Zone1 Things that block people from God

The you have committed the unpardonable sin! Your Pride has doomed you.

The unpardonable sin is rejecting God's light of truth so often and so defiantly that someone goes beyond the point of no return, the point where they not only reject God's revelation but become hardened against it, determined never to accept it.

Say what you will but at some point the thought of God intrigued you and your pride kept you from believing!
Where did everything come from if not the Creator. Please do not say the Big Bang and evolution because I do not have enough faith to believe in those idiotic theories
That's funny.

Just because I don't believe in what you do in no way means I am prideful.

And yes you are right about one thing I did my searching it just didn't end up with me believing in the god you worship.

And if you read anything I have written here you would already know about my opinions on the bib bang.

We do not really know how the universe came to be and the big bang theory and the god theory are just thing people use to explain what they can't know.

I accept the fact that I don't know how we got here and I am of the opinion we will never really know because we are incapable of knowing for the same reasons my dog can't understand algebra.

I don't have a need to make up imaginary magic people to explain anything
The word God is capitalized. And like the other guy, it looks like you didn't read his post because you didn't address or acknowledge the point, so I'll post it again, but just one verse of what he posted:

For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse,​
Romans 1:20​
Don;t care.

The god you worship is just one of the thousands of gods humans have worshipped so a small g is appropriate

And using the bible to prove a god exists is meaningless.
Then no difference between describing behavior and describing/comparing it to an inanimate object.
You-want to know why people are less into your religion and your god ? It’s about the discussion we are having right now, where people with conflicting ideas of how they’re going to live their lives, are now subject to arcane interpretations of a thousand year old document. It’s homsexuality, it’s a woman’s right to choose, it’s church sanctioned pedophilia and other issues decided by your and others like you who are devoted to control over people and their personal freedoms that affect no one else but themselves.
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You-want to know why people are less into your religion and your god ? It’s about the discussion we are having right now, where people with conflicting ideas of how they’re going to live their lives, are now subject to arcane interpretations of a thousand year old document. It’s homsexuality, it’s a woman’s right to choose, it’s church sanctioned pedophilia and other issues decided by your and others like you who are devoted to control over people and their personal freedoms that affect no one else but themselves.
No. I want to know what is right about homosexuality. I have lived with atheists all my life and I truly get why people are not into religion. It has nothing to do with homosexuality, pedophilia, abortion, etc. I'll ask one more time: What is right about homosexuality? At this point I am considering you find nothing right about homosexuality.
That's funny.

Just because I don't believe in what you do in no way means I am prideful.

And yes you are right about one thing I did my searching it just didn't end up with me believing in the god you worship.

And if you read anything I have written here you would already know about my opinions on the bib bang.

We do not really know how the universe came to be and the big bang theory and the god theory are just thing people use to explain what they can't know.

I accept the fact that I don't know how we got here and I am of the opinion we will never really know because we are incapable of knowing for the same reasons my dog can't understand algebra.

I don't have a need to make up imaginary magic people to explain anything
Your pride keeps you separated from God, which is your right, it's just not going to end well, and you can suppress that belief all you want it will not change in the end.
Your pride keeps you separated from God, which is your right, it's just not going to end well, and you can suppress that belief all you want it will not change in the end.

No it doesn't

You want me to believe in your god.

That's prideful
That's funny.

Just because I don't believe in what you do in no way means I am prideful.

And yes you are right about one thing I did my searching it just didn't end up with me believing in the god you worship.

And if you read anything I have written here you would already know about my opinions on the bib bang.

We do not really know how the universe came to be and the big bang theory and the god theory are just thing people use to explain what they can't know.

I accept the fact that I don't know how we got here and I am of the opinion we will never really know because we are incapable of knowing for the same reasons my dog can't understand algebra.

I don't have a need to make up imaginary magic people to explain anything
Let me ask you. Is it possible to infer something with a high degree of certainty without directly observing it?
Let me ask you. Is it possible to infer something with a high degree of certainty without directly observing it?

Yes I know the sun rose today and didn't see it crest the horizon.

But I also can say that there are somethings we mere mortals cannot know and we should just admit it instead of making up stories to explain it.
Yes I know the sun rose today and didn't see it crest the horizon.

But I also can say that there are somethings we mere mortals cannot know and we should just admit it instead of making up stories to explain it.
I'm not talking about God. I'm actually talking about the Big Bang.

Let's say for the sake of argument that I can observe space expanding in all directions. Can I then infer that reversing that expansion will result space coming together in one point?
I'm not talking about God. I'm actually talking about the Big Bang.

Let's say for the sake of argument that I can observe space expanding in all directions. Can I then infer that reversing that expansion will result space coming together in one point?

And all we can know about the big bang starts after it happened all the so called laws of the universe we know break down as we approach T = 0

We will never be able to see the state of things just before the big bang so all we will ever really have is a theory we can kind of prove and an honest physicist will say that very thing

We got here after the movie started and we'll all be gone before the end
And all we can know about the big bang starts after it happened all the so called laws of the universe we know break down as we approach T = 0

We will never be able to see the state of things just before the big bang so all we will ever really have is a theory we can kind of prove and an honest physicist will say that very thing

We got here after the movie started and we'll all be gone before the end
Sure but you said we don't know the Big Bang happened. While it seems to me there's strong enough evidence to infer it did happen with a high degree of certainty.

I agree with your assertion that "knowing" something is difficult. I just have a problem with equating the uncertainty of the Big Bang with the uncertainty in God.

We don't know but we can be mostly certain that the Big Bang happened. While I have seen little compelling for the existence of God. The uncertainty is widely dissimilar.
Sure but you said we don't know the Big Bang happened. While it seems to me there's strong enough evidence to infer it did happen with a high degree of certainty.

I agree with your assertion that "knowing" something is difficult. I just have a problem with equating the uncertainty of the Big Bang with the uncertainty in God.

We don't know but we can be mostly certain that the Big Bang happened. While I have seen little compelling for the existence of God. The uncertainty is widely dissimilar.
I said we don't know HOW it happened and our ideas of what happened very well maybe totally wrong

And when you think about it you can say we don'ts know if it happened. How do we know space inflated faster than the speed of light how do we know there was actually nothing before the big bang

All we have is an explanation that fits our understanding and our understanding is woefully inadequate since we really only kind of understand about 5% of all the matter and energy in the universe that we know of.

I see this as an honest position that acknowledges we no far far less then is necessary to make any definitive statements on how the universe started (if it did really start at all)
No it doesn't

You want me to believe in your god.

That's prideful
No that is called witnessing, and adhering to the command to do so in the Matthew! It is being ready to give a defense for what I believe in.

I Peter 3:15-17 NKJV​

But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear; having a good conscience, that when they defame you as evildoers, those who revile your good conduct in Christ may be ashamed. For it is better, if it is the will of God, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil.

Matthew 28:19-20

New King James Version

19 Go [a]therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” [b]Amen.
No that is called witnessing, and adhering to the command to do so in the Matthew! It is being ready to give a defense for what I believe in.

I Peter 3:15-17 NKJV​

But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear; having a good conscience, that when they defame you as evildoers, those who revile your good conduct in Christ may be ashamed. For it is better, if it is the will of God, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil.

Matthew 28:19-20​

New King James Version​

19 Go [a]therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” [b]Amen.

Again you want me to adhere to the commands of your religion because you think you know better than me

That's pride and that's a deadly sin.
Again you want me to adhere to the commands of your religion because you think you know better than me
When I teach math, I expect students to follow the commands of math.
That's pride and that's a deadly sin.
Oh, dear. From here on out, I guess I shouldn't teach math.

Or....We can follow the commands of God (and math) because we know it is in our own best interest to do so. When we and others follow the commands of God, it is in the world's best interest to do so. That is not pride, it is humility, recognizing another knows best. Also recognizing we can't do it all on our own, we need everyone. Again, humility.
When I teach math, I expect students to follow the commands of math.

Oh, dear. From here on out, I guess I shouldn't teach math.

Or....We can follow the commands of God (and math) because we know it is in our own best interest to do so. When we and others follow the commands of God, it is in the world's best interest to do so. That is not pride, it is humility, recognizing another knows best. Also recognizing we can't do it all on our own, we need everyone. Again, humility.

Am I asking to be taught your religion?
Have I engaged your services as a teacher or guru?

And I have no obligation or desire to follow the commands of the god you worship. I thought I have made that quite clear .

If the god of the bible knocked on my door right now I'd be more than happy to invite him/her/it in and have a cup of coffee or a nice bourbon on the rocks but I would not worship him/her/it.

And I would expect that god to already know this.
Am I asking to be taught your religion?
Have I engaged your services as a teacher or guru?

And I have no obligation or desire to follow the commands of the god you worship. I thought I have made that quite clear .
This is the religion forum and all elect to enter in. I haven not offered to teach you a thing. I have been willing to share a different perspective from yours. There is no mandate that you read anything that I share. When you take a shot at another poster, you are not even mandated to read it--let alone respond to it. Your choice.
If the god of the bible knocked on my door right now I'd be more than happy to invite him/her/it in and have a cup of coffee or a nice bourbon on the rocks but I would not worship him/her/it.

And I would expect that god to already know this.
We are all aware you do not find God worthy of your service and nor will you offer any to him. Consider offering a poor homeless person on the street who you do not disdain a cup of coffee or something to eat. But beware...

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