This COMPLETE DESTRUCTION of Cain by the MSM will be the new standard we can expect

well for all of the conservatives out there, in about three months or less, I will have a series of u-tube vids that will embarrass all of the libturds out there. it will take quite an effort to produce this project. It's actually going to be a news parody created with a minature news set (about 4 by 5 feet) the news station will be called "VNBC" and anyone wanna guess what the V stands for? and I already have the gift of writing very funny newscasts, now I am gonna put them to good use!

This is not the first time that you have spoken of this "gift" of yours. Why doesn't your humorous writing style ever invade your forum posts? Are you holding back your best material for production?
This isn't about guilt or innocence. No proof is truly known beyond he said she said. Many a man were found guilty or innocent with less proof.

This is about the personal destruction of a candidate based merely on the words of a couple people. This destruction is done through beating the drums of a story that offered less proof than the actual words and action of Rev Wright or Aeyrs.

Our media is now officially in charge of who can make a splash in politics and who can't and that's just wrong. Now don't get me wrong I believe that the story was worthy of being reported once or twice but with no new evidence the constant barrage of this story in the media was unethical by journalistic standards. The story was hyped to the point that any person seeking their 15 minutes of fame could now put themselves in the limelight with just the slightest involvement with Cain in the past.

The Duke Lacross team is a perfect example of the power of the media. They had everyone convicting the team by simply pounding the story over and over.

Weather or not you believe Cain was the right man for the job one thing is sure. He is an eligible American that deserved a fair shake in the process. He did not receive that fair shake. Being a journalist used to be a dignified job. Now its about ratings and sales.

Future elections will never be the same.

I bet that you, and all those that thanked your post, never once complained that there was too much media coverage of Anthony Weiner's or Bill Clinton's sex scandals.

Hypocrites, the bunch of you.
This thread could serve as a textbook for how to employ the deflection tactic.

If you saw your brother or sister eating a cookie before dinner......and you made the decision to have one as well.......and got caught with your hand in the cookie jar.......could you resist the urge to rat on your sibling? Or, would the desire to make mommy look at that cookie-eating asshole overcome you?
This isn't about guilt or innocence. No proof is truly known beyond he said she said. Many a man were found guilty or innocent with less proof.

This is about the personal destruction of a candidate based merely on the words of a couple people. This destruction is done through beating the drums of a story that offered less proof than the actual words and action of Rev Wright or Aeyrs.

Our media is now officially in charge of who can make a splash in politics and who can't and that's just wrong. Now don't get me wrong I believe that the story was worthy of being reported once or twice but with no new evidence the constant barrage of this story in the media was unethical by journalistic standards. The story was hyped to the point that any person seeking their 15 minutes of fame could now put themselves in the limelight with just the slightest involvement with Cain in the past.

The Duke Lacross team is a perfect example of the power of the media. They had everyone convicting the team by simply pounding the story over and over.

Weather or not you believe Cain was the right man for the job one thing is sure. He is an eligible American that deserved a fair shake in the process. He did not receive that fair shake. Being a journalist used to be a dignified job. Now its about ratings and sales.

Future elections will never be the same.

I bet that you, and all those that thanked your post, never once complained that there was too much media coverage of Anthony Weiner's or Bill Clinton's sex scandals.

Hypocrites, the bunch of you.

why is this night different from all other nights? :dunno:
I remember when the Paula Jones case was working its way through the courts, Dan Rather refused to talk about it. Major media outlets other than Fox would not repeat the details of her allegations.

Her accusations didn't get a full airing until other women came out and her case went to court.

Now that said, I think this woman is credible. I think that when you have four women coming out and making these accusations, there's probably fire behind the smoke.
I remember when the Paula Jones case was working its way through the courts, Dan Rather refused to talk about it. Major media outlets other than Fox would not repeat the details of her allegations.

Her accusations didn't get a full airing until other women came out and her case went to court.

Now that said, I think this woman is credible. I think that when you have four women coming out and making these accusations, there's probably fire behind the smoke.

your memory is faulty. the papers had a field day with clinton. papers always love stuff like this. i bet i could pull headlines from the NYPost and NY Daily News from that time which would make what they're doing to cain look simply benign.

what they would have done to clinton if he got his tax plan from the sims... now THAT would have been sometihing to see. they gave cain a huge pass.
If you're a black conservative such as Clarence Thomas or Herman Cain, BEWARE--- The liberal lynching squad will completely destroy you. No thinking for yourself.. not allowed. YOU MUST TOW THE LIBERAL religion.
I remember when the Paula Jones case was working its way through the courts, Dan Rather refused to talk about it. Major media outlets other than Fox would not repeat the details of her allegations.

Her accusations didn't get a full airing until other women came out and her case went to court.

Now that said, I think this woman is credible. I think that when you have four women coming out and making these accusations, there's probably fire behind the smoke.

your memory is faulty. the papers had a field day with clinton. papers always love stuff like this. i bet i could pull headlines from the NYPost and NY Daily News from that time which would make what they're doing to cain look simply benign.

what they would have done to clinton if he got his tax plan from the sims... now THAT would have been sometihing to see. they gave cain a huge pass.

the NYPost is owned by Murdoch.

I remember very well there was this story about Paula Jones and her court case in 1995 on Sixty Minutes. The entire report was based on whether Clinton had a legal standing to avoid civil court. (The court ruled against him 9-0). When it came time for Jones to state what her complaint was, CBS cut off the audio and a voiceover said, "We've decided not to repeat the nature of the allegation".

I remember when Sixty Minutes did a report on Kathleen Willey. The next day, the media dug up every person who had something bad to say about her, mostly that she was left with a lot of debts after her husband bankrupted the family and shot himself the same day Clinton groped her. (Man, that had to be a shitty day!)

I also remember when NBC news and Lisa Meyer produced a segment with Juanita Brodderick, the woman who claimed Clinton raped her in 1978. They had this report in the can before the trial in the Senate, but NBC news buried the report, and didn't air it until a month later. And even then, they broadcast it against the Grammies, hoping no one would watch it.

Now, yeah, we all knew Clinton was a horndog, but women who accused him were usually savaged until too many of them showed up.

By contrast, anyone who pops up out of the woodwork and makes an accusation against Cain is given instant credibility. Even if she refuses to go public with her name. Even if she never filed a complaint at the time.
I remember when the Paula Jones case was working its way through the courts, Dan Rather refused to talk about it. Major media outlets other than Fox would not repeat the details of her allegations.

Her accusations didn't get a full airing until other women came out and her case went to court.

Now that said, I think this woman is credible. I think that when you have four women coming out and making these accusations, there's probably fire behind the smoke.

your memory is faulty. the papers had a field day with clinton. papers always love stuff like this. i bet i could pull headlines from the NYPost and NY Daily News from that time which would make what they're doing to cain look simply benign.

what they would have done to clinton if he got his tax plan from the sims... now THAT would have been sometihing to see. they gave cain a huge pass.

the NYPost is owned by Murdoch.

I remember very well there was this story about Paula Jones and her court case in 1995 on Sixty Minutes. The entire report was based on whether Clinton had a legal standing to avoid civil court. (The court ruled against him 9-0). When it came time for Jones to state what her complaint was, CBS cut off the audio and a voiceover said, "We've decided not to repeat the nature of the allegation".

I remember when Sixty Minutes did a report on Kathleen Willey. The next day, the media dug up every person who had something bad to say about her, mostly that she was left with a lot of debts after her husband bankrupted the family and shot himself the same day Clinton groped her. (Man, that had to be a shitty day!)

I also remember when NBC news and Lisa Meyer produced a segment with Juanita Brodderick, the woman who claimed Clinton raped her in 1978. They had this report in the can before the trial in the Senate, but NBC news buried the report, and didn't air it until a month later. And even then, they broadcast it against the Grammies, hoping no one would watch it.

Now, yeah, we all knew Clinton was a horndog, but women who accused him were usually savaged until too many of them showed up.

By contrast, anyone who pops up out of the woodwork and makes an accusation against Cain is given instant credibility. Even if she refuses to go public with her name. Even if she never filed a complaint at the time.

You musta been watching different shows and reading different papers. Remember Hillary being interviewed with him and the 'this is not a stand by your man moment' etc?

You did see that, right?
If you're a black conservative such as Clarence Thomas or Herman Cain, BEWARE--- The liberal lynching squad will completely destroy you. No thinking for yourself.. not allowed. YOU MUST TOW THE LIBERAL religion.

It would have nothing to do with neither of them being qualified to do the job, would it? I mean if a federal and state senator, harvard law review editor and university law lecturer isn't qualified, how can the president of the pizza association be qualified?
If you're a black conservative such as Clarence Thomas or Herman Cain, BEWARE--- The liberal lynching squad will completely destroy you. No thinking for yourself.. not allowed. YOU MUST TOW THE LIBERAL religion.

It would have nothing to do with neither of them being qualified to do the job, would it? I mean if a federal and state senator, harvard law review editor and university law lecturer isn't qualified, how can the president of the pizza association be qualified?

You have some stinking gall asking about qualifications when your messiah is nothing more than a Community Organizer, and not a good one at that. LMAO A lecturer qualifies one to be President????? The people will have a voice come next November.. doesn't matter what you say or think.. He's out of the WH. :) Have a nice day.
If you're a black conservative such as Clarence Thomas or Herman Cain, BEWARE--- The liberal lynching squad will completely destroy you. No thinking for yourself.. not allowed. YOU MUST TOW THE LIBERAL religion.

It would have nothing to do with neither of them being qualified to do the job, would it? I mean if a federal and state senator, harvard law review editor and university law lecturer isn't qualified, how can the president of the pizza association be qualified?

You have some stinking gall asking about qualifications when your messiah is nothing more than a Community Organizer, and not a good one at that. LMAO A lecturer qualifies one to be President????? The people will have a voice come next November.. doesn't matter what you say or think.. He's out of the WH. :) Have a nice day.

shut up, idiot. the only ones who ever use the word "messiah" in regard to the president are imbeciling rightwingnut trolls.

"the people" DID have a voice, twit. they voted, by 365 electoral votes and 52% of the vote for THIS president.

now be a good girl and run along, wacko.
It would have nothing to do with neither of them being qualified to do the job, would it? I mean if a federal and state senator, harvard law review editor and university law lecturer isn't qualified, how can the president of the pizza association be qualified?

You have some stinking gall asking about qualifications when your messiah is nothing more than a Community Organizer, and not a good one at that. LMAO A lecturer qualifies one to be President????? The people will have a voice come next November.. doesn't matter what you say or think.. He's out of the WH. :) Have a nice day.

shut up, idiot. the only ones who ever use the word "messiah" in regard to the president are imbeciling rightwingnut trolls.

"the people" DID have a voice, twit. they voted, by 365 electoral votes and 52% of the vote for THIS president.

now be a good girl and run along, wacko.

Go fuck yourself skank.
your memory is faulty. the papers had a field day with clinton. papers always love stuff like this. i bet i could pull headlines from the NYPost and NY Daily News from that time which would make what they're doing to cain look simply benign.

what they would have done to clinton if he got his tax plan from the sims... now THAT would have been sometihing to see. they gave cain a huge pass.

the NYPost is owned by Murdoch.

I remember very well there was this story about Paula Jones and her court case in 1995 on Sixty Minutes. The entire report was based on whether Clinton had a legal standing to avoid civil court. (The court ruled against him 9-0). When it came time for Jones to state what her complaint was, CBS cut off the audio and a voiceover said, "We've decided not to repeat the nature of the allegation".

I remember when Sixty Minutes did a report on Kathleen Willey. The next day, the media dug up every person who had something bad to say about her, mostly that she was left with a lot of debts after her husband bankrupted the family and shot himself the same day Clinton groped her. (Man, that had to be a shitty day!)

I also remember when NBC news and Lisa Meyer produced a segment with Juanita Brodderick, the woman who claimed Clinton raped her in 1978. They had this report in the can before the trial in the Senate, but NBC news buried the report, and didn't air it until a month later. And even then, they broadcast it against the Grammies, hoping no one would watch it.

Now, yeah, we all knew Clinton was a horndog, but women who accused him were usually savaged until too many of them showed up.

By contrast, anyone who pops up out of the woodwork and makes an accusation against Cain is given instant credibility. Even if she refuses to go public with her name. Even if she never filed a complaint at the time.

You musta been watching different shows and reading different papers. Remember Hillary being interviewed with him and the 'this is not a stand by your man moment' etc?

You did see that, right?

What does that have to do with the three cases of Media covering up that I actually cited.

If you want to go there, let's look at that interview in 1992. The accusation came out that he had an affair with Gennifer Flowers. 60 Minutes let the Clintons talk for two segments without any rebuttal, giving any message they wanted to give. They gave them a catsbird seat position in a broadcast that happened right after the SuperBowl. The only thing that was missing was "I'm Bill Clinton and I approve this message!"

Oh, incidently, while Clinton admitted he had "caused pain in his marriage", he categorically denied ever having sex with Flowers. This was an outright lie, as it turned out, as he eventually conceded in the Jones Case that he had. So that was some great journalism there. You let a politician knowingly lie on national television without rebuttal.
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You have some stinking gall asking about qualifications when your messiah is nothing more than a Community Organizer, and not a good one at that. LMAO A lecturer qualifies one to be President????? The people will have a voice come next November.. doesn't matter what you say or think.. He's out of the WH. :) Have a nice day.

shut up, idiot. the only ones who ever use the word "messiah" in regard to the president are imbeciling rightwingnut trolls.

"the people" DID have a voice, twit. they voted, by 365 electoral votes and 52% of the vote for THIS president.

now be a good girl and run along, wacko.

Go fuck yourself skank.

skank? cute. but you should really stop projecting. :thup:

calling you what you are sure doesn't make *me* a skank. you responding that way... well,

you sure you're female. i think you're a guy. maybe you're just a cross-dresser?
shut up, idiot. the only ones who ever use the word "messiah" in regard to the president are imbeciling rightwingnut trolls.

"the people" DID have a voice, twit. they voted, by 365 electoral votes and 52% of the vote for THIS president.

now be a good girl and run along, wacko.

Go fuck yourself skank.

skank? cute. but you should really stop projecting. :thup:

calling you what you are sure doesn't make *me* a skank. you responding that way... well,

you sure you're female. i think you're a guy. maybe you're just a cross-dresser?

LMAO Yea a skank.. we've never seen pictures of you.. just a bunch of cartoons which is what you are but I digress skank..

Oh noes, looK! Gallup Poll: Conservatives 42%, Liberals 21% |

2 TO 1!! Say goodnight to your messiah.. LOL

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