Zone1 Things that block people from God

I simply know you have suppressed what God revealed to all and this is an explanation.

20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and [g]Godhead, so that they are without excuse, 21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like [h]corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.
24 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, 25 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

You can try to characterize me as anything you want you can believe how you want, the truth is in the writing above!

No I haven't.

your god never revealed anything to anyone you're just taking the word of a religion that it did.
No I haven't.

your god never revealed anything to anyone you're just taking the word of a religion that it did.
Just more deflection! He did you suppressed it and now think you have no moral necessity to do anything but what you want without having to worry about eternal consequences I pity you !
Just more deflection! He did you suppressed it and now think you have no moral necessity to do anything but what you want without having to worry about eternal consequences I pity you !

No I didn't I rejected it. Because when it was presented to me I knew it was all crap.

Magic man in the sky made everything
MMITS jumped into the womb of a virgin so he could pretend to be human
MMITS sees everything you do and knows everything you think

There is not a single thing there worth wasting my time on never mind believing it is all true.
When you suppress your belief in the one true God.
What god us that ? Every religion has one true god, different from every other. Yet believers call non believers atheists. Why is that ? Islam belives in a god, not yours. Are they atheist ? Jews don’t believe in Christ as a son of god. Are they atheists ? So if you don’t believe in anyother god but your own, you are only one god away from being an atheist yourself. AAMOF, an agnostic who just “doesn’t know” may be closer to spirituality than any Christian, especially if the one true god is a cow…etc.
What god us that ? Every religion has one true god, different from every other. Yet believers call non believers atheists. Why is that ? Islam belives in a god, not yours. Are they atheist ? Jews don’t believe in Christ as a son of god. Are they atheists ? So if you don’t believe in anyother god but your own, you are only one god away from being an atheist yourself. AAMOF, an agnostic who just “doesn’t know” may be closer to spirituality than any Christian, especially if the one true god is a cow…etc.

I would think that if there is a god that humility is a trait that is desirable.

That is if that god actually cared about us mere mortals who don't live for a blink of an eye in comparison.
My name is Meriweather. The name tells you nothing about me.
God introduced Himself as "I Am...the Lord God."

Now you know who He is.
That tells me nothing . That’s a quote from a script from scribes thousands of years ago. If you really speak for god, why conflate it. “ I am the lord god” is a cop out. Identify what religion you get your spirituality from ?
I think one of the main things that block people from God is looking around and seeing how God permits SOOOOOOO much evil in the world, and especially in their own lives, the lives they normally care about the most ( obviously).

You can't blame people for getting very angry with God over all the hideous, diabolical BS they see and how God just lets it be. You just can't blame them at all.

I've been there... can't say I won't go there again.

But God does what He does and----------------words fail after that
I think one of the main things that block people from God is looking around and seeing how God permits SOOOOOOO much evil in the world, and especially in their own lives, the lives they normally care about the most ( obviously).

You can't blame people for getting very angry with God over all the hideous, diabolical BS they see and how God just lets it be. You just can't blame them at all.

I've been there... can't say I won't go there again.

But God does what He does and----------------words fail after that
The meditation that calms when evil inserts itself into life, is that we are children of God, servants of God. We have been told that God brings good out of evil. As children/servants who emulate Him, work on some little thing that can be done to bring good out of evil that afflicts us.
No I didn't I rejected it. Because when it was presented to me I knew it was all crap.

Magic man in the sky made everything
MMITS jumped into the womb of a virgin so he could pretend to be human
MMITS sees everything you do and knows everything you think

There is not a single thing there worth wasting my time on never mind believing it is all true

The you have committed the unpardonable sin! Your Pride has doomed you.

The unpardonable sin is rejecting God's light of truth so often and so defiantly that someone goes beyond the point of no return, the point where they not only reject God's revelation but become hardened against it, determined never to accept it.

Say what you will but at some point the thought of God intrigued you and your pride kept you from believing!
Where did everything come from if not the Creator. Please do not say the Big Bang and evolution because I do not have enough faith to believe in those idiotic theories
What god us that ? Every religion has one true god, different from every other. Yet believers call non believers atheists. Why is that ? Islam belives in a god, not yours. Are they atheist ? Jews don’t believe in Christ as a son of god. Are they atheists ? So if you don’t believe in anyother god but your own, you are only one god away from being an atheist yourself. AAMOF, an agnostic who just “doesn’t know” may be closer to spirituality than any Christian, especially if the one true god is a cow…etc.
You simply explain your self as an Anti Christ. Your pride will keep you from ever believing, I mean I hope not but it seems you have already been given over to a reprobate mind explained in Romans 1
You simply explain your self as an Anti Christ. Your pride will keep you from ever believing, I mean I hope not but it seems you have already been given over to a reprobate mind explained in Romans 1
Anti Christ ? That means I’d have to believe in Satan. Isn’t that a stretch too ? How about, I just don’t know ? You seem to think people who just don’t know are worse than satanic cults. It’s hilarious how you paint people in a worse light than your actual enemies, you know, people who are actually trying to eliminate your faith. Seems like a war between faiths is preferable to you than living along side critical thinkers.
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Anti Christ ? That means I’d have to believe in Satan. Isn’t that a stretch too ? How about, I just don’t know ? You seem to think people who just don’t know are worse than satanic cults. It’s hilarious how you paint people in a worse light than your actual enemies, you know, people who are actually trying to eliminate your faith. Seems like a war between faiths is preferable to you than living along side critical thinkers.
Covered with the Scripture I shared, God reveals himself to all of us whether, it be in nature which leads us to his word, or however he sees fit, saying you do not know is no different than just saying you don't believe, your posts show what you truly think about believers, and God to be exact. I have always been a critical thinker, I am more open minded than non believers who must see to believe! Although that may be incorrect because god displays himself in Creation, the very intricacies of creation speak of the Creator

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