Things WE can do to reduce CO2 emissions

Since higher CO2 levels are beneficial to the environment, I will do absolutely nothing to reduce my CO2 footprint.
What are the major sources of CO2 on the planet and what can we do, actively, passively or by simple choices to reduce those emissions and make it easier for our governments, at all levels, to reduce others.

First: sources and sinks: (Sources of Greenhouse Gas Emissions | US EPA and Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks | US EPA

1) Transportation. 28.5% of US emissions comes from fossil fuels powering our planes, trains and automobiles and ships and motorcycles and trucks and everything else with an ICE that rolls.

2) Electricity Production. 28.4% of 2016 US emissions came from our power plants. Approximately 68% of our electrical energy is generated by coal, natural gas and other fossil fuels

3) Industry. Approximately 22% of our greenhouse gas emissions come from industrial processes. The largest portion is the burning of fossil fuels for energy (the heat required for smelting iron, for instance), the next from processes that produce GHGs as a side product (eg, the manufacture of cement releases large quantities of CO2)

4) Commercial and residental. 11% of GHG emissions come primarily from fossil fuels burned to proiduce heat and handle waste

5) Agriculture> Roughly 9% of GHGs from from livestock [insert snickers for <12 crowd and Skookerasbil] soil decomposition and rice paddies

6) Land use and forestry. In the US in 2016, managed forests and other lands have absorbed more CO2 than they have produced offsetting 11% of our emissions.

So what can we do, not do, and decide, that will help reduce our CO2 emissions from these sources?

Nuclear power.

Build the wall.
And deport 10 million illegal aliens.
They produce much more CO2 here than in their home country.

Paris Accords...oopsies

They thought it meant burn the Honda Accords in Paris.
By "significant portion", I do not mean majority. There are a lot of poorly educated people in this nation and a lot of bad info being pushed and implied and suggested by people with motives.

I live in Southern Florida and I've seen hybrid transit buses appear in the last few years, but they're not a majority of the fleet by any mean. We use a tiny fraction of the mass transit (bus and rail) that you use in the NE, but they're trying. We've just started running a high speed rail that will initially connect Miami-Dade with Disney World/Orlando. It will start picking up stops along the way and extending to Tampa and Tallahassee. But the ridership is still unknown. We've had commuter rail in the area for many years but the ridership has barely been enough to break even.

We've had commuter rail in the area for many years but the ridership has barely been enough to break even.

I'd be shocked if it was anywhere close to break even. Any links?
By "significant portion", I do not mean majority. There are a lot of poorly educated people in this nation and a lot of bad info being pushed and implied and suggested by people with motives.

I live in Southern Florida and I've seen hybrid transit buses appear in the last few years, but they're not a majority of the fleet by any mean. We use a tiny fraction of the mass transit (bus and rail) that you use in the NE, but they're trying. We've just started running a high speed rail that will initially connect Miami-Dade with Disney World/Orlando. It will start picking up stops along the way and extending to Tampa and Tallahassee. But the ridership is still unknown. We've had commuter rail in the area for many years but the ridership has barely been enough to break even.

We've had commuter rail in the area for many years but the ridership has barely been enough to break even.

I'd be shocked if it was anywhere close to break even. Any links?

Crick hails from Scratchmyassville USA. A bubble community....nobody knows where he gets his info on the climate change landscape but its wàaaaaaaay off. Obviously.
No, it doesn't. Most of the business policies were started while there were regulations.
Why are they not on target and we are.....they have much more regulation than we bs
How should I know? I haven't been to Europe in a decade and haven't lived there in two.
then why demand more regs here...…...dduuuhhhh. Could it be capitalisms built in bent toward ever more efficiency the answer. Several yrs ago my co informed us each tenth of a mile of fleet improvement was a million dollars saved. That number is much larger today due to their growth. Jet engine manufacturers have made huge strides....perhaps you should see more of what is happening instead of whining all the time
I've already covered this, just re-read my previous responses.
Simply put govt is only interested in the cover "climate change" provides to increase taxes while accomplishing nothing but impoverishing the poor and middle class

When it's put to a vote, even liberals are against taxes on carbon.

You know what would be new? You having some actual observed measured evidence that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability...or a single piece of observed measured evidence which establishes a coherent link between the absorption of IR by a gas and warming in the atmosphere....or a single peer reviewed, published paper in which the hypothetical warming caused by our activities was measured, quantified, and attributed to so called greenhouse gasses. That would be new...but it isn't going to happen because there is no such evidence.

There is only going to be more of your bleating...trying unsuccessfully to portray your humiliation as boredom...from you people there is only going to be more of the same shit different day.
View attachment 232273 gets f'ing tiresome repeating the same requests for data over and over and over knowing that it will never come...but I am willing to do it so that at least some people can see how impotent you are in the face of a request for actual data to support your claims. See how much fun is being made of you...not just by me, but by others who can see that you can't fulfill a request for a single piece of observed measured data to support your claims...

Yep...tiresome but I am willing to keep at it because you people deserve it.
View attachment 232276

Some stories...such as those about people who make claims with no actual evidence to back them up need to be told over and over and over...till such time as either those who tell them stop, or those that hear them do nothing more than laugh over the fiction you promote.

Some stories...such as those about people who make claims with no actual evidence to back them up need to be told over and over and over...

Yeah, but enough about one-way only energy flows.
If the Moon Bats are really concerned about CO2 emission and want to protect the planet and don't want to be hypocritical then they should put their money where their mouths are.

Call up the electric company and have the power to their home disconnected.

Do not use any fossil fuel or carbon emitting fuel for heating. That includes burning wood.

Do not use any municipal or bottled water that is pump and distributed with power.

Don't ever use any transpiration that is fueled by carbon producing fuels.

Don't buy any products that were produced or transported via fossil fuels. That is almost everything by the way.

Come on Moon Bats show us that you really believe the AGW bullshit that you spout. Stop being pussies.
Drive less miles with more passengers in a vehicle that produces less CO2.
Use less electricity.
Use more wool and less fuel when days get cold
On building projects, use wood where you can. Do your best to avoid poured concrete and cinder block
Try your hardest to vote for candidates who truly believe AGW is a threat which requires action.
Take our concerns about the climate into the ballot box. Vote for candidates who show a similar concern and ambition to reduce CO2 emissions. The problems we face are dire and immediate. They require immediate, committed and bold action. Don't settle for lip service.

How about quit posting crick?

Do you Know how much C02 you will save the planet by doing it..
Drive less miles with more passengers in a vehicle that produces less CO2.
Use less electricity.
Use more wool and less fuel when days get cold
On building projects, use wood where you can. Do your best to avoid poured concrete and cinder block
Try your hardest to vote for candidates who truly believe AGW is a threat which requires action.

So you saying put on a sweater?

You do it I will turn up the heat and lay around in my underwear.

We're doing our part, perhaps you should be preaching to another choir.


The US' 40 million ton reduction would be a 0.778% decrease. Denmark, Ukraine, Hungary, Ireland and France, have reduced their greenhouse gas emissions. Of these countries, most have reduced their emissions by more than 10 percent. Denmark, for example, has reduced its CO2 emissions by more than 30 percent

The US is FAR from the top of the list by percentage. This graph is deceptive

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