This country has lost it's mind. ALL of the J6 cases should be sent to the SUPREME COURT for appeal.

No. You are the one threatening it. You expect us to be afraid. I’m not. The RW doesn’t scare me. They’re cowards. It’s you all who are afraid. So like a cat you bristle up and try and make yourselves look big and intimidating.

Start it. Come here and try and scare me. Just think of the hundreds of Trump voters who are ineligible now that they are convicted felons.

You’ll have to eliminate some Democratic Voters. Or try and steal the election. Again. You know like you all tried to do on January 6.

You aren’t mad that this guy is in prison. You are mad that the masses haven’t risen up to make Trump king. You are furious that the voters keep rejecting your radical agenda.

How angry were you when Kansas, Ohio, and Wisconsin all voted to protect Abortions? How does that figure into your majority support us view?

You want a civil war. Go for it. Make it happen. Launch it.

No, I'm incensed that you have destroyed our nation. Nothing to do with Trump. Trumps will come and go. Once the institutions are corrupt and destroyed, it's already over.

And that's on you.
Just out of curiosity, how is this civil war going to work? If it’s simply killing democrats, that would be domestic terrorism. Are you going to form your own army and attempt to take on the United States military?


States will secede.
You people sure say a lot of bizarre, irresponsible, and demented shit, but the most irresponsible, and demented stuff is the crap about a civil war. What exactly would that look like? I imagine a guerilla war of some kind. Perhaps you would mount an insurgency and turn the US into a middle east type cauldron of blood and guts for a few decades? Would you be ok with the destruction of the infrastructure and the economy- not to mention countless human lives- mostly people who just were in the way when the bombs go off or the bullets fly? And to what end- to save Donald Trump? To spring him and his cohorts from prison and install him as President for Life while he tears up the Constitution? Do you think that you or anyone will be better off, have more freedom? Tell us again about how you love America

I don't love America. Not anymore. The America I knew at one time is dead. You all killed it.

As I just said: states will secede. Just let them, Leftists. You hate us anyway; why do you care?
No, I'm incensed that you have destroyed our nation. Nothing to do with Trump. Trumps will come and go. Once the institutions are corrupt and destroyed, it's already over.

And that's on you.

Oh bullshit. If the Government was half as corrupt as you claim, how are you online complaining about it? Why haven’t they come and rounded you up for the camps?

It is said the scientific method starts with I don’t know. You all start with I know. I just know.

So get your incensed self out there and start the Revolution. In the old days when I was young, it was called Put Up or Shut Up.
I don't love America. Not anymore. The America I knew at one time is dead. You all killed it.
I’m thankful that my ancestors never had that point of view.
What’s happening now was predicted.
Chief Arvol Looking Horse said, “ We warned you that one day you would not be able to control what you have created. That day is here.”
He is right.
Before you admit defeat remember this. We have been losing our country for over 500 years. They took our land, our homes, our children, tried to eliminate every aspect of our culture. Not only are we still here practicing our traditions but the undeniable fact remains you can’t kill our spirit. You would do well to adopt our way of thinking. Anything less is defeatist and accomplishes nothing.
I’m thankful that my ancestors never had that point of view.
What’s happening now was predicted.
Chief Arvol Looking Horse said, “ We warned you that one day you would not be able to control what you have created. That day is here.”
He is right.
Before you admit defeat remember this. We have been losing our country for over 500 years. They took our land, our homes, our children, tried to eliminate every aspect of our culture. Not only are we still here practicing our traditions but the undeniable fact remains you can’t kill our spirit. You would do well to adopt our way of thinking. Anything less is defeatist and accomplishes nothing.

This is the history of humanity. Humanity cannot "control what it created" because people are sinful; greed and power are always out in force.

Reminder: your people warred with each other before they warred with Europeans. This is not specific to any tribe, nation, or race. It is human.
This is the history of humanity. Humanity cannot "control what it created" because people are sinful; greed and power are always out in force.

Reminder: your people warred with each other before they warred with Europeans. This is not specific to any tribe, nation, or race. It is human.
Well, it was worth a shot. Instead of taking my post as intended, that is you should not give up, you chose to give the same reply, which is attacking what my people did to justify what your people did.

Feel free to give up on your country.
Well, it was worth a shot. Instead of taking my post as intended, that is you should not give up, you chose to give the same reply, which is attacking what my people did to justify what your people did.

Feel free to give up on your country.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not justifying anything. It's all sin. It's all rotten and it rots souls. But I am saying that a system going corrupt is far, far from unique to America. All our systems will corrupt because WE are corrupt.
I don't love America. Not anymore. The America I knew at one time is dead. You all killed it.

As I just said: states will secede. Just let them, Leftists. You hate us anyway; why do you care?
hahaha. what a drama queen. take a nap.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not justifying anything. It's all sin. It's all rotten and it rots souls. But I am saying that a system going corrupt is far, far from unique to America. All our systems will corrupt because WE are corrupt.
Tell me what is going on in this country that makes you give up on it?
Tell me what is going on in this country that makes you give up on it?

Rot and corruption from the very top, same as I mentioned in the other threads. All our systems are being used now against the people. That's not my country anymore. I don't know what it is, but certainly not America.
Makes you all so nervous to think about this, eh?

Oh well. I don't care.

You haven’t figured it out. We aren’t afraid. We aren’t afraid of you and others like you. We aren’t afraid that one day we will wake up and find you all in charge.

You had a chance. You had one chance to get your Coup through. You all had one chance to overthrow the Government. That was on January 6. You all lost that chance. Counting on mass of the people and momentum. The Reps reacted more than fast enough to escape.

But that was it. That was your one chance. Now you all sound like spoiled children who didn’t make the Deans List at your Legacy University. It’s just not fair. We are going to do it next time. You’ll pay. Just wait and see.

We aren’t afraid of you. We aren’t afraid of what you might do. We’ve seen what you all do. You bluster. You lie. You rant and rave. When you get the attention from your actions you pout and scream that it isn’t fair.

If you didn’t have lies and false equivalency you wouldn’t have anything to scream about. Maybe Mommy spoiled you. Told you that you were special. Maybe Mommy should have paddled your ass and told you to grow up. But frankly you all are basically loud mouthed and pathetic.
You haven’t figured it out. We aren’t afraid. We aren’t afraid of you and others like you. We aren’t afraid that one day we will wake up and find you all in charge.

You had a chance. You had one chance to get your Coup through. You all had one chance to overthrow the Government. That was on January 6. You all lost that chance. Counting on mass of the people and momentum. The Reps reacted more than fast enough to escape.

But that was it. That was your one chance. Now you all sound like spoiled children who didn’t make the Deans List at your Legacy University. It’s just not fair. We are going to do it next time. You’ll pay. Just wait and see.

We aren’t afraid of you. We aren’t afraid of what you might do. We’ve seen what you all do. You bluster. You lie. You rant and rave. When you get the attention from your actions you pout and scream that it isn’t fair.

If you didn’t have lies and false equivalency you wouldn’t have anything to scream about. Maybe Mommy spoiled you. Told you that you were special. Maybe Mommy should have paddled your ass and told you to grow up. But frankly you all are basically loud mouthed and pathetic.

It's already happened.

There's no trust in the institutions.

In huge numbers, Americans think the nation is off track.

Look around. It's already here.
It's already happened.

There's no trust in the institutions.

In huge numbers, Americans think the nation is off track.

Look around. It's already here.

I guess wrong track was in this mornings talking point memo. You are the second person in ten minutes to bring it up.

To that I’ll tell you the same thing I just told the other. Biden and Trump are tied in the popularity rankings. They are both viewed worse than athletes foot.
I guess wrong track was in this mornings talking point memo. You are the second person in ten minutes to bring it up.

To that I’ll tell you the same thing I just told the other. Biden and Trump are tied in the popularity rankings. They are both viewed worse than athletes foot.

I don't read any "talking points memo"--remember that was legit a liberal thing. We know about it because it's true.
You haven’t figured it out. We aren’t afraid. We aren’t afraid of you and others like you. We aren’t afraid that one day we will wake up and find you all in charge.

You had a chance. You had one chance to get your Coup through. You all had one chance to overthrow the Government. That was on January 6. You all lost that chance. Counting on mass of the people and momentum. The Reps reacted more than fast enough to escape.

But that was it. That was your one chance. Now you all sound like spoiled children who didn’t make the Deans List at your Legacy University. It’s just not fair. We are going to do it next time. You’ll pay. Just wait and see.

We aren’t afraid of you. We aren’t afraid of what you might do. We’ve seen what you all do. You bluster. You lie. You rant and rave. When you get the attention from your actions you pout and scream that it isn’t fair.

If you didn’t have lies and false equivalency you wouldn’t have anything to scream about. Maybe Mommy spoiled you. Told you that you were special. Maybe Mommy should have paddled your ass and told you to grow up. But frankly you all are basically loud mouthed and pathetic.
You certainly use a lot of bandwidth to say nothing.
I don't love America. Not anymore. The America I knew at one time is dead. You all killed it.
Really? What America is it that you now mourn?

The America before the end of Jim Crow?
The America before women and blacks could vote?
The America that allowed industry to polute the air and waterways and market dangerous products to the public?
The America before food and drugs were regulated to ensure safety?
The America before social security , medicare and medicaid?
The America where women needed their husbands permission to work or apply for credit
The America when we allowed child labor and swetshops ?
The America that forced gays to stay in the closet?
The America where there were no social safety nets for working people who are sujected to market downturns?
The America before Progressives introduced the concept that government exists to make peoples lives better and that power need no be a selfserving end in itself

WHICH AMERICA? The America as it existed before liberals and progressives fixed a lot of things that was wrong with it? There is certainly plenty wrong with it now, but that is not our fault
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