This changes everything


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
Testimony reveals deep state spy--joseph mifsud--member of the clinton foundation.

Very, very interesting development....will the Clinton's be able to contain the damage? Expect an arkancide or two....or can hillary in her weakened state even count on the mafia to come to her rescue as they did so many times in the past?

They may just let her be sacrificed for the greater good?

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It won't change anything.

Our government is corrupt beyond belief.

Yall have to stop setting yourselves up for disappointment. Click bait news may or may not be factual but the people reporting it have no power to hold the corrupt accountable and only hope to get you riled up to share their links, thereby making them money.
Testimony reveals deep state spy--joseph mifsud--member of the clinton foundation.

Very, very interesting development....will the Clinton's be able to contain the damage? Expect an arkancide or two....or can hillary in her weakened state even count on the mafia to come to her rescue as they did so many times in the past?

They may just let her be sacrificed for the greater good?

Will there be anything left of the democratic party by the time we get to November to vote?
It won't change anything.

Our government is corrupt beyond belief.

Yall have to stop setting yourselves up for disappointment. Click bait news may or may not be factual but the people reporting it have no power to hold the corrupt accountable and only hope to get you riled up to share their links, thereby making them money.
Oh my god, a sock must have overtaken grammas account,this is the first time he has ever said anything intelligent or ever grasped how evil our government really has to be someone that hacked into his account, :lmao: grampa has always kissed the governments ass all these years and defended them always ignoring facts of their corruption so it can’t be him,no way.:biggrin:
Testimony reveals deep state spy--joseph mifsud--member of the clinton foundation.

Very, very interesting development....will the Clinton's be able to contain the damage? Expect an arkancide or two....or can hillary in her weakened state even count on the mafia to come to her rescue as they did so many times in the past?

They may just let her be sacrificed for the greater good?

Wishful thinking Im Afraid,the clintons same as the bushs and Obama’s,are too powerful and are protected by the high corrupt in command over the world,they are way too powerful and immune from prosecution,anybodynthey want arkansawed,they get their wish.always will be I am afraid as long as we have this corrupt two party system we have that are both controlled by the bankers and corporations same as our mainsrteam media is.
Testimony reveals deep state spy--joseph mifsud--member of the clinton foundation.

Very, very interesting development....will the Clinton's be able to contain the damage? Expect an arkancide or two....or can hillary in her weakened state even count on the mafia to come to her rescue as they did so many times in the past?

They may just let her be sacrificed for the greater good?

Yawn..,you place too much faith in the revelations of the Getaway Pounconit. Doubt the Hill is losing any sleep over this one. Don't expect the news paper to put out an extra edition.:night:
Testimony reveals deep state spy--joseph mifsud--member of the clinton foundation.

Very, very interesting development....will the Clinton's be able to contain the damage? Expect an arkancide or two....or can hillary in her weakened state even count on the mafia to come to her rescue as they did so many times in the past?

They may just let her be sacrificed for the greater good?

Yawn..,you place too much faith in the revelations of the Getaway Pounconit. Doubt the Hill is losing any sleep over this one. Don't expect the news paper to put out an extra edition.:night:
Actually, he did an interview with an Italian papers a few years back and stated the same thing.
Will there be anything left of the democratic party by the time we get to November to vote?

Hope not.
I kinda hope there is. I want to see a bunch of people celebrating another sure victory and clear win the night of Nov 3 only to wake up the next morning crying to the fact that Trump WON by a single EC vote! But got exactly one less popular vote than Biden. I'm a generous guy, I will let them have the popular vote. We don't need 30 million democrats all suiciding themselves at once-- -- -- it would overwhem our funeral homes and grave diggers.
Will there be anything left of the democratic party by the time we get to November to vote?

Hope not.
I kinda hope there is. I want to see a bunch of people celebrating another sure victory and clear win the night of Nov 3 only to wake up the next morning crying to the fact that Trump WON by a single EC vote! But got exactly one less popular vote than Biden. I'm a generous guy, I will let them have the popular vote. We don't need 30 million democrats all suiciding themselves at once-- -- -- it would overwhem our funeral homes and grave diggers.
How’s it go?

PS: the funeral homes are the only growth industry thanks to the blob

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