This 14th Amendment thing is just another bad idea


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
One thing we can always count on, is our political parties refusing to look both ways before crossing the street.

So now we have Democrats in states across the country looking at removing Trump from ballots, using the 14th Amendment:

Do these people really think that taking him off a ballot would be the end of it? Do they really think that the American Right will just say, "gee, oh darn, well, I guess that's that"?

This is one of the main reasons I have such a difficult time understanding politics. The ends of the spectrum take turns going too far, only to be met with MORE escalation from the other end, and shit just keeps getting worse. Back and forth, back and forth, a race to the bottom.
One thing we can always count on, is our political parties refusing to look both ways before crossing the street.

So now we have Democrats in states across the country looking at removing Trump from ballots, using the 14th Amendment:

Do these people really think that taking him off a ballot would be the end of it? Do they really think that the American Right will just say, "gee, oh darn, well, I guess that's that"?

This is one of the main reasons I have such a difficult time understanding politics. The ends of the spectrum take turns going too far, only to be met with MORE escalation from the other end, and shit just keeps getting worse. Back and forth, back and forth, a race to the bottom.

It's not the Democrats who are trying to remove him from the ballots. This is the Republican Party trying to keep him off the ballot. They're doing it in blue states because the red states won't back their efforts.

This is a movement by senior Republican leaders, not Democrats.
One thing we can always count on, is our political parties refusing to look both ways before crossing the street.

So now we have Democrats in states across the country looking at removing Trump from ballots, using the 14th Amendment:

Do these people really think that taking him off a ballot would be the end of it? Do they really think that the American Right will just say, "gee, oh darn, well, I guess that's that"?

This is one of the main reasons I have such a difficult time understanding politics. The ends of the spectrum take turns going too far, only to be met with MORE escalation from the other end, and shit just keeps getting worse. Back and forth, back and forth, a race to the bottom.

It's you, Mac
You're the problem, it's you
It's not the Democrats who are trying to remove him from the ballots. This is the Republican Party trying to keep him off the ballot. They're doing it in blue states because the red states won't back their efforts.

This is a movement by senior Republican leaders, not Democrats.
Interesting. I just took a look around, and Asa Hutchinson did bring it up. But he's running (cough) against Trump. I'm seeing this too, though, from the article: In an interview with ABC News, Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, a Democrat, said that she and other secretaries of state from Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada, New Hampshire and Maine started having conversations over a year ago about preparing for the legal challenges to Trump's candidacy.

One thing we can always count on, is our political parties refusing to look both ways before crossing the street.

So now we have Democrats in states across the country looking at removing Trump from ballots, using the 14th Amendment:

Do these people really think that taking him off a ballot would be the end of it? Do they really think that the American Right will just say, "gee, oh darn, well, I guess that's that"?

This is one of the main reasons I have such a difficult time understanding politics. The ends of the spectrum take turns going too far, only to be met with MORE escalation from the other end, and shit just keeps getting worse. Back and forth, back and forth, a race to the bottom.

It's you, Mac. You're the "end of the spectrum". It's you.
Interesting. I just took a look around, and Asa Hutchinson did bring it up. But he's running (cough) against Trump. I'm seeing this too, though, from the article: In an interview with ABC News, Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, a Democrat, said that she and other secretaries of state from Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada, New Hampshire and Maine started having conversations over a year ago about preparing for the legal challenges to Trump's candidacy.

The judge who advised Mike Pence prior to January 6th, J. Michael Luttig is leading this, with Lawence Tribe. They were going in Blue States because the red state governors and AG's want nothing to do with pissing off the base.
One thing we can always count on, is our political parties refusing to look both ways before crossing the street.

So now we have Democrats in states across the country looking at removing Trump from ballots, using the 14th Amendment:

Do these people really think that taking him off a ballot would be the end of it? Do they really think that the American Right will just say, "gee, oh darn, well, I guess that's that"?

This is one of the main reasons I have such a difficult time understanding politics. The ends of the spectrum take turns going too far, only to be met with MORE escalation from the other end, and shit just keeps getting worse. Back and forth, back and forth, a race to the bottom.
Mac you waste so much time trying to show where both sides are wrong that you make yourself look stupid. Dragonlady pointed out who brought this matter up, and it's a constitutional issue therefore it doesn't matter what the American right thinks about it.
Interesting. I just took a look around, and Asa Hutchinson did bring it up. But he's running (cough) against Trump. I'm seeing this too, though, from the article: In an interview with ABC News, Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, a Democrat, said that she and other secretaries of state from Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada, New Hampshire and Maine started having conversations over a year ago about preparing for the legal challenges to Trump's candidacy.

You're seeing what you want to see. Try seeing reality. We could potentially be putting a man in an office whose first duty is to uphold and enforce our laws who is a convicted criminal. Do you not see a problem here that needs to be solved? Pussyfooting around this to please both sides will only fail.
It is easy to sit on your ass taking no position while criticizing everybody else. But a man or woman who stands for nothing IS nothing.
You're seeing what you want to see. Try seeing reality. We could potentially be putting a man in an office whose first duty is to uphold and enforce our laws who is a convicted criminal. Do you not see a problem here that needs to be solved? Pussyfooting around this to please both sides will only fail.
Yes, the problem that I see is that a large portion of our population is angry enough that he could actually win.

I think that ignoring/avoiding the reasons for that is a bad idea.

I know you blame every problem we have on the other side of the spectrum. There is nothing I can do about that.
It is easy to sit on your ass taking no position while criticizing everybody else. But a man or woman who stands for nothing IS nothing.
What you folks -- yes, on both ends of the spectrum -- don't see is that those who think like me ARE taking a side, we ARE taking positions, we DO have a "side of the fence".

What I see is the hardcore Left and the hardcore Right on one side of the fence, and the rest of us on the other.
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Mac you waste so much time trying to show where both sides are wrong that you make yourself look stupid.
I'm well aware of what both ends of the spectrum think of independents.

It's a very good sign.
So now we have Democrats in states across the country looking at removing Trump from ballots, using the 14th Amendment:
Ah yes, let's remove Trump from the ballot in California and New York where he has no chance of winning anyway.
One thing we can always count on, is our political parties refusing to look both ways before crossing the street.

So now we have Democrats in states across the country looking at removing Trump from ballots, using the 14th Amendment:

Do these people really think that taking him off a ballot would be the end of it? Do they really think that the American Right will just say, "gee, oh darn, well, I guess that's that"?

This is one of the main reasons I have such a difficult time understanding politics. The ends of the spectrum take turns going too far, only to be met with MORE escalation from the other end, and shit just keeps getting worse. Back and forth, back and forth, a race to the bottom.

It's as ludicrous as when many of them thought they could just invoke the 25th to make him go away. The MSN strongly backed that too.
Yes, the problem that I see is that a large portion of our population is angry enough that he could actually win.

I think that ignoring/avoiding the reasons for that is a bad idea.

I know you blame every problem we have on the other side of the spectrum. There is nothing I can do about that.
Mac, the reason why trump could win has nothing to do with the reasons you think. The reasons trump got in the first time is why Nixon, Reagan, Bush2 and Trump won, Playing to false grievances is not the answer.

What exactly are these people mad about Mac? Is it based on reality or an assumption?
Mac, the reason why trump could win has nothing to do with the reasons you think. The reasons trump got in the first time is why Nixon, Reagan, Bush2 and Trump won, Playing to false grievances is not the answer.

What exactly are these people mad about Mac? Is it based on reality or an assumption?
It's a combination of two factors. First, they have some reasonable grievances (based on political ideology, with which you won't agree). Then, they have a "media" that manipulates them and inflates their concern into rage, misinformation and paranoia.

That doesn't mean that their concerns and attitudes are not valid. But the manipulation, compounded over the last 30+ years, has made them terribly emotional, reactionary and myopic. They're nearly impossible to communicate with at this point.
I'm well aware of what both ends of the spectrum think of independents.

It's a very good sign.
You aren't independent Mac. You're insane. I voote for both parties if the candidates are sane. But right now the republican party is pushing an agenda based on false racial grievance and you call the counter to that identity politics, while missing the actual identity politics.

What we see now rose out of the tea party movement. This is a movement that conveniently showed up at the start of the Obama presidency. Suddenly republicans who sat quietly and supported all of Budh's spending were suddenly mad at government trying to inject money into the dead economy caused by the republicans who controlled DC at the beginning of this century.
"This 14th Amendment thing is just another bad idea"

Actually not.

It’s not partisan as conservative legal scholars have expressed their support for invoking Section Three.

Indeed, Democrats should oppose invoking Section Three because Trump is the only Republican President Biden can defeat.

Otherwise, it’s perfectly appropriate to prohibit treasonous insurrectionists such as Trump from holding public office.

And the problem isn’t Section Three, it’s Section Five – where Congress failed to pass legislation codifying the legal mechanism prohibiting treasonous insurrectionists such as Trump from running in Federal elections.

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