Zone1 Things that block people from God

I can't talk about religion and ethics if I want to? Says who you or your god?

ethics has nothing to do with religion and religions have nothing to do with gods and everything to do with ethics
Yawn you do it because you are an attention whore! Also because you are looking for a reason to chastise believers because your pride won't allow you to acknowledge your creator.
Much of what you do:
  • Tell people what is wrong with their faith/belief/religion--and according to your interpretation/understanding of the Bible.
  • You don't understand that many have a more in depth study (not reading but study) of scriptures that your own reading has caused you to reject God.
  • It is understood you are still in the shallows, and that what you have found there caused you to walk from the shallows in another direction. Understand that some of us did not walk up out of the shallows in a new direction, but dove deep into the depths.
Where to go from here:
  • Stop telling others what is wrong with their faith/belief/religion. Accept you are the one who has it wrong.
  • On the other hand, we sincerely respect your journey. Focus and tell us what it is you have found on your own path.
  • Where are you now?
  • What are you learning?
  • What questions do you have about basic philosophies?
  • We can share with you what we have discovered about these basic philosophies in the depths of the oceans, and you can share with us what you have learned (without religion/scripture) from the top of the mountain.
Religion/Ethic forum discussions can be so much enlightening. Let's give it a try, shall we?

There is a lot wrong with religions as I see it.

If you don't like my posts you are free to put me on ignore or not respond to any of them
Yawn you do it because you are an attention whore! Also because you are looking for a reason to chastise believers because your pride won't allow you to acknowledge your creator.

And you're not?

Everyone here is to one degree or another.

And I really only have a problem with the wackos like you who think I am somehow obligated to follow your opinions on what I believe or don't as if you could speak for a god.

Talk about arrogance.
There is a lot wrong with religions as I see it.

If you don't like my posts you are free to put me on ignore or not respond to any of them

Religion is not the same thing as God. Yes, there's a lot wrong with many religions because fallible imperfect human beings form false religions, or worse, do terrible things under the banner of "religion".... but that has zero to do with God. The mistake a lot of people make (and I did, a long time ago) is to throw out the baby with the bathwater.

Let me ask you a question. Are you open to changing your position on God and or are you only here to argue?
There is a lot wrong with religions as I see it.

If you don't like my posts you are free to put me on ignore or not respond to any of them
Then you are not here to share your own spiritual journey, you are here to malign the spiritual journeys of others. Good to have you confirm that. And... you know, Captain Obvious, I have indeed ignored/not responded to your posts in the past. Then I (obviously mistaken) think I've seen a hint of growth in a more recent post. Shrug.
Religion is not the same thing as God. Yes, there's a lot wrong with many religions because fallible imperfect human beings form false religions, or worse, do terrible things under the banner of "religion".... but that has zero to do with God. The mistake a lot of people make (and I did, a long time ago) is to throw out the baby with the bathwater.

Let me ask you a question. Are you open to changing your position on God and or are you only here to argue?

I've made my position very clear on that already but I'll repeat it again.

I don't believe in the god of the bible but I am not an atheist.

IMO the god of the bible was invented by people in the Iron Age after the Bronze Age societal collapse. These were a people who endured decades of famine, earthquakes and other natural disasters, famine and societal collapse. Is it any wonder they were looking for something to believe in that would promise a better future? Is it any wonder that the god invented is an authoritarian figure sitting on his throne in heaven since the only form of government the people of the Iron Age knew were societies governed by kings and emperors?

The borrowed the concept of monotheism from, most likely, the Egyptians and built a religion. The OT was too exclusive because not everyone could be a Jew so another religion was born and that religion was Christianity that would include more people.

The canon on the OT was not closed by the Jewish people until 100 CE

The bible was compiled by the Roman Catholic Church around 400 CE. The RCC claimed the position authority in all matters of interpreting the word of this one god.

In my opinion , this is how people invented the god of the bible.

Does a supreme being exist? I have no way of knowing that so it is possible. If there is such a being I do not believe it is any god that any human has ever worshipped.

Are you willing to consider changing your position to mine?
Then you are not here to share your own spiritual journey, you are here to malign the spiritual journeys of others. Good to have you confirm that. And... you know, Captain Obvious, I have indeed ignored/not responded to your posts in the past. Then I (obviously mistaken) think I've seen a hint of growth in a more recent post. Shrug.

When I try you people claim that I am telling you what to believe while then saying I have to follow the commands of the god you worship
When I try you people claim that I am telling you what to believe while then saying I have to follow the commands of the god you worship
How are you not implying they shouldn't believe in the God of Abraham when you admit the only reason you are here is to argue against the God of Abraham? How is that not telling them what not to believe?

I don't believe in the god of the bible but I am not an atheist.
How are you not implying they shouldn't believe in the God of Abraham when you admit the only reason you are here is to argue against the God of Abraham? How is that not telling them what not to believe?
Really that's the ONLY reason?

Please quote the post where I said that is the ONLY reason I post here.
Well... it's the main thing you talk about in the religion forum. So what else are you here for?

The religion forum is about religions not gods.

Religions and gods are not the same thing.

Maybe you should start a Gods forum where you can have the little echo chamber you really want
There is a lot wrong with religions as I see it.

If you don't like my posts you are free to put me on ignore or not respond to any of them
She has valid points. You aren't here to discuss what you believe exists, you are here to criticize other people's beliefs on what exists.
The religion forum is about religions not gods.

Religions and gods are not the same thing.

Maybe you should start a Gods forum where you can have the little echo chamber you really want
Again... the point here is that you are trying to tell people what they SHOULDN'T believe. Which is effectively telling them what to believe.
She has valid points. You aren't here to discuss what you believe exists, you are here to criticize other people's beliefs on what exists.

Nope. I am here to discuss how the religions you people practice came to be and that they were made up by people not gods
Nope. I am here to discuss how the religions you people practice came to be and that they were made up by people not gods
How is that any different than what I said? It's the same difference. You are here to criticize the beliefs of others.
Again... the point here is that you are trying to tell people what they SHOULDN'T believe. Which is effectively telling them what to believe.

Wrong again Donkey.

And you're participating in a little Pot Kettle here. Or did you forget that you have been trying to say I had to agree with the premises for your arguments before you will discuss anything
How is that any different than what I said? It's the same difference. You are here to criticize the beliefs of others.

Talking about the evolution of society and religion is not a criticism.
Wrong again Donkey.

And you're participating in a little Pot Kettle here. Or did you forget that you have been trying to say I had to agree with the premises for your arguments before you will discuss anything
I'm not the only one who has made this observation. You aren't just hearing this from me. I think you should be honest with yourself about what your true motivations are. Because there is no doubt that you are here to grind your ax specifically with Christianity.

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