This Bitch Is A Traitor To The United States!


Diamond Member
Apr 6, 2020
This bitch claimed she was clueless that her close personal friend, driver, and hand-picked personal liaison to the Chinese community, including as her personal stand-in for meeting with communist Chinese nationals, was a spy for communist China for at least twenty-years, all of which as she was sitting on the senate intelligence committee with unfettered access to the most ultra-sensitive & secret US classified information! 150,000 dead Americans and this bitch is kissing their ass, like every other democrat in the senate, she is obviously a traitor to the United States, bought and paid for by the communists. If you read this link, examine her comments showering praise upon communist China in wake of all that that murderous comunist nation just perpetrated upon the United States, and want her burned alive, then you are a democrat! Folks, the democratic party conspired with communist China and launched that bio-attack upon their own nation, just weigh all of their rhetoric and actions, before, during, and after, 150,000 dead Americans, and this evil bitch wants to see to it that China is fully protected....

This bitch claimed she was clueless that her close personal friend, driver, and hand-picked personal liaison to the Chinese community, including as her personal stand-in for meeting with communist Chinese nationals, was a spy for communist China for at least twenty-years, all of which as she was sitting on the senate intelligence committee with unfettered access to the most ultra-sensitive & secret US classified information! 150,000 dead Americans and this bitch is kissing their ass, like every other democrat in the senate, she is obviously a traitor to the United States, bought and paid for by the communists. If you read this link, examine her comments showering praise upon communist China in wake of all that that murderous comunist nation just perpetrated upon the United States, and want her burned alive, then you are a democrat! Folks, the democratic party conspired with communist China and launched that bio-attack upon their own nation, just weigh all of their rhetoric and actions, before, during, and after, 150,000 dead Americans, and this evil bitch wants to see to it that China is fully protected....

Feinstein and hubby are worth a cool hundred million... She didn't get that money from her senatorial salary.

This bitch claimed she was clueless that her close personal friend, driver, and hand-picked personal liaison to the Chinese community, including as her personal stand-in for meeting with communist Chinese nationals, was a spy for communist China for at least twenty-years, all of which as she was sitting on the senate intelligence committee with unfettered access to the most ultra-sensitive & secret US classified information! 150,000 dead Americans and this bitch is kissing their ass, like every other democrat in the senate, she is obviously a traitor to the United States, bought and paid for by the communists. If you read this link, examine her comments showering praise upon communist China in wake of all that that murderous comunist nation just perpetrated upon the United States, and want her burned alive, then you are a democrat! Folks, the democratic party conspired with communist China and launched that bio-attack upon their own nation, just weigh all of their rhetoric and actions, before, during, and after, 150,000 dead Americans, and this evil bitch wants to see to it that China is fully protected....

Feinstein and hubby are worth a cool hundred million... She didn't get that money from her senatorial salary.


Unfortunately we won't get our fair shar of it when she croaks in the next few years thanks to the damn GOP estate tax nonsense.
The Feinstein witch has been almost half a century getting rich and robbing hard working Americans ....and working against the USA !!

This woman had a Chinese spy as a her driver for heaven's sake!!!...they do not come worst that this POS Feinstein.

Why is she still there????????????????
This bitch claimed she was clueless that her close personal friend, driver, and hand-picked personal liaison to the Chinese community, including as her personal stand-in for meeting with communist Chinese nationals, was a spy for communist China for at least twenty-years, all of which as she was sitting on the senate intelligence committee with unfettered access to the most ultra-sensitive & secret US classified information! 150,000 dead Americans and this bitch is kissing their ass, like every other democrat in the senate, she is obviously a traitor to the United States, bought and paid for by the communists. If you read this link, examine her comments showering praise upon communist China in wake of all that that murderous comunist nation just perpetrated upon the United States, and want her burned alive, then you are a democrat! Folks, the democratic party conspired with communist China and launched that bio-attack upon their own nation, just weigh all of their rhetoric and actions, before, during, and after, 150,000 dead Americans, and this evil bitch wants to see to it that China is fully protected....

Feinstein and hubby are worth a cool hundred million... She didn't get that money from her senatorial salary.

Shes old. She cant take it to hell with her
The Feinstein witch has been almost half a century getting rich and robbing hard working Americans ....and working against the USA !!

This woman had a Chinese spy as a her driver for heaven's sake!!!...they do not come worst that this POS Feinstein.

Why is she still there????????????????
This bitch claimed she was clueless that her close personal friend, driver, and hand-picked personal liaison to the Chinese community, including as her personal stand-in for meeting with communist Chinese nationals, was a spy for communist China for at least twenty-years, all of which as she was sitting on the senate intelligence committee with unfettered access to the most ultra-sensitive & secret US classified information! 150,000 dead Americans and this bitch is kissing their ass, like every other democrat in the senate, she is obviously a traitor to the United States, bought and paid for by the communists. If you read this link, examine her comments showering praise upon communist China in wake of all that that murderous comunist nation just perpetrated upon the United States, and want her burned alive, then you are a democrat! Folks, the democratic party conspired with communist China and launched that bio-attack upon their own nation, just weigh all of their rhetoric and actions, before, during, and after, 150,000 dead Americans, and this evil bitch wants to see to it that China is fully protected....

Feinstein and hubby are worth a cool hundred million... She didn't get that money from her senatorial salary.


Unfortunately we won't get our fair shar of it when she croaks in the next few years thanks to the damn GOP estate tax nonsense.
You look at everything thru the eyes of big government, dont you
The Feinstein witch has been almost half a century getting rich and robbing hard working Americans ....and working against the USA !!

This woman had a Chinese spy as a her driver for heaven's sake!!!...they do not come worst that this POS Feinstein.

Why is she still there????????????????

Are they all morons in California?

When I was studying there for a while....they were not.....guess times have changed.
Feinstein and hubby are worth a cool hundred million... She didn't get that money from her senatorial salary.


You know, I keep asking myself how much more Biden would be worth in 4 years were he elected compared to were he not?

Would he be worth 10 times as much? A hundred? More?

The skiy's the limit.
As always, we must never forget.......
Authoritarians are free to condemn and exterminate as they please.

"ALL that is required for evil men to prevail is for good men to do nothing"

It happened in Germany, it is in progress in the USA today.

This bitch claimed she was clueless that her close personal friend, driver, and hand-picked personal liaison to the Chinese community, including as her personal stand-in for meeting with communist Chinese nationals, was a spy for communist China for at least twenty-years, all of which as she was sitting on the senate intelligence committee with unfettered access to the most ultra-sensitive & secret US classified information! 150,000 dead Americans and this bitch is kissing their ass, like every other democrat in the senate, she is obviously a traitor to the United States, bought and paid for by the communists. If you read this link, examine her comments showering praise upon communist China in wake of all that that murderous comunist nation just perpetrated upon the United States, and want her burned alive, then you are a democrat! Folks, the democratic party conspired with communist China and launched that bio-attack upon their own nation, just weigh all of their rhetoric and actions, before, during, and after, 150,000 dead Americans, and this evil bitch wants to see to it that China is fully protected....

Feinstein and hubby are worth a cool hundred million... She didn't get that money from her senatorial salary.


Unfortunately we won't get our fair shar of it when she croaks in the next few years thanks to the damn GOP estate tax nonsense.
As someone who lives in an old rundown manufactured home on a little piece of land and on a restricted income, neither I, nor you are entitled to any of the money that she has. Quite simply, it's not yours or mine. If you want more money, instead of being jealous of those that have more, go out and do your best to make more. This incessant cry by leftists that "he/she makes more than me," is simple jealousy. As for those calling for "equal income,"....equal income to who? If you sling burgers to make a buck, then you are probably getting an equal income to someone slinging burgers at some other business. If you think that because a specialty physician may make $200,000 per year, while you make $15.00 per hour for mopping floors, you're insane.....and jealous. I've never made a lot of money, but I have food on the table, a non-leaky roof over my head and a small bit of land that I can sit on and call my own and that's fine for me.
As someone who lives in an old rundown manufactured home on a little piece of land and on a restricted income, neither I, nor you are entitled to any of the money that she has. Quite simply, it's not yours or mine. If you want more money, instead of being jealous of those that have more, go out and do your best to make more. This incessant cry by leftists that "he/she makes more than me," is simple jealousy. As for those calling for "equal income,"....equal income to who? If you sling burgers to make a buck, then you are probably getting an equal income to someone slinging burgers at some other business. If you think that because a specialty physician may make $200,000 per year, while you make $15.00 per hour for mopping floors, you're insane.....and jealous. I've never made a lot of money, but I have food on the table, a non-leaky roof over my head and a small bit of land that I can sit on and call my own and that's fine for me.

Money can make you comfortable. Money can eliminate problems.
Money can buy distraction.

But believe me when I say money cannot buy you happiness or fulfillment.

With what you have, you could be happier than MANY multi millionaires.
If I was your neighbor, I'd help you with things I'm good at.

You came into the world with noting, you will leave the world with nothing.

That said, I have absolutely ZERO doubt that Feinstein is a traitor and likely a Communist as are many in democrat leadership.
This bitch claimed she was clueless that her close personal friend, driver, and hand-picked personal liaison to the Chinese community, including as her personal stand-in for meeting with communist Chinese nationals, was a spy for communist China for at least twenty-years, all of which as she was sitting on the senate intelligence committee with unfettered access to the most ultra-sensitive & secret US classified information! 150,000 dead Americans and this bitch is kissing their ass, like every other democrat in the senate, she is obviously a traitor to the United States, bought and paid for by the communists. If you read this link, examine her comments showering praise upon communist China in wake of all that that murderous comunist nation just perpetrated upon the United States, and want her burned alive, then you are a democrat! Folks, the democratic party conspired with communist China and launched that bio-attack upon their own nation, just weigh all of their rhetoric and actions, before, during, and after, 150,000 dead Americans, and this evil bitch wants to see to it that China is fully protected....

Feinstein and hubby are worth a cool hundred million... She didn't get that money from her senatorial salary.


Unfortunately we won't get our fair shar of it when she croaks in the next few years thanks to the damn GOP estate tax nonsense.
As someone who lives in an old rundown manufactured home on a little piece of land and on a restricted income, neither I, nor you are entitled to any of the money that she has. Quite simply, it's not yours or mine. If you want more money, instead of being jealous of those that have more, go out and do your best to make more. This incessant cry by leftists that "he/she makes more than me," is simple jealousy. As for those calling for "equal income,"....equal income to who? If you sling burgers to make a buck, then you are probably getting an equal income to someone slinging burgers at some other business. If you think that because a specialty physician may make $200,000 per year, while you make $15.00 per hour for mopping floors, you're insane.....and jealous. I've never made a lot of money, but I have food on the table, a non-leaky roof over my head and a small bit of land that I can sit on and call my own and that's fine for me.

I make $73K a year which works out to $35ish an hour and if you saw my kitchen, you would know I don't mop no floors.
This bitch claimed she was clueless that her close personal friend, driver, and hand-picked personal liaison to the Chinese community, including as her personal stand-in for meeting with communist Chinese nationals, was a spy for communist China for at least twenty-years, all of which as she was sitting on the senate intelligence committee with unfettered access to the most ultra-sensitive & secret US classified information! 150,000 dead Americans and this bitch is kissing their ass, like every other democrat in the senate, she is obviously a traitor to the United States, bought and paid for by the communists. If you read this link, examine her comments showering praise upon communist China in wake of all that that murderous comunist nation just perpetrated upon the United States, and want her burned alive, then you are a democrat! Folks, the democratic party conspired with communist China and launched that bio-attack upon their own nation, just weigh all of their rhetoric and actions, before, during, and after, 150,000 dead Americans, and this evil bitch wants to see to it that China is fully protected....

Feinstein and hubby are worth a cool hundred million... She didn't get that money from her senatorial salary.


Unfortunately we won't get our fair shar of it when she croaks in the next few years thanks to the damn GOP estate tax nonsense.
You look at everything thru the eyes of big government, dont you

Better than ooking at everything through the peephole in the trailer door I suppose.
Better than ooking at everything through the peephole in the trailer door I suppose
Me personally, would lime to know why someone believes they’re entitled to my success lending no hand in it?
This bitch claimed she was clueless that her close personal friend, driver, and hand-picked personal liaison to the Chinese community, including as her personal stand-in for meeting with communist Chinese nationals, was a spy for communist China for at least twenty-years, all of which as she was sitting on the senate intelligence committee with unfettered access to the most ultra-sensitive & secret US classified information! 150,000 dead Americans and this bitch is kissing their ass, like every other democrat in the senate, she is obviously a traitor to the United States, bought and paid for by the communists. If you read this link, examine her comments showering praise upon communist China in wake of all that that murderous comunist nation just perpetrated upon the United States, and want her burned alive, then you are a democrat! Folks, the democratic party conspired with communist China and launched that bio-attack upon their own nation, just weigh all of their rhetoric and actions, before, during, and after, 150,000 dead Americans, and this evil bitch wants to see to it that China is fully protected....

Like you said, 150,000 dead and Feinstein is still kissing Red China's ass. She must have a lot to hide.

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