Zone1 Things that block people from God

For the record, Dagosa, that is absolutely NOT my position. Humans are much more complex than that. I have stated this before (maybe even on this thread, but if not on this thread, for sure on others) but I believe humans are a mixture of good and bad. I believe we have two things in us than tend to be conflicting: our human nature, which is prone toward putting ourself first... and our conscience, which is God-given, it's basically our built-in moral compass.

If you read the book Mere Christianity, by C.S Lewis, I generally agree with his take on this particular topic. And it's NOT what you said.
Perhaps he is waiting for you to come up to him...
Or perhaps the deity, if there is one, rewards those who act logically. It's just as likely.

A better version of Pascal's Wager says that since there are thousands of deities, and since most of them hate those who worship "false gods" more than they hate simple unbelievers, then the best way to hedge your bets is to believe in none of them.
I think one of the main things that block people from God is looking around and seeing how God permits SOOOOOOO much evil in the world, and especially in their own lives, the lives they normally care about the most ( obviously).
The Problem of Evil is a valid refutation of any religion featuring a god with omni-attributes.

That is on-topic for this thread. One reason people are "blocked" from the Christian god is because they see, logically, that such an entity can't exist.

And if someone claim their god transcends logic, that makes that god completely unknowable, so belief is irrelevent. Logic no longer applies, so getting a warm fuzzy feeling may mean the god doesn't exist.

Jews, being smarter, don't assign omni-attributes to their god. That goes for a lot of religions.
For the record, Dagosa, that is absolutely NOT my position. Humans are much more complex than that. I have stated this before (maybe even on this thread, but if not on this thread, for sure on others) but I believe humans are a mixture of good and bad. I believe we have two things in us than tend to be conflicting: our human nature, which is prone toward putting ourself first... and our conscience, which is God-given, it's basically our built-in moral compass.

If you read the book Mere Christianity, by C.S Lewis, I generally agree with his take on this particular topic. And it's NOT what you said.
Good and bad ? According to who’s determination ?
Maybe someone should tell you, the idea of being good or bad is a personal value judgement, not determined by you, or god or anyone else. History is filled with peoples thinking they were doing good by killing people because their god said it was. The crusades are awash of killing for “goodness sake. “

you read the book Mere Christianity, by C.S Lewis, I generally agree with his take on this particular topic. And it's NOT what you said.
Say what ? So man’s inner conflicts is now an exercise in literature ?
What?? Where did I do that? Specific quote, please.
That homosexuality is wrong…..I’ll interpret that you feel it’s bad in the eyes of your god.and by extension, you Think it’s bad. Am I wrong ?
Good and bad ? According to who’s determination ?
Maybe someone should tell you, the idea of being good or bad is a personal value judgement, not determined by you, or god or anyone else. History is filled with peoples thinking they were doing good by killing people because their god said it was. The crusades are awash of killing for “goodness sake. “


You're changing the topic again. I was merely correcting YOUR statement about what I believe.

As for the the topic of good / bad, I'm already having that discussion with Blues Man, and I've already gone over the things you asked, in previous posts, to him. It's off topic anyway.
  1. Sin (Isaiah 59:2, Colossians 1:21)
  2. Pride (Psalm 10:4, James 4:6)
  3. The enemy (2 Corinthians 4:4)
  4. Preoccupation with this world (1 John 2:15, Romans 1:25)

Sometimes I hear nonbelievers say things like "I would like to believe, but I just don't." So for the sake of those who say that with sincerity, I felt it would be worthwhile to point out that certain things can block people from God. Or another way to put it is, there are certain things that are blinding.

This may not be a complete list, so if you're a believer, feel free to add to this list, in case I left anything out.
“Things that block people from God”

Facts, the truth – such as the fact that there is no ‘god’ as perceived by theists; there is no omnipotent extraterrestrial deity that hears prayers, intercedes on the behalf of humans, and issues edicts of religious dogma that must be obeyed lest transgressors are consigned to eternal damnation.

Indeed, one cannot be 'blocked' from something that doesn't exist.
“Things that block people from God”

Facts, the truth – such as the fact that there is no ‘god’ as perceived by theists; there is no omnipotent extraterrestrial deity that hears prayers, intercedes on the behalf of humans, and issues edicts of religious dogma that must be obeyed lest transgressors are consigned to eternal damnation.

Indeed, one cannot be 'blocked' from something that doesn't exist.

Thanks for sharing your opinion. It's almost completely fact-free, but thank you for demonstrating the list in the OP, particularly point #2. (I say that because your "certainty" and the way you declare your atheist views as "facts" gives away your pride, and one of the main points of this thread is that pride is blinding.)
That homosexuality is wrong…..I’ll interpret that you feel it’s bad in the eyes of your god.and by extension, you Think it’s bad. Am I wrong ?

^ That doesn't go along with what you said earlier. Earlier you claimed that I classify people into "good" or "evil." That is not true. I never said that homosexuals were evil, and that's not what I believe. I listed a bunch of things that are wrong, but that doesn't mean that I believe the people who have done those things are evil. That was YOUR assumption and putting words in my mouth.
^ That doesn't go along with what you said earlier. Earlier you claimed that I classify people into "good" or "evil." That is not true. I never said that homosexuals were evil, and that's not what I believe. I listed a bunch of things that are wrong, but that doesn't mean that I believe the people who have done those things are evil. That was YOUR assumption and putting words in my mouth.
Good /bad and right / wrong isvthevassocuatiin I was making. So, do you think homosexuality is bad ? You said it was wrong.,
I thought you already reached a conclusion of what I think. Therefore, I was wondering about what you find right about homosexuality.
It’s not my decision. Homosexuality occurs in every population given a large enough sample. It happens. You said it was wrong. Why ?
Good /bad and right / wrong isvthevassocuatiin I was making. So, do you think homosexuality is bad ? You said it was wrong.,

You're moving the goal posts now. Earlier you said that I classify people into categories "good" or "evil." THAT was false.

Now you're talking about the action, not the person. To answer your question, the action is a sin. As are the other things I mentioned. But that is not the same thing as saying homosexuals are evil. Again, I don't classify people into the categories "good" or "evil".... that was your wrong assumption and misrepresenting my views.
It’s not my decision. Homosexuality occurs in every population given a large enough sample. It happens. You said it was wrong. Why ?
I did not say it was wrong. You told me what I think. I simply entered the discussion to ask you what you find right about homosexuality.
I try and stay out of religmo threads, because i'm often misunderstood

Yet here i am, a recovering catholic that ....... despite all it's empirical hierarchy , has faith

Get your head around that, and you'll realize what really distances us from God

You're moving the goal posts now. Earlier you said that I classify people into categories "good" or "evil." THAT was false.

Now you're talking about the action, not the person. To answer your question, the action is a sin. As are the other things I mentioned. But that is not the same thing as saying homosexuals are evil. Again, I don't classify people into the categories "good" or "evil".... that was your wrong assumption and misrepresenting my views.

What makes homosexuality right?
Are youn testing the waters ?

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