This 1 Activity Destroys Your Emotional and Physical Health


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

It took a 2-year study to find this out?

They monitored 5,208 adults – totally missing the tens of thousands of kids who cannot get their noses out of their electronic devices. And they only go after Facebook.

So what should you do? I'm not going to tell you to stop using Facebook. You wouldn't listen to me anyway, and with so many people the world over using the network, it's impossible to just ignore it. But limit your use to no more than the hour or so each day that the average Facebook user spends on the site. And try to put down your phone more often, look up at the people around you, and join the conversation that's happening in the real world.

More @ A 2-Year Study of More Than 5,000 People Shows This 1 Activity Destroys Your Emotional and Physical Health - Inc. - Pocket

It took a 2-year study to find this out?

They monitored 5,208 adults – totally missing the tens of thousands of kids who cannot get their noses out of their electronic devices. And they only go after Facebook.

So what should you do? I'm not going to tell you to stop using Facebook. You wouldn't listen to me anyway, and with so many people the world over using the network, it's impossible to just ignore it. But limit your use to no more than the hour or so each day that the average Facebook user spends on the site. And try to put down your phone more often, look up at the people around you, and join the conversation that's happening in the real world.

More @ A 2-Year Study of More Than 5,000 People Shows This 1 Activity Destroys Your Emotional and Physical Health - Inc. - Pocket

I was going to go with marriage,,,
I already get all my emotional and psychical health destroyed by this place. I don't need Facebook for that. lol
Only occasionally look at Fakebook anymore.....And even then, I spend more time checking out my history and model builder private groups than anything else.
I only do so to check on my stepdaughter who I haven't seen in 50 years.

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