Third Marysville Student dies.

Your argument that Holmes walked in, with orange hair and claiming to be the Joker, was babbling like an idiot, put money on the counter and they just handed him an assault rifle, is laughable.

Except that's pretty much what happened. Or is it your contention that he was the model of sanity and went nuts the next day?
What is your solution?.

This should be good

Guns should be strictly licensed, with thorough background checks. Gun sellers should be held civilly liable when their products are used in an incident like this. Parents should be held criminally liable when their child is involved in an incident like this.

And if that doesnt' work. Ban private gun ownership, because there is no good reason for a private citizen to own a gun.
Your argument that Holmes walked in, with orange hair and claiming to be the Joker, was babbling like an idiot, put money on the counter and they just handed him an assault rifle, is laughable.

Except that's pretty much what happened. Or is it your contention that he was the model of sanity and went nuts the next day?

Oh please, are you actually claiming that is what happened?? Any facts to back that up, or just hoping?

My contention is that he is a murderer who wants to get off with an insanity plea. Do you have any evidence that he claimed to be The Joker while he was in the gun store? Any evidence that he was babbling? (and they would have had him fill out all theforms and wait while they ran his name thru the NCIS background check).
What is your solution?.

This should be good

Guns should be strictly licensed, with thorough background checks. Gun sellers should be held civilly liable when their products are used in an incident like this. Parents should be held criminally liable when their child is involved in an incident like this.

And if that doesnt' work. Ban private gun ownership, because there is no good reason for a private citizen to own a gun.

Why do lefties want to disarm America?

Because then they can impose even greater statist control.
Joe I would have to be their to answer your question and be part of the plan to know what the schools had for a contingency plan
Historical fact more children are killed in gun free zones than in places where a gun is acceptable to have such as a gun range, gun show.

Um, yeah, because there are more schools than gun shows, dumbass. statistically, there would be a greater number of incidents.

What there are almost no incidents of- good guys with guns stopping bad guys with guns. On the rare occassions it happens, it's usually because of good guy with a lot of training on what to do in these situations.

More good news from the heart of America. The gun grabbers want the innocent in body bags, not the thugs



NRA-ILA Armed Citizen

Intruder twice thwarted by armed citizens, WFIE, Evansville, Ind. 10/24/14

Brian Hiner was at home in Butler County, Ohio when his dog alerted him to an intruder. Hiner retrieved a gun, went to investigate, and apprehended the home invader.

When police arrived, they detained the intruder in a cruiser. However, the criminal managed to escape the vehicle, ran into a cornfield, and eventually invaded another house. 15-year-old Justin Kugler was at home at the time, and responded to the intrusion by retrieving a gun. When Kugler encountered the home invader he told him, “get out of the house or I'm going to shoot you.” Police recaptured the intruder outside the Kugler residence.

When interviewed by a local media outlet, Kugler stated, “I feel pretty good about it that I could have saved other people's houses and their property.” (WFIE, Evansville, Ind. 10/24/14)

Clerk defends himself from armed robbers, KBOB, Albuquerque, N.M. 10/21/14

A pair of armed robbers entered the Pajarito Corner Store in Albuquerque, N.M., and demanded cash. As the pair were leaving, the clerk went to lock the store’s door, at which point one of the criminals leveled a gun at him. The clerk responded by firing at the robbers, striking one and causing both to flee.

The thieves fled in a vehicle, but were involved in an accident. Police caught up with the criminals, finding one dead and arranging for the other to be taken to a hospital. The surviving robber will be charged with murder in the death of his accomplice. (KBOB, Albuquerque, N.M. 10/21/14)


Daughter saves mother from violent ex-boyfriend, The Oklahoman, Oklahoma City, Okla. 09/24/14

A man, who had a protective order filed against him a week earlier, broke into his ex-girlfriend’s home in Oklahoma City, Okla. Once inside, the man attacked his ex-girlfriend, stabbing her. The woman’s 11-year-old daughter responded to the attack by retrieving a pistol and shooting the attacker twice, ending the assault and prompting the criminal to flee.

A neighbor told reporters that the wounded woman “just showed the girl how to use the gun last week so she could protect herself.” (The Oklahoman, Oklahoma City, Okla.



And here is another good reason to have a firearm for protection

Gun Deaths in U.S. Twice as High Among African-Americans as Caucasians

A report published in The BMJ last week revealed that in the United States firearm-related deaths are twice as high among African-Americans compared with whites. The Columbia University study is the first to not only correlate gun-related deaths to ethnicity but also to group the statistics into state-specific categories.

The researchers examined firearm-related fatalities within each individual state from 2000 to 2010. The report draws its data from the Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System, published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The study has firearm deaths from murder, unintentional shooting accidents and suicide—a total of 335,609 fatalities during that 11-year period. In a state-by-state comparison, the District of Columbia had the highest rate of gun deaths in the United States, with 21.71 people per 100,000 citizens, while Hawaii had the lowest, at 3.02 per 100,000 citizens.
First recorded instance of something like thi shappening was Cain and Able (God being the third party.) If not a gun, they'll use a knife, if not a knife, a rock.
Oh please, are you actually claiming that is what happened?? Any facts to back that up, or just hoping?

My contention is that he is a murderer who wants to get off with an insanity plea. Do you have any evidence that he claimed to be The Joker while he was in the gun store? Any evidence that he was babbling? (and they would have had him fill out all theforms and wait while they ran his name thru the NCIS background check).

You can contend that all you like.

But the gun seller is as responsible as Holmes was for those folks who died.
What is your solution?.

This should be good

Guns should be strictly licensed, with thorough background checks. Gun sellers should be held civilly liable when their products are used in an incident like this. Parents should be held criminally liable when their child is involved in an incident like this.

And if that doesnt' work. Ban private gun ownership, because there is no good reason for a private citizen to own a gun.

:badgrin: :clap2:
Why do lefties want to disarm America?

Because then they can impose even greater statist control.

Because most of you don't need guns and we are getting tired of 32,000 gun deaths and 78,000 gun injuries every year to satisfy your fetish.
Oh please, are you actually claiming that is what happened?? Any facts to back that up, or just hoping?

My contention is that he is a murderer who wants to get off with an insanity plea. Do you have any evidence that he claimed to be The Joker while he was in the gun store? Any evidence that he was babbling? (and they would have had him fill out all theforms and wait while they ran his name thru the NCIS background check).

You can contend that all you like.

But the gun seller is as responsible as Holmes was for those folks who died.

Only in your twisted mind.
Why do lefties want to disarm America?

Because then they can impose even greater statist control.

Because most of you don't need guns and we are getting tired of 32,000 gun deaths and 78,000 gun injuries every year to satisfy your fetish.

The 10,000 murders are not reason enough to take away the rights of 65 million citizens.
Why do lefties want to disarm America?

Because then they can impose even greater statist control.

Because most of you don't need guns and we are getting tired of 32,000 gun deaths and 78,000 gun injuries every year to satisfy your fetish.

The 10,000 murders are not reason enough to take away the rights of 65 million citizens.

It is for me. No good reason for a civilian to own a gun. and it's clear you fetishists have no intention of policing yourselves. so eveyrone out of the pool.
While 50% of all suicides are committed with a gun, second place goes to hanging. I would argue that sans the gun, the other metrics will fill the gap left from the optimum tool, the gun. Sure, if I were to build a house, and didn't have a nail gun, I would use a hammer. Just takes longer



Suicide method statistics in the USA Lost All Hope The web s leading suicide resource

US methods of suicide
In the USA, there are three particularly popular methods of successful suicide: firearms, suffocation (commonly carbon monoxide poisoning) and poisoning (commonly by drugs). Naturally, in the US, firearms are much easier to come by than other countries, hence their relative popularity in the US as a suicide method.

US methods of suicide 2006


When it comes to successful suicide in the US, men account for 79% of all suicides, meaning they much more successful at it than women. The popularity of the methods used also varies a little between the sexes. Whist for men firearms are by far the most popular, followed by suffocation/hanging and poisoning, women have poisoning as their most popular method, followed by firearms then suffocation/hanging.

The table below shows the relative popularity of each suicide method for both men and women in 2006 (this is the most recent data available). The top three methods account for over 90% of all suicides in the USA.



All adults










Other Spec., classifiable




Other Spec., NEC






Transportation related


Struck by or against






Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System (WISQARS), produced by National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. Available fromWISQARS Leading Causes of Death Reports.
While 50% of all suicides are committed with a gun, second place goes to hanging. I would argue that sans the gun, the other metrics will fill the gap left from the optimum tool, the gun. Sure, if I were to build a house, and didn't have a nail gun, I would use a hammer. Just takes longer

Actually, hanging isn't just a second, it's a DISTANT second.

And, yes, when you seal off a method of suicide, the suicide rate goes down.
Why do lefties want to disarm America?

Because then they can impose even greater statist control.

Because most of you don't need guns and we are getting tired of 32,000 gun deaths and 78,000 gun injuries every year to satisfy your fetish.

Define 'we' again. Is that the same weak bunch that had their ass kicked just a few years ago?




Define 'we' again. Is that the same weak bunch that had there ass kicked just a few years ago?

Guy, 54 voted FOR tighter gun laws.

that's a majority. Using a parlimentary trick to avoid laws the majority wants is going to look really silly when the next really big massacre happens.
This is proof you have learned nothing from history.

Sorry, guy, the Nazis and Communists have plenty of guns. Guns weren't the problem.

The fact that most people stopped caring what the other side thought was.

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