Zone1 Things that block people from God

See you just told me you know the truth and I don't. That I have to acknowledge your god

Only you know the way only you can be right only you can play Sigmund Fraud and try to psychoanalyze people who don't agree with you.

And go ahead an keep making an ass of yourself if you want.
No I am saying because of your pride you will most likely never acknowledge God. You come here to bash people of faith, and act like you are in some way superior, because of your disbelief! The only arse is you, who comes to a post about something he doesn't believe in, to make sure everyone knows.
No I am saying because of your pride you will most likely never acknowledge God. You come here to bash people of faith, and act like you are in some way superior, because of your disbelief! The only arse is you, who comes to a post about something he doesn't believe in, to make sure everyone knows.

More psychoanalyzing.

You are telling that I am wrong because of pride.

You are wrong.

And my disbelief in the god of the bible is based on reason not pride. Why is it you insist I must believe in your god? Why can't I believe in another god? Or no gods? or an unknowable god?

I really don't care about gods. I criticize religions all religions because IMO religion is one of the very worst institutions people have ever invented because it produces people who desire nothing more than to exert their will and their belief on other people. Like you are doing right now.
More psychoanalyzing.

You are telling that I am wrong because of pride.

You are wrong.

And my disbelief in the god of the bible is based on reason not pride. Why is it you insist I must believe in your god? Why can't I believe in another god? Or no gods? or an unknowable god?

I really don't care about gods. I criticize religions all religions because IMO religion is one of the very worst institutions people have ever invented because it produces people who desire nothing more than to exert their will and their belief on other people. Like you are doing right now.
Does it bother you that the Bible clearly speaks of you? I never said you had to believe, nor can I make you. I said you have an innate knowledge already that you have suppressed.
1Corinthians 1
18 For the [g]message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 19 For it is written:

“I will destroy the wisdom of the wise,
And bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.”

20 Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the [h]disputer of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? 21 For since, in the wisdom of God, the world through wisdom did not know God, it pleased God through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe.
Does it bother you that the Bible clearly speaks of you? I never said you had to believe, nor can I make you. I said you have an innate knowledge already that you have suppressed.
1Corinthians 1
18 For the [g]message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 19 For it is written:

“I will destroy the wisdom of the wise,
And bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.”

20 Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the [h]disputer of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? 21 For since, in the wisdom of God, the world through wisdom did not know God, it pleased God through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe.

The Bible does not speak of me.

You think it does.

i think that your religion is an Iron Age myth invented by people that had endured generations of famine, drought , disease, natural disasters and wars which all caused the collapse of society at the end of the Bronze Age.

Desperate suffering uneducated people are the perfect audience for a new religion
The Bible does not speak of me.

You think it does.

i think that your religion is an Iron Age myth invented by people that had endured generations of famine, drought , disease, natural disasters and wars which all caused the collapse of society at the end of the Bronze Age.

Desperate suffering uneducated people are the perfect audience for a new religion

The Bible does not speak of me.

You think it does.

i think that your religion is an Iron Age myth invented by people that had endured generations of famine, drought , disease, natural disasters and wars which all caused the collapse of society at the end of the Bronze Age.

Desperate suffering uneducated people are the perfect audience for a new religion
In bold is all anyone need see, your arrogance. You do understand you just proved my point
The bible speaks of Iron Age mythology
You can't refute it, arrogant pompous arse. Why are you even here arguing about something you do not believe in? Because you are an internet troll, in real life moms basement must get very lonely. I mean do you get tired of her bagel bites, and playing call of duty so you come here and try to act cool?
You can't refute it, arrogant pompous arse. Why are you even here arguing about something you do not believe in? Because you are an internet troll, in real life moms basement must get very lonely. I mean do you get tired of her bagel bites, and playing call of duty so you come here and try to act cool?

Sure I can.

And the bible exists so I have to believe that. And if it exists I can criticize it just like I can criticize any book religion or all religion.

That you take it as a personal insult is not my problem
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  1. Sin (Isaiah 59:2, Colossians 1:21)
  2. Pride (Psalm 10:4, James 4:6)
  3. The enemy (2 Corinthians 4:4)
  4. Preoccupation with this world (1 John 2:15, Romans 1:25)

Sometimes I hear nonbelievers say things like "I would like to believe, but I just don't." So for the sake of those who say that with sincerity, I felt it would be worthwhile to point out that certain things can block people from God. Or another way to put it is, there are certain things that are blinding.

This may not be a complete list, so if you're a believer, feel free to add to this list, in case I left anything out.
You forgot:

Evidenced based thought
Growing up
Morticia would block you from God if she stood in front of you .
Which is another example showing what a danger big fat lumps of lard can be to spirtitual development and even knowing excactly where you are .

Get rid of Fatties this Xmas .
Sure I can.

And the bible exists so I have to believe that. And if it exists I can criticize it just like I can criticize any book religion or all religion.

That you take it as a personal insult is not my problem
No you can't because you have no idea where everything began so I am a step ahead already. You criticize to gain attention you do it so others will think you are super enlightened. When you say those who are believers are uneducated how do you suppose people take it? You try to play the bully, but you just come off as arrogant and pompous!
No you can't because you have no idea where everything began so I am a step ahead already. You criticize to gain attention you do it so others will think you are super enlightened. When you say those who are believers are uneducated how do you suppose people take it? You try to play the bully, but you just come off as arrogant and pompous!

News Flash.

No one really knows how the universe came to be.

You have the god theory, physicists have the big bang theory.

That's it.
No you can't because you have no idea where everything began so I am a step ahead already. You criticize to gain attention you do it so others will think you are super enlightened. When you say those who are believers are uneducated how do you suppose people take it? You try to play the bully, but you just come off as arrogant and pompous!
What he does not realize is that his many attacks on faith and God gives credence to faith and God. No one attacks what they do not perceive as a existential.

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