Zone1 Things that block people from God

No, that's a copout to avoid answering the question you clearly don't want to answer.

First of all, the example I brought up (cannibalism) isn't something you can say "only happened in the past" because although it's rare, it still happens to this day. So I'll ask you again, is the murder / cannibalism that exists TODAY in some cultures right in reality simply because those societies believe it is? You're not defending your position very well by dancing around the question.

If that were true, I'd still hold the same views I did growing up, regarding certain issues that I now have an entirely different position on. I was taught a number of things growing up that I no longer adhere to, because I have learned they were wrong.

Yes, society does influence people, of course, but you're making all sorts of wrong assumptions based on that one fact. Just because society pushes certain things doesn't mean those things are true, and it also doesn't mean that society is the source for morality itself.

In your opinion, and that's all it is, or can be, according to relativism. This is totally off topic, but again, moral relativism is not only false, but absurd and filled with logical problems.

By your relativist 'logic', no particular society could ever be better than any other. Which means a society that promotes child prostitution is no worse than a society that teaches that children should be protected and treated with kindness, justice and dignity.

And we (or any society that believes children should be protected) have zero right to criticize or try to stop those evil practices that take place in other societies, because according to your own view, they are just as right as us or any other society.

I could go on and on giving you examples of how idiotic moral relativism is, but again, we've gotten way off topic.

No, I'm not ignoring that at all. I just don't see it as the source, like you do. And I also see that even when people are conditioned to believe certain things, those who actually care about truth tend to examine the views and beliefs they grew up with, and seek the truth, to determine whether those views they grew up with are true, or whether the truth is something else entirely. You seem to be ignoring that many people do that, and often reject at least some of the things they were taught by society or their parents.

I'm not asking you to judge those societies based on what "modern society" believes. I was asking what YOU believe is the actual truth.

If a society believes that brutally torturing animals is morally right, do YOU believe that makes it right, in reality? Again, not in comparison to what the West believes, or what anyone else believes. But do YOU believe that torturing animals for no good reason could ever be morally right, in reality? Yes or no.

You're adding to my words. I didn't say we were in charge of "all" creation. I said we were put in charge of the REST of creation (meaning the animals and the physical earth.)

And it's not because you disagree with my faith that I said you seem like the type who likes to argue for the sake of arguing. It was because you were getting very pedantic and either missing or evading the point.

And of course my faith is fair game, that doesn't change that you were dancing around questions and not giving straight answers but instead of nitpicking words and deflecting.

I did answer your question you just don't like the answer.

You want to judge the past by the present. I never once claimed that societies haven't evolved into better versions. If you think I did then quote the post.

And where cannibalism is still practiced if indeed it is and you are so offended by it then go stop it. It really doesn;t matter in the grand scheme of things anymore does it? In that insular tribe wherever they may be those people obviously have decided it's not "wrong" and they don't give a fuck about what you and I think about it do they? So what's your plan for them? To kidnap them from their land and force them to abide by your morals?

What does it matter today that some societies tens of thousands of years ago smothered deformed babies or left the old and infirm behind to fend for themselves because they would have jeopardized the survival of the rest of the people in the tribe? And why do you think your opinions on that matter ?

None of us would want to live in a hunter gatherer tribe barely eking out an existence but the people who did all those thousands of years ago had no choice did they? If all those people you are judging lived by today's standards they would have died out and you might not be here.

And I already told you what the actual truth is.

People created morals. People decided what was "right" or "wrong" either by trial and error or by reasoned leadership.

And the point is found in the study of anthropology, history, and sociology.
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Born with and people like yourself suppress it and make yourself gods!
Says the person with the arrogance to name a god and imbue that god with a personality and then tells everyone else what that god is actually thinking.
Says the person with the arrogance to name a god and imbue that god with a personality and then tells everyone else what that god is actually thinking.
Then don't believe, just stop telling everybody, I do not care! I mean why would you come into thread about something you don't believe in! It's because you do believe, and just can't bring yourself to swallow your pride, and accept that God is real, he is creator, and one day you will answer to him, choose how you approach the throne! Your issue is your selfishness, making yourself god not willing to deal with your sin
Then don't believe, just stop telling everybody, I do not care! I mean why would you come into thread about something you don't believe in! It's because you do believe, and just can't bring yourself to swallow your pride, and accept that God is real, he is creator, and one day you will answer to him, choose how you approach the throne! Your issue is your selfishness, making yourself god not willing to deal with your sin
You do know that believing things without proof all your live just opens you up to being a conspiracy theorist.
They aren’t born with anything other than the capacity to learn and develop. Hilarious. Next you’ll say people are born knowing math.
I am not "saying" anything. I was asking you If babies (of any species) are born with an inbred sense of trust. Your answer is no. That's all I wanted to think about. Thank you.
I am not "saying" anything. I was asking you If babies (of any species) are born with an inbred sense of trust. Your answer is no. That's all I wanted to think about. Thank you.
Look up the word trust….babies react instinctively. They are incapable of feeling “ trust” at birth. So no, they can’t feel “trust” anymore than they can do math.
Then don't believe, just stop telling everybody, I do not care! I mean why would you come into thread about something you don't believe in! It's because you do believe, and just can't bring yourself to swallow your pride, and accept that God is real, he is creator, and one day you will answer to him, choose how you approach the throne! Your issue is your selfishness, making yourself god not willing to deal with your sin

I don't believe in the biblical god and I have every right to criticize and question anyone one who says they do.

And how did I ever claim to be a god? Please quote the post
I don't believe in the biblical god and I have every right to criticize and question anyone one who says they do.

And how did I ever claim to be a god? Please quote the post
You claim to be your own god by denying the one true God. Criticize away it lend credence to my belief that you do believe. Why else would you denigrate people who do in such a horrible way.
You claim to be your own god by denying the one true God. Criticize away it lend credence to my belief that you do believe. Why else would you denigrate people who do in such a horrible way.

Where did I claim to be my own god?

Quote the post.

You people just love to make shit up don't you?

And FYI criticizing religion is not the same as criticizing people.

One thing I know is that religions have little or nothing to do with actual gods and are far more about control and power.

Just look at the Catholic Church if you want proof of that
Where did I claim to be my own god?

Quote the post.

You people just love to make shit up don't you?

And FYI criticizing religion is not the same as criticizing people.

One thing I know is that religions have little or nothing to do with actual gods and are far more about control and power.

Just look at the Catholic Church if you want proof of that
When you suppress your belief in the one true God.
Again I am sure you say you believe that, because in your circle of friends it makes you seem like an elite thinker. I have no part with the catholic church.
When you suppress your belief in the one true God.
Again I am sure you say you believe that, because in your circle of friends it makes you seem like an elite thinker. I have no part with the catholic church.

How can I suppress what I don't have?

Why is it you assume that I have to have a faith in a storybook character inborn in me?

And now you are assuming you know what I talk about to other people in my life.

Seems to me you're playing off as an all knowing being.
How can I suppress what I don't have?

Why is it you assume that I have to have a faith in a storybook character inborn in me?

And now you are assuming you know what I talk about to other people in my life.

Seems to me you're playing off as an all knowing being.
I simply know you have suppressed what God revealed to all and this is an explanation.

20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and [g]Godhead, so that they are without excuse, 21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like [h]corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.
24 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, 25 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

You can try to characterize me as anything you want you can believe how you want, the truth is in the writing above!

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