Third SpaceX rocket explodes. Many will be killed in space. We must focus on Earth and the people here. Space exploration is a death sentence.!

Why on earth would anyone climb that mountain?

Although time is getting short
There's still some sand left in the glass
And now we have a living breathing
Rocket man at last
It's time to take a step
And nail our colours to the mast

No more talk of great adventures
When it's movement that we need
It must be our intention
That we never loose the lead
So count us down to zero
And let's get up to speed
We're up and away
Simples. Don't send people. Send robots.

Better yet - send Democrats.

They do what they're told and have no original thoughts.

Stick to the party line even when to any normal human what they're doing is suicidal.

Cheaper than robots too!
I wouldn't know, ya little wuss. But hey, those still crying about Trump losing bigly? Excellent cannon fodder, no doubt!
Simples. Don't send people. Send robots.

NASA has been doing that for decades.
'Cause they're smart. Exploration and testing is one thing. Paying to go for a ride in space once a tourist routine gets established is another. The first satisfies our calling to keep exploring the limits. Robots work fine and will do an increasingly better job, more safely, and for much less, monitored and controlled remotely from Earth. The second satisfies some rich people's desires to show off while creating extra tons of pollution, delays, and waste. Fuck that, tommy!
A third spacex rocket has exploded on the launch pad. We must focus on the people here on Earth. Space has nothing but death waiting for humans who venture into its void.Your thoughts

I wouldn't say it's absolutely nothing but death waiting for humans, but we've found practically all the other planets and moons in our solar system cannot support life.

NASA plans to send humans to explore Mars in the 2030s, so it may happen then with the harsh solar winds and not magnetic field protection.
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Is Space-X like Tesla?

"Tesla has never been profitable but has received over $2 billion in government subsidies. Give me $2 billion and I promise to make as little profit as he has."

Earth has nothing but extinction waiting for humans who do not venture into its void

Elon Musk believes that, too, but no evidence for it.

Note: Musk has space flights and rockets to sell.
Your religion may convince you we are special and protected but the fossil record shows us extinction is the rule, not the exception. Climate change, volcanos, microbes, and comets and all conspire to make us extinct if we stay on this one rock. If we spread out we have a much better chance of survival.
A third spacex rocket has exploded on the launch pad. We must focus on the people here on Earth. Space has nothing but death waiting for humans who venture into its void.Your thoughts
Earth has nothing but extinction waiting for humans who do not venture into its void
Earth has no void. Neither does "space." The whole business is silly and fubar. We're not going anywhere anytime soon, so let's focus on preserving what we have left instead of encouraging end-timers to try and hurry along our extinction.
A third spacex rocket has exploded on the launch pad. We must focus on the people here on Earth. Space has nothing but death waiting for humans who venture into its void.Your thoughts
Earth has nothing but extinction waiting for humans who do not venture into its void
Earth has no void. Neither does "space." The whole business is silly and fubar. We're not going anywhere anytime soon, so let's focus on preserving what we have left instead of encouraging end-timers to try and hurry along our extinction.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, but you have to take that step. And the next one and the next one...
Earth has nothing but extinction waiting for humans who do not venture into its void

Elon Musk believes that, too, but no evidence for it.

Note: Musk has space flights and rockets to sell.
Your religion may convince you we are special and protected but the fossil record shows us extinction is the rule, not the exception. Climate change, volcanos, microbes, and comets and all conspire to make us extinct if we stay on this one rock. If we spread out we have a much better chance of survival.

I suspect Musk gets tax deductions or some kind of monies from the USG for Space-X besides just selling them stuff. Does Space-X still have a good safety records or are these explosions signs of a few cracks?

I've never heard of the fossil record shows us extinction is the rule. How does that work? Doesn't the fossil record show that we've changed and "evolved?"
A third spacex rocket has exploded on the launch pad. We must focus on the people here on Earth. Space has nothing but death waiting for humans who venture into its void.Your thoughts
With that kinda thinking we'd all be sitting around in our home villages farming. America itself would never have been discovered
Your religion may convince you we are special and protected but the fossil record shows us extinction is the rule, not the exception. Climate change, volcanos, microbes, and comets and all conspire to make us extinct if we stay on this one rock. If we spread out we have a much better chance of survival.

How does Christianity show that we are special and protected? God killed practically everyone off the face of the Earth with the global flood since evil had spread so much that innocent people were in danger, i.e. catastrophism.

I doubt living on Earth and its environment "conspire to make us extinct." Nowhere in our solar system is it better than planet Earth., i.e the Anthropic Principle. We had a global catastrophe in Noah's Flood and the Earth shows that, but we have come back.
I wouldn't say it's absolutely nothing but death waiting for humans, but we've found practically all the other planets and moons in our solar system cannot support life.
False. That only applies to Earth life. Yet another lie on the spot from the YECers polluting the science section.

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