This 6 minute video sums up the shocking facts of American wealth and inequality

Anyone even semi intelligent should see it is bad without much explanation. How about bad for the economy?
How Income Inequality Is Damaging the U.S. - Forbes

Pardon my suspicion, but it looks like you ran a Google search on "wealth inequality" and then just linked one that looked like a reliable source that supported you. Having just read the article myself, plus the linked article which generated it, I'm curious to know what you think they said that supports your position, other than the title?

Like I mentioned in my post, it's bad for the economy. The economy slows as inequality gets greater.

Here is another supporting what I've been saying
Here's Why Income Inequality Really Is A Big Deal - Business Insider

In other words, you really have no frigging clue, other than reading the article titles and the names of the magazines.
Pardon my suspicion, but it looks like you ran a Google search on "wealth inequality" and then just linked one that looked like a reliable source that supported you. Having just read the article myself, plus the linked article which generated it, I'm curious to know what you think they said that supports your position, other than the title?

Like I mentioned in my post, it's bad for the economy. The economy slows as inequality gets greater.

Here is another supporting what I've been saying
Here's Why Income Inequality Really Is A Big Deal - Business Insider

In other words, you really have no frigging clue, other than reading the article titles and the names of the magazines.

No actually they agree with what I have been saying. You seem to have no clue.
Pardon my suspicion, but it looks like you ran a Google search on "wealth inequality" and then just linked one that looked like a reliable source that supported you. Having just read the article myself, plus the linked article which generated it, I'm curious to know what you think they said that supports your position, other than the title?

Like I mentioned in my post, it's bad for the economy. The economy slows as inequality gets greater.

Here is another supporting what I've been saying
Here's Why Income Inequality Really Is A Big Deal - Business Insider

In other words, you really have no frigging clue, other than reading the article titles and the names of the magazines.

Why is it so important what the user says about their sources? Why don't you just read it yourself and decide for yourself?

You really are not even a contributor to this board. Sure, myself and others get immature, but we at least argue with pertinent information. All you do is look for reasons to tear people down. Why do you even bother posting on a politics board?

Like i told you before, you have serious issues.
The point is there is money to earn. The government takes it or prints it that's how they earn it. Come up with something people want or need. Or invest in those that do, you can get your share just learn how to do it.

We don't live in a fantasy world. Even if everyone in this country had a smart business sense, the system does not make it possible for everyone to become a millionaire or anything even close to that. 1% of the population controls 40% of the wealth. Does that not mean anything to you?

Hold on here 60's hippie. If everyone had smart business sense they wouldn't choose welfare as their primary source of income. The system exists to allow you to make anything from welfare to millions. The only missing link is effort. Hell you can even become one of these horrible 1%er's if you try hard enough.
The point is there is money to earn. The government takes it or prints it that's how they earn it. Come up with something people want or need. Or invest in those that do, you can get your share just learn how to do it.

We don't live in a fantasy world. Even if everyone in this country had a smart business sense, the system does not make it possible for everyone to become a millionaire or anything even close to that. 1% of the population controls 40% of the wealth. Does that not mean anything to you?

Hold on here 60's hippie. If everyone had smart business sense they wouldn't choose welfare as their primary source of income. The system exists to allow you to make anything from welfare to millions. The only missing link is effort. Hell you can even become one of these horrible 1%er's if you try hard enough.

The welfare system is not a primary source of income for anyone. The numbers prove that. If you actually knew anything about welfare, you would know that. Most small business owners bust their ass off and they still go belly up, so no, the system does not allow anyone to make millions. It's amazing how so many of you conservatives do not pay attention to simple math. All you harp on is the philosophy of the American dream which is simply not what it used to be. Wake up and smell the roses. America is in a decline. Strong character traits go a long way, but reality has limitations for anyone.

1% of the population controls 40% of the wealth and 15% of the population lives in poverty.
My favorite irony was Jay zee talking about the terrible condition of the middle class and how the gap between rich and the poor is destroying our country. And as he was talking, he was wearing a gold chain about the size and weight that I use to pull logs up hill with my truck.
Depends on you. Giving up?

Well until you come up with a semi logical argument, yeah, I am done.

I've presented no argument. It's a question. When someone takes a job for less than the majority thinks they should, what are they doing that is wrong? Why should they be prevented from working?
Because if you are willing to work for less than the average wage it won't be long before someone more desperate than you will work for even less and knock you out of a job. Then someone even more desperate would do the same, and on and on until we are back in the days when the working class consisted of miserable, impoverished wretches who lived from day to day, working 12 hour days for starvation wages, working six day weeks, with no vacation, no breaks, no benefits whatsoever.

You obviously are very young. You should ask your parents and/or grandparents about condition of workers prior to FDR's New Deal and the union movement. Also, the following is a list of books and movies you should read and watch. From them you will learn why demanding and respecting fixed minimum wages and working conditions is critically important.


Rebuilding Labor
Why Unions Matter
Unions At The Crossroads
The Transformation of U.S. Unions
Look For The Union Label
What Do We Need A Union For
Infighting In The UAW


How Green Was My Valley
The Grapes Of Wrath
Native Land
On The Waterfront
The Pajama Game
Harlan County USA
The Organizer
Norma Rae
The Molly Maguires
My favorite irony was Jay zee talking about the terrible condition of the middle class and how the gap between rich and the poor is destroying our country. And as he was talking, he was wearing a gold chain about the size and weight that I use to pull logs up hill with my truck.
I saw that on Bill Maher's program, which often is a showcase for limousine liberals.
I encourage you to watch the 6 minute video completely and keep an open mind.

I do understand this topic has been discussed thoroughly already, but I think it is interesting how it samples the perception of the issue by the American people.

Wealth Inequality in America - YouTube

As you sit on your computer, with your AC blowing, cable television in the background, bitching about wealth inequality, ask yourself: do you have a real point to make?

Yes, things are worse now then ever before. The twenties wealth dissparity, nothing compared today. The fifties? No.

In the mind of a leftist, there is no worse time than today. Tomorrow is imminent destruction and apocolypse, and today is doom.

I am below to poverty line. I am sitting on my Ipad, with the AC blowing, watching my flatscreen 50 inch TV with my dog laying next to me. I am content with my life, working for more. Why I can be content and you and the millions of immature fucking bitches like you can not is the reason you will never be anything more than you already are.
Well until you come up with a semi logical argument, yeah, I am done.

I've presented no argument. It's a question. When someone takes a job for less than the majority thinks they should, what are they doing that is wrong? Why should they be prevented from working?
Because if you are willing to work for less than the average wage it won't be long before someone more desperate than you will work for even less and knock you out of a job....

Right. This is what we covered earlier. It's the union ethic mandated by law. The individual must sacrifice for the (presumed) good of the group.

You obviously are very young. You should ...

You obviously know nothing about me. Let's stick to discussing the ideas.
I encourage you to watch the 6 minute video completely and keep an open mind.

I do understand this topic has been discussed thoroughly already, but I think it is interesting how it samples the perception of the issue by the American people.

Wealth Inequality in America - YouTube

As you sit on your computer, with your AC blowing, cable television in the background, bitching about wealth inequality, ask yourself: do you have a real point to make?

Yes, things are worse now then ever before. The twenties wealth dissparity, nothing compared today. The fifties? No.

In the mind of a leftist, there is no worse time than today. Tomorrow is imminent destruction and apocolypse, and today is doom.

I am below to poverty line. I am sitting on my Ipad, with the AC blowing, watching my flatscreen 50 inch TV with my dog laying next to me. I am content with my life, working for more. Why I can be content and you and the millions of immature fucking bitches like you can not is the reason you will never be anything more than you already are.

Thats great your happy. But that doesn't change the facts and statistics proving too much inequality is bad for our country. If you cared about your country you'd recognize something needs to be done.
I encourage you to watch the 6 minute video completely and keep an open mind.

I do understand this topic has been discussed thoroughly already, but I think it is interesting how it samples the perception of the issue by the American people.

Wealth Inequality in America - YouTube

As you sit on your computer, with your AC blowing, cable television in the background, bitching about wealth inequality, ask yourself: do you have a real point to make?

Yes, things are worse now then ever before. The twenties wealth dissparity, nothing compared today. The fifties? No.

In the mind of a leftist, there is no worse time than today. Tomorrow is imminent destruction and apocolypse, and today is doom.

I am below to poverty line. I am sitting on my Ipad, with the AC blowing, watching my flatscreen 50 inch TV with my dog laying next to me. I am content with my life, working for more. Why I can be content and you and the millions of immature fucking bitches like you can not is the reason you will never be anything more than you already are.

Sitting on your IPad?? Is that like typing out your ass?:lol:
I encourage you to watch the 6 minute video completely and keep an open mind.

I do understand this topic has been discussed thoroughly already, but I think it is interesting how it samples the perception of the issue by the American people.

Wealth Inequality in America - YouTube

As you sit on your computer, with your AC blowing, cable television in the background, bitching about wealth inequality, ask yourself: do you have a real point to make?

Yes, things are worse now then ever before. The twenties wealth dissparity, nothing compared today. The fifties? No.

In the mind of a leftist, there is no worse time than today. Tomorrow is imminent destruction and apocolypse, and today is doom.

I am below to poverty line. I am sitting on my Ipad, with the AC blowing, watching my flatscreen 50 inch TV with my dog laying next to me. I am content with my life, working for more. Why I can be content and you and the millions of immature fucking bitches like you can not is the reason you will never be anything more than you already are.

Thats great your happy. But that doesn't change the facts and statistics proving too much inequality is bad for our country. If you cared about your country you'd recognize something needs to be done.

I care about my country to the extent that it protects the rights of individuals. I care about justice. If we can find wrongdoings that are leading to the wealth disparity, if we can find rules that aren't offering equal protection, then we should correct them. But if you're arguing for policy that violates individual rights, not because said individuals are doing anything wrong but, simply to control them for the benefit of the majority. Not interested.
I encourage you to watch the 6 minute video completely and keep an open mind.

I do understand this topic has been discussed thoroughly already, but I think it is interesting how it samples the perception of the issue by the American people.

Wealth Inequality in America - YouTube

As you sit on your computer, with your AC blowing, cable television in the background, bitching about wealth inequality, ask yourself: do you have a real point to make?

Yes, things are worse now then ever before. The twenties wealth dissparity, nothing compared today. The fifties? No.

In the mind of a leftist, there is no worse time than today. Tomorrow is imminent destruction and apocolypse, and today is doom.

I am below to poverty line. I am sitting on my Ipad, with the AC blowing, watching my flatscreen 50 inch TV with my dog laying next to me. I am content with my life, working for more. Why I can be content and you and the millions of immature fucking bitches like you can not is the reason you will never be anything more than you already are.

Thats great your happy. But that doesn't change the facts and statistics proving too much inequality is bad for our country. If you cared about your country you'd recognize something needs to be done.

No, they don't, gross wealth inequality is a symptom not the problem, the underlying machinery that causes gross wealth inequality is "bad" for our country. The root cause is a gross imbalance of power that allows central planners and social engineers to skew the economic field in a myriad of both obvious and non-obvious ways in favor of wealth transfer and wealth preservation on the upper end of the scale. Until people recognize that the unrestrained economic interventionism of government is the instrument that is creating the symptom they're concerned about and act accordingly it's only going to continue to get worse.

"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men." -- Lord Acton
As you sit on your computer, with your AC blowing, cable television in the background, bitching about wealth inequality, ask yourself: do you have a real point to make?

Yes, things are worse now then ever before. The twenties wealth dissparity, nothing compared today. The fifties? No.

In the mind of a leftist, there is no worse time than today. Tomorrow is imminent destruction and apocolypse, and today is doom.

I am below to poverty line. I am sitting on my Ipad, with the AC blowing, watching my flatscreen 50 inch TV with my dog laying next to me. I am content with my life, working for more. Why I can be content and you and the millions of immature fucking bitches like you can not is the reason you will never be anything more than you already are.

Thats great your happy. But that doesn't change the facts and statistics proving too much inequality is bad for our country. If you cared about your country you'd recognize something needs to be done.

No, they don't, gross wealth inequality is a symptom not the problem, the underlying machinery that causes gross wealth inequality is "bad" for our country. The root cause is a gross imbalance of power that allows central planners and social engineers to skew the economic field in a myriad of both obvious and non-obvious ways in favor of wealth transfer and wealth preservation on the upper end of the scale. Until people recognize that the unrestrained economic interventionism of government is the instrument that is creating the symptom they're concerned about and act accordingly it's only going to continue to get worse.

[You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to NightFox again.]
As you sit on your computer, with your AC blowing, cable television in the background, bitching about wealth inequality, ask yourself: do you have a real point to make?

Yes, things are worse now then ever before. The twenties wealth dissparity, nothing compared today. The fifties? No.

In the mind of a leftist, there is no worse time than today. Tomorrow is imminent destruction and apocolypse, and today is doom.

I am below to poverty line. I am sitting on my Ipad, with the AC blowing, watching my flatscreen 50 inch TV with my dog laying next to me. I am content with my life, working for more. Why I can be content and you and the millions of immature fucking bitches like you can not is the reason you will never be anything more than you already are.

Thats great your happy. But that doesn't change the facts and statistics proving too much inequality is bad for our country. If you cared about your country you'd recognize something needs to be done.

No, they don't, gross wealth inequality is a symptom not the problem, the underlying machinery that causes gross wealth inequality is "bad" for our country. The root cause is a gross imbalance of power that allows central planners and social engineers to skew the economic field in a myriad of both obvious and non-obvious ways in favor of wealth transfer and wealth preservation on the upper end of the scale. Until people recognize that the unrestrained economic interventionism of government is the instrument that is creating the symptom they're concerned about and act accordingly it's only going to continue to get worse.

"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men." -- Lord Acton

So your saying gross wealth inequality is good for the country? Cause unless your saying that your not really disagreeing with my statement.
As you sit on your computer, with your AC blowing, cable television in the background, bitching about wealth inequality, ask yourself: do you have a real point to make?

Yes, things are worse now then ever before. The twenties wealth dissparity, nothing compared today. The fifties? No.

In the mind of a leftist, there is no worse time than today. Tomorrow is imminent destruction and apocolypse, and today is doom.

I am below to poverty line. I am sitting on my Ipad, with the AC blowing, watching my flatscreen 50 inch TV with my dog laying next to me. I am content with my life, working for more. Why I can be content and you and the millions of immature fucking bitches like you can not is the reason you will never be anything more than you already are.

Thats great your happy. But that doesn't change the facts and statistics proving too much inequality is bad for our country. If you cared about your country you'd recognize something needs to be done.

I care about my country to the extent that it protects the rights of individuals. I care about justice. If we can find wrongdoings that are leading to the wealth disparity, if we can find rules that aren't offering equal protection, then we should correct them. But if you're arguing for policy that violates individual rights, not because said individuals are doing anything wrong but, simply to control them for the benefit of the majority. Not interested.

I've not argued for any policy at all actually. I simply think people need to understand that it's bad for our country. Then we figure how to fix it. If just liberals think it's bad for our country then we will eventually get a liberal fix. I don't think that will work.
Until people recognize that the unrestrained economic interventionism of government is the instrument that is creating the symptom they're concerned about and act accordingly it's only going to continue to get worse.

The above is ALMOST correct.

That government MUST intervene in economic affairs is obvious given that our economic system DEPENDS on government to DEFINE how it works.

But to the extent that the complaint is government IS responsible for the wealth inequity we have today?

Well the above is SPOT ON correct about that.
The point is there is money to earn. The government takes it or prints it that's how they earn it. Come up with something people want or need. Or invest in those that do, you can get your share just learn how to do it.
I don't know Misty, because if the game is rigged, and these days it seems that it has been rigged badly more so than before, then there is a certain level that is allowed for some to be allowed to rise up to, but then they are cut off in many ways or by means of others (notably by a clique, culture or belief system that has formed, and therefore this clique ends up controlling a large amount of the wealth and power for their own personal reasoning), so (these others) are quickly cut off from it if they are not wanted by the gate keepers to rise any farther than where they are at when the cut off comes, and all because of their reasoning or beliefs in which the clique, group, culture or belief system that is empowered or is in power doesn't like or feels threatened by.

They are cut off because of the barriers that had been placed in front of them in which they run into, and for which were found to be impossible to pass over in order to arrive at their expected destinations or when attempting to embark upon their goals in which they had set out to achieve regardless of these barriers in which were placed in front of them, but all depending they had found them to difficult to pass when they ran into them.

Now why do these things happen ? It is for many reasons that they do, and sometimes it is to protect cultures or religious beliefs by keeping those out for whom would destroy the culture or belief system that had been created or is protected by those whom operate in this way. It is understandable based upon these reasons of course that people would want to protect their culture and beliefs, so they limit the impact of others upon their culture and beliefs in order to preserve their culture and beliefs future.

We have one of the strongest militaries in the world based upon this reasoning, in order to keep foreign enemies out, but even that is being challenged or undermined these days, as the barriers are sought after to be brought down by those whom don't like American culture or its traditional long held beliefs, so they seek to attack it from within and from without now.

No, now all do not pass I agree, and for reasons in which are their own fault, but many are held back in ways that are corrupt also or by the reasoning in which I gave for the other ways in which it is done, and it has been a problem that has been with us over the years, and the stats do show it as such (imho), but those stats have to be categorized and separated always in order to see what is going on in all of this.
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Thats great your happy. But that doesn't change the facts and statistics proving too much inequality is bad for our country. If you cared about your country you'd recognize something needs to be done.

I care about my country to the extent that it protects the rights of individuals. I care about justice. If we can find wrongdoings that are leading to the wealth disparity, if we can find rules that aren't offering equal protection, then we should correct them. But if you're arguing for policy that violates individual rights, not because said individuals are doing anything wrong but, simply to control them for the benefit of the majority. Not interested.

I've not argued for any policy at all actually. I simply think people need to understand that it's bad for our country. Then we figure how to fix it. If just liberals think it's bad for our country then we will eventually get a liberal fix. I don't think that will work.

It's the 'bad for the country' or 'good for the country' assessment that concerns me. In my view, the job of government is protecting freedom and ensuring justice. I specifically don't want a government that takes of the cause of making us 'better' people (richer, healthier, smarter, more productive, etc....).

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