Third Of Americans In ‘Lower Classes’ Since Obama Took Office


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
We can see the change that we were waiting for.

Third Of Americans In ‘Lower Classes’ Since Obama Took Office

Survey: One-Third Of Americans In ‘Lower Classes’ Since Obama Took Office « CBS DC

WASHINGTON (CBS WASHINGTON) – In the course of Obama’s presidency, people saying they are in the “lower classes” have risen from one-quarter to one-third of the adult population.

According to the Pew Research Center, Americans who say they are in the lower-middle or lower-class has risen from 25 percent to 32 percent in the past four years, in the national survey of 2,508 adults.
I think Mitt Romney refers to them as the "little people". He believes they can live on "cake".
Obama's destroying the "middle class"...Reagan moved people up, Obama is moving them down

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Yea, when Obama says we are all equal, he means we should suffer equally, so he's bringing the upper classes down a few notches so they can soon join the lower class people as government dependents.

The creed of the far left is that government dependents don't bite the hand that feeds them. They can ensure their power indefinitely by enslaving people into a life of welfare and oppressive government regulations.
Thank God, Obama will win.
Romney/Ryan would really screw the middle and lower classes, not to mention the elderly and sick.
most of the loss of value to middle income people was the loss of the value of their property. The other is that companies are lowering pay while profits increase.

It took much more than Bush to cause this. The point you miss is that Obama is not to blame and the steps he has taken have not caused any greater harm. Blaming Obama is nothing more than politicizing the situation, which is one made worse by Republican obstructionism.
No matter who was president during the last 4 years this was going to happen. in a lighter note, the rich got richer, so you can be sleep well with that knowledge.
The Plant in Janesville, Wisconsin, closed 12-23-2008. About a month before he took office. But according to Paul Ryan during his speeches in his hometown of Janesville and the RNC, the plant closed after Obama took office before he saved the US auto industry.

And the problem with Romney is that he complains about spending, yet, he stashed money in offshore accounts instead of American banks, so he would not have to pay taxes on the interest earned. Those taxes and the taxes that the 1% are avoiding would have at least built or repaired the road leading to the factory that has yet to be built.

Then there's the foreign exchange student.

Where is Ross Perot when you need him.
.Reagan moved people up

Reagan moved the rich up.

Under Reagan, executive salaries rose 400% more than average salaries.

Let's alo remember that it was Reagan's overspending which established the trend, and his deregulation of banking which set the industry on a slow but steady path towards collapse. It was like removing safety railings from a cliff, and then being surprised when someone falls over 10 years later.
.Reagan moved people up

Reagan moved the rich up.

Under Reagan, executive salaries rose 400% more than average salaries.

Let's alo remember that it was Reagan's overspending which established the trend, and his deregulation of banking which set the industry on a slow but steady path towards collapse. It was like removing safety railings from a cliff, and then being surprised when someone falls over 10 years later.
Yes, Reagan began the decline of the middle class in America.
I think Mitt Romney refers to them as the "little people". He believes they can live on "cake".

You see Romney NOR Bush is president right now. This is OBAMA's Fault. Everything that is going on in our economy is ON HIM .. But keep making excuses for him. Because IF, and that is a BIG IF he gets re elected . I am very afraid what our country will become. In his own Book. Dreams from my father. He wants to do what his father couldn't Bring down the american Empire. Obamas father wrote a paper and said that We Americans should pay 100 percent in taxes and then the government will supply us what they think we deserve..
here is quote from in the paper he wrote.. This is Obamas father..
”Theoretically,” he wrote, “there is nothing that can stop the government from taxing 100% of income so long as the people get benefits from the government commensurate with their income which is taxed.” Yes, you read it: a 100% tax rate is fine. Obama Sr. continued, ” It is a fallacy to say there is a limit (to tax rates), and it is a fallacy to rely mainly on individual free enterprise to get the savings.”

To me that is slavery but hey this is your guy . This is the one you want. Your Messiah . I hope you are good with that because how will you feel if our country collapses all because you voted for a man because he was black. No one knew anything about it. He only had a few years in a state senate..

Yes, this page is conservative but you can find it in other places on google. But, it is late Barack Obama: Dreams from my Father – 100 PERCENT INCOME TAX - Conservative Friend
Buck stops at the presidents desk. I want to see results....There was a time when the American people demanded results!

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