Third Marysville Student dies.

Yeah, I guess if you totally ignore the 32,000 gun fatalities in this country, we don't have a gun problem.

There are 100 graves dug every day for the victims of gun violence, dude. It's avoiding them that's the problem.
A large portion of those 32,000 would be done anyway with ot without a gun SUICIDE how many times are you going to spam that position and get your ass kicked about it?
Hey Japan is a good example of killing without a gun SUICIDE.

How many school shootings has Japan had in the past few years?
I'm talking suicide in Japan with the dumb fuck
Comparing to all the guns in America the number of school shootings in gun free zones are very very small.

Every time a shooting happens the Gun grabbers come out in full force...................Nothing new.............

2nd Amendment is the law under the Constitution.............and that is'll never get enough people to agree to turn that over no matter how you try.........You will attempt more gun laws across the country and if they ever pass to ban them people simply will ignore them.

That is all.

Every time a shooting happens the Gun grabbers come out in full force...................Nothing new.............

2nd Amendment is the law under the Constitution.............and that is'll never get enough people to agree to turn that over no matter how you try.........You will attempt more gun laws across the country and if they ever pass to ban them people simply will ignore them.

That is all.

Until we get sensible judges on Scotus who can read 'Well-Regulated Militia".
Yeah, I guess if you totally ignore the 32,000 gun fatalities in this country, we don't have a gun problem.

There are 100 graves dug every day for the victims of gun violence, dude. It's avoiding them that's the problem.
A large portion of those 32,000 would be done anyway with ot without a gun SUICIDE how many times are you going to spam that position and get your ass kicked about it?
Hey Japan is a good example of killing without a gun SUICIDE.

How many school shootings has Japan had in the past few years?
I'm talking suicide in Japan with the dumb fuck
Comparing to all the guns in America the number of school shootings in gun free zones are very very small.

And what does that tell you?

Every time a shooting happens the Gun grabbers come out in full force...................Nothing new.............

2nd Amendment is the law under the Constitution.............and that is'll never get enough people to agree to turn that over no matter how you try.........You will attempt more gun laws across the country and if they ever pass to ban them people simply will ignore them.

That is all.

Until we get sensible judges on Scotus who can read 'Well-Regulated Militia".
aka until you can get hacks into ignore the Constitution..........................Like the hacks put in by Obama. and we will not obey anyway.
Yeah, I guess if you totally ignore the 32,000 gun fatalities in this country, we don't have a gun problem.

There are 100 graves dug every day for the victims of gun violence, dude. It's avoiding them that's the problem.
A large portion of those 32,000 would be done anyway with ot without a gun SUICIDE how many times are you going to spam that position and get your ass kicked about it?
Hey Japan is a good example of killing without a gun SUICIDE.

How many school shootings has Japan had in the past few years?
I'm talking suicide in Japan with the dumb fuck
Comparing to all the guns in America the number of school shootings in gun free zones are very very small.

And what does that tell you?
That he's a dumb fuck
Yeah, I guess if you totally ignore the 32,000 gun fatalities in this country, we don't have a gun problem.

There are 100 graves dug every day for the victims of gun violence, dude. It's avoiding them that's the problem.
A large portion of those 32,000 would be done anyway with ot without a gun SUICIDE how many times are you going to spam that position and get your ass kicked about it?
Hey Japan is a good example of killing without a gun SUICIDE.

How many school shootings has Japan had in the past few years?
I'm talking suicide in Japan with the dumb fuck
Comparing to all the guns in America the number of school shootings in gun free zones are very very small.

And what does that tell you?
That he's a dumb fuck

See, you're being absurd. It's one thing to call for more gun control, but you don't want American citizens to be able to own guns at all.
That puts you in the minority, and we're not going to let a small minority take away our guns.
So please realize that threads like this are a waste of time, because you're never going to get your way.

Every other industrialized country has banned private gun ownership or severely limits it to responsible people.

Only a matter of time before this one figures it out, too.
Nope, aint going to happen. Not in your lifetime.
Damn Little Joe you really are too far gone...out there where the buses don't run.

Government agents kill citizens with regularity. And if dunces like you get your way and disarm Americans, it will happen much more often.

if you knew anything about history, you will know this.

Stop being a child.

Again, guy, you talk smack and stuff, but the fact is, when we had a real case of a government agent shooting a citizen under questionable circumstances, all you wingnuts circled the wagon around the cop.

Point stands. I'm more likely to be shot by a gun nut than a cop.
Oh well, that's the price you pay to live here. Don't like it, move somewhere like Australia then, because you're not going to see guns banned here.
Accept it, like many of us do with such things as a million babies aborted a year, or find yourself a new home.
Oh well, that's the price you pay to live here. Don't like it, move somewhere like Australia then, because you're not going to see guns banned here.
Accept it, like many of us do with such things as a million babies aborted a year, or find yourself a new home.

Except you guys don't accept a million lumps of cells aborted every year. You guys try all sorts of shit to make it harder on women to get abortions.

Seriously, fuck you gun nuts. I'm tired of a body count for your fetish.
Oh well, that's the price you pay to live here. Don't like it, move somewhere like Australia then, because you're not going to see guns banned here.
Accept it, like many of us do with such things as a million babies aborted a year, or find yourself a new home.

Except you guys don't accept a million lumps of cells aborted every year. You guys try all sorts of shit to make it harder on women to get abortions.

Seriously, fuck you gun nuts. I'm tired of a body count for your fetish.
Well why don't you end it all? Go to Japan do the right thing.
Damn Little Joe you really are too far gone...out there where the buses don't run.

Government agents kill citizens with regularity. And if dunces like you get your way and disarm Americans, it will happen much more often.

if you knew anything about history, you will know this.

Stop being a child.

Again, guy, you talk smack and stuff, but the fact is, when we had a real case of a government agent shooting a citizen under questionable circumstances, all you wingnuts circled the wagon around the cop.

Point stands. I'm more likely to be shot by a gun nut than a cop.
Oh well, that's the price you pay to live here. Don't like it, move somewhere like Australia then, because you're not going to see guns banned here.
Accept it, like many of us do with such things as a million babies aborted a year, or find yourself a new home.
I suggest that he move to Japan and do the time honored tradition of that country.
Well why don't you end it all? Go to Japan do the right thing.

again, we can fix this country. You guys are old and loud and we are going to outlast you.

So the days of you murdering animals for fun will be coming to an end.
We will not use your solution now move your sorry worthless ass to Japan and do the right thing.
Well I guess that is a start to fixing this country.
Well why don't you end it all? Go to Japan do the right thing.

again, we can fix this country. You guys are old and loud and we are going to outlast you.

So the days of you murdering animals for fun will be coming to an end.
We will not use your solution now move your sorry worthless ass to Japan and do the right thing.
Well I guess that is a start to fixing this country.

No, fixing the country is getting you inbred idiots clinging to your guns and your bibles to stop voting against your own (and our) economic interests.

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