This 14th Amendment thing is just another bad idea

It's a combination of two factors. First, they have some reasonable grievances (based on political ideology, with which you won't agree). Then, they have a "media" that manipulates them and inflates their concern into rage, misinformation and paranoia.

That doesn't mean that their concerns and attitudes are not valid. But the manipulation, compounded over the last 30+ years, has made them terribly emotional, reactionary and myopic. They're nearly impossible to communicate with at this point.
They have chosen to be manipulated. And exactly what grievance do they have that is valid? They voted for the politicians that moved jobs out of this country. They voted for the politicians that cut funds for the safety nets programs that would help them when they needed it. They voted twice for a politician who wasted trillions on a false war while cutting the revenues needed and they voted for the politicians who killed Glass Steagall and helped create the crash of 2008. So when you start talking about both sides, you need to consider these things.

Racism is not a valid attitude and every metric shoes that whites haven't lost anything much less this country.
So now we have Democrats in states across the country looking at removing Trump from ballots, using the 14th Amendment:

two members of the conservative Federalist Society, William Baude and Michael Stokes Paulsen
Those Democrats?
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Well, then there's no reason to either communicate with me or read my posts.

You miss a lot of critical factors while trying to declare yourself superior because you don't have a position. What you do, even as you don't think you're taking sides, is validate the stuff believed by the right.
You miss a lot of critical factors while trying to declare yourself superior because you don't have a position. What you do, even as you don't think you're taking sides, is validate the stuff believed by the right.
I don't consider myself superior and I have positions on everything. Seems to me that WINGERS think they're superior.

The fact that I don't blindly follow a tribe does tend to upset the tribes, but that's not my problem. I'm with the majority of the country.
Mac you waste so much time trying to show where both sides are wrong that you make yourself look stupid.
It's the 'equally wrong' bit that gets my attention.
What you folks -- yes, on both ends of the spectrum -- don't see is that those who think like me ARE taking a side, we ARE taking positions, we DO have a "side of the fence".

What I see is the hardcore Left and the hardcore Right on one side of the fence, and the rest of us on the other.
What you see as hardcore left is defined as hardcore left by the right. Support for nationalized health care, and green energy aren't far left. These are reasonable solutions to serious problems. And these are just 2 things people like yourself will see as far left ideas.
One thing we can always count on, is our political parties refusing to look both ways before crossing the street.

So now we have Democrats in states across the country looking at removing Trump from ballots, using the 14th Amendment:

Do these people really think that taking him off a ballot would be the end of it? Do they really think that the American Right will just say, "gee, oh darn, well, I guess that's that"?

This is one of the main reasons I have such a difficult time understanding politics. The ends of the spectrum take turns going too far, only to be met with MORE escalation from the other end, and shit just keeps getting worse. Back and forth, back and forth, a race to the bottom.
Come on Mac, throw enough poo against the wall and eventually it will stick, especially with the diet you have been on lately.
I don't consider myself superior and I have positions on everything. Seems to me that WINGERS think they're superior.

The fact that I don't blindly follow a tribe does tend to upset the tribes, but that's not my problem. I'm with the majority of the country.

You need to quit repeating right wing lines. My problem with you is that you don't look very deeply into the causes of how things are now.
Cool beans...but Trump ALREADY can't win in blue states.

They're trying to keep him off the PRIMARY ballots in the Blue States, so he can't win enough delegates to be the Party's candidate.

Nobody is trying to keep him off the federal election ballot at this point. This is all about the states' Primaries. That's why they're starting now. So they have time to take any Appeals all the way to the SC on a rocket docket, if necessary.
You need to quit repeating right wing lines. My problem with you is that you don't look very deeply into the causes of how things are now.
Except when I say things that you agree with.
It's the 'equally wrong' bit that gets my attention.
Yeah, Mac doesn't really have as much of an understanding of what caused our current situation.
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Its a process not to win but attack the opposing party with use of government agencies.

History is full of this and in History it Never Ends Well.
Except when I say things that you agree with.
Wrong. We can agree on some things but you still repeat right wing garbage and you haven't looked really deep into what has created this situation. When a person comes off with that childish "I don't follow one tribe stuff", I see an immature opinion.
Its a process not to win but attack the opposing party with use of government agencies.

History is full of this and in History it Never Ends Well.
No, it's a constitutional provision to stop a person who has tried to overthrow the government from holding a position in government.
Good thing I've never said that, huh? Not once in my nearly 12 years here.
Implied it in every post as far as I'm concerned. Got a post in which you've said Republican behaviour is more egregious than Democratic behaviour?
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The many tens of millions of Americans who have worked to service ghettos live well in retirement. This costing the local areas a great percentage of their budgets and it grows. Just saying.

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