossibility as a flat earth at this point in history.
Some of us can see it; some of us can't. I suppose it doesn't automatically make anyone a racist, a real black-hater, if they don't agree whites have a better chance of success in this country. Whites do, actually, and I've seen plenty of folks on threads like this eventually reveal the hatred and resentment they really feel for black people. I'm not saying you're one of them. I don't know if you are or not. But although the writer quoted in the OP might have waxed a bit emotional, let's not throw out the baby with the bathwater. You may have had plenty of challenges in life, maybe you still do. You can rest assured that if you had been born African American, you would have had an additional challenge to overcome. It is still real. Ask any African American.
Racial profile much.
Some white people have a better chance at success than some black people.

But, some black people have a better chance at success than some white people. (The president's daughters for example have near 100% probability of success).

In America, most people have an excellent opportunity of being successful if they get off their butts, get educated, learn a skill, and get to work. And don't give up because there is a setback or perceived unfairness. The world will never be complete "fair". Almost everyone can point a finger at someone who was luckier at the birth lottery. Those that persevere can insure that their children are more privileged than themselves.
All of those things are true (except that I'm "racial profiling" lol). What the OP is getting at is the more subtle influences in our society that handicap a lot of African Americans because of the "birth lottery," as you call it. I will grant you that things are a lot better than they were when I was a girl, but it's not a done deal yet that we live in a colorblind society.
The thing is, dwelling on how unfair things may be is self defeating. We all have control over our own futures by the decisions we make. Now let's go out and do great things and stop playing the blame game. If blacks want to play the blame whitey game then they have found a way to justify being losers.
Well OL, why don't you ask him/her why on this particular day he/she decided to start a thread like this! I know, I know, coincidence; just like Bill Clinton meeting Lynch on one day at an airport, then the next day, Obama FINALLY goes and campaigns for Hillary.

You may be a liberal, but that doesn't mean you can't think, does it!
I, too, asked myself why 320 would wade into such stinking waters, but mostly because he has never struck me as someone who gives two shits about race, based on some earlier threads. Threads like this are extremely distasteful to me and I'm not staying, but I will say this:
Nothing in the OP article or the one that followed talked about people's political party--conservative, Republican, liberal or Democrat. Those of you who flocked here to insult and show great umbrage to 320 for his views are pointing your fingers at yourselves, doofies. "How dare you call me racist?" Well, no one did. You identified yourselves.
If anyone has anything sensible to say to refute the OP, go for it.
I have refuted the OP numerous times.

"White privilege" is almost as much of an impossibility as a flat earth at this point in history.
Some of us can see it; some of us can't. I suppose it doesn't automatically make anyone a racist, a real black-hater, if they don't agree whites have a better chance of success in this country. Whites do, actually, and I've seen plenty of folks on threads like this eventually reveal the hatred and resentment they really feel for black people. I'm not saying you're one of them. I don't know if you are or not. But although the writer quoted in the OP might have waxed a bit emotional, let's not throw out the baby with the bathwater. You may have had plenty of challenges in life, maybe you still do. You can rest assured that if you had been born African American, you would have had an additional challenge to overcome. It is still real. Ask any African American.
Racial profile much.
Some white people have a better chance at success than some black people.

But, some black people have a better chance at success than some white people. (The president's daughters for example have near 100% probability of success).

In America, most people have an excellent opportunity of being successful if they get off their butts, get educated, learn a skill, and get to work. And don't give up because there is a setback or perceived unfairness. The world will never be complete "fair". Almost everyone can point a finger at someone who was luckier at the birth lottery. Those that persevere can insure that their children are more privileged than themselves.
All of those things are true (except that I'm "racial profiling" lol). What the OP is getting at is the more subtle influences in our society that handicap a lot of African Americans because of the "birth lottery," as you call it. I will grant you that things are a lot better than they were when I was a girl, but it's not a done deal yet that we live in a colorblind society.
You literally said "white people are racists", THAT is racial profiling.

Go die in a ditch grandma.
I, too, asked myself why 320 would wade into such stinking waters, but mostly because he has never struck me as someone who gives two shits about race, based on some earlier threads. Threads like this are extremely distasteful to me and I'm not staying, but I will say this:
Nothing in the OP article or the one that followed talked about people's political party--conservative, Republican, liberal or Democrat. Those of you who flocked here to insult and show great umbrage to 320 for his views are pointing your fingers at yourselves, doofies. "How dare you call me racist?" Well, no one did. You identified yourselves.
If anyone has anything sensible to say to refute the OP, go for it.
I have refuted the OP numerous times.

"White privilege" is almost as much of an impossibility as a flat earth at this point in history.
Some of us can see it; some of us can't. I suppose it doesn't automatically make anyone a racist, a real black-hater, if they don't agree whites have a better chance of success in this country. Whites do, actually, and I've seen plenty of folks on threads like this eventually reveal the hatred and resentment they really feel for black people. I'm not saying you're one of them. I don't know if you are or not. But although the writer quoted in the OP might have waxed a bit emotional, let's not throw out the baby with the bathwater. You may have had plenty of challenges in life, maybe you still do. You can rest assured that if you had been born African American, you would have had an additional challenge to overcome. It is still real. Ask any African American.
Racial profile much.
Some white people have a better chance at success than some black people.

But, some black people have a better chance at success than some white people. (The president's daughters for example have near 100% probability of success).

In America, most people have an excellent opportunity of being successful if they get off their butts, get educated, learn a skill, and get to work. And don't give up because there is a setback or perceived unfairness. The world will never be complete "fair". Almost everyone can point a finger at someone who was luckier at the birth lottery. Those that persevere can insure that their children are more privileged than themselves.
All of those things are true (except that I'm "racial profiling" lol). What the OP is getting at is the more subtle influences in our society that handicap a lot of African Americans because of the "birth lottery," as you call it. I will grant you that things are a lot better than they were when I was a girl, but it's not a done deal yet that we live in a colorblind society.
You literally said "white people are racists", THAT is racial profiling.

Go die in a ditch grandma.
Oh My! OldLady and I certainly don't agree on some things, but I certainly wish her the best. Please do not go die in a ditch.
I, too, asked myself why 320 would wade into such stinking waters, but mostly because he has never struck me as someone who gives two shits about race, based on some earlier threads. Threads like this are extremely distasteful to me and I'm not staying, but I will say this:
Nothing in the OP article or the one that followed talked about people's political party--conservative, Republican, liberal or Democrat. Those of you who flocked here to insult and show great umbrage to 320 for his views are pointing your fingers at yourselves, doofies. "How dare you call me racist?" Well, no one did. You identified yourselves.
If anyone has anything sensible to say to refute the OP, go for it.
I have refuted the OP numerous times.

"White privilege" is almost as much of an impossibility as a flat earth at this point in history.
Some of us can see it; some of us can't. I suppose it doesn't automatically make anyone a racist, a real black-hater, if they don't agree whites have a better chance of success in this country. Whites do, actually, and I've seen plenty of folks on threads like this eventually reveal the hatred and resentment they really feel for black people. I'm not saying you're one of them. I don't know if you are or not. But although the writer quoted in the OP might have waxed a bit emotional, let's not throw out the baby with the bathwater. You may have had plenty of challenges in life, maybe you still do. You can rest assured that if you had been born African American, you would have had an additional challenge to overcome. It is still real. Ask any African American.
Racial profile much.
Some white people have a better chance at success than some black people.

But, some black people have a better chance at success than some white people. (The president's daughters for example have near 100% probability of success).

In America, most people have an excellent opportunity of being successful if they get off their butts, get educated, learn a skill, and get to work. And don't give up because there is a setback or perceived unfairness. The world will never be complete "fair". Almost everyone can point a finger at someone who was luckier at the birth lottery. Those that persevere can insure that their children are more privileged than themselves.
All of those things are true (except that I'm "racial profiling" lol). What the OP is getting at is the more subtle influences in our society that handicap a lot of African Americans because of the "birth lottery," as you call it. I will grant you that things are a lot better than they were when I was a girl, but it's not a done deal yet that we live in a colorblind society.
You literally said "white people are racists", THAT is racial profiling.

Go die in a ditch grandma.
No, I didn't literally say that. I do not automatically look at a white guy and say "Racist;" fortunately that is nowhere near the truth. White privilege isn't the same as racism. White privilege is a subtle frame of mind that, through ignorance, makes it difficult for some people to understand that there is still an unspoken handicap at play if you are an African American. If it doesn't apply to you, move on and shut your trap.
If I've got you losing your temper, though, I have hope I'm hitting a nerve.
I look forward to reading your argument here on Monday. Maybe it will help me understand your position and the position of many of your Buds here.

Nothing you have told me so far explains your responses to me or why you have made it a habit to mock and disrespect my views in every thread for weeks now with a "funny." I doubt if it is your way of building my "Likes" total.
I'm beginning to wonder if you, Sir, are part of that "Alt Right" crew which is being equally vehemently denied elsewhere on this board.
white privilege = white superiority

Logical equivalence is a much harder case to make, for these two qualitative natures of being, than is logical correlation or logical causation.

Let white privilege = WP
Let white superiority = WS​
  • Mere existence of WP can be shown observationally.
  • Mere existence of WS can be shown via the combination of observation and valid statistical extrapolation.
  • It's not hard to make the case that systemic superiority preponderantly leads to systemic privilege for those who enjoy superior status. (WS →WP ⊨ ¬WP → ¬WS)
  • It's not hard to make the case that privilege preponderantly is a consequence (albeit not the only consequence) of having superiority. (WP →WS ⊨ ¬WS → ¬WP)
That the two are one in the same (equivalence/identity) is not at all an easy case to make. In fact, I think it a case that cannot be validly and soundly made. Why? Consider the following:

For WP:<=>WS to be true, one would have to be able to logically show a relationship between WP and WS such that it conforms, albeit in words not numbers, to the following logical model -- x = 2 ⇒ x^2 = 4 -- which is clearly true, but the proof must also not suffer from the following logical failing -- x^2= 4 ⇒ x = 2 -- which is in general false (since x could be −2).​

Good point, but anything beyond a monosyllabic phrase like "See spot run" on a flash card is a comprehension stretch for the dunce that you are responding to.

Kind of like trying to dress a dumb ass donkey in a Brioni suit.
I, too, asked myself why 320 would wade into such stinking waters, but mostly because he has never struck me as someone who gives two shits about race, based on some earlier threads. Threads like this are extremely distasteful to me and I'm not staying, but I will say this:
Nothing in the OP article or the one that followed talked about people's political party--conservative, Republican, liberal or Democrat. Those of you who flocked here to insult and show great umbrage to 320 for his views are pointing your fingers at yourselves, doofies. "How dare you call me racist?" Well, no one did. You identified yourselves.
If anyone has anything sensible to say to refute the OP, go for it.
I have refuted the OP numerous times.

"White privilege" is almost as much of an impossibility as a flat earth at this point in history.
Some of us can see it; some of us can't. I suppose it doesn't automatically make anyone a racist, a real black-hater, if they don't agree whites have a better chance of success in this country. Whites do, actually, and I've seen plenty of folks on threads like this eventually reveal the hatred and resentment they really feel for black people. I'm not saying you're one of them. I don't know if you are or not. But although the writer quoted in the OP might have waxed a bit emotional, let's not throw out the baby with the bathwater. You may have had plenty of challenges in life, maybe you still do. You can rest assured that if you had been born African American, you would have had an additional challenge to overcome. It is still real. Ask any African American.
Racial profile much.
Some white people have a better chance at success than some black people.

But, some black people have a better chance at success than some white people. (The president's daughters for example have near 100% probability of success).

In America, most people have an excellent opportunity of being successful if they get off their butts, get educated, learn a skill, and get to work. And don't give up because there is a setback or perceived unfairness. The world will never be complete "fair". Almost everyone can point a finger at someone who was luckier at the birth lottery. Those that persevere can insure that their children are more privileged than themselves.
All of those things are true (except that I'm "racial profiling" lol). What the OP is getting at is the more subtle influences in our society that handicap a lot of African Americans because of the "birth lottery," as you call it. I will grant you that things are a lot better than they were when I was a girl, but it's not a done deal yet that we live in a colorblind society.
The thing is, dwelling on how unfair things may be is self defeating. We all have control over our own futures by the decisions we make. Now let's go out and do great things and stop playing the blame game. If blacks want to play the blame whitey game then they have found a way to justify being losers.

As a white male, I don't dwell on those things at all, nor do I act or think in ways consistent with actively availing myself of the advantages I have due merely to my being a white male. I doubt most folks -- black or white -- do. However, I am aware of the the societal blessings my whiteness and maleness afford me.

The point of the OP is to try to illustrate the types of "unfairness" that simply do not apply to white folks.

We do. What we don't all have is complete control. I happen to feel as though I have had 100% control over my life by dint of the choices I made for myself. Now the reality is that I probably didn't have 100% control. More likely is that I have had some less than 100% control over my life's progress and outcomes. If, say, that percentage is 85%, or even 45% (the actual percentage doesn't matter), fine. That is what it is. However, non-whites who are similarly situated as I -- born to a well-to-do family, top 5% performers in school and college, top 10% in their profession, top 1% in actual earnings, etc. -- despite being "just as good" as I am at "doing their thing," merely because they are not white have had something less than 85% control over their life's progress and outcomes.

Might that delta be 1%? 13.67% 10%? 40%? 65%? Some other percent? I don't know; I have no way to accurately quantify the overall impact. I know there is an impact, and I know it's unfair that the impact exists. The delta between a white person's extent of control and and a non-white person's control is white privilege.

The other thing is this. Minorities know that delta and its impact(s) exist even if I or other whites don't realize it does. Now at times minorities may inaccurately determine that an outcome or concern they experience is due to white privilege and on other occasions, their assessment may be accurate. For a some of those occasions, there's just no way to prove whether the observed/felt outcome/concern is due to white privilege or something else, but for some of them, white privilege is the only thing it can be attributed to. It is from those occasions that we know come to know white privilege exists.

As goes "the blame game," by acknowledging my white privilege, I'm not blaming myself or most other individual white folks for anything. I don't feel guilty because I happen to benefit from being white. I do benefit from that and I know I do at times, even when it doesn't cross my mind overtly that I may be benefitting.

There's nobody alive today who can be blamed for actually causing inequity and race-based comforts present in our culture. There are people who can be blamed for allowing or encouraging their persistence, but aside from avowed members of groups like the KKK, Aryan Nation and the like, I have no general way to say who those folks are. I can, when I see a white individual perpetuate it, speak up and say, "this isn't fair to 'so and so'" or "this activity/policy/belief/requirement/judgment is inequitable to non-whites, or a particular non-white person." I can refuse to be party to maintaining my privilege that accrues to me solely from my being white.
I have refuted the OP numerous times.

"White privilege" is almost as much of an impossibility as a flat earth at this point in history.
Some of us can see it; some of us can't. I suppose it doesn't automatically make anyone a racist, a real black-hater, if they don't agree whites have a better chance of success in this country. Whites do, actually, and I've seen plenty of folks on threads like this eventually reveal the hatred and resentment they really feel for black people. I'm not saying you're one of them. I don't know if you are or not. But although the writer quoted in the OP might have waxed a bit emotional, let's not throw out the baby with the bathwater. You may have had plenty of challenges in life, maybe you still do. You can rest assured that if you had been born African American, you would have had an additional challenge to overcome. It is still real. Ask any African American.
Racial profile much.
Some white people have a better chance at success than some black people.

But, some black people have a better chance at success than some white people. (The president's daughters for example have near 100% probability of success).

In America, most people have an excellent opportunity of being successful if they get off their butts, get educated, learn a skill, and get to work. And don't give up because there is a setback or perceived unfairness. The world will never be complete "fair". Almost everyone can point a finger at someone who was luckier at the birth lottery. Those that persevere can insure that their children are more privileged than themselves.
All of those things are true (except that I'm "racial profiling" lol). What the OP is getting at is the more subtle influences in our society that handicap a lot of African Americans because of the "birth lottery," as you call it. I will grant you that things are a lot better than they were when I was a girl, but it's not a done deal yet that we live in a colorblind society.
The thing is, dwelling on how unfair things may be is self defeating. We all have control over our own futures by the decisions we make. Now let's go out and do great things and stop playing the blame game. If blacks want to play the blame whitey game then they have found a way to justify being losers.

As a white male, I don't dwell on those things at all, nor do I act or think in ways consistent with actively availing myself of the advantages I have due merely to my being a white male. I doubt most folks -- black or white -- do. However, I am aware of the the societal blessings my whiteness and maleness afford me.

The point of the OP is to try to illustrate the types of "unfairness" that simply do not apply to white folks.

We do. What we don't all have is complete control. I happen to feel as though I have had 100% control over my life by dint of the choices I made for myself. Now the reality is that I probably didn't have 100% control. More likely is that I have had some less than 100% control over my life's progress and outcomes. If, say, that percentage is 85%, or even 45% (the actual percentage doesn't matter), fine. That is what it is. However, non-whites who are similarly situated as I -- born to a well-to-do family, top 5% performers in school and college, top 10% in their profession, top 1% in actual earnings, etc. -- despite being "just as good" as I am at "doing their thing," merely because they are not white have had something less than 85% control over their life's progress and outcomes.

Might that delta be 1%? 13.67% 10%? 40%? 65%? Some other percent? I don't know; I have no way to accurately quantify the overall impact. I know there is an impact, and I know it's unfair that the impact exists. The delta between a white person's extent of control and and a non-white person's control is white privilege.

The other thing is this. Minorities know that delta and its impact(s) exist even if I or other whites don't realize it does. Now at times minorities may inaccurately determine that an outcome or concern they experience is due to white privilege and on other occasions, their assessment may be accurate. For a some of those occasions, there's just no way to prove whether the observed/felt outcome/concern is due to white privilege or something else, but for some of them, white privilege is the only thing it can be attributed to. It is from those occasions that we know come to know white privilege exists.

As goes "the blame game," by acknowledging my white privilege, I'm not blaming myself or most other individual white folks for anything. I don't feel guilty because I happen to benefit from being white. I do benefit from that and I know I do at times, even when it doesn't cross my mind overtly that I may be benefitting.

There's nobody alive today who can be blamed for actually causing inequity and race-based comforts present in our culture. There are people who can be blamed for allowing or encouraging their persistence, but aside from avowed members of groups like the KKK, Aryan Nation and the like, I have no general way to say who those folks are. I can, when I see a white individual perpetuate it, speak up and say, "this isn't fair to 'so and so'" or "this activity/policy/belief/requirement/judgment is inequitable to non-whites, or a particular non-white person." I can refuse to be party to maintaining my privilege that accrues to me solely from my being white.
To quote HRC: "Sigh"
I ask myself on a daily basis, "What do I have that I didn’t earn?"
-- Peggy MacIntosh​
  1. White Privilege is being able to move into a new neighborhood and being fairly sure that your neighbors will be pleasant to you and treat you with respect.
  2. White Privilege is being able to watch a movie, read a book and open the front page of a newspaper and assume that unless otherwise indicated, you and every white person whom you know or can imagine could well be the protagonist; you and your race is widely represented and spoken for. It's also being about to encounter any narrative about non-whites and empathetically dissociate yourself from it.
  3. White Privilege is being able to seek legal, financial and medical help without having your race work against you.
  4. White Privilege is living in a world where you are taught that people with your skin tone hold the standard for beauty.
  5. White Privilege is never being told to, “get over slavery”.
  6. White Privilege is having the prevalence and importance of the English language and finding amusement in ridiculing people of color/immigrants for their accents and their difficulty in speaking a language that is not their native tongue.
  7. White Privilege is arrogantly believing that reverse racism actually exists and believing it is something other than racism.
  8. White Privilege is being able to stay ignorant to the fact that racial slurs are part of a systematic dehumanization of entire groups of people who are and have historically been subjugated and hated just for being alive.
  9. White Privilege is not having your name turned into an easier-to-say Anglo-Saxon name.
  10. White Privilege is being able to fight racism one day, then ignore it the next.
  11. White privilege is having your words and actions attributed to you as an individual, rather than have them reflect members of your race.
  12. White Privilege is being able to talk about racism without appearing self-serving.
  13. White Privilege is being able to be articulate and well-spoken without people being surprised.
  14. White Privilege is being pulled over or taken aside and knowing that you are not being singled out because of your race/colour.
  15. White Privilege is not having to teach your children to be aware of systematic racism for their own protection.
  16. White Privilege is not having to acknowledge the fact that we live in a system that treats people of color unfairly politically, socially and economically and being able to choose, instead, -- if/when it suits you -- to believe that people of color are inherently less capable.
  17. White Privilege is not having your people and their culture stereotyped and subsequently appropriated, romanticized or eroticized for the gain and pleasure of other white people.
  18. White Privilege is being able to ignore the consequences of race.
Now, if as or after you read the list above, what crossed your mind was/were:
  • ways to discredit the statement(s) rather than ways in which the statement(s) is so, and/or
  • whether a statement is binarily applicable either in general or specifically,
  • whether the inapplicability of one statement -- broadly or specifically -- to you or the white people whom you know has something to do with whether White Privilege exists,
  • whether a single statement or the whole list sought to describe or label you specifically or white people in general rather than a body of cultural attitudes and experiences,
well, that's not white privilege, it's an outcome of White Privilege. What that is at least one of thee things -- white guilt, denial or racial bias -- but not knowing you personally, I can't say which. I suppose it could also be be incomprehension, but there's no "fancy" language there, so hopefully none of the literalists (or anyone else) here show us that they truly didn't get the substantive themes and contexts of the statements.

Lastly, to be clear, I didn't create the OP seeking to irk folks, truly. I want folks -- black and white -- to recognize that on a daily basis, whites enjoy a set of advantages and immunities that are a direct result of the oppression of people of color. I also want blacks to realize that often enough and unconsciously they feed the beast too and to that end, they aren't helping eradicate it. That's how deeply ingrained White Privilege is in American culture.

Interestingly, I didn't actually come to understand White Privilege until I discovered my own angst and apprehension when I spent a year living and traveling in places where there were no white people, or if there were I never saw them. And to be honest, it was some months later that I understood the emotions I'd felt . It was years later before the term "White Privilege" made its way to me and I came to have a tidy little label for what I'd experienced and discovered.

How you perceive the notion of that even being possible and indeed happening? Makes you squirm in your chair a bit and maybe feel a little uncomfortable, right? But here’s the thing – I’m not "on about" White Privilege to make you feel comfortable, that’s not my aim. I've created this thread to ideally erase the invisibility of the privileges you have that continue to help maintain white supremacy, yet I realize that's probably far too optimistic an objective. I’m trying merely to offer a few palpable illustrations of what White Privilege is in the hope that maybe one day, not necessarily one day soon, when you see it manifest, you'll recognize it for what it is and maybe even know that it's not fair that we enjoy a privilege no other Americans do, and in recognition of that, do something about ending it.

Additional Reading:
I am poor white and live with Mexican illegals and blacks. Boy howdy do they LOVE to lord that over poor whites, so what PRIVILEGE? None of my relatives owned slaves, and gained nothing , It's not anyone's fault they are born white, and I am tired of this blame game alt LEFT bullshit. Enough of the blame games.
Some of us can see it; some of us can't. I suppose it doesn't automatically make anyone a racist, a real black-hater, if they don't agree whites have a better chance of success in this country. Whites do, actually, and I've seen plenty of folks on threads like this eventually reveal the hatred and resentment they really feel for black people. I'm not saying you're one of them. I don't know if you are or not. But although the writer quoted in the OP might have waxed a bit emotional, let's not throw out the baby with the bathwater. You may have had plenty of challenges in life, maybe you still do. You can rest assured that if you had been born African American, you would have had an additional challenge to overcome. It is still real. Ask any African American.
Racial profile much.
Some white people have a better chance at success than some black people.

But, some black people have a better chance at success than some white people. (The president's daughters for example have near 100% probability of success).

In America, most people have an excellent opportunity of being successful if they get off their butts, get educated, learn a skill, and get to work. And don't give up because there is a setback or perceived unfairness. The world will never be complete "fair". Almost everyone can point a finger at someone who was luckier at the birth lottery. Those that persevere can insure that their children are more privileged than themselves.
All of those things are true (except that I'm "racial profiling" lol). What the OP is getting at is the more subtle influences in our society that handicap a lot of African Americans because of the "birth lottery," as you call it. I will grant you that things are a lot better than they were when I was a girl, but it's not a done deal yet that we live in a colorblind society.
The thing is, dwelling on how unfair things may be is self defeating. We all have control over our own futures by the decisions we make. Now let's go out and do great things and stop playing the blame game. If blacks want to play the blame whitey game then they have found a way to justify being losers.

As a white male, I don't dwell on those things at all, nor do I act or think in ways consistent with actively availing myself of the advantages I have due merely to my being a white male. I doubt most folks -- black or white -- do. However, I am aware of the the societal blessings my whiteness and maleness afford me.

The point of the OP is to try to illustrate the types of "unfairness" that simply do not apply to white folks.

We do. What we don't all have is complete control. I happen to feel as though I have had 100% control over my life by dint of the choices I made for myself. Now the reality is that I probably didn't have 100% control. More likely is that I have had some less than 100% control over my life's progress and outcomes. If, say, that percentage is 85%, or even 45% (the actual percentage doesn't matter), fine. That is what it is. However, non-whites who are similarly situated as I -- born to a well-to-do family, top 5% performers in school and college, top 10% in their profession, top 1% in actual earnings, etc. -- despite being "just as good" as I am at "doing their thing," merely because they are not white have had something less than 85% control over their life's progress and outcomes.

Might that delta be 1%? 13.67% 10%? 40%? 65%? Some other percent? I don't know; I have no way to accurately quantify the overall impact. I know there is an impact, and I know it's unfair that the impact exists. The delta between a white person's extent of control and and a non-white person's control is white privilege.

The other thing is this. Minorities know that delta and its impact(s) exist even if I or other whites don't realize it does. Now at times minorities may inaccurately determine that an outcome or concern they experience is due to white privilege and on other occasions, their assessment may be accurate. For a some of those occasions, there's just no way to prove whether the observed/felt outcome/concern is due to white privilege or something else, but for some of them, white privilege is the only thing it can be attributed to. It is from those occasions that we know come to know white privilege exists.

As goes "the blame game," by acknowledging my white privilege, I'm not blaming myself or most other individual white folks for anything. I don't feel guilty because I happen to benefit from being white. I do benefit from that and I know I do at times, even when it doesn't cross my mind overtly that I may be benefitting.

There's nobody alive today who can be blamed for actually causing inequity and race-based comforts present in our culture. There are people who can be blamed for allowing or encouraging their persistence, but aside from avowed members of groups like the KKK, Aryan Nation and the like, I have no general way to say who those folks are. I can, when I see a white individual perpetuate it, speak up and say, "this isn't fair to 'so and so'" or "this activity/policy/belief/requirement/judgment is inequitable to non-whites, or a particular non-white person." I can refuse to be party to maintaining my privilege that accrues to me solely from my being white.
To quote HRC: "Sigh"

Okay...let's consider WP and its non-/existence from a different angle.

Assuming the ability to prove (or disprove) the existence of white privilege hold constant...
  • What is lost by presuming it does it exist? (Support your assertions using scholarly research or via inductive logic rather than rhetorically.)
    • Lost by whites -- individual level and as a class?
    • Lost by minorities-- individual level and as a class?
    • Lost by society overall?
  • What is gained by presuming that it does it exist? (Support your assertions using scholarly research or via inductive logic rather than rhetorically.)
    • Gained by whites -- individual level and as a class?
    • Gained by minorities-- individual level and as a class?
    • Gained by society overall?
  • Assign relative weightings to the things you assess are gained and lost such that the sum of all weightings = 100. Provide justification (use scholarly research or valid and sound inductive/deductive reasoning) for the weightings.
I ask myself on a daily basis, "What do I have that I didn’t earn?"
-- Peggy MacIntosh​
  1. White Privilege is being able to move into a new neighborhood and being fairly sure that your neighbors will be pleasant to you and treat you with respect.
  2. White Privilege is being able to watch a movie, read a book and open the front page of a newspaper and assume that unless otherwise indicated, you and every white person whom you know or can imagine could well be the protagonist; you and your race is widely represented and spoken for. It's also being about to encounter any narrative about non-whites and empathetically dissociate yourself from it.
  3. White Privilege is being able to seek legal, financial and medical help without having your race work against you.
  4. White Privilege is living in a world where you are taught that people with your skin tone hold the standard for beauty.
  5. White Privilege is never being told to, “get over slavery”.
  6. White Privilege is having the prevalence and importance of the English language and finding amusement in ridiculing people of color/immigrants for their accents and their difficulty in speaking a language that is not their native tongue.
  7. White Privilege is arrogantly believing that reverse racism actually exists and believing it is something other than racism.
  8. White Privilege is being able to stay ignorant to the fact that racial slurs are part of a systematic dehumanization of entire groups of people who are and have historically been subjugated and hated just for being alive.
  9. White Privilege is not having your name turned into an easier-to-say Anglo-Saxon name.
  10. White Privilege is being able to fight racism one day, then ignore it the next.
  11. White privilege is having your words and actions attributed to you as an individual, rather than have them reflect members of your race.
  12. White Privilege is being able to talk about racism without appearing self-serving.
  13. White Privilege is being able to be articulate and well-spoken without people being surprised.
  14. White Privilege is being pulled over or taken aside and knowing that you are not being singled out because of your race/colour.
  15. White Privilege is not having to teach your children to be aware of systematic racism for their own protection.
  16. White Privilege is not having to acknowledge the fact that we live in a system that treats people of color unfairly politically, socially and economically and being able to choose, instead, -- if/when it suits you -- to believe that people of color are inherently less capable.
  17. White Privilege is not having your people and their culture stereotyped and subsequently appropriated, romanticized or eroticized for the gain and pleasure of other white people.
  18. White Privilege is being able to ignore the consequences of race.
Now, if as or after you read the list above, what crossed your mind was/were:
  • ways to discredit the statement(s) rather than ways in which the statement(s) is so, and/or
  • whether a statement is binarily applicable either in general or specifically,
  • whether the inapplicability of one statement -- broadly or specifically -- to you or the white people whom you know has something to do with whether White Privilege exists,
  • whether a single statement or the whole list sought to describe or label you specifically or white people in general rather than a body of cultural attitudes and experiences,
well, that's not white privilege, it's an outcome of White Privilege. What that is at least one of thee things -- white guilt, denial or racial bias -- but not knowing you personally, I can't say which. I suppose it could also be be incomprehension, but there's no "fancy" language there, so hopefully none of the literalists (or anyone else) here show us that they truly didn't get the substantive themes and contexts of the statements.

Lastly, to be clear, I didn't create the OP seeking to irk folks, truly. I want folks -- black and white -- to recognize that on a daily basis, whites enjoy a set of advantages and immunities that are a direct result of the oppression of people of color. I also want blacks to realize that often enough and unconsciously they feed the beast too and to that end, they aren't helping eradicate it. That's how deeply ingrained White Privilege is in American culture.

Interestingly, I didn't actually come to understand White Privilege until I discovered my own angst and apprehension when I spent a year living and traveling in places where there were no white people, or if there were I never saw them. And to be honest, it was some months later that I understood the emotions I'd felt . It was years later before the term "White Privilege" made its way to me and I came to have a tidy little label for what I'd experienced and discovered.

How you perceive the notion of that even being possible and indeed happening? Makes you squirm in your chair a bit and maybe feel a little uncomfortable, right? But here’s the thing – I’m not "on about" White Privilege to make you feel comfortable, that’s not my aim. I've created this thread to ideally erase the invisibility of the privileges you have that continue to help maintain white supremacy, yet I realize that's probably far too optimistic an objective. I’m trying merely to offer a few palpable illustrations of what White Privilege is in the hope that maybe one day, not necessarily one day soon, when you see it manifest, you'll recognize it for what it is and maybe even know that it's not fair that we enjoy a privilege no other Americans do, and in recognition of that, do something about ending it.

Additional Reading:
I am poor white and live with Mexican illegals and blacks. Boy howdy do they LOVE to lord that over poor whites......

Playing the victim again, Mexico Mary?
I ask myself on a daily basis, "What do I have that I didn’t earn?"
-- Peggy MacIntosh​
  1. White Privilege is being able to move into a new neighborhood and being fairly sure that your neighbors will be pleasant to you and treat you with respect.
  2. White Privilege is being able to watch a movie, read a book and open the front page of a newspaper and assume that unless otherwise indicated, you and every white person whom you know or can imagine could well be the protagonist; you and your race is widely represented and spoken for. It's also being about to encounter any narrative about non-whites and empathetically dissociate yourself from it.
  3. White Privilege is being able to seek legal, financial and medical help without having your race work against you.
  4. White Privilege is living in a world where you are taught that people with your skin tone hold the standard for beauty.
  5. White Privilege is never being told to, “get over slavery”.
  6. White Privilege is having the prevalence and importance of the English language and finding amusement in ridiculing people of color/immigrants for their accents and their difficulty in speaking a language that is not their native tongue.
  7. White Privilege is arrogantly believing that reverse racism actually exists and believing it is something other than racism.
  8. White Privilege is being able to stay ignorant to the fact that racial slurs are part of a systematic dehumanization of entire groups of people who are and have historically been subjugated and hated just for being alive.
  9. White Privilege is not having your name turned into an easier-to-say Anglo-Saxon name.
  10. White Privilege is being able to fight racism one day, then ignore it the next.
  11. White privilege is having your words and actions attributed to you as an individual, rather than have them reflect members of your race.
  12. White Privilege is being able to talk about racism without appearing self-serving.
  13. White Privilege is being able to be articulate and well-spoken without people being surprised.
  14. White Privilege is being pulled over or taken aside and knowing that you are not being singled out because of your race/colour.
  15. White Privilege is not having to teach your children to be aware of systematic racism for their own protection.
  16. White Privilege is not having to acknowledge the fact that we live in a system that treats people of color unfairly politically, socially and economically and being able to choose, instead, -- if/when it suits you -- to believe that people of color are inherently less capable.
  17. White Privilege is not having your people and their culture stereotyped and subsequently appropriated, romanticized or eroticized for the gain and pleasure of other white people.
  18. White Privilege is being able to ignore the consequences of race.
Now, if as or after you read the list above, what crossed your mind was/were:
  • ways to discredit the statement(s) rather than ways in which the statement(s) is so, and/or
  • whether a statement is binarily applicable either in general or specifically,
  • whether the inapplicability of one statement -- broadly or specifically -- to you or the white people whom you know has something to do with whether White Privilege exists,
  • whether a single statement or the whole list sought to describe or label you specifically or white people in general rather than a body of cultural attitudes and experiences,
well, that's not white privilege, it's an outcome of White Privilege. What that is at least one of thee things -- white guilt, denial or racial bias -- but not knowing you personally, I can't say which. I suppose it could also be be incomprehension, but there's no "fancy" language there, so hopefully none of the literalists (or anyone else) here show us that they truly didn't get the substantive themes and contexts of the statements.

Lastly, to be clear, I didn't create the OP seeking to irk folks, truly. I want folks -- black and white -- to recognize that on a daily basis, whites enjoy a set of advantages and immunities that are a direct result of the oppression of people of color. I also want blacks to realize that often enough and unconsciously they feed the beast too and to that end, they aren't helping eradicate it. That's how deeply ingrained White Privilege is in American culture.

Interestingly, I didn't actually come to understand White Privilege until I discovered my own angst and apprehension when I spent a year living and traveling in places where there were no white people, or if there were I never saw them. And to be honest, it was some months later that I understood the emotions I'd felt . It was years later before the term "White Privilege" made its way to me and I came to have a tidy little label for what I'd experienced and discovered.

How you perceive the notion of that even being possible and indeed happening? Makes you squirm in your chair a bit and maybe feel a little uncomfortable, right? But here’s the thing – I’m not "on about" White Privilege to make you feel comfortable, that’s not my aim. I've created this thread to ideally erase the invisibility of the privileges you have that continue to help maintain white supremacy, yet I realize that's probably far too optimistic an objective. I’m trying merely to offer a few palpable illustrations of what White Privilege is in the hope that maybe one day, not necessarily one day soon, when you see it manifest, you'll recognize it for what it is and maybe even know that it's not fair that we enjoy a privilege no other Americans do, and in recognition of that, do something about ending it.

Additional Reading:
I am poor white and live with Mexican illegals and blacks. Boy howdy do they LOVE to lord that over poor whites......

Playing the victim again, Mexico Mary?
You are the perfect example of a alt Leftie. Japanese digbat.
I ask myself on a daily basis, "What do I have that I didn’t earn?"
-- Peggy MacIntosh​
  1. White Privilege is being able to move into a new neighborhood and being fairly sure that your neighbors will be pleasant to you and treat you with respect.
  2. White Privilege is being able to watch a movie, read a book and open the front page of a newspaper and assume that unless otherwise indicated, you and every white person whom you know or can imagine could well be the protagonist; you and your race is widely represented and spoken for. It's also being about to encounter any narrative about non-whites and empathetically dissociate yourself from it.
  3. White Privilege is being able to seek legal, financial and medical help without having your race work against you.
  4. White Privilege is living in a world where you are taught that people with your skin tone hold the standard for beauty.
  5. White Privilege is never being told to, “get over slavery”.
  6. White Privilege is having the prevalence and importance of the English language and finding amusement in ridiculing people of color/immigrants for their accents and their difficulty in speaking a language that is not their native tongue.
  7. White Privilege is arrogantly believing that reverse racism actually exists and believing it is something other than racism.
  8. White Privilege is being able to stay ignorant to the fact that racial slurs are part of a systematic dehumanization of entire groups of people who are and have historically been subjugated and hated just for being alive.
  9. White Privilege is not having your name turned into an easier-to-say Anglo-Saxon name.
  10. White Privilege is being able to fight racism one day, then ignore it the next.
  11. White privilege is having your words and actions attributed to you as an individual, rather than have them reflect members of your race.
  12. White Privilege is being able to talk about racism without appearing self-serving.
  13. White Privilege is being able to be articulate and well-spoken without people being surprised.
  14. White Privilege is being pulled over or taken aside and knowing that you are not being singled out because of your race/colour.
  15. White Privilege is not having to teach your children to be aware of systematic racism for their own protection.
  16. White Privilege is not having to acknowledge the fact that we live in a system that treats people of color unfairly politically, socially and economically and being able to choose, instead, -- if/when it suits you -- to believe that people of color are inherently less capable.
  17. White Privilege is not having your people and their culture stereotyped and subsequently appropriated, romanticized or eroticized for the gain and pleasure of other white people.
  18. White Privilege is being able to ignore the consequences of race.
Now, if as or after you read the list above, what crossed your mind was/were:
  • ways to discredit the statement(s) rather than ways in which the statement(s) is so, and/or
  • whether a statement is binarily applicable either in general or specifically,
  • whether the inapplicability of one statement -- broadly or specifically -- to you or the white people whom you know has something to do with whether White Privilege exists,
  • whether a single statement or the whole list sought to describe or label you specifically or white people in general rather than a body of cultural attitudes and experiences,
well, that's not white privilege, it's an outcome of White Privilege. What that is at least one of thee things -- white guilt, denial or racial bias -- but not knowing you personally, I can't say which. I suppose it could also be be incomprehension, but there's no "fancy" language there, so hopefully none of the literalists (or anyone else) here show us that they truly didn't get the substantive themes and contexts of the statements.

Lastly, to be clear, I didn't create the OP seeking to irk folks, truly. I want folks -- black and white -- to recognize that on a daily basis, whites enjoy a set of advantages and immunities that are a direct result of the oppression of people of color. I also want blacks to realize that often enough and unconsciously they feed the beast too and to that end, they aren't helping eradicate it. That's how deeply ingrained White Privilege is in American culture.

Interestingly, I didn't actually come to understand White Privilege until I discovered my own angst and apprehension when I spent a year living and traveling in places where there were no white people, or if there were I never saw them. And to be honest, it was some months later that I understood the emotions I'd felt . It was years later before the term "White Privilege" made its way to me and I came to have a tidy little label for what I'd experienced and discovered.

How you perceive the notion of that even being possible and indeed happening? Makes you squirm in your chair a bit and maybe feel a little uncomfortable, right? But here’s the thing – I’m not "on about" White Privilege to make you feel comfortable, that’s not my aim. I've created this thread to ideally erase the invisibility of the privileges you have that continue to help maintain white supremacy, yet I realize that's probably far too optimistic an objective. I’m trying merely to offer a few palpable illustrations of what White Privilege is in the hope that maybe one day, not necessarily one day soon, when you see it manifest, you'll recognize it for what it is and maybe even know that it's not fair that we enjoy a privilege no other Americans do, and in recognition of that, do something about ending it.

Additional Reading:
I am poor white and live with Mexican illegals and blacks. Boy howdy do they LOVE to lord that over poor whites......

Playing the victim again, Mexico Mary?
You are the perfect example of a alt Leftie. Japanese digbat.

What the hell does any of that mean, MM?

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