Zone1 Things that block people from God

Covered with the Scripture I shared, God reveals himself to all of us whether, it be in nature which leads us to his word, or however he sees fit, saying you do not know is no different than just saying you don't believe, your posts show what you truly think about believers, and God to be exact. I have always been a critical thinker, I am more open minded than non believers who must see to believe! Although that may be incorrect because god displays himself in Creation, the very intricacies of creation speak of the Creator
How has he revealed himself to you ?
How has he revealed himself to you ?

He just answered that question two or three times in one paragraph. Are you not reading posts?

(And that is just ONE way, out of many.)

But this is not the topic. I should've known that by taking a short break from this thread it would go right back to the atheist's favorite subject, the existence of God.
He just answered that question two or three times in one paragraph. Are you not reading posts?

(And that is just ONE way, out of many.)

But this is not the topic. I should've known that by taking a short break from this thread it would go right back to the atheist's favorite subject, the existence of God.
The existence of god should be key to his acceptance of why people block him. You don’t get it do you ? . You seem to want to believe in something there is no proof of.
At least if you believe in a god, have the gonads to tell why instead of repeating from a Bible.
No I haven't.

your god never revealed anything to anyone you're just taking the word of a religion that it did.

The word God is capitalized. And like the other guy, it looks like you didn't read his post because you didn't address or acknowledge the point, so I'll post it again, but just one verse of what he posted:

For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse,

Romans 1:20​
The existence of god should be key to his acceptance of why people block him. You don’t get it do you ? . You seem to want to believe in something there is no proof of.
At least if you believe in a god, have the gonads to tell why instead of repeating from a Bible.

No, you don't get it. This topic is not a debate on the existence of God. I've said that to you at least 5 or 6 times on this thread. If that's what you want to debate, feel free to start a new thread.

This thread is about things that blind or block people from God.

Of course you're not going to agree with it, as someone who claims to not believe in God. But as I said in the OP, this is for people who are sincere in wanting to know truth. If you were one of those, then you would consider the points brought up in the OP, rather than argue, bicker and belittle believers. So clearly you are not one of those. You're one who wants to argue something that is not the topic. Again, go ahead and start a new thread. I'm sure you'll get people to join you in it.
The word God is capitalized. And like the other guy, it looks like you didn't read his post because you didn't address or acknowledge the point, so I'll post it again, but just one verse of what he posted:

For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse,​
Romans 1:20​
God is not capitalized if it’s a generic reference. You tell me which of six gods you worship. We’ll capitalize his, Christ, Holy Ghost, etc. or Mohamed.
No, you don't get it. This topic is not a debate on the existence of God. I've said that to you at least 5 or 6 times on this thread. If that's what you want to debate, feel free to start a new thread.

This thread is about things that blind or block people from God.

Of course you're not going to agree with it, as someone who claims to not believe in God. But as I said in the OP, this is for people who are sincere in wanting to know truth. If you were one of those, then you would consider the points brought up in the OP, rather than argue, bicker and belittle believers. So clearly you are not one of those. You're one who wants to argue something that is not the topic. Again, go ahead and start a new thread. I'm sure you'll get people to join you in it.
MOST PEOPLE BLOCK THEMSELVES FROM a god because they doubt the existence … hilarious can you be to not see it.
The word God is capitalized. And like the other guy, it looks like you didn't read his post because you didn't address or acknowledge the point, so I'll post it again, but just one verse of what he posted:

For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse,​
Romans 1:20​
Can’t you speak for yourself or do you go through life repeating from Scripture.
Can’t you speak for yourself or do you go through life repeating from Scripture.

I always speak for myself. The reason I posted that scripture is because Frankenstein told you that God is revealed to EVERYONE, then he posted Romans 1:20 which talks about one of the primary ways God does that. Evidently you didn't read his post but kept arguing, then he stated the point AGAIN in his own words, 3 times in one paragraph... and then you STILL said "how?" after he had just your answered your question multiple times in a row. 🤦‍♀️

So I posted the scripture he posted, but just one verse of it, since you missed it the first time.
God is not capitalized if it’s a generic reference. You tell me which of six gods you worship. We’ll capitalize his, Christ, Holy Ghost, etc. or Mohamed.

Its supposed to be capitalized. I think atheists do it out of disrespect.

There may be many different beliefs about God, but there is only one true God. If you've read this thread, then you should know what God I worship, since for pages and pages I've been posting scriptures from the Bible, talking about Jesus and Christianity.

So you either haven't read this thread, or your memory is very bad.

MOST PEOPLE BLOCK THEMSELVES FROM a god because they doubt the existence … hilarious can you be to not see it.

Yes, they doubt his existence because there are specific things that cause that to happen, things that blind or block someone from God. THAT is the topic, that you have failed to address, 13 pages into this thread.
How has he revealed himself to you ?
Through others, through his word, through the preaching of the word, through observation, through creation, seeing people healed of illness with no explanation from doctors ! Through the innate knowledge of him from a small child even if i wasn't raised in church, that still small voice inside me
The existence of god should be key to his acceptance of why people block him. You don’t get it do you ? . You seem to want to believe in something there is no proof of.
At least if you believe in a god, have the gonads to tell why instead of repeating from a Bible.
Can you see wind?
You seem to want to believe in something there is no proof of.
At least if you believe in a god, have the gonads to tell why instead of repeating from a Bible.
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. In the heavens he has pitched a tent for the sun, which is like a bridegroom coming forth from his pavilion, like a champion rejoicing to run his course. It rises at one end of the heavens and makes its circuit to the other; nothing is hidden from its heat. (Psalm 19:1-6)
I believed in them until I was probably about 30 and then I actually started thinking for myself
My question is what happens to basically good people of other religions who do not believe in Christ?

It would be hard for me to accept Buddhist beliefs. I lack the background. I would imagine it is just as hard for a Buddhist to accept Christianity.

What god us that ? Every religion has one true god, different from every other. Yet believers call non believers atheists. Why is that ? Islam belives in a god, not yours. Are they atheist ? Jews don’t believe in Christ as a son of god. Are they atheists ? So if you don’t believe in anyother god but your own, you are only one god away from being an atheist yourself. AAMOF, an agnostic who just “doesn’t know” may be closer to spirituality than any Christian, especially if the one true god is a cow…etc.
That's ridiculous logic. It should be fairly obvious that different people have different perceptions of reality. Take Donald Trump or Joe Biden for example; or covid, or Ukraine or Israel/Palestine.

Why doesn't everyone see these things exactly the same? It's because different people have different perceptions of reality.

So... that's a really dumb argument you have there.
Can you see wind?

You reminded me of this clip from the movie A Walk To Remember.

I'm sure that some here will probably think this is cheesy, but I love this movie and this is my favorite scene in the whole movie. I love this part....

"How can you see places like this and have moments like this and not believe?"

"You're lucky to be so sure."

"It's like the wind.... I can't see it, but I feel it."

"What do you feel?"

"I feel wonder and beauty... joy, love. I mean, it's the center of everything."​
It's a few pages back, but I don't think I answered this post, Blues Man, so I wanted to get back to it.

I did answer your question you just don't like the answer.

You want to judge the past by the present. I never once claimed that societies haven't evolved into better versions. If you think I did then quote the post.

No, you never did answer it, at least not in a straight way.

Here's one of the things you don't get. It doesn't matter what year it is. When something is objectively true, it is timeless.

The problem is, you think that the only type of morality that exists is society's "morals." In reality, there are society's "morals" or "ethics" .... and then there are true morals and principles. The latter is timeless.

You're claiming that morality has changed over time, but the only thing that has changed (and often goes in cycles) is society's views on certain things. And even that hasn't changed a whole lot when it comes to a few certain basics.

Murder has existed from the very beginning, it was wrong then and it is still wrong now.

Stealing has existed for ages, it was wrong then and it is still wrong now.

Adultery has existed for ages, it was wrong then and it is still wrong now.

Even things like homosexuality have existed for ages. In fact, in some ancient cultures it was openly practiced and accepted by many, at least for a time. Regardless of the ever-changing and often cyclical views of society, it was wrong then and it is still wrong now. It doesn't matter what society says. Society has been wrong about numerous things and will continue to be wrong about things, until the end of this age. Because society is just fallible, finite people, prone to selfishness and missing the mark.

And where cannibalism is still practiced if indeed it is and you are so offended by it then go stop it. It really doesn;t matter in the grand scheme of things anymore does it? In that insular tribe wherever they may be those people obviously have decided it's not "wrong" and they don't give a fuck about what you and I think about it do they? So what's your plan for them? To kidnap them from their land and force them to abide by your morals?

That's besides the point. But I find it kind of sad that you're so apathetic to the evils perpetrated against innocent people in this world. I think you have chosen to be that way. Because you know that if you were to care more and actually say something about it, you would be going against your entire position of moral relativism.

What does it matter today that some societies tens of thousands of years ago smothered deformed babies or left the old and infirm behind to fend for themselves because they would have jeopardized the survival of the rest of the people in the tribe? And why do you think your opinions on that matter ?

Things like that still take place today. And if not those specific things, then other things that are just as bad or even worse. Why does it matter? You're the one who brought up this entire sub-topic of morality, as you always do on these religion threads. Something tells me that something inside you is questioning, and you use these threads to do that, but you seem to be trying to convince yourself of your current position, imo.

None of us would want to live in a hunter gatherer tribe barely eking out an existence but the people who did all those thousands of years ago had no choice did they? If all those people you are judging lived by today's standards they would have died out and you might not be here.

And I already told you what the actual truth is.

People created morals. People decided what was "right" or "wrong" either by trial and error or by reasoned leadership.

And the point is found in the study of anthropology, history, and sociology.

No, you are absolutely flatly wrong on this one. Woefully wrong. Humans do not create true morals. Do humans create their own man-made "morals"? Of course, there's no denying that. People get things wrong, but it doesn't logically follow that there is no right answer.
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My question is what happens to basically good people of other religions who do not believe in Christ?

It would be hard for me to accept Buddhist beliefs. I lack the background. I would imagine it is just as hard for a Buddhist to accept Christianity.

Or good people who just don’t know.
It's a few pages back, but I don't think I answered this post, Blues Man, so I wanted to get back to it.

No, you never did answer it, at least not in a straight way.

Here's one of the things you don't get. It doesn't matter what year it is. When something is objectively true, it is timeless.

The problem is, you think that the only type of morality that exists is society's "morals." In reality, there are society's "morals" or "ethics" .... and then there are true morals and principles. The latter is timeless.

You're claiming that morality has changed over time, but the only thing that has changed (and often goes in cycles) is society's views on certain things. And even that hasn't changed a whole lot when it comes to a few certain basics.

Murder has existed from the very beginning, it was wrong then and it is still wrong now.

Stealing has existed for ages, it was wrong then and it is still wrong now.

Adultery has existed for ages, it was wrong then and it is still wrong now.

Even things like homosexuality have existed for ages. In fact, in some ancient cultures it was openly practiced and accepted by many, at least for a time. Regardless of the ever-changing and often cyclical views of society, it was wrong then and it is still wrong now. It doesn't matter what society says. Society has been wrong about numerous things and will continue to be wrong about things, until the end of this age. Because society is just fallible, finite people, prone to selfishness and missing the mark.

That's besides the point. But I find it kind of sad that you're so apathetic to the evils perpetrated against innocent people in this world. I think you have chosen to be that way. Because you know that if you were to care more and actually say something about it, you would be going against your entire position of moral relativism.

Things like that still take place today. And if not those specific things, then other things that are just as bad or even worse. Why does it matter? You're the one who brought up this entire sub-topic of morality, as you always do on these religion threads. Something tells me that something inside you is questioning, and you use these threads to do that, but you seem to be trying to convince yourself of your current position, imo.

No, you are absolutely flatly wrong on this one. Woefully wrong. Humans do not create true morals. Do humans create their own man-made "morals"? Of course, there's no denying that. People get things wrong, but it doesn't logically follow that there is no right answer.
It’s absolutely amazing how you can categorize people as good or evil. Human beings are often a mixture of emotions, feelings and believes, some of which can change several times over in a day.
It’s absolutely amazing how you can categorize people as good or evil. Human beings are often a mixture of emotions, feelings and believes, some of which can change several times over in a day.

What?? Where did I do that? Specific quote, please.

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