Third Party Creation Nearly Complete

On the right, in the red corner meet the fiscal conservatives, the social conservatives, the neo-conservatives and the tea party conservatives. In their corner and providing funding and/or leadership is the NRA, the Military-Industrial complex, big oil, big pharma, big coal, big farma and four Justices of the Supreme Court.

In the left corner, the blue corner, meet the Democrats. Liberal and progressive, some fiscal conservatives too; undisciplined and willing to argue any point, policy or program until it is vetted to death. In their corner, the ACLU, defenders of the Bill of Rights for all of the people (even a Limbaugh), professors and students for academic freedom, the Union of Concerned Scientists, labor unions and men and women of every color and creed, a diverse demographic of those seeking economic relief and those of great wealth, the great American melting pot of which we once were proud.

And yet in both corners there are Americans. It's too bad we can't see beyond the stereotypes, drop the zero sum game and seek win-win solutions to our many problems.


The irony is just to much.

You forgot big tobacco, big candy, big trees, big roads, big buildings, big bellies, big boobs, big alcohol.

Anyone else ever notice that the word "big" = something to hate, when a liberal uses it?
On the right, in the red corner meet the fiscal conservatives, the social conservatives, the neo-conservatives and the tea party conservatives. In their corner and providing funding and/or leadership is the NRA, the Military-Industrial complex, big oil, big pharma, big coal, big farma and four Justices of the Supreme Court.

In the left corner, the blue corner, meet the Democrats. Liberal and progressive, some fiscal conservatives too; undisciplined and willing to argue any point, policy or program until it is vetted to death. In their corner, the ACLU, defenders of the Bill of Rights for all of the people (even a Limbaugh), professors and students for academic freedom, the Union of Concerned Scientists, labor unions and men and women of every color and creed, a diverse demographic of those seeking economic relief and those of great wealth, the great American melting pot of which we once were proud.

And yet in both corners there are Americans. It's too bad we can't see beyond the stereotypes, drop the zero sum game and seek win-win solutions to our many problems.
You must've got a great bulk purchase discount for all that straw! :lol::lol::lol:
There isnt going to be a third party. At least not on the right.

Far more likely than a third party on the left. They share one brain collectively.

The only third party that eventually might take hold is a true Independent Party. But they need money to organize a central base, such as the RNC and DNC currently have. Some have tried and failed, due to lack of money to get the word out. Even Unity08 thought they could make it with the first attempt at organizing via the Internet, and it flopped.
Far more likely than a third party on the left. They share one brain collectively.

clearly, you've never been in the company of actual democrats. you've only associated with the pretend ones in your head.

Oh sweet, stupid Jillian.

Most of my family members are Democrats.

And is your postings and your peers here not the "company of actual Democrats"?

All one sad, simplistic brain, my dear.

Hopefully you are in your 20s and you'll outgrow your idealistic utopia which is nonexistent, and woefully, will forever be nonexistent.

We can't help what your family is. If you think all Democrats are alike, you need to read up on the Blue Dogs who, ironically, opposed the tax deal and many opposed the health care initiative as it was finally voted upon.
How much you want to bet that the TP runs their own POTUS candidate, splits the GOP vote and ensures Obama's re-election? :lol:

Tea party 2012 poll favors Ga.'s Cain, Texas' Paul


If I could I would bet every dollar I have that there will not be a 3rd TEA party.

They learned not to back a 3rd party person come the real elections.

primaries are different, of course, since they are full of hopefulls.

no, once there is a front runner, people, just left of center to the far right will mostly vote to remove obama from Office.

These are the people that know we are broke and will vote thier own pocket book to keep the country afloat.

The rest will vote for who ever has the (D) and not need to give it any thought.

If said Republican candidate runs on massively removing social umbrella programs as part of fiscal control, he's toast. People will probably get used to some cuts, but not a clean sweep as some are demanding. The Tea Party also is too heavily invested in wedge issues like abortion, which, when it comes down to campaigning for president turns people off. The proposed cuts in education are also not popular, and any candidate can forget it if s/he proposes eliminating the Department of Education entirely.
Far more likely than a third party on the left. They share one brain collectively.

clearly, you've never been in the company of actual democrats. you've only associated with the pretend ones in your head.

Actually, the democrats are the ones that don't share a brain. Look to your left.... those are the brainless borg of the Obamanation.

Obama campaigned on domestic issues, which had for far too long been ignored in favor of war spending; sucking up to foreign countries via financial/military aid and allowing H1-B visas allotted to foreign workers to take the same once high-paying jobs away from Americans; the realization that as the rich got richer the poor (and middle class) got poorer; health care costs skyrocketing for the average American; disgustingly failing educational standards; crumbling roads, bridges and other infrastructure; and, well, the list is endless.

He was elected to FIX those things, and that's what he set out to do. Why would he have done an about face and just put all those issues back on the far burner AGAIN, even has the economy began to tank? Every one of those problems would have been compounded if he had done nothing, as Republicans are so quick to say was the answer. "Leave things as it, and the market will take care of itself" has been the mantra far too long. It didn't, and it doesn't.
On the right, in the red corner meet the fiscal conservatives, the social conservatives, the neo-conservatives and the tea party conservatives. In their corner and providing funding and/or leadership is the NRA, the Military-Industrial complex, big oil, big pharma, big coal, big farma and four Justices of the Supreme Court.

In the left corner, the blue corner, meet the Democrats. Liberal and progressive, some fiscal conservatives too; undisciplined and willing to argue any point, policy or program until it is vetted to death. In their corner, the ACLU, defenders of the Bill of Rights for all of the people (even a Limbaugh), professors and students for academic freedom, the Union of Concerned Scientists, labor unions and men and women of every color and creed, a diverse demographic of those seeking economic relief and those of great wealth, the great American melting pot of which we once were proud.

And yet in both corners there are Americans. It's too bad we can't see beyond the stereotypes, drop the zero sum game and seek win-win solutions to our many problems.


The irony is just to much.

You forgot big tobacco, big candy, big trees, big roads, big buildings, big bellies, big boobs, big alcohol.

Anyone else ever notice that the word "big" = something to hate, when a liberal uses it?

You left off Big Assholes, which is how you appear. If you don't think "Big Oil, Big Pharma and Big Coal are major players in whether or not this country, as a nation, moves forward or not, you've had your head buried up there far too long. But I would take it further and suggest that the US Chamber of Commerce is the major player because it is the entity that provides all the protection for the other Big Operators.
Neither party is without its factions.

Anyone who imagines that the Democratic party is monolithic has clearly never been involved in Democratic politics.

I imagine (but cannot speak with the authority of having been involved with GOP grass roots politics) that the GOP has much the same colorful diversity.

If the TP movement morphs into a viable third party, clearl the GOP will be wounded by that split.

Because contrary to what at least some of you would like us to believe, the TP is mostly the unwashed and relatively new to political activism players who have voted GOP, and who are likely to continue voting R UNLESS they are lead to believe that the TP is going to be able to truly field a viable candidate.

Such split has happened once when Ted Roosevelt formed the BULLMOOSE party and the outcome was the election of Woodrow Wilson.

The masters at the GOP aren't likely to allow that to happen if they can avoid it, so I expect to see the GOP pandering to the TP players a LOT in the period leading up to the next prsendential election.

And by doing that, the GOP might find that it is losing some of the more moderate Republiucans.

They won't vote D, of course, they'll likely just show up in fewer numbers come that November day.

Right now the TP is the biggest threat to the GOP that exists.
clearly, you've never been in the company of actual democrats. you've only associated with the pretend ones in your head.

Oh sweet, stupid Jillian.

Most of my family members are Democrats.

And is your postings and your peers here not the "company of actual Democrats"?

All one sad, simplistic brain, my dear.

Hopefully you are in your 20s and you'll outgrow your idealistic utopia which is nonexistent, and woefully, will forever be nonexistent.

We can't help what your family is. If you think all Democrats are alike, you need to read up on the Blue Dogs who, ironically, opposed the tax deal and many opposed the health care initiative as it was finally voted upon.

Laughable. Blue Dogs were told how to vote by Pelosi, and some were given passes if their votes weren't needed. You certainly can't be so naive as to not have seen the game if you watched CSPAN at all during critical votes.

If you want to see what being a Blue Dog actually means, take a look at this link. Dogs and Moderate Democrats Voting Records.pdf

Blue Dogs do not exist.
They're saying that the GOP will play THEIR way or suffer the consequences.

What you plainly have here is a two headed conservative monster bent on devouring itself.


Lugar and Snowe are democrats - nothing about them has anything to do with the GOP. They vote dim on 95% of all issues and promote far left programs and agendas.

You DO understand what a primary is, don't you? The TP will seek to defeat the two democrats and the RINO Hatch in the primary - not the general. They seek to put nominally sane conservatives in. If defeating Snowe in the primary causes a democrat to win in the general, so what? What possible difference could it make? It's not like the dim is going to be to the LEFT of Snowe, now is it?
Neither party is without its factions.

Anyone who imagines that the Democratic party is monolithic has clearly never been involved in Democratic politics
Yes, but the Democratic party factions are based on the leaders of the factions, not actual policy differences. Hillary and Obama had a nasty campaign without actually disagreeing on any issue.

Republicans are clearly divided into three camps, the fiscal conservative/libertarian camp, the social conservative camp, and the liberal camp. They all have clear different policy objectives.
They're saying that the GOP will play THEIR way or suffer the consequences.

What you plainly have here is a two headed conservative monster bent on devouring itself.


Lugar and Snowe are democrats - nothing about them has anything to do with the GOP. They vote dim on 95% of all issues and promote far left programs and agendas.

You DO understand what a primary is, don't you? The TP will seek to defeat the two democrats and the RINO Hatch in the primary - not the general. They seek to put nominally sane conservatives in. If defeating Snowe in the primary causes a democrat to win in the general, so what? What possible difference could it make? It's not like the dim is going to be to the LEFT of Snowe, now is it?

Even though Snowe is the most liberal of the three, I have the least against her because I think she's always been liberal and actually believes what she does. Luger and Hatch are just sell outs though
Oh sweet, stupid Jillian.

Most of my family members are Democrats.

And is your postings and your peers here not the "company of actual Democrats"?

All one sad, simplistic brain, my dear.

Hopefully you are in your 20s and you'll outgrow your idealistic utopia which is nonexistent, and woefully, will forever be nonexistent.

We can't help what your family is. If you think all Democrats are alike, you need to read up on the Blue Dogs who, ironically, opposed the tax deal and many opposed the health care initiative as it was finally voted upon.

Laughable. Blue Dogs were told how to vote by Pelosi, and some were given passes if their votes weren't needed. You certainly can't be so naive as to not have seen the game if you watched CSPAN at all during critical votes.

If you want to see what being a Blue Dog actually means, take a look at this link. Dogs and Moderate Democrats Voting Records.pdf

Blue Dogs do not exist.

That link would require days of research to see which bills the votes referred to. Is that all you've got?

Yes, in the final analysis, the Blue Dogs will vote the party platform as floor debates resolve for a final bill, but the debates leading up to important policy bills are a different story. And they HAVE made major differences in the context, including the health care reform bill. That's what I was talking about, not the final vote tally of all bills for the 110th Congress. Sheesh.
They're saying that the GOP will play THEIR way or suffer the consequences.

What you plainly have here is a two headed conservative monster bent on devouring itself.


Lugar and Snowe are democrats - nothing about them has anything to do with the GOP. They vote dim on 95% of all issues and promote far left programs and agendas.
You DO understand what a primary is, don't you? The TP will seek to defeat the two democrats and the RINO Hatch in the primary - not the general. They seek to put nominally sane conservatives in. If defeating Snowe in the primary causes a democrat to win in the general, so what? What possible difference could it make? It's not like the dim is going to be to the LEFT of Snowe, now is it?

Lugar and Snow are the sane Republicans. Someday when you're all grown up, you'll realize that, as well as making up percentages doesn't fly here.***:lol:
The "Tea Party" won't run a third party candidate. It's just a rebranding of the same old "Moral Majority" crowd that's existed for decades.
The "Tea Party" won't run a third party candidate. It's just a rebranding of the same old "Moral Majority" crowd that's existed for decades.

You just run with that, Sparky. No doubt some of your half-witted compatriots will think you brilliant.

(For all those NOT Polk - the Tea party movement is virtually the polar opposite of the Moral Majority. The Tea party is focused almost exclusively on taxes and the market where the MM was about social values.)
The "Tea Party" won't run a third party candidate. It's just a rebranding of the same old "Moral Majority" crowd that's existed for decades.

You just run with that, Sparky. No doubt some of your half-witted compatriots will think you brilliant.

(For all those NOT Polk - the Tea party movement is virtually the polar opposite of the Moral Majority. The Tea party is focused almost exclusively on taxes and the market where the MM was about social values.)

Which is why the first idea on the agenda for all of the freshman Republicans they swept in it was trying to outlaw abortion.
Which is why the first idea on the agenda for all of the freshman Republicans they swept in it was trying to outlaw abortion.

I suppose if you say something REALLY fucking stupid, you can always bullshit your way out of it...

{Republicans Win Big. First Order Of Business: Taxes}

Republicans Win Big. First Order Of Business: Taxes - Brian Wingfield - Business in The Beltway - Forbes

Let's say you were stupid, and that you were a democrat - but I repeat myself....
Which is why the first idea on the agenda for all of the freshman Republicans they swept in it was trying to outlaw abortion.

I suppose if you say something REALLY fucking stupid, you can always bullshit your way out of it...

{Republicans Win Big. First Order Of Business: Taxes}

Republicans Win Big. First Order Of Business: Taxes - Brian Wingfield - Business in The Beltway - Forbes

Let's say you were stupid, and that you were a democrat - but I repeat myself....

I'm talking about the bills they actually pursued, not what they're claiming was important to them.

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