This country deserves much better than Trump


Unfortunately, the other choice was Hillary

She was a far better choice than this fool.

Not really

Yes we do.

you do what?

Trump took nearly half the popular votes, 3/5s of the states, and the majority of the electoral vote.

(which is what elects the president)

Trump lost the popular vote because Hilary got more than 50 percent. And again spare me your opinion on the electoral college.

Where did I say he won the popular vote?
Trump took nearly half the popular votes, 3/5s of the states, and the majority of the electoral vote.

I said nearly half of the popular vote.

My opinion?

Not an opinion, unread one.

the Electoral is what puts the president in the WH, not the popular.

This forum deserves better posters than the OP.

And the world deserves to have better people living in it than you.

More crap posted by a loon. You started this shit. What does the world deserve? Bombing 7 countries last year under Obama?

Why do you allow the DNC to ignore your vote? Why?

Yawn! Why should I vote republican? You guys are trying to run game and only the dumbest fall for the last line of crap you posted.
She was a far better choice than this fool.

Not really

Yes we do.

you do what?

Trump took nearly half the popular votes, 3/5s of the states, and the majority of the electoral vote.

(which is what elects the president)

Trump lost the popular vote because Hilary got more than 50 percent. And again spare me your opinion on the electoral college.

Where did I say he won the popular vote?
Trump took nearly half the popular votes, 3/5s of the states, and the majority of the electoral vote.

I said nearly half of the popular vote.

My opinion?

Not an opinion, unread one.

the Electoral is what puts the president in the WH, not the popular.


Like I said spare me your opinion on the electoral college. I know what the electoral college does and I also know what voter ID laws did to reduce mostly democratic voters in rust belt states. So just understand that we have a lying sack of shit as president and I believe America deserves better.
this country deserves better than this;

and this;

and this;

and this;
So just understand that we have a lying sack of shit as president

you do what?

Trump took nearly half the popular votes, 3/5s of the states, and the majority of the electoral vote.

(which is what elects the president)

Trump lost the popular vote because Hilary got more than 50 percent. And again spare me your opinion on the electoral college.

Where did I say he won the popular vote?
Trump took nearly half the popular votes, 3/5s of the states, and the majority of the electoral vote.

I said nearly half of the popular vote.

My opinion?

Not an opinion, unread one.

the Electoral is what puts the president in the WH, not the popular.


Like I said spare me your opinion on the electoral college. I know what the electoral college does and I also know what voter ID laws did to reduce mostly democratic voters in rust belt states. So just understand that we have a lying sack of shit as president and I believe America deserves better.

You had one when Barry was president, you had one when Bush was president, you had one when Bill was president, you would have had one if Hillary had actually known how to run a campaign.

Whoever replaces Trump will be a liar.

Pull your head out of your ass, and smell the roses.
This forum deserves better posters than the OP.

And the world deserves to have better people living in it than you.

More crap posted by a loon. You started this shit. What does the world deserve? Bombing 7 countries last year under Obama?

Why do you allow the DNC to ignore your vote? Why?

Yawn! Why should I vote republican? You guys are trying to run game and only the dumbest fall for the last line of crap you posted.
Why do you allow the DNC to ignore your vote? Jeb was the favorite on the other side. Clinton vs Jeb. Pre-season favorites. Horrible choices. Same critter. What happened to Jeb? What happened to Bernie?

you do what?

Trump took nearly half the popular votes, 3/5s of the states, and the majority of the electoral vote.

(which is what elects the president)

Trump lost the popular vote because Hilary got more than 50 percent. And again spare me your opinion on the electoral college.

Where did I say he won the popular vote?
Trump took nearly half the popular votes, 3/5s of the states, and the majority of the electoral vote.

I said nearly half of the popular vote.

My opinion?

Not an opinion, unread one.

the Electoral is what puts the president in the WH, not the popular.


Like I said spare me your opinion on the electoral college. I know what the electoral college does and I also know what voter ID laws did to reduce mostly democratic voters in rust belt states. So just understand that we have a lying sack of shit as president and I believe America deserves better.
Democrat voters in rust belt states can't figure out how to get a state ID? Maybe it's a good thing they are not voting.
So just understand that we have a lying sack of shit as president
Yes we do.

you do what?

Trump took nearly half the popular votes, 3/5s of the states, and the majority of the electoral vote.

(which is what elects the president)

Trump lost the popular vote because Hilary got more than 50 percent. And again spare me your opinion on the electoral college.

Where did I say he won the popular vote?
Trump took nearly half the popular votes, 3/5s of the states, and the majority of the electoral vote.

I said nearly half of the popular vote.

My opinion?

Not an opinion, unread one.

the Electoral is what puts the president in the WH, not the popular.


Like I said spare me your opinion on the electoral college. I know what the electoral college does and I also know what voter ID laws did to reduce mostly democratic voters in rust belt states. So just understand that we have a lying sack of shit as president and I believe America deserves better.

You had one when Barry was president, you had one when Bush was president, you had one when Bill was president, you would have had one if Hillary had actually known how to run a campaign.

Whoever replaces Trump will be a liar.

Pull your head out of your ass, and smell the roses.

We have not had a president who has lied like this. Even Reagan who was probably beginning to suffer from dementia during the Iran-Contra scandal lied like this.
So just understand that we have a lying sack of shit as president
you do what?

Trump took nearly half the popular votes, 3/5s of the states, and the majority of the electoral vote.

(which is what elects the president)

Trump lost the popular vote because Hilary got more than 50 percent. And again spare me your opinion on the electoral college.

Where did I say he won the popular vote?
Trump took nearly half the popular votes, 3/5s of the states, and the majority of the electoral vote.

I said nearly half of the popular vote.

My opinion?

Not an opinion, unread one.

the Electoral is what puts the president in the WH, not the popular.


Like I said spare me your opinion on the electoral college. I know what the electoral college does and I also know what voter ID laws did to reduce mostly democratic voters in rust belt states. So just understand that we have a lying sack of shit as president and I believe America deserves better.

You had one when Barry was president, you had one when Bush was president, you had one when Bill was president, you would have had one if Hillary had actually known how to run a campaign.

Whoever replaces Trump will be a liar.

Pull your head out of your ass, and smell the roses.

We have not had a president who has lied like this. Even Reagan who was probably beginning to suffer from dementia during the Iran-Contra scandal lied like this.
. Even Reagan who was probably beginning to suffer from dementia during the Iran-Contra scandal

Good parrot

There was no medical evidence of memory degeneration til several years after he left office.

but you keep squawking what your lord and masters feed you.

I'm finished for tonight.

(I'm fighting an unarmed opponent in a battle of wits)
Yes we do.

you do what?

Trump took nearly half the popular votes, 3/5s of the states, and the majority of the electoral vote.

(which is what elects the president)

Trump lost the popular vote because Hilary got more than 50 percent. And again spare me your opinion on the electoral college.

Where did I say he won the popular vote?
Trump took nearly half the popular votes, 3/5s of the states, and the majority of the electoral vote.

I said nearly half of the popular vote.

My opinion?

Not an opinion, unread one.

the Electoral is what puts the president in the WH, not the popular.


Like I said spare me your opinion on the electoral college. I know what the electoral college does and I also know what voter ID laws did to reduce mostly democratic voters in rust belt states. So just understand that we have a lying sack of shit as president and I believe America deserves better.
Democrat voters in rust belt states can't figure out how to get a state ID? Maybe it's a good thing they are not voting.

There was no reason for them to have an ID in order to vote.
So just understand that we have a lying sack of shit as president
Trump lost the popular vote because Hilary got more than 50 percent. And again spare me your opinion on the electoral college.

Where did I say he won the popular vote?
Trump took nearly half the popular votes, 3/5s of the states, and the majority of the electoral vote.

I said nearly half of the popular vote.

My opinion?

Not an opinion, unread one.

the Electoral is what puts the president in the WH, not the popular.


Like I said spare me your opinion on the electoral college. I know what the electoral college does and I also know what voter ID laws did to reduce mostly democratic voters in rust belt states. So just understand that we have a lying sack of shit as president and I believe America deserves better.

You had one when Barry was president, you had one when Bush was president, you had one when Bill was president, you would have had one if Hillary had actually known how to run a campaign.

Whoever replaces Trump will be a liar.

Pull your head out of your ass, and smell the roses.

We have not had a president who has lied like this. Even Reagan who was probably beginning to suffer from dementia during the Iran-Contra scandal lied like this.
. Even Reagan who was probably beginning to suffer from dementia during the Iran-Contra scandal

Good parrot

There was no medical evidence of memory degeneration til several years after he left office.

but you keep squawking what your lord and masters feed you.

I'm finished for tonight.

(I'm fighting an unarmed opponent in a battle of wits)

Reagan set record deficits and had to raise taxes 11 times or the economy would have folded.

Reagan is fake news.
This forum deserves better posters than the OP.

And the world deserves to have better people living in it than you.

More crap posted by a loon. You started this shit. What does the world deserve? Bombing 7 countries last year under Obama?

Why do you allow the DNC to ignore your vote? Why?

Yawn! Why should I vote republican? You guys are trying to run game and only the dumbest fall for the last line of crap you posted.
Why do you allow the DNC to ignore your vote? Jeb was the favorite on the other side. Clinton vs Jeb. Pre-season favorites. Horrible choices. Same critter. What happened to Jeb? What happened to Bernie?

Why should I vote republican?
I could never vote for a Party that promotes killing cops, riots and disrespect for law & order along with all the other crap I'm 2 represents...
I could never vote for a Party that promotes killing cops, riots and disrespect for law & order along with all the other crap I'm 2 represents...

Since we are here talking about what we think people represent,you would rather support the party that beats up people in wheelchairs and wants to cut out healthcare for 20-30 million people so the very rich, which you ain't, get handouts.

Because there is no law and order when the cops are the murderers dumb ass.
No it does not. That is the beauty of a system like ours where we vote those that represent us into office.

We get EXACTLY the officials that we deserve...

I agree with that in principle because those who voted for Trump should not have been so stupid. However we are better than 75,000 ignorant rural whites because Hillary did get the most votes.

Well there was one chap but look what the Establishment did to HIM!!!


No it does not. That is the beauty of a system like ours where we vote those that represent us into office.

We get EXACTLY the officials that we deserve...

I agree with that in principle because those who voted for Trump should not have been so stupid. However we are better than 75,000 ignorant rural whites because Hillary did get the most votes.

Well there was one chap but look what the Establishment did to HIM!!!



Probably not wise to compare Trump to the great one.
Nope, I'll take him. He's got the right priorities. That and he's no politician. Just a guy who knows had to make shit happen, even in spite of the left's full assault. It's just the left's contribution toward a {insert adjective} America.
Eugene Robinson and his opinion piece for the CFR mouthpiece Washington Post's commentary page is based on his very liberal and biased views......nothing more or less. I would gladly face off on him in a debate or discussion because he is an intellectual lightweight. He is as transparent as a roll of Saran Wrap. Sadly, those that like Gene have been given a platform to spew their pablum that would never dare to face off someone like me in a public forum where they could be challenged. They are granted a forum where dissenting opinions are not to be given the light of day. I would destroy him with relative ease. I have been "twitter" challenged so many of these hacks ......but yet? They don't have the strength in their convictions to take 15 minutes out of their day to take me on. Debate and simple exchanging of differing views scares the ever loving shit out of strength in their convictions? I will say "yes, most definitely".

What does he have to fear?.....exposure for being a fraud????
No it does not. That is the beauty of a system like ours where we vote those that represent us into office.

We get EXACTLY the officials that we deserve...

...Which is precisely why enfranchisement upon attaining majority is a terrible idea. I don't think the founders thought the polity of the U.S. could have ever devolved to the state of turpitude it has.

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