This 6 minute video sums up the shocking facts of American wealth and inequality

Well the obvious link between the two laws is that 100% of the population doesn't get their way. Of course I don't even need to explain that to you because you already know why I made that comparison..

Are we done?

Depends on you. Giving up?

Well until you come up with a semi logical argument, yeah, I am done.

I've presented no argument. It's a question. When someone takes a job for less than the majority thinks they should, what are they doing that is wrong? Why should they be prevented from working?
If I'm a low skilled worker, and I can't convince someone to give me a job for the minimum wage (regardless of who sets it), why should I be forced into to unemployment? Why can't I work for less if I want to?

What is wrong with me deciding for myself how much I'm willing to work for? So far, you only posited that it's wrong because the vast majority of other people don't think that way. Is being in the minority inherently wrong, in your view?

The owners of these fine luxury condos have decided that they'll accept less than minimum wage.

I guess they'd be better off not working.
Stop worrying about everyone else and just take care of yourself. It's that simple.
What is wrong with me deciding for myself how much I'm willing to work for? So far, you only posited that it's wrong because the vast majority of other people don't think that way. Is being in the minority inherently wrong, in your view?

The owners of these fine luxury condos have decided that they'll accept less than minimum wage.

I guess they'd be better off not working.

They'd be better off if the wealth disparity in their country wasn't even greater than in ours and there was a minimum wage to act as a backstop to the downward spiral.
If I'm a low skilled worker, and I can't convince someone to give me a job for the minimum wage (regardless of who sets it), why should I be forced into to unemployment? Why can't I work for less if I want to?

What is wrong with me deciding for myself how much I'm willing to work for? So far, you only posited that it's wrong because the vast majority of other people don't think that way. Is being in the minority inherently wrong, in your view?

The owners of these fine luxury condos have decided that they'll accept less than minimum wage.

Want a whole lot more of that here?

stop bullshitting. it is not impressive.
What is truly bothersome is that so many actually believe this is good for the economy and the country.

It is better for the good of the country to allow those that earned their wealth to be able to keep it instead of supporting the government to go and steal it legally from them at the point of a gun with the vast power and resources of government behind it.
A growing dependent class is the problem and folks that earn their money are not the cause of that.

Why is the dependent class growing? Maybe because jobs are being sent overseas? Maybe because the jobs being created are low paying and/or part time? Meanwhile ceo pay has gone from being 30x that of the average worker in the 70s to 300x that of the average worker now.

Not one job ever has been sent overseas by any corporation, ever.
You demanded that there be shoes you can afford at $40-$70 a pair.
You would not buy shoes that cost $140 a pair on average.
YOU sent the jobs over seas.
And when the buggy manufacturers went out of business when the automobile came on the market they said the same thing.
The dumb ass, uneducated and unskilled always gets left behind.
The owners of these fine luxury condos have decided that they'll accept less than minimum wage.

I guess they'd be better off not working.

They'd be better off if the wealth disparity in their country wasn't even greater than in ours and there was a minimum wage to act as a backstop to the downward spiral.

Which country is this, btw? It looks like some third world shithole where there are no private property rights, and precious little freedom - Somalia, for example.
If I'm a low skilled worker, and I can't convince someone to give me a job for the minimum wage (regardless of who sets it), why should I be forced into to unemployment? Why can't I work for less if I want to?

What is wrong with me deciding for myself how much I'm willing to work for? So far, you only posited that it's wrong because the vast majority of other people don't think that way. Is being in the minority inherently wrong, in your view?

The owners of these fine luxury condos have decided that they'll accept less than minimum wage.


Want a whole lot more of that here?

We're getting more all the time, thanks to progressive/socialist policies applied. Thank you liberals, for making our ghettos and crime-riddled inner cities possible! The programs that created those hell holes were GOOD CALLS!
Heh... no fair changing the question. I didn't say anything about preferring to be paid less.

Here, try again (I bolded the part you're trying to ignore):

Giving up?

Anybody else?

Sure I'll help them out. Because working for less is like a scab crossing the picket line during contract negotiations. It hurts everyone in the labor group when you lower the bar for the labor group.

So they are doing the scab a favor and increasing his wages while beating his brains out with a baseball bat, smashing the windows out in his car and denying him a chance to feed his family.
Got it.
The future of the world, if we allow progressives to decide things:

Abortion was promoted as an anti-poverty device to these people, too.
I have had employees before that were not worth HALF the minimum wage.
Minimum wage jobs are the unskilled young and if you are over 25 making the minimum wage as a full time employee I admire you but you are getting paid exactly what you are worth.
I start mine out at $20 a hour and the skilled $25 a hour to start. The very good, educated and skilled $35 a hour.
The Mexican man down the road feeds his entire family, rents a 200K home and he came here not speaking a word of English a few years ago LEGALLY.
No cry babies, am sick of lazy folks crying about they do not make enough.
My kids have been working full time and/or in school and working part time since the day they graduated high school. Youngest son just bought a house at age 22 with all his own $$$.
Giving up?

Anybody else?

Sure I'll help them out. Because working for less is like a scab crossing the picket line during contract negotiations. It hurts everyone in the labor group when you lower the bar for the labor group.

So they are doing the scab a favor and increasing his wages while beating his brains out with a baseball bat, smashing the windows out in his car and denying him a chance to feed his family.
Got it.

Well, not exactly. They're increasing the wages for the job he's not allowed to have. It's complicated. It's the union way.
The future of the world, if we allow progressives to decide things:

Abortion was promoted as an anti-poverty device to these people, too.

It's what the left achieved in Europe in the 20th century. Coming to America in the 21st!
Everybody talking about healthy cooking and I agree. I do my own cooking and even do pinto beans from bulk. And 2 to maybe 3 times a week to 24 hour fitness. That's all good but time consuming. Then I got involved in a fixer upper I partnered in about 30 miles from home. At night, too tired to cook like before and now back to the fast food routine, even the egg mcmuffin type sandwiches at the gas station. No time or energy for gym. After awhile, gained over 20 pounds now trying to get rid of it. Look at all the cops and contractors who are on the road all the time. Big percentage sporting big guts mostly from fast food. If a person's poor and maybe working all day he/she probably has the same problem. Sometimes if a person's poor, that alone is enough to depress you especially if you can't find work. Give the poor a break and if they do the the ding dongs and chips, at least they're not starving.

Way to totally miss the point.
And again.. BY CHOICE.. for how many have luxuries??? You choose a game over a basket of healthy food, that is not the fault of the 'rich' or anyone else

YOU do not get to tell others what they HAVE to do with their wealth.. if they wish to invest it and grow business, fine.. if they wish to spend it, fine... if they wish to stick it in a savings account, fine.. if they wish to bury it in their back yard, fine....

And why are overseas investments chosen? Try the bullshit and complex tax law that is trying o be used for goddamn wealth redistribution at high levels... the Robin Hood mentality of big government..

I don't care if you think government taking 50% from people is 'better' or 'fair'... I will fight against you doing it no matter who that person is....

Once again, this argument has nothing to do with the government taking anyone's money; it has to do with the reasoning behind the top 1% holding 40% of America's wealth, and that number is only going to continue to grow. Are you going to be concerned if the top 1% controls 80 or 90% of the wealth? Will it concern you then?

There is just no reasoning with these people. If you notice, none of them have addressed any of the specifics in the video.

Well, your OP didn't, so why should anyone else bother to?
I can't even believe this is a serious question. The answer is quite simple. Because the vast majority of people would prefer to get paid as much as they can, fuck the tiny minority of people who would prefer to be paid less. Their preference should not be factored in. If anything, these individuals could flush the extra cash down the toilet. Who the fuck cares?

Heh... no fair changing the question. I didn't say anything about preferring to be paid less.

Here, try again (I bolded the part you're trying to ignore):

If I'm a low skilled worker, and I can't convince someone to give me a job for the minimum wage (regardless of who sets it), why should I be forced into to unemployment? Why can't I work for less if I want to?

For Christ's sakes. This logic isn't hard. Because the VAST MAJORITY do not think this way, it does not matter what these people want. Since when does any law have to satisfy 100% of the population? It never has. Obviously we shouldn't make murder legal just because a sociopath would prefer it that way.

Because the VAST MAJORITY do not think this way, it does not matter what these people want.

How many of these low skilled workers have you asked?
Here's how you should phrase the question.

You can't get a job at the current minimum wage, if I'm willing to pay you minimum wage minus $1 per hour, would you accept, or would you rather remain unemployed?
What is wrong with me deciding for myself how much I'm willing to work for? So far, you only posited that it's wrong because the vast majority of other people don't think that way. Is being in the minority inherently wrong, in your view?

I think RKMBrown comes closest to answering this question honestly. Minimum wage is essentially government mandated unionism.
What is wrong with me deciding for myself how much I'm willing to work for? So far, you only posited that it's wrong because the vast majority of other people don't think that way. Is being in the minority inherently wrong, in your view?

I think RKMBrown comes closest to answering this question honestly. Minimum wage is essentially government mandated unionism.

The minimum wage is a way to keep poor people poor so they continue to elect liberals to fix a problem created by liberals.

No one gets paid more than they are worth. If you force companies to pay more, they automate, streamline and reduce staffing. And when they decide to pay the higher wage, they get rid of the one who wasn't worth the old minimum wage and hire someone who is worth the new one.

The only people that the minimum wage helps are that it helps liberal elitists feel smug about themselves. The more wrong they are, the smugger they feel for thinking it.
So CEOs are just 10x better now are they? You sure it's not just greed and crony capitalism?

I have no idea. My point is that obviously these CEO's are bring tremendous value to the companies they run and are compensated in a manner reflective of that. Question. Is it possible that 2 people can have 2 different skill sets and 1 is more valuable to a company than the other?

Nobody is arguing that the CEO should not be paid more. But CEOs in the 70s made about 30x that of the average worker. Now they make 300x more to do the same job. It doesn't take a genius to figure out something is wrong with that stat. Sorry but they aren't 10x more valuable to a company now.

No, it doesn't take a genius "to figure out there's something wrong with that stat". All THAT takes is a "feeling".

What DOES take a genius is figuring out where you get off 1) assuming that your feelings are facts, 2) assuming that what a company you don't own pays its CEO is any of your damned business, and 3) what a CEO actually should earn, based on his value to the company which is deciding to pay him out of THEIR money. This would be why those companies employ people for that very purpose - people who are not you.

So why don't you tell us, oh great Not-Genius, what is "wrong with that stat", and why, based on something more than "That just sounds wrong! It's so obvious!"?

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