Things we don't talk about


Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2021
So focused on red/blue, we forget there are real events out there.
Daughter started grad school. She is a grad assistant with several undergrad classes. She was saying how when they get papers now, they have ready been scrubbed and scored for 1) % thats from quotes or cited (cool) and 2) % that is AI.
One students paper was likely AI.

That so cool! Tech advances and counter tech(armor) advances too.

What are yours?
My wife in her profession does hearing tests on young children. She says over the last 20 years the number of kids she tests with autism has grown substantially. She used to see maybe one per week, now it's nearly one per day. What is causing the increase?
My wife in her profession does hearing tests on young children. She says over the last 20 years the number of kids she tests with autism has grown substantially. She used to see maybe one per week, now it's nearly one per day. What is causing the increase?
It was underdiagnosed in the past, plus children with disabilities were far less likely to attend school with “regular” kids. It was discouraged
My wife in her profession does hearing tests on young children. She says over the last 20 years the number of kids she tests with autism has grown substantially. She used to see maybe one per week, now it's nearly one per day. What is causing the increase?
Probably drugs. I remember there being a couple of autistic kids when I was in school.
I still say it mostly because autistic kids used to be more excluded from “normal” school.

But, yes, something in the environment and modern life is a factor in the increase.

(And, no, it’s not vaccinations)
I still say it mostly because autistic kids used to be more excluded from “normal” school.

But, yes, something in the environment and modern life is a factor in the increase.

(And, no, it’s not vaccinations)
They didn't give kids drugs when I was young. :dunno:
Lately Americans have been keeping track of what their kids are learning in grammar school and high school but colleges are self perpetuating institutions and beyond criticism. Take the degree and run and hope you learned more than how to tap a beer keg.
The oldest is doing math equations that require supercomputer time to test.
My wife in her profession does hearing tests on young children. She says over the last 20 years the number of kids she tests with autism has grown substantially. She used to see maybe one per week, now it's nearly one per day. What is causing the increase?

Perhaps that autism is less of a stigma and people with autistic kids are more likely to take their kids out to do hearing tests???

Better testing, so kids are more likely to be found to be autistic?

2020 (for 8 year olds) it's 1 in 36.
2000 (for 8 year olds) it was 1 in 150.

Better testing? More kids with it?

"These changes reflect an improvement in outreach, screening and de-stigmatization of autism diagnosis among minority communities."
So focused on red/blue, we forget there are real events out there.
Daughter started grad school. She is a grad assistant with several undergrad classes. She was saying how when they get papers now, they have ready been scrubbed and scored for 1) % thats from quotes or cited (cool) and 2) % that is AI.
One students paper was likely AI.

That so cool! Tech advances and counter tech(armor) advances too.

What are yours?

AI is going to be a huge challenge for the future. When I was in university it was all about plagiarism, and there was a program that had books and articles fed into it and they'd give you a score.

However AI is a challenge because:

How do you get people to think when computers will do it all?
Why will anyone care anyway when AIs are going to be taking a lot of jobs.
We're already seeing that menial workers are having their jobs taken very quickly, because we can program a computer to do their job very easily.
So what do we do with people who aren't able or willing to do anything better than a menial job?

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