Zone1 Things that block people from God

Or I sunk your battleship.

You like to claim victory where there is none to be had.

Religions including the religion of the Roman Catholic Church have done far more bad than good in this world.
Look it up
The “God-of-the-gaps” argument refers to a perception of the universe in which anything that currently can be explained by our knowledge of natural phenomena is considered outside the realm of divine interaction, and thus the concept of “God” is invoked to explain what science is, as yet, incapable of explaining. In other words, only the “gaps” in scientific knowledge are explained by the work of God, hence the name “God of the gaps.”

The idea is that as scientific research progresses, and an increasing number of phenomena are explained naturalistically, the role of God diminishes accordingly. The major criticism commonly states that invoking supernatural explanations should decrease in plausibility over time, as the domain of knowledge previously explained by God is decreasing.

However, with modern advances in science and technology, the tables have been literally turned. With the advent of electron scanning microscopes, we have been able to observe the intricate workings of the cell for the first time. What had originally and simplistically been thought to be nothing more than a “blob” of protoplasm is now seen to be far more complex and information-packed than had ever been conceived of previously.

Much of what had once been filed away as “solved” in the early twentieth century is now found to be inadequately explained by naturalism. Twenty-first century technology is increasingly revealing gaping holes in conventional evolutionary theory. The information-rich content of the “simple” has only recently been understood at any real level and found to be anything but simple. Information can now be understood to be inherently non-material. Therefore, materialistic processes cannot qualify as sources of information.

In reality, a belief in God can be derived by means of an objective assessment, rather than the subjective conjecture that may have been the case millennia ago. But many people simply deny what is obvious to them. The Bible addresses those very people: “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse” (Romans 1:18-20). The God-of-the-gaps argument is an example of “suppressing the truth” because it relegates God to a “backup” explanation for those things which cannot yet be explained by natural phenomena. This leads some to the faulty conclusion that God is not the omnipotent, omnipresent, absolute Being of whom Scripture testifies.

There is much for which the natural sciences simply cannot provide an explanation, such as the origin of the time/space/matter continuum and the fine-tuning thereof; the origin and subsequent development of life itself; and the origin of the complex and specified information systems inherent in all living things, which cannot (nor ever will be) explained by natural means. Thus one cannot rationally divorce the supernatural from the observed universe, proving once again that “in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1).
  1. Sin (Isaiah 59:2, Colossians 1:21)
  2. Pride (Psalm 10:4, James 4:6)
  3. The enemy (2 Corinthians 4:4)
  4. Preoccupation with this world (1 John 2:15, Romans 1:25)

Sometimes I hear nonbelievers say things like "I would like to believe, but I just don't." So for the sake of those who say that with sincerity, I felt it would be worthwhile to point out that certain things can block people from God. Or another way to put it is, there are certain things that are blinding.

This may not be a complete list, so if you're a believer, feel free to add to this list, in case I left anything out.
Satan, aka the Ego
The “God-of-the-gaps” argument refers to a perception of the universe in which anything that currently can be explained by our knowledge of natural phenomena is considered outside the realm of divine interaction, and thus the concept of “God” is invoked to explain what science is, as yet, incapable of explaining. In other words, only the “gaps” in scientific knowledge are explained by the work of God, hence the name “God of the gaps.”

The idea is that as scientific research progresses, and an increasing number of phenomena are explained naturalistically, the role of God diminishes accordingly. The major criticism commonly states that invoking supernatural explanations should decrease in plausibility over time, as the domain of knowledge previously explained by God is decreasing.

However, with modern advances in science and technology, the tables have been literally turned. With the advent of electron scanning microscopes, we have been able to observe the intricate workings of the cell for the first time. What had originally and simplistically been thought to be nothing more than a “blob” of protoplasm is now seen to be far more complex and information-packed than had ever been conceived of previously.

Much of what had once been filed away as “solved” in the early twentieth century is now found to be inadequately explained by naturalism. Twenty-first century technology is increasingly revealing gaping holes in conventional evolutionary theory. The information-rich content of the “simple” has only recently been understood at any real level and found to be anything but simple. Information can now be understood to be inherently non-material. Therefore, materialistic processes cannot qualify as sources of information.

In reality, a belief in God can be derived by means of an objective assessment, rather than the subjective conjecture that may have been the case millennia ago. But many people simply deny what is obvious to them. The Bible addresses those very people: “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse” (Romans 1:18-20). The God-of-the-gaps argument is an example of “suppressing the truth” because it relegates God to a “backup” explanation for those things which cannot yet be explained by natural phenomena. This leads some to the faulty conclusion that God is not the omnipotent, omnipresent, absolute Being of whom Scripture testifies.

There is much for which the natural sciences simply cannot provide an explanation, such as the origin of the time/space/matter continuum and the fine-tuning thereof; the origin and subsequent development of life itself; and the origin of the complex and specified information systems inherent in all living things, which cannot (nor ever will be) explained by natural means. Thus one cannot rationally divorce the supernatural from the observed universe, proving once again that “in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1).
I know what it is and didn't need your interpretation of it,

The "fine tuning" argument is invalid because it is based on a sample of one universe. And not even the entire universe only the fraction of this one universe we understand.

There can be no probability derived on the likelihood of a universe producing life if you cannot have a large sample of universes to compare to each other.
I know what it is and didn't need your interpretation of it,

The "fine tuning" argument is invalid because it is based on a sample of one universe. And not even the entire universe onlt the fraction of this one universe we understand.

There can be no probability derived on the likelihood of a universe producing life if toy cannot have a large sample of universes to compar to each other.
It is an interpretation of why it is bullocks.
It is an interpretation of why it is bullocks.
But you religious peopLe use it all the time.

If we can't understand something that means a god did it.

But that of course presumes that we monkeys with clothes are actually capable of understanding everything. And there is no evidence of that
Only to those who look to suppress their innate knowledge of God. Creation speaks of the Creator and you do not like it

If we cannot compare this universe to other universes there is no way we can state what the probability of any universe producing life is.

It would be like using a single card out of a deck to predict how many times a person will be dealt a royal flush.
You like to claim victory where there is none to be had.

Religions including the religion of the Roman Catholic Church have done far more bad than good in this world.
I think it's wonderful you have adopted the Lenin/Marx worldview.
And yet your views on religion - especially the dominant religion of the land - line up 100% with theirs. Great job.

Because I am not a slave to religion like you I cannot disagree with Socialism and Communism?

Unlike you I don't need my opinions spoon fed to me through an Iron Age book of mythology.

Have you ever read anything written by Marx ? I seem to think not. But because I have you think I must agree with everything he wrote right?

FYI I read the bible too and do not believe everything in it like you do.
If we cannot compare this universe to other universes there is no way we can state what the probability of any universe producing life is.

It would be like using a single card out of a deck to predict how many times a person will be dealt a royal flush.
Hmm no other universes to compare it to? Thanks for making my point!
Because I am not a slave to religion like you I cannot disagree with Socialism and Communism?

Unlike you I don't need my opinions spoon fed to me through an Iron Age book of mythology.

Have you ever read anything written by Marx ? I seem to think not. But because I have you think I must agree with everything he wrote right?

FYI I read the bible too and do not believe everything in it like you do.
Being a Christian is nothing like slavery it's freedom!
No, yours is fed to you through humanist secular society, which wants no recompense for sins.
You do not believe anything in the Bible, well that is what you say, so liberal posters will think you enlightened
Hmm no other universes to compare it to? Thanks for making my point!

I refuted your point that "fine tuning" exists

And we don't know if this is the ONLY universe in existence now or that has ever existed it's just the only one we know about and we don't even understand this one
Being a Christian is nothing like slavery it's freedom!
No, yours is fed to you through humanist secular society, which wants no recompense for sins.
You do not believe anything in the Bible, well that is what you say, so liberal posters will think you enlightened
No it isn't.

You must bow to the whims of a god or be punished.

And I don't believe everything in the bible because a lot of it is just Iron Age mumbo jumbo

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