This country deserves much better than Trump

This country deserves much better than Trump

"It’s exhausting, I know, but don’t let outrage fatigue numb you to the moral bankruptcy and gross incompetence of the Trump administration. This ugly departure from American norms and values must be opposed with sustained passion — and with the knowledge that things will probably get worse before they get better.

Heaven help us, look where we are. We have a president — commander in chief of the armed forces, ostensibly the leader of the free world — whose every word is suspect. President Trump is an inveterate liar. He dismisses provable facts as “fake news” and invents faux facts of his own that bear no relationship to the truth. He simply cannot be trusted.

We have a president whose North Star is naked self-interest, not the good of the country. Trump cares about his family, his company and little else. He dishonors the high office he holds, then reportedly spends hours each day railing against cable-news coverage that he finds insufficiently respectful. His ego is a kind of psychic black hole that devours all who come into its orbit."


Unfortunately, the other choice was Hillary

She was a far better choice than this fool.

Nope. She sure as hell wasn't.

She's incompetent, careless and stupid and if anyone thinks she gives a shit about anyone but herself then they are tree stump dumb.

Anyone wanting her in the WH is one clueless fool.

You are the clueless one. And you show it by your support for Trump.

I support Trump and you show how clueless you are when you support Clinton.

Hell. I wouldn't trust Hillary to shovel shit out of my horses stall. She's incompetent.


This country deserves much better than Trump

"It’s exhausting, I know, but don’t let outrage fatigue numb you to the moral bankruptcy and gross incompetence of the Trump administration. This ugly departure from American norms and values must be opposed with sustained passion — and with the knowledge that things will probably get worse before they get better.

Heaven help us, look where we are. We have a president — commander in chief of the armed forces, ostensibly the leader of the free world — whose every word is suspect. President Trump is an inveterate liar. He dismisses provable facts as “fake news” and invents faux facts of his own that bear no relationship to the truth. He simply cannot be trusted.

We have a president whose North Star is naked self-interest, not the good of the country. Trump cares about his family, his company and little else. He dishonors the high office he holds, then reportedly spends hours each day railing against cable-news coverage that he finds insufficiently respectful. His ego is a kind of psychic black hole that devours all who come into its orbit."

This is an article written in the Washington post. And I agree with the writer.

Everything you say is true but it does not explain how large numbers of the American people actually support a manifestly mentally unbalanced phony conman such as Donald Trump. The American electoral system is prone to cough-up poor leaders and, by tolerating it and voting for bad people, the electorate have discouraged the best and brightest from entering politics and working for the common good.
This country deserves much better than Trump

"It’s exhausting, I know, but don’t let outrage fatigue numb you to the moral bankruptcy and gross incompetence of the Trump administration. This ugly departure from American norms and values must be opposed with sustained passion — and with the knowledge that things will probably get worse before they get better.

Heaven help us, look where we are. We have a president — commander in chief of the armed forces, ostensibly the leader of the free world — whose every word is suspect. President Trump is an inveterate liar. He dismisses provable facts as “fake news” and invents faux facts of his own that bear no relationship to the truth. He simply cannot be trusted.

We have a president whose North Star is naked self-interest, not the good of the country. Trump cares about his family, his company and little else. He dishonors the high office he holds, then reportedly spends hours each day railing against cable-news coverage that he finds insufficiently respectful. His ego is a kind of psychic black hole that devours all who come into its orbit."


Unfortunately, the other choice was Hillary

She was a far better choice than this fool.

Nope. She sure as hell wasn't.

She's incompetent, careless and stupid and if anyone thinks she gives a shit about anyone but herself then they are tree stump dumb.

Anyone wanting her in the WH is one clueless fool.

And most of all, Hillary was arrogant and took the voters in traditionally Democrat states for granted.

Arrogant fools always get their well justified comeuppance.
This country deserves much better than Trump

"It’s exhausting, I know, but don’t let outrage fatigue numb you to the moral bankruptcy and gross incompetence of the Trump administration. This ugly departure from American norms and values must be opposed with sustained passion — and with the knowledge that things will probably get worse before they get better.

Heaven help us, look where we are. We have a president — commander in chief of the armed forces, ostensibly the leader of the free world — whose every word is suspect. President Trump is an inveterate liar. He dismisses provable facts as “fake news” and invents faux facts of his own that bear no relationship to the truth. He simply cannot be trusted.

We have a president whose North Star is naked self-interest, not the good of the country. Trump cares about his family, his company and little else. He dishonors the high office he holds, then reportedly spends hours each day railing against cable-news coverage that he finds insufficiently respectful. His ego is a kind of psychic black hole that devours all who come into its orbit."

This is an article written in the Washington post. And I agree with the writer.

Everything you say is true but it does not explain how large numbers of the American people actually support a manifestly mentally unbalanced phony conman such as Donald Trump. The American electoral system is prone to cough-up poor leaders and, by tolerating it and voting for bad people, the electorate have discouraged the best and brightest from entering politics and working for the common good.

Eloy------of course you need not answer----but I can ask. What is your credential for your
diagnosis of Trump as being "mentally unbalanced" and a "conman" and on what basis do you
make this diagnosis. You are endorsing an OPINION by some guy named EUGENE ROBINSON----
who is he? Are you a citizen of the USA?
This country deserves much better than Trump

"It’s exhausting, I know, but don’t let outrage fatigue numb you to the moral bankruptcy and gross incompetence of the Trump administration. This ugly departure from American norms and values must be opposed with sustained passion — and with the knowledge that things will probably get worse before they get better.

Heaven help us, look where we are. We have a president — commander in chief of the armed forces, ostensibly the leader of the free world — whose every word is suspect. President Trump is an inveterate liar. He dismisses provable facts as “fake news” and invents faux facts of his own that bear no relationship to the truth. He simply cannot be trusted.

We have a president whose North Star is naked self-interest, not the good of the country. Trump cares about his family, his company and little else. He dishonors the high office he holds, then reportedly spends hours each day railing against cable-news coverage that he finds insufficiently respectful. His ego is a kind of psychic black hole that devours all who come into its orbit."


Unfortunately, the other choice was Hillary

She was a far better choice than this fool.

Nope. She sure as hell wasn't.

She's incompetent, careless and stupid and if anyone thinks she gives a shit about anyone but herself then they are tree stump dumb.

Anyone wanting her in the WH is one clueless fool.

You are the clueless one. And you show it by your support for Trump.

I support Trump and you show how clueless you are when you support Clinton.

Hell. I wouldn't trust Hillary to shovel shit out of my horses stall. She's incompetent.

you have a horse? GEE!!!!!! My impression of Hillary is that she is dishonest------relatively
speaking-----Trump is far more honest
This country deserves much better than Trump

"It’s exhausting, I know, but don’t let outrage fatigue numb you to the moral bankruptcy and gross incompetence of the Trump administration. This ugly departure from American norms and values must be opposed with sustained passion — and with the knowledge that things will probably get worse before they get better.

Heaven help us, look where we are. We have a president — commander in chief of the armed forces, ostensibly the leader of the free world — whose every word is suspect. President Trump is an inveterate liar. He dismisses provable facts as “fake news” and invents faux facts of his own that bear no relationship to the truth. He simply cannot be trusted.

We have a president whose North Star is naked self-interest, not the good of the country. Trump cares about his family, his company and little else. He dishonors the high office he holds, then reportedly spends hours each day railing against cable-news coverage that he finds insufficiently respectful. His ego is a kind of psychic black hole that devours all who come into its orbit."

This is an article written in the Washington post. And I agree with the writer.

Everything you say is true but it does not explain how large numbers of the American people actually support a manifestly mentally unbalanced phony conman such as Donald Trump. The American electoral system is prone to cough-up poor leaders and, by tolerating it and voting for bad people, the electorate have discouraged the best and brightest from entering politics and working for the common good.

Eloy------of course you need not answer----but I can ask. What is your credential for your
diagnosis of Trump as being "mentally unbalanced" and a "conman" and on what basis do you
make this diagnosis. You are endorsing an OPINION by some guy named EUGENE ROBINSON----
who is he? Are you a citizen of the USA?

Eugene suckholes with Joe and the dizzy blond on MSNBC, I rate him pathetic at best.
No it does not. That is the beauty of a system like ours where we vote those that represent us into office.

We get EXACTLY the officials that we deserve...

I agree with that in principle because those who voted for Trump should not have been so stupid. However we are better than 75,000 ignorant rural whites because Hillary did get the most votes.

Your statement is ignorant and biased.
Rural is not just whites so you are absolutly wrong.
Those so called ignorant rural Americans knows their constitution and the history of this country ,unlike the left who know nothing much at all of history and they love freedom from big government, not the government we have now controlling all of us.
No it does not. That is the beauty of a system like ours where we vote those that represent us into office.

We get EXACTLY the officials that we deserve...

I agree with that in principle because those who voted for Trump should not have been so stupid. However we are better than 75,000 ignorant rural whites because Hillary did get the most votes.

Your statement is ignorant and biased.
Rural is not just whites so you are absolutly wrong.
Those so called ignorant rural Americans knows their constitution and the history of this country ,unlike the left who know nothing much at all of history and they love freedom from big government, not the government we have now controlling all of us.

Hello Peach, I hope you and your hubby are doing well...:smiliehug:

I'm2 is a race baiter in training..
This country deserves much better than Trump

"It’s exhausting, I know, but don’t let outrage fatigue numb you to the moral bankruptcy and gross incompetence of the Trump administration. This ugly departure from American norms and values must be opposed with sustained passion — and with the knowledge that things will probably get worse before they get better.

Heaven help us, look where we are. We have a president — commander in chief of the armed forces, ostensibly the leader of the free world — whose every word is suspect. President Trump is an inveterate liar. He dismisses provable facts as “fake news” and invents faux facts of his own that bear no relationship to the truth. He simply cannot be trusted.

We have a president whose North Star is naked self-interest, not the good of the country. Trump cares about his family, his company and little else. He dishonors the high office he holds, then reportedly spends hours each day railing against cable-news coverage that he finds insufficiently respectful. His ego is a kind of psychic black hole that devours all who come into its orbit."

This is an article written in the Washington post. And I agree with the writer.

Everything you say is true but it does not explain how large numbers of the American people actually support a manifestly mentally unbalanced phony conman such as Donald Trump. The American electoral system is prone to cough-up poor leaders and, by tolerating it and voting for bad people, the electorate have discouraged the best and brightest from entering politics and working for the common good.

Where is the proof that he is mentally unbalanced?
Your making decisions based on opinions, assumptions and outright lies only ,with no proof other than the left who have no clue what conservatives are.
We're sick to death of the medias guessing what we are and what we think.
Mr Trump is the perfect mix required to restore pride on our country after 8 years of Obama's blunders and flat out hatred for America

This country deserves much better than Trump

"It’s exhausting, I know, but don’t let outrage fatigue numb you to the moral bankruptcy and gross incompetence of the Trump administration. This ugly departure from American norms and values must be opposed with sustained passion — and with the knowledge that things will probably get worse before they get better.

Heaven help us, look where we are. We have a president — commander in chief of the armed forces, ostensibly the leader of the free world — whose every word is suspect. President Trump is an inveterate liar. He dismisses provable facts as “fake news” and invents faux facts of his own that bear no relationship to the truth. He simply cannot be trusted.

We have a president whose North Star is naked self-interest, not the good of the country. Trump cares about his family, his company and little else. He dishonors the high office he holds, then reportedly spends hours each day railing against cable-news coverage that he finds insufficiently respectful. His ego is a kind of psychic black hole that devours all who come into its orbit."


Unfortunately, the other choice was Hillary

She was a far better choice than this fool.

Nope. She sure as hell wasn't.

She's incompetent, careless and stupid and if anyone thinks she gives a shit about anyone but herself then they are tree stump dumb.

Anyone wanting her in the WH is one clueless fool.

And most of all, Hillary was arrogant and took the voters in traditionally Democrat states for granted.

Arrogant fools always get their well justified comeuppance.

Well, I'm still hoping.

No it does not. That is the beauty of a system like ours where we vote those that represent us into office.

We get EXACTLY the officials that we deserve...

I agree with that in principle because those who voted for Trump should not have been so stupid. However we are better than 75,000 ignorant rural whites because Hillary did get the most votes.

Your statement is ignorant and biased.
Rural is not just whites so you are absolutly wrong.
Those so called ignorant rural Americans knows their constitution and the history of this country ,unlike the left who know nothing much at all of history and they love freedom from big government, not the government we have now controlling all of us.

Hello Peach, I hope you and your hubby are doing well...:smiliehug:

I'm2 is a race baiter in training..

He's doing pretty good for having only one quarter of of his heart working.:)
After seven long months ,finally he will be getting a difib and pump put in as an outpatient procedure.
There was several times I thought I might join the widowhood club :) ,but he is doing remarkably well considering.
He is having a blast riding his new can am touring trike. :biggrin:
Thank you for asking.
This country deserves much better than Trump

"It’s exhausting, I know, but don’t let outrage fatigue numb you to the moral bankruptcy and gross incompetence of the Trump administration. This ugly departure from American norms and values must be opposed with sustained passion — and with the knowledge that things will probably get worse before they get better.

Heaven help us, look where we are. We have a president — commander in chief of the armed forces, ostensibly the leader of the free world — whose every word is suspect. President Trump is an inveterate liar. He dismisses provable facts as “fake news” and invents faux facts of his own that bear no relationship to the truth. He simply cannot be trusted.

We have a president whose North Star is naked self-interest, not the good of the country. Trump cares about his family, his company and little else. He dishonors the high office he holds, then reportedly spends hours each day railing against cable-news coverage that he finds insufficiently respectful. His ego is a kind of psychic black hole that devours all who come into its orbit."


Unfortunately, the other choice was Hillary

She was a far better choice than this fool.

Nope. She sure as hell wasn't.

She's incompetent, careless and stupid and if anyone thinks she gives a shit about anyone but herself then they are tree stump dumb.

Anyone wanting her in the WH is one clueless fool.

And most of all, Hillary was arrogant and took the voters in traditionally Democrat states for granted.

Arrogant fools always get their well justified comeuppance.

Well, I'm still hoping.
No one of sound mind could believe that over three million undocumented immigrants and dead people voted for Donald Trump's opponent in the presidential election.
Nope, I'll take him. He's got the right priorities. That and he's no politician. Just a guy who knows had to make shit happen, even in spite of the left's full assault. It's just the left's contribution toward a {insert adjective} America.

What would that adjective be? And how is his priorities right?

Jobs from DAY 1!! Even before he took office he was doing deals. Obama thought about jobs sometime about year 7!!


Trump has created no jobs. And of you want to discuss things with me be accurate.

The Government is the worst creator of jobs possible. May as well use teaspoons to build the panama Canal. Untether industry in America and THEN there will be jobs growth. President Trump is well on the way with that process. As obumbles discovered with his "jobs ready" Road to Damascus experience; it does take some time and the RIGHT POLICY SETTINGS!!! That is something liberals just don't get.


Unfortunately, the other choice was Hillary

She was a far better choice than this fool.

Nope. She sure as hell wasn't.

She's incompetent, careless and stupid and if anyone thinks she gives a shit about anyone but herself then they are tree stump dumb.

Anyone wanting her in the WH is one clueless fool.

And most of all, Hillary was arrogant and took the voters in traditionally Democrat states for granted.

Arrogant fools always get their well justified comeuppance.

Well, I'm still hoping.
No one of sound mind could believe that over three million undocumented immigrants and dead people voted for Donald Trump's opponent in the presidential election.

Dunno but I think they should make sure.

No it does not. That is the beauty of a system like ours where we vote those that represent us into office.

We get EXACTLY the officials that we deserve...

I agree with that in principle because those who voted for Trump should not have been so stupid. However we are better than 75,000 ignorant rural whites because Hillary did get the most votes.

Well there was one chap but look what the Establishment did to HIM!!!



Probably not wise to compare Trump to the great one.

I said the Great One was better. You logic challenged, yes?


Logic challenged is bringing up Jesus in a discussion about Donald Trump.

Well you did ask for someone better!!!

This country deserves much better than Trump

"It’s exhausting, I know, but don’t let outrage fatigue numb you to the moral bankruptcy and gross incompetence of the Trump administration. This ugly departure from American norms and values must be opposed with sustained passion — and with the knowledge that things will probably get worse before they get better.

Heaven help us, look where we are. We have a president — commander in chief of the armed forces, ostensibly the leader of the free world — whose every word is suspect. President Trump is an inveterate liar. He dismisses provable facts as “fake news” and invents faux facts of his own that bear no relationship to the truth. He simply cannot be trusted.

We have a president whose North Star is naked self-interest, not the good of the country. Trump cares about his family, his company and little else. He dishonors the high office he holds, then reportedly spends hours each day railing against cable-news coverage that he finds insufficiently respectful. His ego is a kind of psychic black hole that devours all who come into its orbit."

This is an article written in the Washington post. And I agree with the writer.

Everything you say is true but it does not explain how large numbers of the American people actually support a manifestly mentally unbalanced phony conman such as Donald Trump. The American electoral system is prone to cough-up poor leaders and, by tolerating it and voting for bad people, the electorate have discouraged the best and brightest from entering politics and working for the common good.

"We the People" are not wrong. They elected the bloke with the message they wanted to hear. Now he MUST act on it!!! Obama didn't.

Where is the proof that he is mentally unbalanced? ...
Check out my signature for proof that Donald Trump is loco.

Trump has none of those things.
The ignorant media and far left thinks so, but they have proven themselves to be nothing but emotionally incapable, immature ignorant children, who know nothing about the constitution and our history.

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